Love's Broken Vow

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Love's Broken Vow Page 7

by Honey

“Tell me. What is your transgression, my son?”

  Father Gregory closed his eyes and released a cleansing breath. “I was with a woman who is not my wife. We committed fornication.”

  “I see. Do you love this woman?”

  “I’m not sure. I haven’t known her very long. I am extremely fond of her, though.”

  “Will you continue to court her? Because if you do, your relationship will be strained now that you have crossed the line of intimacy. If you care for this woman and wish to date her, you may sin with her again. Do you think she will make you a fine wife someday in the future?”

  I’m just like you. I will never have a wife, his broken heart wanted to confess. Father Gregory rubbed both hands down his face as that thought took on a new and painful meaning for him as a man. He was forbidden to love Royce although he desperately wanted to. She would never be his wife because marriage was not an option for him. “I will have no personal relationship with her from now on. We will never be married.”

  “Are you sure? I sense that you may be in love with this woman. If you have deep feelings for her, I suggest that you court her in a manner that is pleasing to our Heavenly Father. You should never touch her intimately again. Get to know her better. And when the time is right, take her hand in marriage. Until then, you must pray for your atonement and meditate on Scriptures of restoration. For five days, I want you to recite the Lord’s Prayer five times. Then you should recite five prayers of Hail Mary daily in as many days. Read the fifty-first chapter of the Book of Psalms every morning for one week. King David was overtaken by sexual sin just as you were. He wrote the passage as an apology to God and to ask for restoration. You will find healing and comfort in the words. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.”

  Father Gregory folded his hands and responded, “For His mercy endures forever.”

  “The Lord has freed you from your sins, my son. Go in peace.”

  “Thanks be to God.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “No, sir, Your Honor, I had no idea that Romello and Damien were going to steal those video games. I swear, sir.”

  The judge frowned. “Are Mr. Johnson and Mr. Gordon your friends, Mr. Benson?”

  “I thought they were, sir. We’re on the same basketball team at Saint Xavier’s. I really believed they liked me. That’s why I went to the mall with them in the first place. I was stupid to trust them. I got arrested because they said I was their lookout man while they were stealing all that stuff, but it’s not true.”

  “It’s your lucky day, young man, because I believe you. The case against you is dismissed, but please listen to me very carefully. Be extremely aware of the company you keep. Negative people will cause you to crash and burn very quickly. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You are free to leave with your aunt. It’s time to deal with your ‘friends’ now.”

  Tyler walked up the aisle and straight into Royce’s arms. She squeezed him. Father Gregory patted his shoulder and smiled. The three of them exited the courtroom.

  “I am so glad this is over, sweetie. Let’s go home now and call your parents.”

  “I hope you’ve learned your lesson, Tyler.”

  “I have, Father Gregory. Believe me. You told me Romello and his friends were no good. You were right. I’m sorry I let you down. You probably don’t want to hang out with me anymore, huh?”

  “Nothing has changed between us. I’ll expect you at the church tomorrow after basketball practice.”

  Tyler hung his head. “I’m not even sure if we still have a team without Romello and Damien. They were our biggest scorers.”

  “Coach Yarborough will figure it out. You don’t have to worry about that.”

  * * *

  “Hi,” Royce whispered and waved Father Gregory into the house. “I’ll take your coat. Let’s talk in the kitchen. I made a fresh pot of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. Essie baked cinnamon rolls for Tyler’s homecoming. They are delicious.” She hung the jacket on a hook inside the closet in the foyer and headed to the kitchen.

  “How long has Tyler been asleep?” Father Gregory asked, following Royce.

  “He turned in a little over an hour ago. We had a long talk right before he went to his room. I don’t think we’ll have any more problems out of him.”

  “He’s a good kid. He just makes poor choices sometimes. It’s kind of like what we did last night.” Father Gregory took a seat at the dinette.

  Royce nodded.

  “I messed up.”

