Marked Skulls MC Series: Books 1-5

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Marked Skulls MC Series: Books 1-5 Page 70

by Rylan, Savannah

  He slapped my pussy one more time before he straightened himself up.

  “You are a good girl,” he said and I bit down on my lip. I almost thanked him! For how he’d made me feel, but I stopped myself in time.

  Dash rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand and then leaned over the bed towards me. I could smell my own pussy in his mouth when he came closer. A sizzle ran through my body again. He was licking his lips like he’d enjoyed his meal.

  “Do you know how fucking beautiful you are?” he asked and I gulped, staring into his eyes.

  “No you fucking don’t, do you?”

  I couldn’t say anything. I was in shock from the experience of that orgasm.

  “Because nobody has made you feel that way. The way you deserve to feel,” he added and he kissed my chin, then sucked on the side of my neck. I moaned, enjoying every second of being with him.

  I wrapped my arms around Dash, feeling his mouth move down my throat.

  Then he flipped me around. In one smooth motion, he’d slid down on the bed and pulled me on top of him. I gasped when I landed with a crash on his muscular strong thighs. Now he was the one under me.

  * * *

  I moved over him, inching myself closer and closer to that strong erect cock between his legs. He knew exactly what he wanted and I wanted it to too. For him to be inside me.

  Dash was holding me by my hips, guiding me closer to him and I reached for his cock. I stroked him, feeling the strength and throb of it in my hand. I was fulfilled when he was inside me. There was no place on Earth safer than him inside me.

  I raised my butt up in the air and hovered myself over him for a second. But Dash couldn’t wait. He pulled me down and I crashed on him.

  His cock slid smoothly and quickly inside me. We groaned together. My pussy was slick and wet from the orgasm and I just settled down on him, sitting astride.

  He reached up and grabbed my bouncing breasts as I started moving. Up and down, my body rocked. I could feel him moving inside me, reaching deep inside and he stared at my face.

  My lips parted and I couldn’t look away. It was like he had me mesmerized. His cock reached deep and I rode him like I would ride a horse. He squeezed my breasts, teasing my sensitive erect nipples while he thrust in and out.

  My still-swollen clit rubbed against his rough flat stomach as I sprung up and down on him. Dash held on to me tightly and I held on to his chest. I rolled my hips and stretched my body, throwing my hair back and then staring up at the ceiling.

  Nothing compared to the total abandonment of this feeling. Nothing felt as good.

  I moved faster when I could feel him nearing the edge. I looked back down again, my hair falling back in place like a halo around my face. I rode him quicker, our thrusts became deeper and more rough. He was grunting with every push and I moaned. He was going to come inside me again and I couldn’t wait for that moment.

  I clutched his shoulders tightly and then he made that final jerk, emptying his come into me. I moaned out loud and he groaned too. I felt his seed shoot up deep in me and within seconds, I collapsed down on his chest.

  We were still moving together, slower now, our bodies fuzed together. He wrapped his arms around me, muscular and strong. Nothing could peel him off me, I felt.

  My head was laid on his chest and I could feel his heart beating wildly. His breath was in my hair, on my forehead.

  “You are fucking amazing!” he grunted and I smiled while I tried to catch my breath again. Then I looked up at him, meeting his piercing dark eyes.

  “So are you,” I said and I gulped back the rest of the words I wanted to say. I didn’t want to get ahead of myself.

  * * *

  I remained lying on Dash’s chest for a long time. Neither of us moved and I was beginning to lose track of time. He still had his arms wrapped around me. Our bodies were hot and covered in sweat, but neither of us seemed to care.

  There were some things bubbling on the tip of my tongue. I wanted to tell him I was feeling things…things I shouldn’t have been feeling for a man I had just met. But was it wrong to feel that way? It was his fault! He was the one who’d initiated these feelings in me.

  Then I felt guilty for blaming him.

  Why would he feel the same way? He had no reason to. He was hot and brave and led a lifestyle that didn’t include commitment. And I was a big commitment. I had a daughter.

  No matter how much he adored Amanda, I couldn’t expect him to accept that sort of baggage. That is if he wanted me in the first place. If he wanted me more than for just now. Till all this was over.

  As these thoughts whirled around in my head, I tried not to panic and pull away, and just enjoy the moments of peace I had with him now.

  Peace…despite all that was happening around us. The kind of danger we were in. How afraid I felt for Amanda’s safety—when I was alone with Dash, peace was all I felt.

  When I first saw him cuffed up in that cellar, I knew he was handsome and witty and a man who made panties wet. I didn’t expect him to be thoughtful and protective and kind too. Men like him and Caesar, men who lived this lifestyle—weren’t supposed to be this way, were they?

  This was happening too fast. I was falling for him too quickly.

  I couldn’t help but panic now.

  I moved, trying to pull myself away from him. Eventually Dash released me and I slid off him, sitting up in bed. Suddenly very embarrassed by my nakedness.

  I was looking away from him but I could sense his eyes on me.

  “Harley?” he said my name softly.


