Irrelevant Jack 3

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Irrelevant Jack 3 Page 17

by Prax Venter

  The Heroes below let out a unified battle cry as all eight rushed out into the occupied Town of Emberstone. Although he had the best seat in the house, Jack wished he was down there with them.

  More bolts of lightning summoned a new Demon every two seconds, but with the dual Guardians and a Bastion covering the group, nothing was able to land a single blow. Kron was turning anything in range of his shield into paste while both Haylee and Blim came from two different sides, each pausing to launch ranged attacks into the immobile creature as they advanced. Jack’s Omni Strike ability cooled down before the melee fighters crossed the empty clearing below, but he held it back- just in case.

  The battle-frenzied Fighter and the swift Shadow Blade were the first to reach the quivering mass of flesh, and Jack stood proudly as the massive amounts of damage began to roll in.

  He couldn’t be sure who got the final blow, but when it came, the whole world became a blinding flash of white light. After a moment, Jack removed his forearm from over his eyes to see an utterly transformed landscape.

  Before he could process the Corruption-free vision below, a large black-lacquer panel appeared before him.

  Captured Town: Emberstone - Kingdom Creation

  As Mayor of the closest Town you now have the option to create the ‘Kingdom of Blackmoor’ and become its ruler.

  [Accept] [Decline]

  His hand reached out to slap ‘Accept’ before his mind had a chance to finish reading the words.

  The system interface faded, then a thick beam of light pierced the clouds above and fell directly over the newly liberated Fountain. The finger of light then slowly passed between the Fangs, almost blinding Jack again, and then zipped across the landscape at ludicrous speed while leaving a white brick road behind in its path. The impossible beam of light slid away from him and directly toward Blackmoor Cove as if the land were being etched with a doomsday laser from space.

  “Did that thing just create a road from here to home?”

  Alt answered. “A lot just happened, King Jack.”


  “You should start climbing down,” the AI suggested. “We need to get items in that chest.”

  “Okay, but keep talking.”

  “Oh? Be careful what you wish for. Where to start? Emberstone is now a connected territory. Any items placed in the chest here will generate additional bonus value, 5% for now, and send that bonus directly up to Blackmoor Cove. As King, you can assign Townsfolk between either Town, oh and once you dump in some items here, I can facilitate the addition of some new buildings. The Inn is automatic, but as I predicted, Defensive Lightning turrets are one of the options.”

  “Awesome,” Jack said as he climbed back down the enormous chunk of rock. Without the slippery mess of Corruption everywhere, the descent was child’s play. “But I don’t want to reassign anyone from home. I just sorted the Townsfolk out this morning, and we need everyone we have.”

  “Perhaps you should talk to the others and see who is staying. I am assuming Farah will stay as well as the four Heroes that arrived this morning. Perhaps you can assign them Makeshift roles, like Kron is Captain of the Guard for the Wall.”

  “Yeah,” Jack said, “I guess you have a point. I hate to lose the first damn Heroes we get, but at least their climbs will stabilize this Town- and even send some value our way.”

  “Indeed. Also, since Emberstone is a part of a Kingdom, it allows for a governance position from Level 0. You can assign Farah as Mayor first, and then let her sort it out.”

  Jack’s growing giddy excitement pushed him to move too fast, and he slid a few feet down before his fingers found purchase.

  “Yeah, I like it,” he said after a deep breath and a conscious effort to slow down.

  Alt continued. “In addition to a small bonus regarding Townsfolk generation and attraction rates, Kingdoms also enjoy a bonus to all established trade routes. Our Monster eggs just became more valuable. Speaking of which, Emberstone has the ability to mine Granite which also just became more valuable- that is if the Mine is created.”

  Jack reached the bottom and took in the true browns, grays, and reds of Emberstone. He’d only seen this craggy landscape completely infested with slime so far, but it now held a strong earthy feel. He circled around to the new road and found a beautifully constructed thoroughfare with smooth square pavers perfectly aligned.

  Jack hopped onto the new road and jogged into Emberstone for the first time. He came around a short bend and saw the crumbling stone Tower stretching up into the sky ahead. The new road ended here abruptly, and the dirt path that took over inside reminded him of Blackmoor’s original roads. With a lungful of warmer air than he was used to, Jack began trotting along the path as it wove up the slight upward slope.

  Most of Emberstone was stiff yellow grass with a few patches of red flowers here and there- an enormous empty field desiring to become something more. The sun was still behind the clouds, but Jack could tell this huge stone bowl didn’t get a full day’s worth of sunlight.

  His attention was drawn to the left where the cascading waterfall filled the area with a constant splashing sound that had to be runoff from the snowy peaks far above.

  Then he saw the bouncing blonde hair of his favorite person in the world running to meet him, and there was no stopping his legs from moving as fast as they could. Jack leaped off the switchback path and ran up the incline as Lex ran down to meet him.

  It was only moments before their paths intersected. Jack caught her waist and lifted her up into the air, spinning in place as he hoisted her high.

  “We did it!” she yelled right in his face then turned to the sky. “We captured a Dark Tower!”

  Her voice reverberated back a few times before the falling water was the only sound again.

  “It’s just the beginning, Lex,” he said, putting her down and grabbing her shoulders. “With you by my side, we will take the whole world back.”

  She gave him a sweet smile then sang the sweetest healing melody he’d ever heard from her. Once Jack’s life force was topped off, he grabbed her hand and gently pulled her toward Emberstone’s Fountain.

