Branded (An Otherworlders Series Novel Book 1)

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Branded (An Otherworlders Series Novel Book 1) Page 17

by Lena Moore

  Draven pulled his wrist away and licked at the puncture wounds. He kissed her forehead and told her to get some sleep. He grabbed some clothes from his closet for Dolph and headed toward the living space where he had left both men.

  Entering the room, his senses were assaulted by strong earthy undertones, testosterone and blood. The blood had to be Dolph’s. Both of their heads turned toward him, stopping their conversation, with Dany quirking his eyebrow at Draven.

  He threw the clothes at Dolph and let out a heavy breath. “Brother, what were you doing there?”

  “I don’t know, D. One minute I was at home making supper, and the next thing I remember is looking up at you before I passed out. What’s the shit is going on?”

  Draven laughed sardonically. “Where the fuck do I start?”

  The next couple of hours, Draven filled Dolph in. Dany was included in their conversation, given how deep he was in their world. He purposely left out the fuck and blood fests between him and Aliyah, only revealing that they were somehow tied to one another. Draven explained that he wasn’t sure what that meant or how it happened. Dolph seemed intrigued, but there was something he wasn’t saying.

  He watched his best friend fidget, his overgrown scruffy black and silver laced hair falling into his face as he scratched at his inked arms. Dolph’s jade rimmed coal eyes found his. They looked almost sad-like.

  “Spit it out, Dolph.”

  He sighed. “You always did know my tells, Draven. None of this is sitting well with me. Neferity is after Aliyah but we have no idea why. Kaltemis is protecting her as much as she will permit herself to do so without overstepping. There is a madman, well demon, on the hunt for her. Aliyah’s parents’ have just been kidnapped and Jadis’s magic is being siphoned. Now let’s bring me into the equation. Does this not seem a little too coincidental to you? You’re not stupid, Savage. You would have done the math already.”

  Draven smirked at his middle name, and his once street name. It had been a long time since anyone had called him Savage. He had to admit he’d missed it.

  “You’re right, Terror.” Draven used Dolph’s street name like Dolph used his. “None of this feels right to me, either. I don’t know what to do. I am racking my brain, and I’m coming up with fuck all nothing.”

  “What does Jadis think?”

  “She is beside herself just like us. Jadis placed another spell around our spaces that way Jada and Melantha can’t come anywhere near us.”

  “Melantha? The one you lost the bet to?”

  Draven groaned. “Yeah, that one.”

  “Fuck. You have to fulfill the debt, it’s tied by blood.”

  “What debt?” Dany interrupted.

  “Nothing you need to worry about,” Draven clipped.

  “Draven, you have to figure out what you’re going to do about Melantha. You know she won’t always be this patient.”

  “I fucking know, Dolph! I have more pressing issues to worry about than some demon who wants to bleed me dry!”

  The heavy steel door flew open for the second time that day; however, this time Jadis was standing there.

  Draven caught both Dolph and Dany’s jaws drop from the corner of his eye as the pair fixated on Jadis.

  “Well, hello handsome men,” she crooned, her eyes sizing up Dolph and Dany before turning serious and finding Draven’s mismatched set.

  Jadis and Dolph had been together a very long time ago. Draven watched the way her eyes raked over Dolph’s form. It looked bittersweet. As if it was evoking painful ghosts of their pasts. Draven had pushed both them away after Delilah had been murdered. Except Jadis hadn’t let his insolence slide. She stayed by his side the whole time, even after she severed ties with Dolph. Their story wasn’t over, though. That much he could tell from the heavy scent of lust that permeated the air. Anyone would think it was only yesterday when the pair was together.

  The emerald wraparound dress flowed behind her as she stepped into Draven’s space.

  “Her parents, they weren’t there were they?”

  “No. How’d you know?”

  “Because I received this.” She held up what looked like a burnt scroll of paper and handed it to him.

  Draven opened it carefully. Scanning through, he read each and every word. Once he’d finished, the piece of paper disintegrated in his hands.

