His Scandalous Love

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His Scandalous Love Page 16

by Anya Summers

  She mewled into his hungry mouth, lost in him. In the desire she felt for him. It didn’t matter that they were sitting on the floor. They could have been standing on the ledge of an active volcano for all she knew or cared. Carter kissed her, and became her world. Everything else ceased to exist.

  One of his hands snaked between her thighs to her heated center. At his touch against her sensitive core, she whimpered into his mouth. Carter’s fingers slid inside her sheath, his thumb circled and flicked across her nub. Pleasure pulsed and throbbed. He controlled her body, commanded a response from her flesh. She writhed, rolling her hips as his fingers pumped inside her pussy. Her tissues clenched at him, wanting to draw him deeper.

  But he set the pace, he controlled the force. Jenna surrendered in his arms, his caress. His kiss caused pleasure to coalesce in her form as she strained to reach the pinnacle of ecstasy. In the back of her mind, she realized that this entreaty was a lesson Carter was imparting. That he was backing his words with physical proof that she wanted him beyond the scope of her fears.

  She should be furious. She should be fighting him. She should pack her things and go. Except she knew that if she did, she’d regret it forever.

  The next graze of her clit with his calloused thumb made Jenna shatter around his thrusting fingers. She wailed into his fervent, hungry mouth. Her hips rocked into his hand as her tissues spasmed around his digits.

  When Carter finally lifted his mouth from hers, his breathing was heavy. The magnitude of possessiveness clouding his visage made her tremble. He withdrew his fingers from her sheath, lifted them up to his mouth, and sucked them inside. His gaze never left hers as he cleaned her dew off his fingers. The man was erotic and sexy, and wanted her every bit as much as she desired him.

  Was she that damaged that she was willing to ruin everything? His erection pressed against her bottom through his sweats. But it was the emotion she spied in his gaze…

  “Carter, I—”

  Liam interrupted with a howl of frustration. She closed her eyes.

  Love you.

  Then she tried to scramble off Carter’s lap, aghast that she’d nearly told him.

  “We’re not done talking about this,” he said.

  “Fine, but Liam needs me right now,” she said, squirming in his lap. He let her go. She yanked her pants back into position before kneeling before their son. Lifting him out of his new seat, she glanced at Carter over his head.

  He was correct. They weren’t done with each other. Not by any means. What Jenna truly wanted from him, more than anything, was his love.

  But maybe love wasn’t in the cards, and the best she could hope for was being his submissive, being owned, and being cared for. Yet as hot as the fires of ecstasy burned between them, she worried that it wasn’t enough for the long haul.

  She didn’t just want his dominance and protection, or the stability he offered. She wanted Carter’s heart.

  Chapter 16

  Jenna fidgeted in her seat as Carter parked his truck near the club. Jackson Hole was crowded with tourists today, even in the oppressive heat.

  “Relax, Jenna. You’re not going before a firing squad,” Carter murmured, casting her a glance.

  “I know. I’m just a little nervous,” she admitted. Today was another line of demarcation in their relationship, even if he didn’t see it.

  “But you’ve already met the guys, and they loved you. In fact, they’ve all been texting me, trying to finagle a dinner invitation so they can eat more of your cooking. You have nothing to be afraid of and I will be with you the whole time.”

  It wasn’t the Doms she was worried about. “I know. It’s silly of me. It’s a new club, and we have Liam. This is one of his first outings, and I’m not sure how he will handle it.”

  “We’ll stay as long as we can, but they understand we have an infant,” Carter said, helping her out of his truck before getting the stroller and transferring Liam into it. She grabbed the diaper bag and her purse. Carter pushed the stroller with one hand and put the other on her lower back, leading her toward a club on the corner. The harmless contact caused shivers to flare along her spine.

  The exterior was constructed with a slate gray stone façade that resembled the color of the nearby mountains. There was a mahogany wooden trim porch and front overhang. At the street corner was a double door entry of wood and glass. The club’s symbol, a cowboy on a bucking bronco, was etched into the glass. She read the name.

