Evidence of Love

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Evidence of Love Page 27

by Elisabeth Rose

‘I haven’t.’ Hope lit her face. ‘So you don’t think I’m a criminal?’

  He laughed. ‘No. Come here.’

  Pink-cheeked, she rose and came around to sit on his lap, slipping her arms carefully around his neck. He sighed into her hair and held her close then brought his lips to hers. She shifted into the embrace and her elbow bumped his injured arm. He winced.

  ‘Sorry.’ She straightened. ‘I suppose we should continue this when we’re both less bashed up.’

  He stole another swift kiss but sensed she wanted to stop. He released his hold.

  ‘You’re probably right. Unfortunately.’

  She placed her hands on either side of his face and focussed on his eyes, forcing him to look at her. ‘I mean it, Nick. To be continued.’

  She stood up. ‘Let’s have our yummy dessert in the living room.’

  Nick picked up the wine bottle and their glasses while Lara transferred the two chocolate tarts onto plates. One subject covered, the other still festering. If he didn’t tackle it tonight the ‘to be continued’ would always have a shadow — in his mind, at least.

  When they’d settled in the other room and chocolate mousse was working its magic on her, Nick said, ‘Lara, I have something to tell you.’

  Her eyes flew to his. ‘What? About Ivan? Brooke?’

  ‘No, neither of them.’ He paused then spat out the foul tasting words. ‘It’s about Cam Rogers. He’s alive.’

  ‘Oh!’ She set her plate and fork down with an unsteady hand. ‘Oh.’ The last on an exhaled breath sounded like a sigh.

  ‘I spoke to an officer who worked in Melbourne at the time. Jim Kershaw.’

  ‘I remember him.’ The life had drained from her voice.

  ‘He said someone tipped Rogers off and they pulled him out before Petrovic got to him.’

  The silence stretched. Nick picked up his wine and put it down untouched, then picked it up again and drank. Still she said nothing.

  ‘He asked if he could call you,’ he said eventually.


  ‘Rogers. Actually it’s Temby. Adrian Temby.’

  ‘You’ve spoken to him?’ A frown creased her brow.


  ‘Why?’ Like a pistol shot, it startled Nick.

  ‘You wanted to know what had happened to him.’

  ‘You didn’t have to speak to him to know that. Kershaw told you he was alive.’

  Her glare was a palpable force. If she’d been capable of breathing fire he’d be a pile of smouldering ashes.

  ‘I wanted you to…’


  ‘Be rid of him.’

  ‘Believe me, I am rid of him.’

  ‘No, you’re not.’

  Lara fumed in her chair. Nick emptied the bottle between their glasses and took the dessert plates to the kitchen with a heavy heart. It was done. He’d let the tiger loose and could only stand back and see what havoc was wrought. A havoc and devastation which would affect him alone because if Lara and Temby picked up where they’d left off, if theirs turned out to be the love of a lifetime, he’d be the one left standing by himself while the love of his life went off with another man.

  And he’d let her go because above all else he wanted her to be happy and if Temby could do that better than himself then…

  Two arms slipped around his waist from behind.

  He turned, unaware he’d been leaning on the kitchen bench, arms extended, head bowed. She nestled into him and he rested his head on her hair, eyes closed, her perfume in his nostrils, the warmth of her in his arms.

  She sighed and lifted her face to his for the softest of kisses, all chocolatey and sweet.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she murmured.

  He kissed her again, lingering, savouring what might be one of the last kisses he shared with her even though he knew if he said so she’d deny it.

  The rest of the evening passed in quiet, safe conversation. Nick reluctantly prised himself away from the comfort of her company just after ten thirty. She stood on the doorstep and kissed him goodnight. As he released her he pressed a slip of paper into her hand and strode down the path without looking back.

  Lara watched him pull away from the kerb. She closed the door and looked at the piece of paper. She knew what it was. A phone number and that name. Adrian Temby. His face flashed into her mind. How she’d loved him. Cam. He wasn’t Adrian. Not to her.

