I Will Be There For You

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I Will Be There For You Page 7

by Priyal Jain


  The place is so classy and great. I love it. I mean I can see people chatting while drinking coffee. There is a couple sitting at the back, holding each other’s hands and the girl smiling shyly.

  “Hi Justin!” Dad shook hands with the owner of the restaurant. “This is my daughter, Ashley, she is really looking forward for this job.” Dad introduced me to him and we also shook hands.

  “Welcome Ashley!” He said in a very professional like voice.

  “I guess you can handle it from here. Bye sweetheart.” Dad said and left.

  “So Ashley, let me acquaint you to your work. You have to greet the customers, take their order and pass them on to the chefs then after the order is prepared you have to serve them and at last pick up the dishes. Easy” he said.

  Ya really easy. Piece of cake. I thought. This man is nuts.

  “Got it, sir” I said, politely. I searched the place for Jake, but couldn’t locate them.

  “Justin would work” he said. “Ashley, come. I will show you around the kitchen and introduce you to other employees.” he led the way towards the kitchen and I followed him inside.

  “Attention everyone, I want you to meet Ashley, our new waitress.” As soon as he told everyone, all of them starting waving or yelling “hello” and “welcome”. Quite overwhelming.

  “So Ashley you may join the duty.” Justin said handing me an apron and a nice, little diary and a tiny pencil to scribble the orders and I nodded.

  “Justin, when the band will come and play?” I just couldn’t stop myself from asking. I could guess he is a little annoyed with my, not-related-to-the-duty-question.

  “They will be here any moment now, dear.” He said and I nodded.

  “Show her around the kitchen and I don’t want any complains” he said in a stern voice and left.

  “Hi I am Emma Stewart, you could call me Em.” A girl of around my age came up to me. She seemed really nice and sweet. Her hair were tied into a neat ponytail and her face features were quite sharp. She looked really beautiful. She was wearing jeans with a nice top and she was wearing a cute bracelet to accessorize her look.

  “Hi, nice meeting you” I replied.

  “You can come up to me anytime for any queries.” She said in a melodious voice.

  “Sure, thank you!” I said, quite touched by her gesture. Although probably she may have said this to all the employees, but for me it was a first experience.

  I wore my apron and took a deep breath to start my job. Another girl Gabrial came and welcomed me. (Now, what kinds of parents name their daughter ‘Gabrial’!).

  Soon after, people started flooding the place. Jake and his band also came and started playing. Jake’s expressions were like as if I have smacked him on his face. He relaxed after a few minutes and waved me. I waved him back and mouthed, “Meet you soon!” He smiled and nodded. He has got the cutest smile. Focus Ash, focus.

  I went from table to table taking orders, serving food or cleaning the table. It was kind of fun. People were saying ‘thank you’ or calling ‘excuse me’. I liked it a lot. The most amazing part is I got $50 as tip. Can anyone believe it? People here are quite generous over here and rich. Now that the lunch break has started and I was relaxing in the kitchen.

  “Hey there!” Came in Jake’s voice.

  “Hello Jake. Quite surprised, huh!” I said teasingly.

  “Well I won’t lie, I was quite surprised seeing you at first. How come you are here?”

  “Turns out that Justin is my dad’s friend and I am going to work here.”

  “That is great! It really is a nice place to work.”

  “It is. The staff is very good to me and people too.” I said, taking out my tip money. “Tah-Da”

  “Great” he said, getting excited himself. “Calls for a celebration?” he asked.

  “Sure!” I said in a winsome tone.

  “There is also a café too, beside the bar. Maybe we can grab a coffee.”

  “Sounds perfect.” I replied, excitedly.

  He held my hand and led me to the café. It was great. The ambiance is so flamboyant. “Wow! It is amazing.” I exhilarated.

  “I know, it is a really nice place to hang out.” He said. We selected a perfect table for two and Jake being a perfect gentleman pulled out a chair for me and then seated himself.

  “Good afternoon sir and madam. Here are your menus.” A waitress came and handed us the menus. She had just got a manicure. Her nails were looking pretty good. Maybe later I would ask for her beautician’s number.

  “What would you like to have?” Jake asked.

  “Ummmmmmm…........ I think I would settle for a chocolate frappe!” I replied.

  “Chocolate frappe for the lady and a cappuccino for me, please. Thank you!” Jake placed the order and gave the menus back.

  “So our first date!” I said teasingly.

