I Will Be There For You

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I Will Be There For You Page 20

by Priyal Jain


  It is Jake’s and my break, finally. I got to the band and looked for Jake, but he was missing. I asked Colin, the drummer, where was Jake but he had no clue. Strange he never vanishes like that. Where he could be? I asked myself and the answer was clear. Of course.

  “What are you doing here, all by yourself, without me?” I asked Jake entering the small balcony where we usually meet.

  “I thought you were busy.” He snapped, without even looking at me but then slowly turned around. A small smile came across my face.

  “Who are you smiling at?” he asked, confused.

  “At you Mr. Jake Brandon.”

  “Why, if I may ask?”

  “Because you look so cute when you are jealous.”

  “Jealous?!? Please I am not at all jealous.” He said, turning his back to me again.

  “I can see that.” I hid my smile. “By the way, I just stopped by to tell you that this time I screwed that bastard without yours and wine’s help.” I said in a very serious tone.

  “Really?!?” his face lit up, his firm jaw loosened and a smile crept on his face.

  “Yes! He is a maniac and I hate him. Now, I really don’t understand what the hell I saw him.”

  “I am glad to hear that from you.” He gleamed with happiness. I raised my eyebrows and looked at him questioningly. “I mean he really is a stud type of a person.” He said, playing safe, and I nodded.

  “I was thinking that maybe we could go to Emma’s house today. You know, refresh her brother.” I suggested.

  “Of course, that is a great idea! We could even drop Emma off or she would have to go by bus. And while coming back we could grab a quick cup of coffee……maybe.”

  Ahan, so now the true intensions came out. But, I like them. The corners of my lips started to twitch. “That’ll be great.” I replied. “But, won’t we get late?”

  “No worries, I will drop you off at your house safe and sound but, of course, if you are uncomfortable you can always be frank about it.”

  “Thank you so much for giving me the space. I’ll tell you in some time, but if not today we will surely go out in the near future and have that coffee we have longing to have.”

  “Surely!” he replied.

  Oh God, Oh God! He completely asked me out. What to do? The decision is all mine coz’ mom never has any problems me coming late (with notice, of course.). I surely wanna go, so today I guess is a day we finally get our coffee.

  “Emma, you ready to go?” Jake and I met her after our shifts were over.

  “Where?” she sounded so stunned I really wanted to laugh.

  “To your house silly.” I replied.

  “We thought of giving you a ride home.” Jake winked.

  “And we’ll get to meet your brother. So we are not listening anything, just get in the car.” I sounded like a kidnapper. Emma smiled and got in the back seat. I sat on the passengers’ seat and Jake took the drivers’ seat.

  Boy, Emma’s house is really far. She lives on the outskirts of the city. We’ve been sitting in the car for almost an hour now and still it is ten minutes away. It is already 7:45 and we haven’t reached yet.

  “Emma, how do you manage going and coming from so far everyday?” I asked gobsmacked.

  “It is like a routine now, hardly bothers me know.” She replied all cool and breezy. I can never understand how she can be so calm and composed everytime. She is a really unique girl I have not met someone as dynamic as Emma. She can be such a dude and yet so sensitive. She can laugh like nothin’ in the world is worth getting serious and then cry like a baby for her brother.

  “Finally, here we are.” Jake announced, bringing me back to the present. He pulled up in front of Emma’s house and finally our journey came to an end and I am so relieved. We all got down the car and Emma welcomed us in her house. The house was small yet very cozy. All the furniture had an antiquey look to it. The walls were covered with photo frames of her family. There were two rooms, a kitchen and a separate room for sitting. Walls were painted cream and purple. The house was really lovely.

  “I am home!” Emma loudly announced her arrival. There was no reply from her brother. Jake and I looked at each other and he shrugged. Emma led the way towards her brother’s room. She opened the door and we were greeted with flabbergasted expressions. The room was filled with medical equipments. A drip was attached to the back of his hand.

  “Emmet, these are my friends Ashley and Jake.” She introduced us.

  “Hello!” we both said in unison.

  “Hi there.” He greeted back in his feeble almost non-audible voice. His face was pale and he looked so tired. I feel a pang of pain in my chest.

  “You know Ashley, right?” Emma asked, sitting beside her brother.

