Branded (An Otherworlders Series Novel Book 1)

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Branded (An Otherworlders Series Novel Book 1) Page 5

by Lena Moore

  “If it becomes too much, just tell me, ok. I mean it Jadis, don’t be a fucking hero.”

  “Come. Follow me out the back. Less negative energy there, especially seeing as I always cleanse this area.”

  Draven followed her out the back of her store to a comfy room that sported two multi-coloured couches, a massive Himalayan rock salt lamp, beaded curtains and a white sage stick burning atop a little coffee table in the centre of the room. He always felt grounded in this room and he believed what Jadis mentioned: it had to be because she kept this space cleansed.

  They sat opposite each other. Jadis was the first to speak.

  “I’ll need a few drops of your blood and you’ll need a few of mine to bind us. Whilst I’m in your head you’ll need to submit to me so I can access the vision the Goddess gave you, ok?”

  Draven exhaled, “Ok. Tell me again how much pain we are going to experience during this? Because I didn’t feed last night. Oh, and my mother is around.”

  “What the fuck? Where? Wait, we can talk about this later. Let’s focus on the woman. Clench your jaw, baby, this is going to hurt.”

  Draven bit his wrist and dripped some of his blood into Jadis’s mouth. Then she sliced a small incision into her palm and squeezed it so the blood would trickle into Draven’s mouth. Her blood tasted metallic but with an edge to it, and he could taste how powerful she was on his palate.

  Draven opened his thighs so Jadis could move in between them. They’d been in this position may times before but not for this reason.

  Jadis placed both palms on each side of Draven’s temples, and softly breathed, “Let me in, Draven.”

  He felt the power surge through him as her hands almost disconnected from his skull. He reached up and cupped his hands over hers. Jadis was mumbling something that Draven couldn’t decipher. Trusting that she could do this he closed his eyes and centred himself.

  The air around him charged. His nostrils widen—he could smell the woman.

  “Mmm, she does smell good, doesn’t she. You’re doing amazing, Drae, just a little longer,” her voice quivered.

  He saw her round ass in those tight black leather pants and he felt the moan travel up his oesophagus. The vision was just like when he’d followed her the other night. Fuck his cock felt like concrete in his jeans. So hard that he was in pain.

  She laughed like she’d done the other night but what happened next shocked him. She turned around. Her heart shaped face encompassed large round eyes that were vivacious and soul shatteringly gorgeous. The violet hues were spectacular. Draven noticed the red mottles in her irises, maybe she was more like him than he’d realised. The smile on her pink plump lips fell, and the elation she seemed like she’d felt only moments ago dissipated.

  “Why are you following me? Get out of my head!”

  Jadis and Draven flew apart.

  “What the fuck was that, Jadis? How did she know–wait–was she aware we were searching for her?”

  Jadis panted, “I’ve never–never experienced what just happened in all my time on this earth, Draven. She’s young and she’s powerful. I don’t think she’s aware of who or what she is. There was a locket around her neck, but I couldn’t see what it was. She seemed confused and scared. I think she’s only just coming of age, maybe eighteen. Nineteen at the most. I sensed a connection between you two, there’s a link or something. I–I’m sorry, I couldn’t keep us in longer, I’m weak at the moment. I wish we could find out who the hell is siphoning my magic.”

  Draven didn’t respond immediately to Jadis. His mind was doing somersaults. Who was this girl, and why am I compelled to find her?

  “Jadis, did you find out where she is?”

  “Not the exact location. She’s close, though. I sense that she’s near Pines Village. What are you going to do now?”

  “Well, firstly I was going to see if you had anything to take some of the edge off because this pain is a bitch,” he grimaced. “And seeing it’s another cloudy day, I’m going to head over to the café across the road from Midnight Mayhem to see if I can catch your sister and boyfriend together again. You going to be ok?”

  “I’ll be fine. I need to do a quick recaning, a quick cleansing on myself and the shop. Then I’ll sleep some. Text me if you find anything else.”

  That was her way of dismissing him. Jadis looked exhausted. Draven couldn’t help feeling a little selfish for asking her to do the location spell, knowing that someone was stealing her magic.

