The Indentured Queen

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The Indentured Queen Page 31

by Carol Moncado

  She smiled softly at him. “It’s already forgotten.”

  Benjamin’s fingers threaded through her hair as he kissed her again. “She was right you know.”


  “The reporter. Indentured queen might have been accurate at first, but given the choice, I’d choose you. Every time.”

  “And I’d choose you.”

  He kissed her again. As Benjamin stood and picked her up, carrying her across the threshold to the room they’d share for the rest of their lives, Katrín knew what it was like to be wanted, to be chosen. From lowest in the palace to queen of her country, chosen by the king to be his partner.

  And she’d never felt so at home.

  Thank you for joining Benjamin and Katrín on their journey!

  If you’d like to know more about Queen Mother Eliana and her relationship with the late King Alfred the Second, check out Love for the Ages, available on Amazon or FREE as a thank you to newsletter subscribers! If you’re not already subscribed, click here!

  Swipe forward for a sneak peek at Jacqueline Grace’s story, Her Undercover Prince, or click to go straight to the preorder page!

  Letter to Readers

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for joining Benjamin and Katrín in The Indentured Queen! I appreciate you and hope you enjoyed it! This is the fourth book in the Crowns & Courtships series!

  I’ve mentioned before that the Crowns & Courtships stories have been divided into two separate series - the main one with the novels, and the novellas. As currently envisioned, the novellas will be shorter (clearly ;)) and come in between or around the novels and won’t NEED to be read. Rather, they’ll enhance your understanding of the stories. The blurb section of Amazon’s product page will have a list of the combined order in case you’d like to make sure you’ve read them all :).

  In fact, Love for the Ages is available free as a thank you to newsletter subscribers! It’s the story of Alfred and Eliana when they first meet. (Ah! The early 90s… ;))

  Next up is Jacqueline Grace’s story - and hopefully we’ll find out whether Isaiah is really gone for good or not.

  Her story will release this fall! Swipe through for a preview!


  If you read dedications, you noticed this story is dedicated to my cousin. If you follow any of my Facebook stuff, you’ve likely seen me talk about him. Technically, Allen was my second cousin, but what’s a few degrees of separation ;)?

  Last November, I was all set to write The Inadvertent Princess for my 2017 National Novel Writing Month project. Instead, I felt an urgency to write The Indentured Queen (then titled In Concert with the King). I had already talked to Allen about basing a character loosely on him, and he loved the idea.

  I saw him last September, during his last hospital stay. In October, he was sent home and told it was simply a matter of time.

  In January, he heard the words he’d longed his whole life to hear - well done, my good and faithful servant.

  But in December, I was able to send him the first, very early and very rough, copy of The Indentured Queen. I don’t know that he was able to finish it, but I know he read some.

  My reaction when Benjamin first thinks unflattering thoughts about his brother-in-law was actually quite visceral It was all I could do to type his (realistic) thoughts that I knew in no way reflected my feelings toward Allen. There were tears, and even anger at a fictional character of my own creation.

  But in the end, we all know the truth.

  Allen was a beloved gift from God.

  My life, along with so many others, was changed by knowing him.


  Once again, this is still a work in progress, but it’s being worked on (and hopefully, by the time this releases, all of the Crowns & Courtships books will be done).

  It’s found at (that’s the name of the Hallmark type channel in this universe, remember?) you’ll find “Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Carol Moncado’s Fictional Universe... & More”! There’s a “universe” timeline where you can see how everything fits together. Each book will have (or already has) it’s own timeline. There’s book wikis with character and location/business lists (what was that restaurant again?! ;)) with each entry as a glossary term so you can hover over it to find out more about that character/place, along with summaries of what that book was about. Hello, SPOILERS! :D

  There aren’t any character or location/business wikis - yet. But eventually. Once we get the book wikis caught up, we’ll work on the others.


  Next up you’ll find that preview for Book 5 in Crowns & Courtships along with more information about it.

  After that, you’ll find a preview of Love for the Ages. You can find it on Amazon, but if you’d like a free copy, simply sign up for my newsletter, and a link will be sent to you as a thank you.

  Serenity Landing Book Club

  What is that?! It’s the Facebook reader group that started last summer! I’d love to have you there! It’s easier for you to see what’s posted than on a Facebook page and we do fun stuff! There will be discussion questions after the release of a book, sneak peeks of the next one, general discussion, and chances to win copies of books and other goodies! I’d love to have you there!

  Other Stuff

  I see a meme floating around Facebook from time to time that tells readers what they can do to help their favorite authors. Buying their next book or giving a copy away is kind of a no-brainer, but the biggest thing you can do is write a review. If you enjoyed A Royally Beautiful Mess would you consider doing just that?

  I would LOVE to hear from you! My email address is [email protected]. To stay up-to-date on releases, you can sign up for my newsletter (there’s fun stuff - like a chance to get free novellas from time to time)! You’ll also get notices of sales, including special preorder pricing! And I won’t spam!) or there’s always my website :). You can find my website and blog at I blog about once a month at And, of course, there’s Facebook and my Facebook page, Carol Moncado Books. But... the way pages work, sometimes very few people (often 1-5% of “likes”) will see anything posted. I keep trying to find the best way to get to know y’all and “spend time” together outside of your Kindle - at least for those of you who want to!