  “Yes, I know Ashley. Thank you Ashley for whatever you are doing for us. I am really greatful to you and …….” He stopped, not knowing Jake’s name.

  “I am Jake!” he said and held his hand out, Emmet quickly took it and they both shook hands.

  “Thank you so much Jake. It is very nice to meet you both.” Emmet said.

  “Pleasure’s all ours.” I said on Jake’s behalf too. There was an internal pleasure that took upon me. I was so happy to help him and to be with him, sharing his pain. Jake has been a great support too. Finally, my life is getting a meaning. My life has a purpose and it’s not just to spend money. Now I understand the meaning of the phrase, ‘joy of giving’ actually I have experienced it. I cannot remove the smile from my face. My hands are shivering with happiness. It has never happened to me before. I didn’t realize but I was staring at Emmet and was unintentionally making him uncomfortable. I turned my gaze to Jake and slapped myself on the head lightly. He looked at me with raised eyebrows. I smiled at him and felt hot in my cheeks.

  “You guys please have a seat. I will just get some beers and snacks.”

  “Only beer would do. Please don’t do any formalities.” I said, sitting on the bed.

  “And we work at a restaurant and by the end of the day food really freaks me out!” Jake cracked up to lighten up the environment and must say it worked, all of us started laughing.

  “Jake is absolutely right, just four beers that is all.” I said between my shrieks.

  “Three. I am not allowed to drink.” Emmet said sadly.

  Of course he doesn’t drink. Stupid me.

  “Actually what I was thinking was that maybe we could too give up the beer idea. I am not really thirsty. What do you say Ash?” Jake said, covering up my mistake.

  “Absolutely, we just came to spend time with you both. So Em, just sit down and relax. We don’t want anything and even if we do, we know the way to the kitchen.” I replied and mouthed ‘thank you’ to Jake. He did a little bow and I tried hard to control my laughter.

  “Jake and Ashley I want to say that thank you so much for coming here and meeting me. I really appreciate it. Not only this, you are always there with my sister. I don’t need to worry for her now. What all she is doing, she deserves a friend like you.” Emmet’s face radiating, he seemed genuinely happy.

  “Emma is a great friend, I find myself lucky to have found a friend in her. So please don’t be thankful for that. She is really brave and so are you. We both are so glad that you both allowed us in your lives. You both have become so special for us that I cannot even explain.” I got a bit carried away, I guess. With my speech a thousand memories of Becky came flashing back. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I didn’t want to cry here. Please don’t cry, but it was too hard. Becky was a part of me and now I have lost a part of myself. I miss her although I don’t want to accept this fact but that is the truth. Slowly I felt someone’s fingers interlocking with mine. Jake, he sensed my pain. His touch made me feel better and I relaxed a bit. He held my hand tighter and that comforted me more. A smile spread across my lips and I felt a lot better. Emma saw us holding hands and started coughing, that brought Emmet’s attention to it to. Oh God, I will kill her. This is
so embarrassing and yet we were holding hands, he didn’t let go and neither did I.

  “So Emmet tell us about your hobbies.” Jake asked to divert everybody’s attention. He is great.

  “Hobbies?!? I guess to lay in bed and watch my sister struggling.” He said in a very hurt and sad voice.

  “Oh man! Your sister is way to cool to handle emotional situations like this and I bet you are too.” He winked and all of us started to laugh.

  “Man, you are good.” Emmet said and coughed

  “Relax! You want some water?” I asked hurriedly, getting concerned.

  “I am okay. Coughs are really normal now.” He said, smiling a bit.

  “You know what, let us play a game!” Jake suggested.

  “What game?” I asked. His mind and mouth never rest.

  “You know liar’s poker. It is really fun.” He showed thumbs up.

  “That is a really great idea. I’ll just bring the cards.” Emma rushed to bring the cards.

  “I hope that’ll be okay, Emmet?” I asked Emmet, I didn’t want him to get exerted.

  “Ya, of course. It’ll be a good change for me.” He replied. Jake and I are making a difference in someone’s life and that’s what matters. A smile crept over my lips and it won’t just go and I don’t want it to. I love the felling I am feeling right now. It is so pure, so true. Nothing matches this, being someone’s reason to smile. I had a great day and I am still looking forward to the end.


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