Careless Kisses

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Careless Kisses Page 4

by Andrea Hurtt

  She could get a mocha and wait for callbacks to begin.

  "Did you make it too, then?" the barista asked.

  "Um, Excuse me?" Grace asked; she'd been lost in her own thoughts.

  "The play going on? Did you make it?"

  "Oh, um, yes, I did. But how did you know I was with the theater?"

  The girl smiled politely before replying. "You just look like an actress. Are you famous, too?"

  She shook her head no, a little embarrassed that this teen thought she was famous. It made her smile, and she cleared the last of the lingering fear she'd still held onto until then. She took her mocha and headed towards the little tables off to the left.

  Grace pulled her laptop from her bag. She had work to do. When she was deep into a charity project, like she was with this one, she got lost in her work.

  "Why is our leading lady sitting out here all alone, rather in the theater?" She jumped and looked up into beautiful brown and golden eyes.

  "Charles, is it?" She played coyly, smiling sweetly, and tucking her laptop away. "And what do you mean by 'leading lady'? I'm sure if I get a part they'll cast me as a bearded woman or the chicken lady. Oh! If I'm really lucky, I might get to play Olga, the Snake Charmer."

  They both laughed and made their way into the theater.

  "Most of you aren't used to such a quick turnaround on callbacks. I know the average theater production audition takes up to a month before they make the final decision. I hope I made it clear in my advertisement, I do things differently."

  There was an eruption of chatter, and Jason tried to get the small crowd to calm.

  Grace glanced around. There were less than a quarter of the people that'd been there just the day before.

  That gave her a hint of hope; she just might land a small role in the production after all.

  "We will make our final decisions tonight and will notify those chosen by noon tomorrow. We're on a tight schedule and will have this show ready to be on the road by May fifteenth. We have a lot to get through today, in a short amount of time. So let's start with our 'fathers.' All men over forty, please come up to the stage."

  Grace watched over the next three hours, as they auditioned for the minor characters. Sometimes they'd called actors by name, sometimes by age groups.

  She'd been on stage twice, reading for a few minor characters. She actually read the lines for Olga, the Snake Charmer, and cringed inwardly that this really could be the role they gave her.

  Could she take a role that wasn't Maddie?

  Not because I think I'm the right choice for the character, but how heartbreaking would it be to come to rehearsals every day and not get to be the character my heart cries for?

  She shook her head and returned to her seat.

  I can't think like that.

  She'd be honored to play any role in the production.

  She didn't get much of a chance to interact with Charles, as he spent almost the entire day on the stage. It was clear he was a shoo-in for the role of Louis. Rarely did anyone else read for the character.

  There was no singing today. Apparently, they'd already made their decision on who could sing, and who couldn't, through the basic auditions the day before. That, she was grateful for.

  In my current state, I don't think it'd be a very good performance.

  The body count in the room got smaller and smaller.

  Grace had already been there for hours, and they'd yet to have anyone read for Maddie.

  I really wish I'd eaten more at breakfast.

  They had taken no break for lunch; maybe since they'd started at noon, but her blood sugar was getting low and her spirit, even lower.

  She was about to call it quits for the night. They probably needed nothing more from her, since she hadn't been called back on stage in over two hours.

  She'd just pushed open the doors to exit the auditorium when they'd called her name.

  "Grace H. Please join us on the stage."

  Her heart skipped when she slowly turned to face the stage.

  One foot forward, then the next. Grace had to remind herself; picking up her feet completely as she walked, avoiding shuffling them, which was usually what caused her to fall over her own feet.

  She made it to the stage, and Charles met her with an outstretched hand, helping her up the last few steps.

  Someone handed her a paper, a scene from the play. It was the awkward scene, where the two lovers get their very first moments alone, and it proves to be less romantic than they'd hoped and dreamed it would be.

  "If you'll please take a seat on the bench and follow the basic prompts on the sheets you hold," someone encouraged.

  They obeyed. They had placed a bench in the center of the stage.

  They took each other's hand.

  Grace felt so comfortable just holding his hand, like old friends. She tried to slip into Maddie, as Charles began.

  "Well, isn't this something," he said, as Louis.

  "Something, yes," she replied, speaking for Maddie; her voice displaying the disappointment Maddie was feeling.

  They both looked away from each other in awkward silence, yet still holding hands, until Charles spoke the next line.

  "Maybe we could…" Louis hinted at a kiss, their first kiss.

  Grace already knew what was next in the story. She closed her eyes and leaned forward.

  She was ready for what should happen; not afraid, because she was Maddie.

  Grace felt his hand slip up to touch her cheek before it continued back to get lost in her long hair, his thumb wrapped around the underside of her ear.

  She kept her eyes closed when his soft lips caressed her own. Shivers of anticipation shot down her spine.

  Her body reacted before her brain could, and Grace reached for him, to pull him in closer, to deepen the kiss.

  Maddie was lost in that moment.

  It was Grace kissing Charles. She was fully enjoying it. Her eyes popped open, just as the room exploded with cheers and laughter.

  "Everyone, meet our Louis and Maddie!" Jason boomed.