  “We messed up.” She poured a generous amount of the rich roasted blend into each mug. She placed them both on a tray with spoons, cream, sugar, and a plate of the homemade cinnamon rolls. She left the island to serve Father Gregory before sitting down across from him.

  “It can’t ever happen again, Royce. Never.”

  “We’ve had this conversation before, right here at this same table. We weren’t supposed to be alone, kiss, or touch each other again, but—”

  “You were distraught last night,” he interrupted. “I don’t believe you came to me with the intention of us making love. The situation with Tyler had become too much for you to handle alone, so you drove to the parsonage for help. One thing led to another.”

  “Do you believe in fate or destiny? Aren’t some things just meant to happen?”

  “Some things do happen naturally, while others are influenced by circumstances. Emotions and lust got the best of us last night. I don’t think fate or destiny had anything to do with it. We became weak and helpless. It’s strange because that has never happened to me before. I had been celibate all my life, Royce.”

  Her hand stopped with the coffee mug in it on its way to her lips. She placed it on the table. “Wait a minute. Rewind. Repeat what you just said.”

  “Before last night, I had never made love to a woman before.”

  “You were a virgin? Or are you—”

  “I was a virgin.”

  “But Tyler told me you’re twenty-nine years old. There is no way . . . I mean, you were so good last night. Forgive me. I am not proud of what we did, but you were incredible. I can’t believe you’d never done it before. Wow! I was your first?”

  “You were my first, last, and only, Royce. I’ll never touch you again. We must use self-control whenever we’re in each other’s presence. No more dinners or late-night conversations. It’s impossible for us to avoid each other forever, though. We’ll just have to maintain a safe distance at all times.”

  Royce laughed and tossed her braids over her shoulder. She laughed again, but louder.

  “This is a serious matter, Royce! You shouldn’t be laughing.”

  “It’s funny to me how naïve you are. Do you really think it’s that simple? Last night was just the beginning. We started a wild fire that is burning out of control. Sure, there’ll be some moments when the flames will dwindle to a small flicker. But what are you going to do when the full blaze is reignited?”

  “I won’t come near you. I’ll commit myself to prayer and meditation. By God’s power, I won’t fall again.”

  “My heart ached seconds after reality hit me last night. I never meant to make you fall. I didn’t want to fall either. But we were too weak. We shared something special. There’s undeniable chemistry between us that draws us together. We’ve tasted each other in the most intimate way known to the human race. Our lives will never be the same. The genie has escaped her bottle, and she ain’t ever going back in.”

  “What are you saying, Royce? Do you believe that temptation and lust are more powerful than God?”

  “I’m not saying that at all. It’s just that physical desires and the need to be sexual is natural. That’s why you were able to love me like crazy last night although it was your first time. Your instincts led you, and they led you very well. You responded to nature, and I could tell that you enjoyed every minute of it. Do you honestly believe that you’ll never want me again?”

  “I may want you, bu
t I refuse to have you.”

  Royce nodded, fully understanding that Father Gregory had good intentions, but he was deluding himself. “And when you’re being consumed by your own fiery flesh, what will you do for relief?”

  “I will pray. The Holy Spirit will sustain me.”

  “The Holy Spirit is definitely powerful, but it will only deliver from temptation those who truly wish to be delivered.”

  “I will not be tempted, and I will not make love to you again, Royce. I’ll see myself out now. Good night.”

  * * *

  Royce kissed Tyler one last time before he boarded the chartered bus on its way to the Blue Ridge Mountains up in Ellijay, Georgia. She waved and blew kisses as the bus pulled out of the church’s parking lot. Then she made fast tracks to her SUV.

  “Royce, how are you?”

  “I’m fine.” She unlocked her door and pulled the handle.

  “You weren’t at church Sunday or the Sunday before. Tyler said you’ve been busy.”

  “It’s true. I’m taking my businesses in a new direction. The overhaul requires a lot of my time.”

  Father Gregory nodded and walked closer to her vehicle. “I hope you’ll get some rest while Tyler is away.”