  His mismatched eyes found Jadis’s forest greens, and he whispered, “The fuck we going to do now?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  ~ Draven ~

  They knew Jadis was in hiding. By giving Draven the letter she had outed herself. Jadis knew this was bigger than her: this involved everyone.

  Whoever sent the letter was in possession of Aliyah’s parents, and they weren’t going to play nice until they had Aliyah in their clutches. This was not going to end well.

  Draven clenched and unclenched his fists as he paced his lounge area, attempting to decipher what they were going to do. He knew in his heart it was the man searching for Aliyah, and all he knew about him was this man was related to her in some way. And now everybody he loved or cared about was involved in this mess.

  He wasn’t dubious in thinking that Jada and Gwent weren’t tangled in this out of control web. They had to be. What part they played in all of this he was uncertain.

  “Who’s going to tell Liah, D–Man?” Dany broke Draven’s ruminations.

  He released a deep breath. “I will. Jadis, if they know you’re hiding, will they be able to break your cloaking magic?”

  “Nah, baby, they might try though.”

  “Ok. So they know we are all entwined in one way or another. They tried to use Dolph in what I believe was to emotionally cripple me. Jadis, they know how close we are, so weakening you was a necessity. Although I think this whole Jada and Gwent thing is miniscule in the grand scheme of things now.” He directed his gaze to her. “I don’t mean to diminish what has happened to you, J.” Draven offered Jadis a weak smile. She returned it, signalling she understood. “I sense this man has known about Aliyah for a long time, and I assume he’s using the less superior supernatural beings as his puppets. Maybe he has been waiting for her to transition so he could sense her?” he ranted, pulling at the beads in his dreadies. “And then we have the demons Malista and Melantha. Where do they come into the picture? Somehow they’re involved; I feel it in my every being. What I don’t understand is how they knew I would seek out Aliyah. Did I lead them to her? Fuck. Is that why Kaltemis led her to me, so I would find her first? Snowflake is extremely important to all these entities out there, and we know she is on Nerferity’s radar. I don’t know what to do, Jadis, I’m at a loss.”

  Draven’s mind jumped from question to question. He couldn’t grasp what was happening or how the fuck to stop what he felt was the inevitable. Draven was thankful he had decided to put his business Obscured Visions on vacation for the moment, because there was no way he could take any more fucking stress.

  “Draven, you need to feed. Your anxiety is making me jittery. I will take Dolph and Dany back to my place whilst you tell Aliyah what’s happening,” she smirked while inspecting both Dolph and Dany.

  Draven rolled his eyes. “Sure. You do that, J. I’m sure you’ll be a magnanimous host.”

  Dolph and Dany followed Jadis out the door, their mouths to the floor. Those two were already under her spell.

  ~ Aliyah ~

  Aliyah woke, disorientated. She began rubbing small circles around her temples, feeling that prickling feeling at the front of her skull. She felt intoxicated but didn’t remember drinking. Slowly, she sat up in the big black bed and surveyed her surroundings. Suddenly everything smashed into her like a wrecking ball. Her parents were kidnapped and it was her fault.

  Aliyah began sobbing uncontrollably. Draven barged into the room and was at her side, with her pulled into his lap before she could comprehend what had happened.

  “Sshh, Snowflake, it’s ok. Breathe with me, ok? One, Two, Three…” He slowly counted to te
n while they both inhaled and exhaled together.

  Aliyah looked up into his breathtaking amethyst and ruby red eyes. He looked so concerned. What bothered her the most, though, was how pasty he looked.

  “Are you ok?” she hiccupped through her tears.

  “It’s nothing, Snowflake. Let’s just be,” he answered too quickly.

  Her eyes zigzagged between each of his eyes. Something wasn’t right. Then it occurred to her, he hadn’t fed in what she thought was a couple of days now.

  “You need to feed,” she pleaded. And as fucked up as the situation was, Aliyah needed to get lost in everything that was just the two of them, if only for a while. She didn’t want to ruminate over this unmitigated mess she’d found herself.

  “If I feed now, I can’t promise I will be a gentleman. I need to ravage your mind, body and soul, Snowflake, and that’s not fair on you with everything that’s happening.”