  He walked to the front door, opened it, and turned the latch on the handle so when he closed it her shop would be locked. He didn’t end up grabbing anything for the pain because he knew the only way to fix that was blood. Fuck.

  It was close to eleven thirty am, early, and a little dangerous to be looking for someone’s vein to stick his teeth into. Draven didn’t feel he had any other option because the pain was nasty, and it was almost two days since he’d fed. He needed to sustain his body, like yesterday.

  Draven decided he would feed real quick and then head to the café in hopes that Jada and Gwent showed up.

  He walked around the quarter for around fifteen minutes until he spotted a red head eyeing him. She trailed her fingers down and around the hem of her neck whilst biting her lip. She wore a short sunshine yellow dress with green polka dots and red heels. Draven didn’t need to be a mind reader to know what she wanted, or that she knew he was a vampire. It wasn’t often that humans actually believed in the supernatural world. It was generally all fantasy to them. With all the novels circling about sparkling sexy vampires and hot blooded hunky werewolves, why wouldn’t they fantasize about the unknown? This one knew. There were a few fangers, aka groupies, which frequented the quarter. He quirked his eyebrow, realising this was a new one. Draven hadn’t seen her before. Theses fangers loved the intoxicating and drunken euphoria vampires placed them under. The endorphins and the venom in a vampire’s bite is ultimately what hooked them.

  By this stage, Draven would have bitten into a stray cat he was in that much pain. His body felt like it’d been lit from the inside out. He casually sauntered over to the woman and eyed her from head to toe. She was pretty and she smelled nice and wasn’t of vampire descent, even better. Not as good as his black haired beauty, though. He shook that thought from his mind and focused on seducing this woman, not that it was going to take long. She was looking at him as if he was her favourite flavoured cheesecake; well, he could be that for a little bit.

  “Hello, darlin, can’t say I’ve seen you around. Lost your way? Need a hand?” he smirked.

  “Well hello to you too, handsome. Why yes, I do need a–hand, or two,” she squeaked.

  Her voice sounded like nails scratching down a chalkboard. Shit, he only had to amuse her for ten minutes or so, surely he could do that. Couldn’t he?

  She pointed over to a bar across the road and he hiked his shoulder up in a whatever gesture. They walked quietly into the bar and with her eyes she motioned toward the ladies room. He nodded. Hmm I little bit of a freak under that dress, he mused.

  Draven waited a few minutes before following suit. He’d watched the bathroom, making sure no women walked in. None did. He walked to the cubicle where the door was shut. Opening it, he found her with her legs spread wide, playing with her clit. His dick hardened at the image, but of course he wasn’t seeing her, he was seeing his snowflake. The dark haired beauty whom he still had no name.

  “I know what you are, vampire.”

  “Then you know what I want. Stand up, get your hands off your cunt and place your body hard up against mine.”

  She complied. Draven noticed her looking at his eyes, but he silenced her by running his thick fingers up her inner thigh. She moaned and hiked her leg up to wrap around him. Draven didn’t kiss any of the women he’d fucked, or fed from, not since Delilah. Occasionally he’d wonder if he would even know how to kiss anymore. Pushing that thought to the back of his mind, he unbuttoned his jeans to release his pulsating cock. Red look
ed down and her murky green eyes grew three times the size when she saw the girth on him. He grinned to himself, whatta boy.

  Draven knew he wouldn’t need to prime her. She would be dripping like a damn faucet. Too thirsty for any type of foreplay, and because he didn’t want to hear her voice again, he rammed into her. She screamed out in what he believed were equal parts of pleasure and pain. He didn’t stop, only continued pummelling forcefully into her. Draven silenced her screams by placing his hand over her mouth, then his canines elongated and he sunk them into her skin. Her blood tasted–bland. This red head didn’t possess that heady aroma that the black haired girl did. He found this whole experience underwhelming, more so than usual. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  He pulled away and licked the bite mark to seal it. There was no need to use any sort of transotic with this one. At least one of them was enjoying themselves. Draven knew he wasn’t going to cum, again. As he fucked her, his bored mind realised that he’d only came once during his feeding and fucking fest these past few days. The one time he imagined that round ass and black shiny hair. Draven waited for the red head to shatter around his length and then he pulled out. Her green eyes looked spacy as he lowered her down to stand on shaky legs. He realised there and then he would need to use his transotic on her, he didn’t want her seeking him out again.