  “Actually, I plan to have a little fun while my nephew is enjoying himself in the mountains. I’m going to let my hair down and explore new social possibilities. Take care, Father Gregory,” Royce said, easing into her seat.

  “Will I see you at church Sunday?”

  “I doubt it.” Royce closed the door and started the vehicle’s engine. Then she blew the horn, waved, and sped away.

  Father Gregory was still standing in the parking lot as other cars departed. Royce watched him through her rearview mirror until he diminished into a tiny speck. Her heart squeezed, reflecting on the emptiness in his eyes when she looked at him. He missed her. She missed him. She wanted him. But she couldn’t have him. Royce refused to be responsible for luring the man into temptation even though she’d entertained a naughty thought or two about doing just that over the past few weeks. Somehow, she’d resisted the overwhelming urge to make a midnight visit to the parsonage again on a couple of sleepless nights. It was hard, but she’d been able to talk herself out of it each time. And she did it without the help of her once-trusted vibrator. It didn’t do the trick anymore. No sex toy or any other intimate partner could satisfy her like Father Gregory. It was like comparing a hamburger to prime rib. Royce had experienced the best, and she didn’t have a taste for anything less.

  But the Roman Catholic Church had established the rules centuries ago, and Father Gregory was committed to abiding by those rules. It was his choice, and Royce would not interfere in the life he had chosen to live. She had set him free. The one night they had spent together would forever be cherished in her heart, but the man was lost to her. It hurt like hell, but she was a big girl. She would eventually get over Father Gregory and move on. And she intended to take her first step moving forward tonight.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Uh-oh,” Royce’s cousin, Andra, whispered. “That fine brother who’s been smiling and winking at you all night is on his way over here. He’s coming to get an ‘appreciation dance’ for that peach margarita he sent you.”

  “Ladies, how are you tonight?”

  Royce turned around slowly and was immediately blinded by a dazzling smile. “We’re fine.”

  “We certainly are,” Andra drawled and tossed her long dreadlocks over her shoulder.

  Royce’s handsome and stylishly dressed admirer licked his lips as he bobbed his head to the music being performed by the live jazz quintet. He took her by the hand. “Would you like to dance, pretty lady?”

  Andra’s eyes were glued to Royce. She could feel them crawling all over her face like a pair of pesky ladybugs. Her younger cousin wanted her to dance with the cute guy, but Royce wasn’t so sure that she should. He seemed nice enough, and he was delicate on the eyes. A tall and muscular redbone with sandy curls and copper eyes, the dude was a pleasant visual stimulant indeed. The problem was Royce didn’t want just any man holding her in his arms. There was only one man whose hands could spark a flame inside of her, but he wasn’t on the market. And until she had completely purged him from her system, Royce’s heart wasn’t free to give to anyone else.

  God knew she wanted to be emotionally free. Therefore, she needed to at least make a genuine attempt to get back in the saddle and rejoin the dating race. So, maybe one dance wouldn’t hurt.

  “Dance with the man,” Andra hissed under her breath and rolled her eyes to the ceiling.

  Without another thought, Royce allowed the smooth gentleman to escort her out on the dance floor. He lifted her hand and twirled her in a perfect circle before he dipped her body nice and low. The brother was light on his feet, and he moved like a subtle wind.

  “What’s your name?” he asked, lifting her body from the graceful dip.

  “I’m Royce. What do the ladies call you, sir?”

  “On the baseball diamond, I’m known as Bullet because I’m fast. Nothing gets past this shortstop. And when I knock the ball out of the park, it shoots over the wall like a bullet. So, my natural speed earned me the nickname Bullet when I was a kid growing up in West Philly. But my mama named me Chavis Bullard Jr. You should’ve heard of me. I play for the Atlanta Braves.”