  Aliyah wriggled out of his embrace and slid off the huge bed. Her eyes stayed glued to his as she slowly shimmied out of her jeans and top. The air crepitated and the intimate electricity thrummed invisibly between the two of them.

  Draven’s pants looked incredibly tight over what she knew was an impressive package. Aliyah was unable to suppress the moan that bubble up and exited her mouth.

  “Don’t do that. Or look at me like that,” he warned.

  “Like what?” Turning around, she pulled down the flimsy piece of lace covering her intimate parts. Her knickers hit the concrete floor, followed by the bra that supported her heavy boobs.

  Aliyah didn’t have time to turn back around. Draven’s fingers glided easily through the wet seam of her pussy lips before penetrating her core. She cried out, pushing her ass into his hands.

  Draven laughed under his breath. “Such a needy cunt,” he teased.

  Aliyah’s snatch clamped down on Draven’s fingers. She loved the dirty shit that left his depravity reeked mouth.

  “More,” she demanded.

  Draven stood and moved her long dark hair to one side then nipped at her neck. She closed her eyes and basked in the revelry that was utterly and completely Draven.

  He twisted her around abruptly, planting a harsh but none the less passionate, sex induced kiss to her pouty lips.

  “Mine,” he growled between kisses.

  “Yours,” she panted back.

  Draven threw her on the bed, pushed her legs to her chest and went deep sea diving on her swollen kitty. Aliyah could feel her juices dripping down to her asshole as he toyed with the forbidden hole leisurely before dipping a finger inside. Her eyes popped wide, remembering they weren’t alone in the house.

  She shoved at Draven’s head, which earned her a growl of disapproval. “Wait—stop,” she panted. “Dany and Dol…” she mewled as his tongue flicked her clit.

  “They’re not here. Now let me devour this pretty little pussy.”

  Aliyah did as she was told, submitting to his demand. Another finger stretched her asshole, and she struggled to suck in air.

  “Breathe, Aliyah, because I want this hole as well. You are mine. Every single piece of you, including this sexy as sin ass,” he said in a matter of fact tone.

  Aliyah breathed through the pain until it dulled and amplify her sensations. She was turned on and ready to detonate.

  “Not like this,” she breathed. “I need you inside of me. I need to feel you, please. Help me forget, if just for the moment.”

  Aliyah noticed the understanding and sadness flash though his eyes. He removed his fingers from her rosette and placed her legs over his tattooed muscular shoulders. The man was incredible. Draven dipped down, gliding his tongue along her bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth. Then he pulled away from her, easing off the bed.

  Aliyah screamed out in frustration, “Arrrggh! Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

  “Stay right there, Snowflake.” Aliyah watched him, annoyed as Draven admired her splayed out body. “Actually, do you trust me?”

  She drew back. “What kind of question is that?”

  “A legitimate one.”

  “I suppose so.”

  “No. You need to completely trust me, or this won’t work.”

  “What won’t work?”

  “I’ve seen the way you look at that locked door. You’re curious. I can show you a whole different world. However, I need your trust. I won’t show you otherwise.”

  Aliyah worried her bottom lip as her eyes flickered to his mismatched pair. “Can you show me first? Please?”

  “Normally I wouldn’t, not until I thought you were ready. And although I sense your anxiety and fear, I think I should show you before we continue. I think you need this, Snowflake.”

  Aliyah watched Draven through hooded eyes. He wasn’t wrong in his speculation. She had been intrigued by that room ever since he basically cavemanned her ass here.

  “Ok,” she whispered.

  Draven gave her his magnificent thousand watt smile and knelt on the bed. The mattress dipped with his weight as he scooped her up in his arms and cradled her close to his chest. Aliyah realised she was butt naked and that he remained fully clothed once again, but she didn’t give a flying fuck.

  Draven walked over to the locked door with her in his arms. She hung onto him while he dug into his pocket to reveal a shiny black key. He placed it in the hole and turned. The door opened to pitch darkness. Aliyah squinted, trying to adjust to the blackness before Draven reached over and switched on a light.