  “I want you to know I’ve never felt this way before. About any other woman,” he said.

  When I heard those words the first thing I felt was shock. My mouth nearly fell open as I turned to look at him slowly. Did Dash have some kind of superpower? Was he able to read my mind?

  I gulped as I stared at him. What else was he going to say? What did he want me to say? If I didn’t control myself I would end up telling him everything, but I didn’t want to scare him away.

  “Oh,” was all I could manage in that moment and surprisingly, that made him smile.

  Dash sat up in bed and turned to me fully.

  “I mean it, Harley. You are some kind of special,” he added.

  I blinked, twice, three times—still in disbelief.


  He smiled.

  “You look like you don’t believe me,” he said and I shook my head.

  “I do believe you. I know you think I deserve better than the life I’ve led. I know you adore Amanda. You wouldn’t be doing these things for us otherwise,” I said.

  Dash moved closer to me and I had to crane my neck to look up at his face. At his handsome, brave face.

  “You know where I got my nickname from?”

  “Dash?” I asked and he grinned. I had no idea what he was talking about.

  “Because I have a bit of a reputation,” he explained and I crossed my brows.

  “To run from the first sign of a woman wanting more,” he said.

  “I don’t want more. I don’t expect more!” I was quick to say and he nodded.

  “That is not what I’m saying. I’m just saying that is where I got my nickname from. Because I never really stuck around for very long,” he added. I stared down at my hands. I wasn’t sure what he was trying to tell me. Was he warning me that I shouldn’t expect a future with him? That he was going to dash the first sign I gave him of wanting more.

  “But Harley…” he began and looked at me intently. My mouth felt dry, I had no idea what he was going to say next and it made my heart beat faster.

  “I want to stick around for you,” he said.

  It felt like my throat was closing up. Could this really be happening? Was I hearing this correctly? Did Dash just say he wanted to stick around with me?”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t exactly always know the right thing to say. What I’m trying to say, Harley, is that I car
e about you. I care for Amanda too. A lot.”

  I nodded, feeling myself shake a little as I stared at him.

  “Yes, I know that.”

  “I care about you in a way that is more than just about this, just about the sex. I want to keep you safe, I want to make you happy,” he added and I threw myself at him again.

  It felt too good to be true. I couldn’t believe he was actually saying those words, the things that I was thinking. That I didn’t think I would ever be able to say.

  He hugged me tightly and stroked my back.

  “When this is all over, we should talk about what we’re going to do about it,” he said. I pulled away from him gently and looked into his eyes. I trusted him. I believed him. He was never going to lie to me.

  “I would like that, because I care about you too. More than I’ve cared about any other man,” I said.

  Dash smiled and I smiled too and then he pulled me into his arms again. I never wanted to let go.




  Harley and I were just walking out of the bedroom when Oz and Kaya returned with Amanda.

  “Mommy I got butterscotch!” she squealed with joy, rushing straight for her mother. Harley lifted her daughter up in her arms and swung her around. I watched them hug and it made me feel strange. Something like warmth. Something I hadn’t experienced a lot in my life.

  Maybe it had something to do with the way I grew up. I’d never experienced affection in my childhood and it was nice seeing the bond that Harley and Amanda shared.

  I was determined to make sure Amanda never lost that. I wanted her to have a happy and safe childhood. This kid was great. She deserved it. Just like Harley deserved to be happy too.

  Oz caught my eye and nodded his head lightly and I knew what that was supposed to mean. We were ready to go.

  Most of the other guys had said their goodbyes to their women and left already. And now it was time for Oz and me to join the crew.

  While Amanda was in Harley’s arms I smiled at her. Harley could sense from the look in my eyes that it was time and her smile turned into a slow painful frown. Neither of us knew what the outcome of tonight was going to be. But I wasn’t coming back empty handed.

  “Hey, you!” I said to Amanda, who leapt out of her mother’s arms and into mine. She threw her arms around me in that way which made me want to protect her even more.

  “I had the yummiest ice cream ever!” she exclaimed and I beamed at her.

  “I’m sure it was,” I said. “And now I’m going to have to leave.”

  Amanda frowned too, even though she didn’t understand the weight of that statement.

  “But when will you be back?” she asked pouting her lips.

  “Very soon. Super soon. You won’t even notice I’m gone. And when I come back, we can have a few more adventures before it’s time for school again,” I said and Amanda continued pouting her lips.

  “Pinky promise?” she asked and I laughed. She held out her little finger and I hooked it with mine. I couldn’t remember ever making a pinky promise, but now it felt like the most sacred promise I had ever undertaken.

  I put Amanda down and stepped up closer to Harley.

  “I know you’ll look after yourself,” I said and reached for her cheek. She covered my hand with hers and nodded her head gently.

  “I’m going to try,” she said and I leaned forward to kiss her. She tried to hold on to me for a little longer but I had to pull away.

  “I’ll see you soon,” I told her and she nodded and held back, grabbing Amanda’s hand for support.

  Oz was kissing Kaya too and then when we were done with our goodbyes, it was time for us to leave.