  Chapter Six

  This is ridiculous. Why can't I sleep?

  Charles rolled over for what felt like the two hundredth time, unable to get comfortable. He'd never had a woman affect him like this. He'd been with many women, even at twenty-one. The perks of being a pop star.

  He glanced at the clock and groaned. It was barely two a.m. He put an arm over his eyes and tried to fall asleep again.

  Just after dawn, he gave up and crawled out of bed. He grabbed his workout clothes; the best thing for him would be to hit the fitness center.

  With his headphones in, Charles pushed himself longer than his body was used to. He needed the burn, a hard workout, the pain to rack his body, to help ease the torment in his mind.

  He moved from the weights to the treadmill and he ran fast, trying to force thoughts of this woman from his mind. It didn't work. Every song blaring in his ear somehow tied back to her.

  Grace, what is it about you? No one's ever done this to me. Maybe I should just leave. Not do the play. Just walk away.

  The song came to an abrupt stop, replaced with a ringtone. He didn't slow, only pressed the 'accept' button and snapped his greeting.

  "This is Chuck, what do you want?"

  "Don't be short with me, Charles. You're the one that left me a cryptic message."

  "Oh, shit. Sorry, Jason. I didn't look to see who was calling. I'm in the gym." He decelerated the treadmill and came to a stop. "Thanks for getting back to me. My apologies about last night."

  "What was that all about?" The director sounded more intrigued then irritated.

  Charles grabbed a small towel off the rack by the door and wiped the sweat running down his face. He was overheated for sure, but only part of that was from the workout. He jumped back to his wants from the night before. "I told you when I signed on to do your little show; I needed to make sure my costar and I had chemistry, right?"

  "What ar
e you getting at, Charles? I haven't even started callbacks yet. So you can't complain about my choice for Maddie when I don't even know yet."

  He pushed open the gym door and made his way to the stairs. What was the point of taking the elevator in a three-story hotel, right after a workout? "You've got it all wrong, Jason. You might not know, but I do. The moment I met her, I knew I'd found my Maddie." He sprinted up the three flights of stairs, feeling elated.

  It didn't last long.

  Jason retorted, his voice harsh. "Boy, you might be the name that'll get people to look our way, but you have no sway in who I pick for my leading lady. Your agent said you wouldn't be difficult. You've gone too far."

  Charles kept his anger in check and was proud of himself. Normally, he'd explode at the man, but in the second of a heartbeat, he held his tongue.

  If he screwed this up, he might never see Grace again.

  They'd never have a chance encounter again, another opportunity to work together.

  He took a deep breath. "You're right, and I'm not trying to throw my weight around. I just know what I saw last night; what I felt. This girl is your diamond in the rough. I don't think she even knows what talent she has. She embraced Maddie last night. She completely became her. I think you'd be a fool to let this one go." Charles reached his floor and opened the door. "Just watch her today and you will see. She is your Maddie." He disconnected the call, not letting Jason say another word.

  He'd been hasty.


  He hadn't told Jason the name of the actress he was so passionate about.

  Charles checked his fitness watch. He still had a few hours before callbacks, and he needed a shower.

  Movement caught his eye. Grace exited the room and headed the opposite direction, toward the elevator.

  He let her go, even though he didn't want to. He was fresh from a workout, and sweaty. Overheated. As soon as he heard the elevator ding, he hurried down the hall to see her room number.

  He rushed back to his room and grabbed one of the roses he'd purchased the night before.

  With great care, he put the rose in front of her door, leaving a token of his affection behind.

  He went back to his own room and enjoyed his much-needed hot shower.

  By the time he was cleaned and dressed, the hotel was no longer serving breakfast. Not that he wanted any of the processed, unhealthily foods they offered. The only thing they had he would eat, was the bananas. Unfortunately, they were overly ripe and bruised.

  "Coffee. I need coffee," Charles complained to himself.

  He left the hotel and headed to his left. Cafe Patteen was just a few blocks away; he'd discovered it during his evening walk.

  Why am I arguing with myself over coffee when I'm wide awake? To keep my thoughts off her. Yeah, good luck with that one.

  For once he was grateful it took a lifetime to get through the line to get his much-needed caffeine. The chatter of the people in the line around him kept his mind off what he wanted to think most about.

  It was nearly 11 a.m. by the time he got his organic coffee and yogurt parfait. He sat at one of the few small high top tables available, just long enough to eat his breakfast before heading over to the theater. He needed to catch Jason and clarify which actress he'd spoken of.

  "Oh, shit!" Charles exclaimed aloud, causing a few passersby to glance his way as he rushed out of the café.

  I don't even know if she made it to callbacks. She had to! There's no way he didn't pick her.

  He quickened his step toward the theater. He had to get there before they started. If Grace hadn't made it to round two, he wouldn't go any further. Jason would need to find a new leading man.

  Charles pulled open the glass door of the convention center with more force than necessary, feeling the protest in his sore muscles. He wanted desperately to call Jason again; give him more information, but had a feeling that doing so would push the man in all the wrong ways. He needed things to work in his favor.

