Scarlet Heat

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Scarlet Heat Page 18

by Evangeline Anderson

  He nodded gravely. “I swear it.”

  “Taylor, don’t.” Victor gave me a frown. “I mean it. Don’t.”

  “I have to.” I looked back at the pack master. “All right then, I’ll be there.”

  “But not alone,” Victor growled. He gave the pack master and the silently watching weres a baleful look. “I’m coming with her.”

  “You can, if you wish,” Wainright said. “But I wouldn’t worry about your little friend overly much, Victor. If she can run out into the noonday sun with nothing worse than a tan to show for it, I’m sure she can handle anything we can dish out.” He looked at me. “That was impressive, by the way. I’d love to know how you managed it.”

  “That’s Taylor’s business, not yours,” Victor snarled before I could answer. “And you may have strong-armed her into coming to your council but I’ll be right by her side the whole time. I swear if anyone so much as touches my wife—”

  “That will be entirely up to you, Victor.” Pack Master Wainright nodded at both of us. “Good evening. I’ll see both of you at nine tonight at Skull Rock to make your apology.”

  He turned and glided out the door. The other weres melted away with him. After a minute, their smell started to dissipate too and I almost could have sworn the whole thing was a dream. Well, except for the fact that Victor was glaring at me.

  “Do you realize what you just did?” he growled.

  “What?” I shrugged my shoulders uneasily. “I agreed to apologize to get them off your back. What’s the big deal?”

  “The big deal is that you can’t just say ‘sorry’ and all is forgiven. Touching the Alpha Bitch in anger is a mortal offense. They’re not going to let you get off with just a simple apology.”

  The cool finger of dread traced my spine but I tried not to show my fear.

  “Well, what else could I have done?” I demanded. “You heard the threats he was making against you.”

  “Against me. Right.” Victor tapped his broad, bare chest. “Which means I’m the one who should be answering them—not you. If you hadn’t piped up and sworn to go, I could have taken care of it myself.”

  “How?” I asked. “By fighting all of them? No. You’re big and strong, Victor, but there have to be a lot of wolves in that pack. You can’t fight all of them for me—and I don’t want you to.”

  “What you want doesn’t enter into it,” he snarled.

  “And why is that?” I demanded, starting to get really mad. “Because this is a were matter or because we’re bonded? Let me tell something, Victor, just because Corbin forced us to get married doesn’t mean you own me.”

  “Yes, I do,” he insisted, his eyes flashing gold. “I told you before, Taylor, you’re mine. By the Laws of Ownership you’re mine and I’m yours.”

  “I don’t belong to you,” I said, my voice trembling. “I spent the last six years of my life as a slave to Celeste. I’m not trading one master for another.”

  He raked a hand through his hair in obvious frustration.

  “I’m not claiming to be your master, Taylor—I’m your Goddamn husband. I’m supposed to protect you.”

  “I can take care of myself,” I snapped back. “And don’t forget you’re only my husband for two more months until the Laws of Ownership are satisfied. After that—” I stopped, biting my tongue but the damage had obviously been done. There was a furious, hurt look in Victor’s eyes as he glared at me.

  “After that you’re leaving, is that right?” he demanded. “And nothing else matters. I guess last night was no big fucking deal to you.”

  “It was a big deal,” I protested. “It was really nice…incredible…”

  “Incredibly stupid, you mean.” He ran a hand through his hair again. “God, I can’t believe I’m so stupid.”

  “Victor—” I started but he grabbed his keys off the kitchen counter and headed for the door.

  I called his name again but he was already driving away. As he left, I saw that someone had spray painted the words FANG FUCKER in big red capital letters across the side of his truck.

  I sat down at the breakfast table and cried.

  Chapter Nineteen—Victor

  I knew I shouldn’t have flown off the handle, but it made me crazy to hear her talk like that. Saying I was only her husband for two more months until the Laws of Ownership were satisfied, implying she was going to leave as soon as she could…I couldn’t stand it. The wolf inside me woke up even though it was broad daylight and howled with anger and sorrow.