  Who was he really? She had no idea but the thought he was alive was comforting. She’d never wished him dead even in her deepest, darkest moments. She’d never even wished Tony dead. Why hadn’t he tracked her down when Tony died? Why hadn’t he tried to let her know he was safe? The answer to that was obvious. Too dangerous. She wasn’t trustworthy and his life was at stake. She was far too risky a prospect. And she’d done a pretty good job of disappearing. Even Ivan didn’t know where she’d gone.

  In the morning she studiously avoided looking at the slip of paper she’d placed by the phone, even though memories tormented her most of the night. What did Nick think he was doing forcing her to confront that aspect of her past? Cam was part of a life that was over, gone, finished. She was done with it, hadn’t thought about it until recently.

  She vacuumed the house, pegged washing on the line and Petey helped her water the garden which was flourishing. Nick wouldn’t let it rest though, he had to keep nagging away at it. Now that he’d brought Cam back maybe she should prove she was over him, for Nick’s sake. All right! He wanted her to call, she would. She turned off the tap and marched inside with Petey running after her.

  He must have been expecting her to call because he didn’t sound at all surprised. His voice was exactly as she remembered. When he spoke her name as he had before, the breath caught in her throat.

  ‘Maja. I’m so glad you called.’

  ‘Lara. I’m Lara now.’ This man had deserted her. Remember that.

  ‘Yes, I know.’

  ‘And you’re Adrian,’ she said flatly.

  ‘Yes. I’m sorry.’

  She didn’t reply. Sorry was such an inadequate word. Ivan had said ‘sorry’ too. It didn’t begin to cover the hurt.

  ‘Lara? Can I see you? Please?’

  ‘I’m not in Melbourne.’

  ‘Neither am I.’

  ‘I can come to you.’

  Did she want that? Part of her did, just to see. She frowned. ‘I have a son now.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘Why didn’t you call me? I thought you were dead.’

  ‘I’m sorry. I couldn’t contact you. I wasn’t allowed.’

  ‘Not allowed?’

  ‘It was too dangerous. What would Tony have done if he’d found out?’

  ‘Nothing worse than he did anyway.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Maja. I truly am.’

  ‘Lara,’ she said automatically.

  ‘Sorry.’ Another one to add to the collection. Meaningless.

  ‘I thought you were going to take me away from him. You promised. Why didn’t you?’

  She asked more from curiosity than anger and bitterness. Somehow those emotions had faded with her love for this man she didn’t know and never had. She realised that now. He’d been a fantasy. In reality he meant nothing to her.

  ‘I couldn’t. It was too complicated. I wouldn’t have been able to care for you properly.’ Didn’t want to be burdened with a woman in her situation, in other words.

  Lara smiled. ‘I’m glad you’re alive, Adrian. I really am and I wish you well. Have a happy life.’

  ‘You too. But Lara, can’t we meet? I’d really like to see you again. For old time’s sake. Nothing more. I’d like to meet your boy.’

  ‘I have a new life now.’

  ‘I understand. I’d just like us to be friends.’

  Lara hesitated but the curiosity was overwhelming and how could she convince Nick unless she met Adrian and walked away?

  ‘All right. When?’

  ‘I can fly up this weekend. How about Saturday
? We can have lunch.’

  ‘Yes. We could meet at Darling Harbour outside the Chinese Gardens.’ Neutral and no clue as to where she lived.

  ‘Twelve thirty.’

  ‘Okay.’ She was on the point of hanging up but said quickly. ‘Who tipped you off? That Tony was after you.’

  He hesitated a moment. ‘You won’t believe this. It was Ivan.’

  Lara went to the kitchen and plopped onto a stool completely flummoxed. Ivan?


  Brooke followed Lara down the hallway to the kitchen. ‘Did you hear the police have arrested some guys for bashing up Garrett?’

  ‘Who?’ Nick hadn’t told her anything. They hadn’t spoken since he’d given her the phone number. She suspected he was being tactful, giving her space to make her decision.

  ‘Two brothers of one of the other girls he attacked. And a friend of theirs.’

  ‘Wow! Wonder what will happen to them.’

  ‘Don’t know. Hello, darling.’ Brooke knelt to hug Petey who had jumped up from his play and tackled her around the legs.

  ‘Sit here, Booke,’ he said wrestling free and pointing to the play mat.

  ‘Let me talk to Mummy first. When she goes to her art class we can play.’