  “No… I mean I didn’t …… it is not a date…. I am sorry if I gave you the impression that I was asking you out or anything.” He fumbled.

  “Relax …relax. I was just kidding.” I said, laughing at his gobsmacked expressions. Our coffees came just then and we started to drink and chat.

  “If you need any sort of help, you are more than welcome.” Jake said sipping his coffee.

  “Of course. Thank you so much.”

  “No need.” He replied with a smile.

  We finished our coffees and returned to work. We said our goodbyes and I went to the kitchen and he went to the band. They have two singers. So whenever one of them gets tired, the other takes his place.

  “Hi Em!” I said, spotting her near the chef counter.

  “Hello there.” She replied in her sweet tone, but she looked kind of bummed out. Her face was dropped and she didn’t seem as winsome as she was before.

  “Everything okay?” I asked, really concerned.

  “Yes, just some stupid, jerk pissed me off. He is one of our regular customers but I hate him. He can never be polite and behaves as if we are his servants.” She said, crossly.

  “So, what are you gonna do?” I asked.

  “Probably serve him sneezers.”

  “What?” I asked, getting totally bowled over.

  “We are not his private property. We are also humans having rights. Bloody jerk. This is my vengeance.” She said in a wampish tone.

  She actually sneezed in the person’s soup. And I couldn’t stop myself from laughing.

  “Follow my advice, whenever somebody is getting on your nerves, just serve them sneezers. It feels great.” she said, victoriously.

  “Okay boss.” I replied and we both laughed. She is a great person. And we really hit it off. It was a pretty good first day. Soon my shift was over and I was waiting for a taxi outside.

  “Does anyone need a lift?” A voice came from behind. Jake. Of course.

  I turned around and nodded. He first settled me in and then rushed to his side of the car and came inside.

  “How do you always know I need help, and how come you are always there for me?” I asked, really surprised.

  “I don’t know……. Maybe just a coincidence.” He replied very casually.

  “Everytime! I don’t believe it. I believe there is something else. Something special.” Instantly regretting the way I have framed it. I know I have made him uncomfortable. He didn’t look at me once, till he pulled the car in front of my house.

  “I think I will join you at your house. I want to see Becky.” I said. Jake nodded and put the car in gear. “Look, Jake I didn’t mean…… I mean please don’t get me wrong…… I was just.” I tried to explain but was not getting the right words.

  “I understand, Ash. It’s okay.” He replied and squeezed my shoulders a bit.

  “Thank you” I said and took a deep breath. He is so understanding. God I Love This Man. No sorry cut that. Maybe I am drunk. No God that was a crazy thought. Forget about it.

  “Are you alright Ashley?” Jake asked, shaking me. I think I have been
lost in my dream for a bit longer.

  “Yes I am okay.” I replied.

  “Here are we!” he said unbuckling his seat belt. I realized that we have reached their place. I, too, came out of the car and went inside with Jake. I saw Rachel and Jon and beside them Becky who was sulking seeing me.

  “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Brandon. Hi Beck…..” I was about to complete my sentence when Becky cut me in “When exactly were you planning to tell me about your job?”

  I shot a glance at Jake, who turned around to avoid my gaze but slowly turned around and mouthed “sorry”. I narrowed my eyes as though I could cut him into half just by my gaze.

  “Becky listen I came here in the morning but you weren’t here. You were gone to meet Joey. Beck I am so sorry I wanted to tell you but you were not there.” I pleaded.

  “I am so sorry Ashley, entire fault was mine. I was being really unreasonable blaming it on you.” She finally said.

  “Awwwww….. Becky!” I said and hugged her tightly.

  “Come to my room, I have to tell you lots of stuff.” She dragged me upstairs.

  We started to talk about my job and her date last night. I told her how amazing my first day was and about my new friend Emma. She also told me about her date and apparently it was pretty great. They both just clicked and had the most amazing night of their lives. Listening to her I was honestly feeling like such a loner. It’s been so long since I have gone on a date. I am longing to go out and have fun.

  “You know he is so sweet and romantic.” She said, in a sultry tone.

  “You really are into him, aren’t you?” I asked teasing her.

  “Of course, he is a great person.” She replied. Blushing a lot.

  “I am really happy for you!” I said. “Becky, I think I should head home. Mom and dad are probably waiting for me.”

  “Okay, darling. See you tomorrow.” She said, hugging me.

  “Bye Beck!” I said and closed the door behind me as I left.


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