  Mine, he insisted. Mine, mine, mine. The pale girl is mine/ours. We need to claim her, mark her before it’s too late.

  Even deeper under the surface, I felt another presence stirring. The beast, which was neither man nor wolf but somehow both, was also enraged. The thought of Taylor leaving made the brand at my back burn like fire and the curse felt like a lead weight resting on my shoulders.

  It was too much. I did the only thing I could do—I left.

  I drove for miles and miles, trying to calm down. Trying to think of a plan to get through the council that night. A mortal offense is a serious thing, especially if it’s been offered to an Alpha of the pack. It didn’t matter that Taylor had barely touched LeeAnn and hadn’t even left a mark on her skin—she was still culpable just because she’d dared to lay hands on her at all.

  I was reminded all over again of why I hated being part of a pack. When I’d first been banished from my own pack, I had wanted to die. But after some time on my own, I’d started enjoying the freedom. It was nice not to have to bow and scrape to another person just because they were older or had higher status than me—not that many did. My father had been second in command, and I had Alpha status from him as well as on my own merits. Still, I found the freedom of being a lone wolf exhilarating, though the curse was a heavy price to pay for it.

  I had a feeling I was going to be paying another price tonight—the price for letting myself fall for Taylor. I knew what my old pack mates would have said about bonding myself to a vampire—they’re cold-blooded, dead, can’t love or feel emotions like we can. She’s just using you. Just looking for her next meal. You’re nothing but a blood bank to her.

  But that wasn’t Taylor, not the girl I knew. She was sweet and kind and gentle—well, until she decided to rip my heart out, that was. I kept my eyes on the road but her words kept echoing in my head. “…don’t forget you’re only my husband for two more months. After that—”

  God! I banged a fist on the steering wheel. I had to get hold of myself. Had to go somewhere and calm the fuck down or I was going to lose it tonight at the council. And I couldn’t afford to do that. Not when the curse was weighing on me and the full moon was only two nights away. I had to be ready.

  This was going to be one hell of a night.

  * * * * *


  “Okay, I don’t know much about weres but according to Corbin what you did was a big no-no.” Addison stepped back to take a look at me. “No, I don’t like that. Let’s try on the blue one.”

  The minute I had called her and explained what had happened, she’d come rushing over to Victor’s house with a selection of dresses and shoes. I was currently trying on the second outfit but there were five more to choose from if necessary.

  Don’t get me wrong—my best friend isn’t one of those girly-girls who insists that a make-over can make everything better—far from it. But according to Corbin, I had to make a good showing at the were council that night. In other words, I couldn’t just show up in jeans and a t-shirt—I had to look impressive.

  Aside from the wardrobe help, I was glad to see her. It had been almost a month since we’d done anything but talk on the phone and we had a lot of catching up to do.

  “What did I do that was so wrong?” I asked, blotting my eyes on the back of my hand. Victor had been gone for hours but I was still feeling weepy. I knew I had to dry it up before I faced the pack tonight but it was our first real fight and for some reason it really u
pset me. “I mean, I just promised to go to the council to keep them off his back.”

  “If what you told me was right, you refused his direct order and agreed to go to the council against his wishes. You’re not supposed to do that,” Addison said, handing me the blue outfit to try.

  I stripped out of the dark brown dress she’d put me in and started pulling on the blue one.

  “You mean I’m not supposed to have a mind of my own? That’s pretty freaking sexist.”

  She shrugged. “Apparently that’s were culture. The male and female wolves can bicker and bitch all they want when they’re alone but out in the pack, the male speaks for both of them and the female never contradicts him. You’re kind of seen as a ball-breaker otherwise.”

  I gave an incredulous laugh. “Are you serious? Me a ball-breaker?”

  “I know, right?” Addison laughed too as she zipped me up. “Look, the point is, just don’t undermine him again. You guys can work out your differences before you go but once you get to the pack council, let him do the dealing.”