  ‘When did this happen?’ Lara asked.

  ‘Nick rang me about an hour ago. It was kind of him. He didn’t need to. He’s a very nice man.’ The last was delivered with a pointed look at Lara.

  ‘I know.’ Lara picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder. ‘I’d better go. Thanks for coming over.’

  ‘You know I love minding Petey. We have tons of fun, don’t we?’

  ‘Tons of fun,’ he echoed.

  ‘Bye-bye sweetheart.’

  He barely looked up. ‘Bye-bye, Mummy.’

  She didn’t know whether to be pleased his ordeal hadn’t had a lasting effect or be disappointed at how easily he let her leave.


  Following the late Thursday breakthrough on the Garret bashing case, Nick and the team were confronted with a break-in at a local bottle shop during which a customer attacked the robber after he attacked the salesman, but the robber managed to get away. Marie went off to deal with that. One of the uniforms came good with a strong lead on the spate of muggings that had been going on over the last few weeks so he sent Rob to interview the witness.

  The chief came into the squad room, rubbing his hands like a gleefully manic Humpty Dumpty and getting in Nick’s way as he tried to get all the paperwork in order.

  ‘Good job!’ he said.

  ‘Thanks.’ Nick straightened up knowing he wouldn’t get anything done until the man had wandered off.

  ‘How’s that home invasion going?’

  ‘The drug squad are on it. Steve Wingate made it pretty clear it was their turf.’

  ‘Hmmph. It was our case first. Get onto it now you’ve got these other things out of the way.’ He stomped away to annoy someone else.

  Nick stared blankly at the forms in front of him. Steve had told him Lucas and Branko had lawyered up and weren’t giving away a thing. Wheels turned in his mind, random pieces of information clicked into place. He picked up the phone and dialled.

  ‘Ivan Djokovic.’

  ‘Nick Lawson.’

  ‘How are you, Detective?’

  ‘Not bad all things considered. We’ve tied up the Garret bashing. The brothers of one of his earlier victims decided to have a crack at him with a mate.’

  ‘Good for them. Is that what you rang to tell me?’

  ‘No. I want to ask you a question or two which I hope you’ll answer.’

  ‘And if I do?’

  ‘Think of it as the civic duty of an upstanding citizen. That’s what you are after all, isn’t it?’ He removed any trace of sarcasm from his tone. Ivan had proven himself in Nick’s eyes the moment he stepped up for Lara.

  ‘You knew how to get hold of that address the other night — I won’t ask how — but can you tell me anything else which might help nail these bastards?’

  ‘You could check out certain premises in Mascot registered to a company called BSIM.’

  ‘Thank-you. One other thing…’

  ‘I think you’ve asked your quota of questions, Nick.’

  ‘It’s not a question. Cam Rogers is alive and well. I spoke to him yesterday.’

  ‘Aah. Have you told Lara?’ He didn’t sound particularly surprised. Was this another thing he knew more about than he was prepared to admit?

  ‘I gave her his phone number. He wants to meet her.’

  ‘But she won’t want to meet him.’

  Nick dragged in a deep breath but didn’t respond.

  ‘Are you worried she will?’

  ‘I think she might.’

  ‘And you think their passion might reignite.’

  Nick almost ground his teeth at the lightness with which Ivan tossed off the melodramatic suggestion. ‘You said yourself they were in love.’

  ‘That was before, Nick.’ His tone changed. Almost kind. ‘My sister was in a horrible situation, she was young and she was ripe for a romance with any man who was kind to her and halfway decent. I see that now.’

  ‘He left her with Petrovic and ran.’

  ‘Exactly. Women don’t forget or forgive that kind of thing. I’m still working my way back to her.’

  ‘Lara’s…’ Nick couldn’t finish the sentence. She’d almost forgiven her brother for exactly that neglect even if he didn’t realise it. What had happened two nights ago had gone a long way towards healing the wounds. Was blood thicker than the love that pair had shared?

  Ivan said, ‘Don’t worry.’

  ‘Easy for you to say.’

  ‘It is but…’ He sighed. ‘Maybe you shouldn’t have given her that number.’