  “I’m sorry. Your name doesn’t ring a bell,” Royce lied without stammering. She was familiar with the name, but not the face because she wasn’t a baseball fan. However, she, like every woman in America, had at least heard of Chavis Bullard. Just last year he’d been named one of America’s most beautiful athletes by Sports Illustrated magazine. Ebony magazine had hailed him one of its most eligible bachelors of 2016. Royce had lied through her pearly whites just to let a little bit of air out of his balloon-size ego. The shock that creased his handsome face after she’d pretended not to know him tickled her silly. Royce grinned on the inside but kept a straight face as she followed his lead in an easy two-step swing.

  “Well, in that case, I’ll have to give you complimentary tickets to a seat in a VIP skybox at my first game this coming season. You definitely need to check me out. In the meantime, I’ll treat you to candlelight dinners at Atlanta’s classiest five-star restaurants and take you on romantic carriage rides downtown. If you like fine jewelry and exotic weekend getaways, I’ll gladly oblige you. Money is not an object. I would drop millions a day on a woman as beautiful as you, Ms. Royce.”

  “I have my own money, Mr. Bullard. I can afford every luxury you just offered me. I don’t need a man to lavish me with money, gifts, and expensive vacations. All I want is a brother who can love me and respect me completely for who I am, just the way I am. Royce Phillips is an independent, secure, and very passionate woman in need of a soul mate, not a sugar daddy. I want a commitment, not an arrangement.”

  Royce dropped her hands from Chavis’s broad shoulders and studied his face as the sting of her words finally reached his brain. Obviously, she was the first female to have ever resisted his fame, good looks, and generosity. A million other women would’ve donated a kidney to a bum on the street for a chance to spend one second with the rich and celebrated baller. But Royce was of a different breed. She wanted the fairy tale. Her heart craved love, passion, and romance. Good girls like her dreamed of happily ever after. She wasn’t a gold digger or a female player. Royce was a hopeless romantic, and she desired to be loved. Father Gregory wasn’t free to love her, but she was determined to give her heart to someone. Unfortunately, neither Chavis Bullard nor Brandon Hartwell was that special guy. And there would be no settling. Mr. Right was out there somewhere, and Royce prayed that he would find her soon so he could make her forget about Father Gregory.

  Before Chavis was able to respond to her tongue-lashing, Royce spun on her high heels and walked away, leaving the baseball superstar in the middle of the dance floor.

  * * *

  Royce, returning home and seeing a fo
rm in the shadows, let out a bloodcurdling scream loud enough to wake up every resident in her exclusive gated community. On instinct, she threw a swift left kick that landed hard somewhere on the lower body of her would-be attacker. He yelped and doubled over, no doubt in pain.

  “That’s what you get, punk! Don’t nobody mess with me and walk away without an ass whipping!” She raised the can of pepper spray attached to her key ring and aimed.

  “Royce, wait! It’s me, Father Gregory.”

  She turned on the miniature flashlight that was also attached to her keys and shined it on the tall figure dressed in all black. She watched him gradually unfold his body to stand up straight. It was Father Gregory.

  “What the hell are you doing hanging around my house this time of night? You were about to get your butt kicked.”

  “I was out riding my bike to no place in particular. Somehow, I ended up here.” He grimaced and reached down to massage his right shin. “Of course, you weren’t home. I became concerned because it was late. So I decided to wait here to make sure you got in safely. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

  “How did you get past the guard shack and through the gate?”

  Father Gregory smiled. “I come here often. They know me.”

  “What if I had been returning home after a date with my man and we were about to turn in for the night?”

  “I didn’t realize you had a man,” he stuttered. “Tyler said—”

  “You better stop listening to Tyler so much. He doesn’t know everything about me.”

  Royce turned and walked up the three steps and unlocked her door. She entered the house and deactivated the security system, with the sound of footsteps behind her. It was a chilly night in early March, but Royce was hot. Father Gregory was walking so closely behind her that she could feel his body heat. Completely off her mark, her body jerked when the door slammed shut behind them.

  “It’s way past midnight. Where were you?”

  Royce did a quick twirl with a hand on her hip. “You don’t have the right to ask me about my personal life. It’s not your business.”


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