  “All right,” I grumbled and then sighed. “If he wants to talk to me at all, that is.”

  “Aw, hon…” Addison turned me around and looked me in the eyes. “Is it really that bad?”

  Reluctantly, I nodded. “Things have been getting…kind of serious. What with me going into heat and—”

  “Wait a minute. Hold it.” She held up one hand. “Back up. You going into what?”

  Too late, I remembered that I hadn’t told her.

  “Okay,” I said, taking her hands. “I think we’d better sit down…”

  After I filled her in on everything from me going into heat all the way up to my strange dream and the way I’d run out into the sun with nothing but a tan to show for it, Addison shook her head.

  “Taylor, that’s…I don’t even know what to say. And this has been going on for weeks?”

  “The, uh, going into heat thing has. Almost from the first minute I moved in with him,” I admitted.

  “But why…I don’t understand why you didn’t tell me before.”

  I sighed. “At first, it seemed too complicated and embarrassing to explain over the phone. And then it became sort of a secret between Victor and me and I guess…I guess I liked having a secret with him. It made us more of a, I don’t know—more of a couple, I guess.” I looked down at my hands. “I know that sounds stupid.”

  “No, it doesn’t,” Addison said fiercely. “Why shouldn’t you be a couple?”

  “Because I’m a vamp and he’s a were,” I said. “Not to mention the fact that he probably hates me now.”

  “How could he hate you?” Addison asked, squeezing my hand. “You’re gorgeous and sweet and—”

  “Broken,” I finished for her. “Addison, I’m broken. The time I spent with Celeste, the things she did to me, let other people do—it broke something inside me. But with Victor…”

  “Yes,” she prompted softly.

  “With Victor,” I continued, forcing myself to go on. “It’s almost like…I’m starting to heal. He’s so kind and patient…so gentle. I never would have believed it when I first saw him but, Addison, he’s one of the gentlest men I’ve ever met. I don’t feel afraid with him. I feel protected…cherished.” I ran a hand through my hair. “That’s how I felt anyway. Now I’ve gone and ruined everything.”

  “By having one lousy little fight? No way!” Addison declared. “Corbin and I fight and disagree all the time but I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.”

  “Yes, but the things I said to Victor…” I swallowed the lump that wanted to form in my throat. “I reminded him that our relationship is only temporary, Addison. I practically said I was out the door the minute the Laws of Ownership were fulfilled.”

  “Oh, hon…I’m sure he didn’t take you seriously,” she protested.

  “Yes, he did. You should have seen the look on his face—so hurt and angry. Oh, Addison…” I put a hand over my eyes. “Why did I have to drive him away like that?”

  “Well, it does sound like he was getting kind of possessive,” she said thoughtfully. “I think that’s a were thing too—Corbin was actually counting on it when he bonded you to Victor in the first place. But maybe it’s time to set some ground rules before you go much further.”

  “That’s the thing—we’re not going anywhere. Except for this pack thing, tonight.” I looked at my watch. “If he shows up.”

  “He’ll show,” Addison assured me. “He knows you don’t know the way to the council meeting place by yourself and he won’t let you go alone. You’ll see.”

  I was less convinced than my friend, but I let her get me up and continued trying on outfits. We finally settled on a simple little black dress that outlined my curves without clinging to them too obviously. It had a modest neckline that showed just a hint of cleavage, and the hem fell to just above my knees. The shoes that went with it were sensible low heels and Addison had brought a plain gold chain to wear with it.

  “You won’t be needing that,” a low voice said just as she was about to put it around my neck.

  “What?” I turned to see Victor standing there, dressed in a pair of dark slacks and a maroon shirt with a black tie. The outfit looked oddly formal on him—probably because I’d never seen him in anything but jeans before.

  “I said you won’t be needing that.” He stepped into the room and motioned to the necklace that Addison was still holding.

  “Hello, Victor,” she said, nodding at him but standing her ground by my side. “Is wearing jewelry against were customs or something?”