  Thanks again!


  Writing can be very lonely, but the reality is no one walks alone. I can’t begin to name all of those who’ve helped me along the way. My husband, Matt, who has always, always believed in me. All of the rest of my family and in-loves who never once looked at me like I was nuts for wanting to be a writer. Jan C. (my “other mother”) has always believed in me and Stacy S. who has been my dearest friend for longer than I can remember.

  Then there’s my writer friends. Bethany Turner (have you read The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck yet?!) and Mikal Dawn (AH! Count Me In!) have both been so wonderful the last few months keeping me laughing and my spirits up. #MiBeCaIsEternalYo

  Ginger Solomon, author of One Choice and a bunch of other fantastic books (but One Choice is still my favorite!), has been invaluable with her proofreading services. Check her books out!

  Then Jennifer Major, a Canadian no less ;), who does life with me and loves me anyway! There’s my MozArks ACFW peeps who laugh with me, critique, and encourage to no end. Then there’s the InspyRomance crew, the CIA, my Spicy peeps (you know who you are!), and all of the others who’ve helped me along on this journey.

  And Emily N., Ginger L., and Tory U. who are INVALUABLE to my writing process! I have NO IDEA what I’d do without the three of you!

  I know I’ve forgotten many people and I hate that. But you, dear reader, would quickly get bored.

  So THANK YOU to all of those who have helped me along the way. I couldn’t have done this without you and you have my eternal gratitude. To the HUNDREDS of you (I’m gobsmacked!) who pre-ordered and encouraged me without knowing it
as that little number continued to climb, you have my eternal gratitude. I hope you stick around for the next one!

  And, of course, last but never, ever, least, to Jesus Christ, without whom none of this would be possible - or worth it.

  Order now!

  Previews are subject to change prior to release and may not be fully proofread.

  With a sigh borne of more than one kind of frustration, Princess Jacqueline Grace of San Majoria stifled the urge to reprimand her foster daughter as strongly as she wanted to, not with cameras following their every move. She'd probably be excoriated in the press for letting Kiara run off like she did. In reality, any other child likely would have done the same within sight of the bouncy castle situated on the beach.

  But Kiara wasn't other children.

  She was a ward of the state, being cared for indefinitely by the royal family, specifically Jacqueline Grace, and could likely never be adopted. If her family was ever found, Jacqueline Grace would have a hard time handing her back over without a serious investigation into why they'd gone so long without their daughter.

  She'd also be held to account if she didn't put sunscreen on Kiara. But if she did, there would be some who called her out for using the wrong brand.

  Jacqueline Grace hurried after Kiara, her security team members flanking her as they walked across the soft sand. Maybe there was a benefit to having a dedicated nanny.


  That's what she needed.

  A nanny.

  No. She needed more than that. She needed a partner. Someone to come alongside her and share her burdens.

  Love her.

  Kiara had tossed her sandals to the side and had already found a new friend while jumping in the bounce house.

  The security team directed her to a cabana set aside for her to use. Jacqueline Grace dropped her large shoulder bag on one of the chairs.

  "Can I get you anything, miss?"

  Tim, her security guard, looked outward even as he asked the question.

  "No, thank you. I have some water and snacks." She pushed her sunglasses upward onto her head.

  She'd no sooner settled into her chair than Kiara ran up, a little girl in tow.

  "Jacquie!" Kiara was the only one to shorten Jacqueline Grace's name. "Mary can't find her daddy."

  Jacqueline Grace stood then knelt next to the girls. "Hi, Mary."

  The girl's tear-stained cheeks brought out Jacqueline Grace's compassionate side.

  "You can't find your daddy? Did he bring you to the party?"

  Mary nodded. "He's not really my daddy, but he brought me."

  Step-father maybe? "Do you remember what he was wearing?"

  Mary shook her head.

  Jacqueline Grace looked to her security team. "Will you let the organizers know we have Mary and are going to look for her father?"

  "Yes, miss."

  They wouldn't go alone, but Jacqueline Grace wanted to pretend they were. She held out a hand to each girl. "Let's see if we can find him. Can you tell me his name?"

  Mary shook her head.

  Before they took two steps, a man ran toward them.

  Tim stepped between Jacqueline Grace, the girls, and the frantic man. "You need to back up a few steps, sir." He didn't actually touch the man but moved him back.

  "Mary?" the man called.

  Mary pulled her hand out of Jacqueline Grace's and ran to him. "Daddy!"

  Relief swept through Jacqueline Grace. That was over quickly enough. She returned to her seat.

  "Thank you," the man called around the security guard.

  Jacqueline Grace shrugged as she tried to be elegant and sit down on a lounge chair at the same time. Was it even possible to sit down in one of these without looking supremely awkward? "Kiara brought her over a moment ago. I didn't actually do anything."

  "Still. Thank you."

  Jacqueline Grace gave him her public smile. "My pleasure."