  As long as Grace had made it to callbacks, he could move things along, subtlety, not really letting the director see he was manipulating things to get his way.

  The convention center interior seemed to on for miles. He was in such a rush, he almost missed seeing the beautiful woman sitting at a small metal table, slowing drinking coffee, with her eyes locked onto her computer screen.

  He stopped for a moment to silently observe her. Whatever she was working on, Grace was deep into. He smiled when she bit her at her ruby red lower lip, followed by pressing them together.

  "Why is our leading lady sitting out here all alone, rather in the theater?"

  When she looked up at him, her eyes sparkled green.

  His breath caught in his throat at her smile.

  "Charles, is it?" She looked away to place her laptop in the bag beside her. "And what do you mean by 'leading lady?' I'm sure if I get a part they'll cast me as a bearded woman or the chicken lady. Oh! If I am really lucky, I might get to play Olga, the Snake Charmer."

  Thank God, she made it to first call back. I can make this work!

  Charles laughed, offering her his arm to accompany her to the theater.

  * * *

  While Jason gave his speech about a quick turnaround in his theater company, Charles dared a glimpse at Grace. He couldn't have asked for a better scenario. He'd have Grace as his Maddie, wrapped in his arms within the week.

  "We'll make our final decisions tonight and will notify those chosen by noon tomorrow. We're on a tight schedule and will have this show ready to be on the road by May fifteenth. We have a lot to get through today in a short amount of time. So let's start with our 'fathers.' All men over 40 please come up to the stage."

  Charles was on and off the stage more this day than the previous. He didn't have time to pull Jason aside and discuss his thoughts on who the leading lady would be.

  More than once, they called Grace on stage, each time to read for a minor role, never for Maddie.

  This irritated him.

  How is Jason going to see that she's the perfect Maddie if he doesn't give her the chance?

  They were clearly starting to wind down for the night when he finally got a moment with Jason.

  "About my leading lady…" Charles said.

  "I know. You asked that she goes last. So she's going last."

  "When did I…"

  "Yesterday you asked for Grace to go last. After how you two were during the musical aspects of the audition, I assumed she's the lady you spoke of. So I saved the best for last. Right?"

  He could only nod as the director stepped away to call her forward.

  Charles watched as Grace slowly made her way to the stage, and he met her at the steps. He offered his hand and felt that spark return when they touched.

  They were both given a sheet of paper, but he didn't bother to look at it.

  "If you'll please take a seat on the bench, and follow the basic prompts on the sheets you hold," someone dictated.

  Charles finally looked down at the paper, trying to fill his head with the dialogue and direction. It was hard, with Grace sitting beside him, her sweet smell filling his senses. He took her hand, grateful for the chance to touch her again, as he spoke his lines.

  In the role of their characters, they looked away from each other for a moment of awkward silence.

  Charles turned back to her, his voice full of the same apprehension Louis must feel.

  The wanting. The desire. The need.

  "Maybe we could…" Louis hinted at a kiss. Charles was trying to hold back his own excitement at what would essentially be their first kiss, too.

  Grace, or Maddie, nodded.

  Without hesitation, he reached for her; his hand caressing her cheek before he continued further back to let his fingers get lost in her long chestnut hair. It felt like heaven.

  She closed her eyes.

  He held his breath as he leaned in closer, building the anticipation.

  This would be a kiss he hoped
they both would remember for the rest of their lives.

  Her soft lips were welcoming, just slightly parted. He brushed his lower lip with a feather-like touch across her upper lip.

  Stage kissing differed slightly from kissing with a purpose, not quite full contact. There was no denying the passion in their kiss, even if it was a stage kiss.

  Charles felt… sensed… when Maddie left and Grace took over.

  Her hand touched the nape of his neck, pulling him in closer, to deepen the kiss, her body moving closer to his.

  So close he could feel the heat radiating from her before she broke the kiss.

  His body reacted, showing in great detail how she affected him.

  He tried not to think of the strain on his jeans as the room exploded with cheers and laughter, and Jason's booming voice.

  "Everyone, Meet our Louis and Maddie!"

  Chapter Seven

  "Excuse me?"

  Grace wasn't sure she'd heard correctly. She was still wrapped up in Charles, physically and emotionally. Her cheeks flushed and her lips were slightly bruised from the kiss.

  She dropped her hand from his neck and tried to face whoever'd made the announcement, hoping her embarrassment wasn't written all over her face.

  Charles reluctantly took his hand from her hair but moved it to her upper thigh.

  She should shove him away—she didn't know this man, but he was helping keep her grounded.

  "Did I… did I hear you right? I'm Maddie?" Her voice shook from the excitement and confusion. She was too old to play Maddie, by ten years easily.

  "Don't you want the lead role?" Jason, the director, asked. He stepped closer to them on center stage, his voice low but his bright, his white smile gleaming.

  "Yes! But…"

  "No buts. Charles was right. You are the one." He whirled toward the rest of the production. "That's a wrap for tonight! We'll be contacting everyone else that landed a role by noon, with instructions for where to meet tomorrow afternoon."

  Grace looked at Charles.


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