  “No. I just have something else I want…I need Taylor to wear.” He held out one large hand and I saw a single strand of elegant pearls lying across his palm.

  “They’re beautiful,” I breathed, looking up at him. “Where did you get them?”

  “They were my mother’s,” he said roughly. “She…gave them to me when I was banished from my home pack.” He cleared his throat. “They’re supposed to be for my wife to wear on formal occasions. I understand if you don’t want to—”

  “Of course I’ll wear them,” I said quietly. I went to stand in front of him. “Would you put them on me?”

  He fastened them around my neck, and I shivered at the feel of his big, warm hands brushing my nape. A bolt of desire shot through me, and I pressed my legs together. God, of all times for the heat to come back… I heard Victor inhale and knew he was sniffing me, scenting my need. If I hadn’t screwed things up so monumentally between us, I could have asked for his help but of course now that was out of the question.

  I wanted in the worst way to turn and hug him, to bury my face in his chest and say I was sorry, but I wasn’t sure how he would react to that. Would he think I was just using him, making up so he would help me hold off the heat? I would never do that—I genuinely cared for him. Genuinely…loved him? No, that couldn’t be right, could it? There was no way I was falling for him…not with all our differences. Not with my awful past. And yet, the feeling persisted. It was confusing to say the least.

  “There,” he said at last, breaking into my confused reflections. “Finished. You can look now.”

  I went to stand in front of the bathroom mirror and admire the pearls. They lay like little moons against my newly tanned skin and complemented my simple black dress perfectly.

  “You look wonderful, roomie,” Addison said softly, coming up to stand by my side.

  “Wonderful, nothing—she looks fucking gorgeous,” Victor said roughly, joining us. In the mirror, we made the perfect couple and I couldn’t help remembering the dream I’d had where he was hugging me and our little girl. I wished I could tell him about that dream but it was ridiculous—almost as ridiculous as me thinking I loved him.

  “Thank you, Victor,” I said softly, caressing the single strand of pearls with my fingertips. “For letting me wear them. Even if—”

  “They look good on you,” he said abruptly, looking away. “You ready? It’s almos
t nine.”

  “I know.” I glanced again at my watch. “I guess…I guess I’m ready if you are.”

  “Come on then, let’s go.” He started to take my arm but Addison stepped between us.

  “Wait a minute. What’s going to happen at this council tonight? Is Taylor going to be safe?”

  “As safe as I can make her,” Victor growled. “Don’t worry, Addison—I’ll protect her. With my life, if I have to.”

  She nodded approvingly. “I’m glad to hear it.”

  “I’m not,” I said. “Is it really that serious, Victor? I mean, I barely touched her!”

  “That doesn’t matter. The fact is that you touched her at all—they’ll want to make you pay for that. The same way they want to make me pay,” he growled.

  “Why do they want to make you pay?” Addison asked.

  “Because of me,” I said quietly. “It’s because I’m a vampire, isn’t it? Because you allowed yourself to be bonded to a fanger.”

  “Don’t call yourself that,” he said fiercely.

  “But it’s true, isn’t it?” I demanded. “You’re being punished because of me.”

  Victor sighed. “It’s true that other weres don’t…understand me being with you. They don’t like it and wouldn’t allow it if I was part of their pack. Calling us out to the council tonight is their way of punishing me for going against the natural order and marrying outside my race.”

  “What?” Addison demanded. “What is this—the nineteen freaking fifties? What’s wrong with those bastards?”

  Victor shrugged. “That’s how most weres feel about vamps. To be honest, vamps feel the same about weres.”

  I frowned. “I guess that and the smell thing is why you don’t see more mixed couples.”

  Addison raised an eyebrow. “The smell thing?”

  I glanced at my watch. “I really don’t have time to explain—it’s fifteen to nine, and I have a feeling this isn’t something we can be fashionably late to.”

  “You’re Goddamn right about that,” Victor growled. “Come on, we have to go now.”


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