  “Irrevensvia.” He left her in the cubicle, walked out of the bar and headed to the café.

  Draven felt slightly better after feeding but he still wasn’t himself or completely satiated. Fuck, I need to find out what the fuck is going on with me? Can’t cum, feeding isn’t replenishing my body or my blood, SHIT!

  Draven’s anger and adrenaline soared through his body. Silently he prayed to the Goddess that Jada and Gwent showed their treacherous faces again. He was sporting for a fight.

  Draven sat down a few tables back because he hadn’t brought his cap. He ordered himself a coffee and a slice of cherry cheesecake then waited. At this point in time, he bet the non-existent hair on his blue balls that they wouldn’t show.

  Draven signalled the waitress for the check and he was about to stand up when the air around him crepitated with dark energy. Draven sat back down and surveyed the area. The darkness, it was close. He should know aftr all, because it lived inside of him. A wicked laugh sounded to his left, dripping with malignant force. Draven pulled his sunglasses down and sunk into the chair at the café.

  A woman with auburn haired piled on top of her head, long shapely legs in a pinstriped tight suit rounded the corner with Jada and Gwent. That woman. Draven could smell the decay from here; she was a demon. Oh fuck, don’t tell me these two cunty holes have summoned a demon. Shit, this is far worse than me or Jadis anticipated.

  The demon stopped abruptly and Draven sped out of the seat, and just in time because he saw the demon cock her head and look at the chair he just sat in. Fuck. She must have sensed him.

  Draven knew he had to tell Jadis, but fuck, he hadn’t actually seen anything, yet. He decided to leave her to rest after what she’d been through earlier with performing the spell.

  He started his commute home when the air around him grew cold. He spun around quickly, to be met with sapphire red speckled eyes, auburn hair and those long shapely legs.

  The diamond dagger rested hot against his back and he was thankful he never left home without it. The diamond blade was in its purest form. It was the only thing that could eradicate demons on this plane and skyrocket them back to their very own hell. Allegedly, once a demon ascends, they were unable to find their way back to the inferno blazing purgatory until they were killed in this realm. Draven always figured that it was as if their pea-sized brains were scrambled or some shit.

  He readied his stance anticipating an attack from the stunning illusion this demon assumed. Draven wasn’t stupid because he knew how retched these things truly were.

  Her red speckled sapphire eyes sparkled. She licked her lips, and breathed, “Hello vampire. My, my, my, don’t you smell delicious!”

  Chapter Six

  ~ Draven ~

  Draven stood stock still, his multicolour eyes to her demon pair. It wasn’t as if he could fault her for being what she was; after all he was who he was, even if he tried daily to forget.

  “What do you want, demon?”

  She circled around him, similar to how Melantha did the other night.

  Biting her lip, she stopped behind him and whispered in his ear, “Malister, that’s my name. And what I want is you, vampire.” She reached down and groped him over his jeans.

  Draven removed her hand and stepped away from her.

  “Just in case you didn’t realise, I’m not for sale,” he said nonchalantly.

  “Naw, couldn’t we gamble? I hear Melantha doesn’t want to share you, but I would love to get under her decaying flesh.”

  Draven chuckled, “What? Like you’re not falling to pieces either? Please, demon, I don’t have time for your bullshit or your petty escapades.”

  “Your mother was right. You are a nasty little boy.”

  His blood pumped like a volcano ready to erupt at the mere mention of his mother. Draven counted his breaths to control his anger.

  “Good thing I don’t give a fuck about my mother. I have shit to do, so fuck off; otherwise next time you may not be so lucky.”

  “Oh I will have you. One way or another. I’m stuck here now, time is on my side.”