  Aliyah gasped, taking in her surroundings.

  The dim light showed the space was painted a deep red, and in the corner was a dark rustic wooden four poster bed with material straps hanging from each corner. Her eyes widen in disbelief at the multiple benches placed around the room. Looking upward, she noticed chains hanging from the ceiling and what looked like a variety of whips and floggers lining one wall. Aliyah was no expert by any means, but she’d read her share of BDSM novels to see what all the hype was about. She didn’t want to admit it out loud, but the whole Dominant/submissive thing was definitely on her curiosity radar.

  Aliyah wriggled out of Draven’s paws so she could really look at the room. Cool to touch, she ran her fingers along one of the wooden benches then touched the black padding in the centre. It wasn’t as soft as a mattress, but she didn’t think it would be uncomfortable to lie on. She continued walking throughout the room until she spied the sex swing hanging from the roof in the corner. She rubbed the material between the pads of her finger and thumb and realised it was leather. It was seriously elegant and sexy.

  She flicked her long hair over her shoulder and caught Draven watching her with a small smirk on his face. Aliyah stood there and gawked at him, openly appreciating every single inch of his brawny, tattooed, 6’6 frame. He was leaning on the door frame with his legs crossed at the ankles. Her eyes slowly drifted up his legs until she saw how confined his package was in those denim jeans. Aliyah’s violet hues continued traversing upward until she reached the dark dreads that hung to his chest, and then to his strong jaw line. However, it was those damn eyes that she could get lost in for eons. Aliyah cleared her throat, turned away, and swore she heard him chuckle.

  Moving along the room, she saw what looked like another bench. It had four extra padded pieces hanging from the side. Aliyah assumed that was where the arms and knees would go. She toyed with the shackles hanging from the contraption and tilted her head to the side to gage what the hell she was looking at.

  Aliyah heard footsteps approaching behind her then felt Draven’s arm snake around her waist, pulling her into his raging hard-on.

  “It’s a fuck bench. It’s pretty isn’t it?”

  Aliyah remained mute, eyeing the bench, hating the fact that since she’d stepped foot in this room her juices flowed like Niagara Falls. Silently she hoped Draven hadn’t noticed. Shit. Have I masked my scent? she wondered.

  Aliyah didn’t need to procrastinate over that question long.

sp; Draven’s tongue darted out, licking from her clavicle up to her earlobe. “I can smell your dripping cunt. I know this turns you on. Let’s start with something simple and none the less stimulating though, hmmm?”

  “But I haven’t finished looking.”

  “You’ll have all the time in the world to look.” He placed his hand in hers and led her over to the first bench she had walked past. “Hop up, Snowflake. On your back.”

  Aliyah hesitated. She chanted a mantra in her head then climbed onto the bench. The black leather padding was firm but comfortable on her back, and the chill from the bench paired with the cool air made her nipples pucker.

  “Little cold, baby?”

  “Just a little,” she shivered.

  Draven disappeared from her sight. Aliyah heard a click and felt warm air filter through the room.

  “That should help. Now relax, let me take care of you.”

  Aliyah watched Draven turn away. When he twisted back around, a grin was on his face. “Just in case you decide to run from me again I’m going to do these cuffs up. On your stomach please. If you object, say something now. Actually, we should establish a safe word. Any suggestions?”

  Aliyah remembered reading about scenes and the safe words used by the sub during them. Thinking back, she remembered the safe word would stop the scene and generally assuage the sub’s fears. Then they’d both reassess the play and either alter, slow down, or cease all together. What would be a good safe word, she mused?

  “It has to be something you won’t forget.”

  “Ummmm…” She bit her bottom lip. “Ruby.”

  “Ruby? Why ruby?”

  Aliyah felt embarrassed and sheepish. She hadn’t expected Draven to question her choice. “Yeah. This is humiliating.”

  Draven was in front of her, two fingers pressed under her chin, forcing her to maintain eye contact with him. “You do not need to feel embarrassed here or with me, do you understand?”


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