  “Am I missing something? I thought the name was Cuffs & Spurs.”

  “It is, for the lower level. But for this to be a valid business, we named it The Teton Cowboy. The main level is open to the public most days and does brisk business. Although, from the looks of it, it seems like Spencer closed the place down for us this afternoon.” He tapped the sign that apologized for the inconvenience but stated that The Teton Cowboy was closed until six that evening for a private party.

  Jenna didn’t think that Spencer liked her. Not after overhearing him the other night. It touched her that he would do this—for her, and more likely for Carter.

  They entered into what she could only describe as John Wayne’s favorite hangout. Her dad had loved old Western films and this place called to mind every one of them. There was a wall bar that had to be a good fifty feet in length. The barstools were the most unique feature. Competing with the glossy gold wooden and brass bar were brown leather saddles for patrons to sit upon. Saddles that acted as seats. What a weird and kind of cool idea.

  In the seating area, packed with tables, there was a group already in attendance. She recognized most of the Doms from poker night at the ranch, although there were two men she didn’t recognize. Meghan was here, making her sigh with relief that she knew one person there well. She was over near the bar, chatting with Garrett while Spencer’s gaze shot daggers in her direction. Jenna could only imagine what her sister had said to him. Those two were like nitroglycerin and matches. They didn’t belong anywhere near each other.

  It was the group of women present that interested Jenna. At their entrance, everyone turned toward them. She let Carter lead her around the room and make introductions. She’d never keep all their names straight, today at least, but they all seemed nice enough.

  They were curious about her and they fawned over Liam. Karolina and Tibby both held him. Anne, Billie, and Paige were gracious, if a little shy. Jenna hit it off with Faith and Natalie. But Sasha and Rachel seemed a bit sullen, making her wonder if they’d had their sights set on becoming Carter’s submissive. Or, worse, they’d already been with him.

  He was entitled to have a past but that didn’t stop the jealousy from clawing at her, which was new for Jenna. Then again, there’d never been any Dom like Carter in her life. Most of her relationships with other Doms had been open and short-lived.

  Carter introduced her to Joshua Barrett, the local vet who oversaw much of the care of the horses on the ranch. The six-foot veterinarian with a wide, kind smile was the only man in the room not wearing a cowboy hat. And then she met Derrick Wimbly, Joshua’s business partner and a horse breeding specialist, who helped Carter oversee breeding season. The man was almost as tall as his partner, and tufts of his midnight hair peeped out from beneath his hat. He had the bluest eyes.

  Spencer, bless the man, had thought of everything. There was fall off the bone barbeque ribs, along with a selection of delicious sides. They ate until they were all full amidst the laughter and friendly banter. Some of the club’s wait staff was there, collecting plates, offering refills on drinks.

  Liam started to fuss in his stroller.

  “Problem?” Carter asked as she moved to pick their son up.

  “No. I suspect he’s hungry. And likely needs a diaper change while I’m at it,” she replied.

  “If you want some privacy, near the back corner over there by the stage there are a few comfortable booths that would do the trick nicely.” Carter indicated.

  “That should work. We’ll be back in
a few,” she said, slinging the diaper bag over her shoulder. She soothed Liam, rubbing his back as they ventured into the corner.

  She liked The Teton Cowboy and would love to see the place when it wasn’t closed for a private party. She also wondered where the entrance to Cuffs & Spurs was located. They settled into a back corner. Liam calmed as soon as he was nursing and Jenna was able to watch the interactions of the Doms and subs at the shower.

  Jenna had lied to Carter. She did like it here. That was part of the problem. She could envision herself being folded seamlessly into the group. So why was she holding herself back? Why was she hesitating when she was so in love with him?

  Meghan joined her as she was burping Liam.

  “What’s up, sis?” Meghan asked, sliding into the booth, looking fresh and beautiful in an aquamarine sundress.