  With that she disappeared. If she knew he was spying on Jada and Gwent, she didn’t acknowledge it. Draven chalked it up to her only wanting to get her claws into him. Not what he was remotely looking for. Fucking Melantha, what had she done to piss this demon off?

  His mother was around; he sensed her presence, although it was weak. Draven headed home. He needed sleep because he had slept like shit last night. Another myth the mortal humans made up. Vampires sleep, and not necessarily in a coffin or only during the day. And he wanted to be on his A game when he hunted for his black haired beauty. As soon as his body hit the king-size bed, he was gone.

  Draven woke feeling groggy as hell. He peered down at his watch; it was just after six pm. He’d slept for close to four hours.

  That unrelenting itch he’d reluctantly grown accustomed to thrummed through his body. It was as if his brain hadn’t registered that he’d fed a few hours ago. He needed to figure out what was going on with himself and find out who was siphoning magic from his best friend. To top it off, his mother was also lurking around town and a soul sucking demon wanted to eat him from the inside out. Could there possibly be any shittier news to add to the equation?

  The only positive thing going on in Draven’s life, and even that was a stretch currently, was he was closer to finding out who that beautiful woman was. With that thought in his mind, he showered quickly, grabbed a pastry out of the fridge and headed toward Pines Village.

  Draven didn’t often drive, but when heading out of town he made an exception. He stored his car behind Jadis’s shop. She had a lockable garage there and Draven had added a few more locks and cameras to secure his baby: a dark amethyst, at times almost black looking 57 Chevrolet Bel Air.

  He walked to her shop then climbed into the driver’s seat. He rubbed his hand in admiration over the white and dark purple custom made leather seats. She was beautiful. Draven started the car and revved the engine a few times. She purred like a dream. He inched out the building and started down the street.

  The drive to Pines Village was only fifteen minutes or so. Draven took the opportunity to ruminate over the unknown woman as Caliban’s song Paralyzed pumped through the speakers. He was curious what he might find and he wasn’t sure what to expect either. There had to be more than her scent that attracted him to her, right? He felt this undeniable pull toward her. How could he even justify that when he’d never even met her? Frankly, he sounded like a fucking creep. Maybe he needed his head read!

  Draven pulled up and parked at some supermarket just as the sun was going down. Figuring
it would be less conspicuous walking around than driving slowly, he hopped out of the car and began walking so he could attempt to sniff her out.

  Taking off on Downman Rd, he strolled casually with his hands in his jean pockets. His dreadlocks fell forward, providing a curtain around his face, which wasn’t such a bad thing.

  Draven stopped on the corner of Babylon and Downman, closed his eyes, and focused all his energy on finding this woman. He knew she was here somewhere because Jadis’s magic never lied.

  He inhaled and exhaled a couple of times, craning his neck from side to side, causing it to crack. Draven envisioned her long dark hair splayed around her heart shaped lily white face and her big violet red speckled eyes. His mismatched pair snapped wide as his nostrils flared and his dick thickened in his jeans. The dark chocolate, whiskey, wine aroma permeated the air, she was real close. He followed the scent trying to walk normally and not vamp speed it toward the smell. He ended up jogging. Thankfully the growing darkness covered his movements to reduce drawing attention to himself.

  He reached a gas station that looked like a mini supermarket and waited in the shadows. Her aroma was potent in the night sky; she had to be in there. Draven felt her before he saw her. He arranged his now painfully erect cock and turned toward her. The air around him crepitated, sizzled and popped as he faced his black haired beauty. She seem to look around puzzled, perhaps she sensed the change in energy too. Snowflake. He had too many nicknames for this girl, it was sickening. She wore old ripped jeans, a loose “don’t trust the living” long sleeved shirt, and burgundy Dr Martens unlaced, which Draven found amusing. With her hair pulled into a messy ponytail, she managed to rock the “I don’t give a fuck” look.

  She clutched the bags tightly in her small hands. Draven honed in on her wrist, a small tattoo peaked out, and he knew it was one from the Goddess. Did she know?

  He kept a few paces behind her not wanting to frighten her. Occasionally she would stop to look around and Draven hoped she was sensing him like he did her. The fifth time she stopped she dropped the bags and search the darkness.


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