  "Jacquie, can Mary play with me?"

  She wanted to say no, but Kiara needed more children to play with besides her semi-adopted cousins, Sofia and Gracie. "For now," she conceded. "If it's all right with her father."

  Both girls turned on the man. "Please?!" The hints of whine in Kiara's voice would surely be reported on by the members of the press close enough to hear.

  He nodded. "Stay where we can see you."

  We? He was planning to stay with her?

  The girls ran off, hand in hand, and he turned to her.

  "I won't disturb you any further, Your Royal Highness, but thank you. Mary doesn't have many friends. It'll be good for her."

  His accent surprised her. She hadn’t caught it in his first words, but it was too pronounced to miss in his longer statement.

  "It'll be good for Kiara, too," she admitted. "She doesn't play with many other little girls right now."

  "Just her cousins, I'd imagine. We've all seen the pictures of the three of them together."

  Jacqueline Grace stifled a sigh at the ache inside. "They're not really her cousins, though."

  He looked at her security guard. "Can I have a seat?"

  As he nodded, Tim gave the guy the stern look he gave everyone.

  The guy sat down far too close for Jacqueline Grace's comfort. "I get it. Believe me. I'm not Mary's father, but it surprised me how quickly I came to think of her as my own." He leaned in even closer. "I dated her mom a couple of times. Next thing I know, I was watching her one day while her mom worked, and she never came back. I found a note thanking me for raising Mary. I'm taking legal action, but it takes time. If she comes back, she could take Mary from me and there's nothing I could do about it."

  "How long ago was it?"

  "Nearly a year."

  "And the courts wouldn't take that into account? That she abandoned her daughter for that long, with no word, presumably. They'd just let her take Mary back?"

  "You never know what family courts will do." He hesitated. "If Kiara's family came back, and didn't have an exceptionally good reason for their abandonment of her, there's a chance they'd give her back to them, too. At least you have the crown on your side, though. That carries a lot of weight. You'd have a much greater chance of keeping her with you than I would of keeping Mary."

  Jacqueline Grace hadn't considered that. "Sometimes I wish we knew where she came from, just to make it permanent. She's in permanent limbo right now, and there's nothing I can do about it, crown or not. Believe me, Papa has tried."

  The man chuckled.


  "Just weird hearing someone call the king 'papa', that's all."

  "Well, he is, you know." She crossed her arms over herself, hating she seemed so defensive around this man. He really was kind of cute.

  "I know, but I've never spoken with a member of your family before, and certainly not in a setting casual enough for you or one of your siblings to refer to your father, the monarch, as papa." He held out a hand. "I'm Dave."

  Jacqueline Grace took it, a jolt rippling through her as she did. "Jacqueline Grace, but I suppose you already know that."

  Dave let loose with a grin that sent her heart fluttering. "Yes. Yes, I did."

  David Smith leaned back in his chair next to the princess's. What was he thinking? He'd practically bared his heart to the woman when he'd known her for all of five minutes. He hadn't even told his family that his worst fear was someone coming to take Mary away, and he’d known the little girl less than a year.

  “You have an interesting accent, Dave. Where are you from?”

  He was hoping to avoid that question. “Down under.” Close enough.

  The princess stared at him for a moment. “Your accent doesn’t sound quite Australian.”

  “I moved around,” he hedged. The truth, but not all of it.

  “What do you do for a living?” The princess was every bit as beautiful as he’d expected her to be. She’d always fascinated him. She was also more perceptive than he would have expected.

  Hopefully, he wo
uldn’t make a fool of himself. He stared at the sand a few feet in front of his chair. “I actually start working for the palace next week.”

  “Really? In what capacity?”

  “It’s not very glamorous,” he warned.

  She shrugged. “So? There’s lots of jobs that aren’t glamorous, but they all need doing. You wouldn’t have been hired if they didn’t expect you to be good at whatever it is.”

  The princess had a point. “I’m going to be your father’s new assistant valet.” Not quite the whole truth, but close enough. No one was to know the whole truth, not even the king just yet.

  She seemed to think that over for a minute. “I know it doesn’t seem all that glamorous on the surface. I know it is compared to say a sewer technician...”

  That made Dave smile. “Do you know any sewer technicians? Or what they do?”

  “No.” She shrugged. “But if it involves sewers, it’s definitely necessary but unlikely to be glamorous.”

  He tilted his head in acknowledgment of her point.

  “So while not the most glamorous job, it’s one that requires quite a bit of trust placed in you. You will regularly be in close proximity to the king of your country. Very few people are ever left alone with my father without security nearby.” Her brows furrowed. “You haven’t met my father yet?”

  “No. I was supposed to last week, but something came up. A trip out of town, I think.”

  “He made a quick trip to Akushla to meet with Benjamin about some personal matters.”

  “Is that a state secret or something?” He needed to make sure he knew what was classified and what wasn’t.

  She lifted one shoulder. “Not really. My father and the late King Alfred were best friends. He’s often offered to mentor Benjamin in a number of different capacities. As a monarch himself, he can offer insight few others are able to.”


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