  Jenna glanced down at Liam, avoiding eye contact, and replied, “I don’t know. Why do you ask?”

  “You just look unhappy. You’ve been smiling since you walked through the door and you forget, I know you. It’s not genuine. This is a party. So what gives? Did you and Carter fight?” Meghan asked, needling her.

  “A little. I don’t know if I can give him what he wants.”

  Meghan snorted. “Please, you already are. That man is boots over Stetson for you. And for Liam. I’ll admit, I had my reservations about him at first, but he’s a decent guy. And he doesn’t look half bad in Levi’s.”

  “You should see him out of them,” Jenna commented and then blushed. She couldn’t believe she’d said that.

  Meghan chuckled. “I’m sure he makes quite a yummy picture. Whatever it is, you’ll get through it. You always have. I’m not saying any of this has been easy. I know I was a burden on you for so many years.”

  “No, you weren’t. I was happy to—”

  Meghan interjected. “Just let me finish. You’ve been both stand-in mom and big sister for me. You carried the burdens of our family, of raising me on your shoulders. It’s your time now, Jenna. Don’t waste it. Take your happiness where you can find it and grab hold of it. And I think that man over there will make you ridiculously happy if you allow him to. The only one who is stopping that is you.”

  “I know. I’m a complete head-case. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like: surprise, you were happy for two seconds, and now we’re going to pull the rug out from underneath you,” she replied with a sigh.

  “Jenna, do you really think that man over there would allow something to happen to you? I’m sure if you asked him to bring back dinosaurs, he would figure out a way to genetically engineer them and bring them back from extinction for you. Stop dipping your toes in the happiness pool and jump in.”

  Jenna blinked back moisture from her eyes. Was that what she was doing? Probably. “I’ll try. How’s that?”

  “In the words of a really smart dude: do or do not, there is no try. Just do it for me, because I can’t stand to see you miserable and want you to take your happiness where you find it. And I know you well enough to know that you love him and are scared to death of your feelings for him. I can’t help you with those, but I can give you a shove in his direction.”

  “You and your pop culture references.” Jenna shook her head, side-stepping a bit. She did love him, but she wasn’t certain he loved her. Cared for her, wanted her as his sub? Yes. But love?

  “Hey, I just want you to live long and prosper.” Meghan gave her a saucy grin and winked.

  Jenna caught Carter staring at them and he waved them back over. “Thanks. I think we need to rejoin the party. Looks like it’s present time.”

  “Just promise me you will think about it,” Meghan said as they walked the short distance back to the group.

  “I will,” she said.

  Putting Liam back in his stroller, she and Carter opened gifts. The club members had outdone themselves. There were bottles and blankets. A chest full of clothing, tiny shoes, even a pair that looked like little cowboy boots, a rocking horse, toys, books. And then the piece de resistance from the Masters of Cuffs & Spurs: a gorgeous mahogany wooden crib with all the essentials.

  “Thank you all so much,” Jenna said after opening the last of the gifts. She was overwhelmed by the generosity and fought back tears. Once the presents were open and the cake had been eaten, attendees started to disperse. Jenna offered to host a sub meeting at the ranch. She made plans with Faith and Natalie to come visit.

  She felt good. Remarkably so.

  Her sister sparred with Spencer before she left to head to work that evening. When it came to those two, Jenna didn’t know whether she should put them in a room and let them duke it out or attempt to keep them separate from one another. Especially since Meghan seemed inclined to bait Spencer whenever they occupied the same space.

  After saying goodbye to her sister and the rest of the subs, the Doms started packing up Carter’s truck. While they were occupied, Jenna wandered through the club and found the entrance to Cuffs & Spurs. Holding Liam close, she descended the stairs.

  Down here, the cowboy theme persisted, but that was where any similarity to the bar upstairs ended. There was another wall bar that was half the size of the one upstairs. The barstools were saddles, too, but there were obvious silver loops at the front and rear to restrain a sub’s hands. And then again, the loops were present on the lower rung to restrain a sub’s feet. Scene areas were cordoned off with black velvet rope along the walls. There weren’t any private rooms that she could see.