  “We better go make these women proud!” Oz exclaimed as we stepped out of the building.

  * * *

  Back at T-Bone, things were more charged up than I’d seen before. Everyone was on edge. Especially Lewis who was pacing up and down the bar with his hands behind his back.

  “That can never happen again. They shot our clubhouse. Tried to kidnap one of our women from right under our bloody noses!” he growled and kicked a bar stool.

  “Which means that now their clubhouse is fair game,” Girth spoke up.

  “Their clubhouse has always been fucking fair game!” Lewis shouted some more. “We just didn’t know where the fucking hell it was!”

  “But now we do. Harley told me,” I interjected and they turned to look at me.

  Lewis walked up to me, his eyes narrowed and focused on my face.

  “Good. So, what are we going to do about it?” he asked in a slow slithering voice.

  “We gather all our forces and wage a shootout,” Rodeo suggested and Abe was shaking his head.

  “Twenty of our best men are guarding the safe house. We need to keep the women protected. Which means our numbers have gone down significantly,” he explained.

  “So, what do we fucking do?” Rodeo snapped. Girth grunted in response, clicking open his zippo to light the cigarette dangling from his mouth. That was when the idea struck me.

  “Fire,” I said aloud.

  “What?” Lewis snapped and I stood up from the chair I was sitting on.

  “We blow up their clubhouse. Tonight,” I said.

  Oz stood up from his chair too.

  “Blow up their clubhouse?”

  “They attacked our clubhouse. They attacked our women. They’ve been beating up a woman and threatening a child. They nearly killed some of us and are trying to take over our business. They imprisoned and tortured me. They have caused more bloodshed in this city in the past six months than any other MC in the past fucking ten years. Haven’t they?” I growled.

  The others mumbled.

  “So, we blow them up. They won’t be expecting it. They’re expecting a shootout. We don’t need many men for that. And that way, we get as many of them as we can, more than we can get in a shootout,” I continued.

  Lewis was nodding his head now, which meant he liked the idea. This could work. This could really work. I could feel it in my bones now. I was ready for it.

  Oz came up to me and thumped my back.

  “Dash is right. It’s time we fucking ended this. Enough is enough. We’ve given them enough chances to straighten themselves up,” he said.

  “Blow them up,” Lewis commanded and a cheer rang out in the bar.

  “Blow them up!” we shouted together and knocked our bottles of beer together.

  This was it. I wasn’t leaving any loose ends hanging around after tonight.

  It was time that Harley got a good night’s sleep.




  The best way to keep myself distracted while Dash was gone, was by keeping Amanda entertained.

  We sat together in the bedroom where we made up games and entertained each other. I knew she was thinking this was all very strange and nothing like the routine she was accustomed to. However, Amanda was a very good kid and didn’t complain.

  She trusted me and it seemed like she trusted Dash too, and knew that the decisions we made for her were for the best.

  But at one point she looked up at me with a frown and I stopped.

  “What is it honey?” I asked her and Amanda sighed exaggeratedly.

  “Mommy, remember when you told me that my daddy is not a nice man?”

  I shifted uncomfortably, not looking forward to this line of questioning again. I was hoping she wouldn’t ask me about him again, not so soon. The last thing I wanted to do was explain to her what was going on and how her father was involved in it. Neither did I want to lie to her. Amanda deserved to know the truth.

  “Yes, I did say that,” I told her and reached over to tuck some hair behind her ear.

  “Was he one of the bad men who were doing all that shooting and stuff today?” she asked. Amanda’s eyes grew wide as she stared up at me. I gulped and tried to make the right decision quickly.

  “Yes, hone
y, he was one of them, but he is not going to hurt you,” I said.

  Amanda’s cheeks got red and then she pouted her lips.

  “I don’t want a daddy like him. He’s not nice,” she added and I pulled her into my arms.

  “No, of course not. And I’m not going to let him do anything to you, honey,” I said and kissed her cheeks. Amanda nodded her head and then when I was least expecting it, she was smiling up at me.

  “Can we get a new daddy for me? A nice daddy?” she asked.

  Her words surprised me and I wasn’t sure how to respond to that. I didn’t think she understood what that statement meant.

  “What do you mean, baby?” I asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

  “I want Dash to be my daddy. I like him,” she said, smiling still.

  Her words nearly made me choke. It was like everyone was reading my mind today!

  “What makes you say that?” I asked and she leaned her head on my shoulder.

  “Because he looks after me and you, and isn’t that what a nice daddy is supposed to do?” she asked.

  My daughter was wiser than her age. Celine was right. She was the smartest person I knew.

  “Yes, you are absolutely right, baby. That is exactly what daddies are supposed to do,” I told her and rocked her gently in my arms. I pressed my eyes close and hoped against hope that Dash returned to us safely. And that neither Amanda nor I would ever have to see Caesar again. My daughter deserved better than that.




  We got confirmation that the Hell’s Drifters were back at the clubhouse. None of our informants had seen or heard of them being anywhere else in the city which meant that’s where they were right now. No doubt planning their next attack on us.


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