  ‘No. If Lara wants me I want her to be free of the past. I want her to know exactly what she’s doing and have no what might-have-been’s hanging over our heads.’

  ‘You’re a good man, Nick. My sister knows that.’

  ‘But is it enough?’

  ‘All I can say is good luck.’ Ivan couldn’t answer that any more than he could.

  Chapter 23

  Lara wheeled Petey in his stroller across the wide plazas at Darling Harbour. As usual on a sunny summer day the place was jammed with people, mainly tourists, dawdling along in groups. A band was playing on a stage set up where people could listen while sitting on a grassed area in the shade. She didn’t pause to listen, she was late.

  Her stomach churned and her sweaty fingers slipped and slid on the handle of the stroller. The bus had been caught up behind a minor traffic accident which blocked one lane of George Street, slowing progress to walking pace. Deciding it would be less frustrating to walk, Lara had unloaded Petey and the stroller at the next stop and set off through Chinatown. At least it was downhill towards the harbour.

  Tops of trees and bamboo fronds waved gently over the wall of the Chinese Gardens. People queued to go in. Lara slowed searching the faces for the one she’d once loved so much. Would she recognise him? It was only five years ago. He couldn’t have changed beyond recognition.

  A man rose from one of the benches and came toward her. Cam — Adrian. His brown hair was clipped very short instead of hanging over his collar and dropping into his eyes. He’d gained weight but the face was the same, the blue eyes and the walk, the smile with the small gap between the front teeth. He held out his hand and grasped hers, pulling her into an embrace before she could speak. He smelled different now, different aftershave.

  ‘Hello, Maja,’ he said into her hair.

  ‘Lara.’ Cam had dissolved. Adrian was a stranger. The relief overwhelmed her.

  He released her. ‘Lara. You look fantastic.’

  ‘You look well.’ She studied his face, searching for something she could pin the reason for that all-consuming passion on. It wasn’t there. Whatever it was about him had gone. She smiled. ‘Adrian.’

  He nodded then looked down at
Petey who was staring up at them both, wide-eyed. ‘Hello, what’s your name?’

  ‘Petey,’ she said.

  ‘He looks like you, luckily. Not much of his father there.’

  ‘No, he reminds me of Ivan.’

  ‘Shall we walk? I’ve booked a restaurant for one pm.’

  Lara moved in the direction he indicated, not Chinatown the way she’d expected but down towards the row of restaurants closer to the water.

  ‘Are you still a policeman?’

  ‘Yes but not undercover. That was my one and only assignment. Too hot for me after that. I’m on regular duties now.’

  ‘Are you happy?’

  He nodded. ‘Are you?’

  ‘Yes. I think I’m the happiest I’ve been in my entire life.’

  ‘You deserve to be happy. I’m sorry I couldn’t do it for you.’

  Lara absorbed that statement. He didn’t try very hard at the time.

  ‘Do you have a girlfriend? A wife?’

  ‘Girlfriend. We’ve been together eighteen months. How about you?’

  ‘I’m seeing someone.’ Lara gave him a sidelong smile. ‘What does your girlfriend think about you coming here to meet me?’

  ‘She doesn’t know. I wouldn’t tell her that! About us.’ He threw her a little conspiratorial grin. ‘I told her I had to come for work.’

  ‘Really?’ So he was still telling lies as glibly as before. What was he expecting to come of this reunion? Did he think they would take up where they left off and he’d have a girl in each city?

  Nick wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t lie to her. She trusted him implicitly. The thought glowed in her mind.

  ‘How about your guy?’

  ‘He encouraged me to meet you again.’

  ‘Not many men would be so cool with their woman meeting an old flame.’

  But she hadn’t told him she was meeting Adrian today. The thought shamed her. Why hadn’t she told him? He wanted her to do this, practically forced her when it must have eaten him up inside. How soon could she get away?

  Adrian had started talking again but she barely listened. As it turned out it didn’t matter much. The more she listened and observed throughout lunch the more she marvelled at how blind she’d been to his faults. To be fair he’d been young too and on his first assignment. Out of his depth, she realised now. So far out of his depth it was a wonder he hadn’t been killed within a few days of setting foot inside the door. Tony had been playing his warped games with him but the way Adrian talked about that time made it sound the other way around.


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