  There was a seating area with brown leather couches, and a smattering of dungeon furniture. The one that was a bit of a surprise was the mechanical bull in the center of the club. It wasn’t so much the bull as what was on it. Dead center on the thing’s back was what looked like a saddle for a submissive to sit on, and in the center of that was a vac-u-lock attachment for dildos. And there were also silver loops to attach a sub’s wrists and ankles.

  The sight stirred her. She could imagine being strapped to it, the dildo plunging into her pussy as the bull bucked, while the entire room watched. She hadn’t been to a club since Pleasure Island but she wanted to come here, with Carter. It shocked her how much she wanted it, and how hot it made her to think of Carter watching her ride the bull.

  A hand slid around her waist. “See something you like?” Carter murmured and nipped her earlobe.

  “Yes,” she admitted.

  “You can tell me all about it on the car ride home. When Liam’s a little bit bigger and you can leave him for an evening, we’ll come to the club,” Carter said.

  Deep down, Jenna knew they’d turned another invisible corner. Yes, she’d already met his friends, but this was different. They’d gone out in public as a couple. Carter had shown her off in front of other submissives and Doms, like he already considered her his.

  Maybe her sister was right, and she was an idiot.

  Chapter 17

  Last night Jenna had begged off and slept alone.

  It had felt foreign. Strange, really, that she and Carter had only been back in each other’s lives a little over a week and she already had separation anxiety. But she’d needed the night to get her head on straight, or at least attempt it. It had given her time to make some decisions.

  Jenna was unsure that being with Carter was a good idea, but wild horses couldn’t drag her away from him. She’d fought it, fought her feelings for him, hadn’t wanted to surrender to them. But it was like trying to swim upstream: a lot of work and pointless in the end because it wasn’t giving her any peace or satisfaction.

  She loved Carter.

  She just didn’t know what to do with that love. But today, after a full inventory of all the gifts from his friends, Carter had dragged her and Liam into town to shop. Not necessarily her most favorite thing in the world to do. Mainly because, over the years, she’d had to stick to a fairly frugal budget. Today’s little excursion had been like something out of a fantasy, and one she wasn’t entirely comfortable with.

  They were now th
e proud owners of the baby aisles from the local superstore center. Carter had been true to his word. But that was him, honorable to a fault. He made a promise, he kept it. In fact, he’d purchased so much for Liam, he had to hire one of the workers just getting off their shift to follow behind them in their truck with the rest of their loot.

  When they returned, she’d been exhausted, and so had Liam. They had ended up taking a nap while Carter had unloaded the two truckloads of baby goods.

  Jenna was in the rocker, nursing Liam, when Carter strode in. The man took her breath away. Striking and sinfully handsome—a mere glance at him and her body purred.

  “Did you two have a good nap?” he asked as his gaze roamed over her, causing tendrils of need to slide through her veins.

  “Yes, we did. I can’t believe how worn out I was when we returned,” she said, shifting Liam to her shoulder to burp him.

  “Well, when you finish burping him, we should go across the hall and you can check out the nursery,” Carter murmured.

  “You finished it? Already?” They had bought a mountain of items. He couldn’t have put it all together while they’d slept.

  “Most of the furniture, yes. You will have to tell me where you want everything in his room. But the bulk has been put together. I will leave it to you to organize it how you see fit,” he said, sitting down in the leather chair beside her.

  The man amazed her. Which was why she had made at least one decision that she believed would work well for both of them. She said, “I did want to let you know that I have thought about your offer about being the ranch’s bookkeeper.”


  “I accept the position. Maybe we should install the temporary basis deal so we can make sure it’s the right fit.”

  “Good. You can start tomorrow,” Carter said with a devastating smile.

  “I’ll have to bring Liam with me to the stables, but we can manage and adjust as needed.”


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