  “And my first act as King is to delegate some of this responsibility.”

  Lex slightly crossed her eyes as she inspected him before slowing to a stop, anchoring him in place.

  “King Jack,” she said, her face slack. “Ruler of the Kingdom of Blackmoor?”

  “Yeah, I didn’t get to choose the name.”

  “If you would have waited,” Alt said in his mind. “I might have been able to change it.”

  Jack shrugged and tugged the Bastion forward again. “I need to dump items into the chest. We get Lightning Towers here too!”

  The pair jogged through the sparse grass that poked from the stony ground toward where the other Heroes stood. As it was in Blackmoor that first day, the Fountain here in Emberstone leaked out only a trickle. Even the Tower was stone again, exactly how it was when he’d first beheld one of these impossible structures to space. Another Tower in another Town.

  The other Heroes turned to face him as he approached, but Kash spoke first.

  “This is the very last thing I thought I would be doing today when I first awoke on the Endless Sea. Emberstone feels like what we’ve been searching for these last few years. A place to feed and grow. A place that needs us.”

  The others of their group nodded their agreement. Then Farah walked up to Jack, her eyes wet with tears.

  “They’re all gone. The handful of survivors I’d known front to back… as if they never were.”

  “I’m so sorry,” he said.

  The Shadow Blade took in a deep breath. “You’ve done the impossible, Jack. Now it’s time to rebuild.”

  He focused on Farah with the intent to assign her as Mayor of Emberstone and expected an interface to appear, but she just became awash in a glow for a moment before she snapped her steady gaze on him.

  “Kingdom of Blackmoor?”

; “Can you believe it?” Lex agreed, still in shock.

  “That’s right!” Jack said, moving to the input chest. “Apparently, both Towns get extra bonuses. You should see the sweet new road out there, too.”

  “I’ve only heard ancient tales of unified Towns…” Kron gasped.

  With a simple flick of mental intention, Jack accessed the Input Chest. Alt deposited a batch of items, and Emberstone immediately jumped to Town Level 1.

  He blinked away the flash that always accompanied a major change, and immediately saw the new round building placed in the middle of the previously empty field.

  “You didn’t-?” Farah said, spinning to look around the Town. “Jack just restored the Inn, the Mushroom bog, and added Defensive Lightning Towers? How? How do you continue to shock me?”

  Everyone then turned to see the familiar blue orbs resting on the top of the rock outcroppings called The Fangs.

  “Ask her if she wants the Bat Pens or the Mine restored next,” Alt said. “We can take Emberstone to Town Level 2, but we should probably save the rest of your reserves.”

  “All part of the Kingdom of Blackmoor package,” Jack said out loud. “Now, Bat Pens or Mines next?”

  The new Mayor of Emberstone crossed her arms. “Hold, Jack. This is too fast.”

  “Take your time,” he said as he walked over to the Fountain to sit. “I think we should be safe for a while, especially since the defenses are up. You know this Town better than anyone, Farah. Make it grow. You could even ask your new constituents what they think.” Jack held his hand out to the group of four Heroes.

  Kash and Farah locked eyes, reassessing each other for a moment before Blim asked a question.

  “I’m still trying to catch up here, but are you people implying that there’s cave bat meat in this Town? Blue fur or Red fur?”

  Farah smiled. “It used to be Red.”

  Nera slapped her muscular stomach. “Oh, I haven’t had a Roast Red Bat in far too many days!”

  Jack shook his head. “I was wondering what Bat Pens were for but was thinking leather or something. You guys really eat bats?”

  Farah had to double check to make sure he wasn’t trying to be funny.

  “Of all the things you are, Jack. That must be the most ridiculous… You’ve been eating Tower monsters by the Mother of D-” Farah slapped a hand over her mouth.

  Lex nodded slowly. “Mother of Demons… The phrase exists for a reason.”

  “I need to be writing all of this down,” Haylee said, clenching her fist.

  Jack agreed, but he didn’t want to rush the new Mayor of Emberstone so soon after telling her it was fine to take a moment to deliberate.

  “Make it the Bats, Jack,” Farah said with a nod. “If I’ve learned a thing or two from Demi’s cooking, it’s that a good Rest Bonus is a worthy investment.”

  Jack stood up again and moved toward the chest.

  “Don’t forget that you need to assign people to those buildings,” he said. “I made that mistake with the Arcade and had to watch Lex bounce off the door first.”

  The Bastion chuckled. “Each and every one of us is learning a new way to live.”

  Jack waggled his eyebrows at her and then accessed the Input Chest again. In the blink of an eye, Alt sent Emberstone straight to Town Level 2.

  A few Townsfolk homes made of stacked stones appeared in the empty field near the waterfall side, and the round inn grew one level higher. The thing was practically a giant stone cylinder with toothy crenellations around its crown. Looking at the upgraded building holding a proud sort of character, Jack wondered if it already had a name.

  Was Demi’s The Eye ‘o the Storm spawned into existence already named?

  “Yes,” Farah said, cutting her hand through the air. “No more shock at the miracles improving our lives. I have a job to do. Now, until Emberstone gains Townsfolk I will assign you four into Makeshift positions. Jarku, I am going to assign you as Captain of the Guard when you aren’t climbing.” The lithe Shadow Blade held out her hand toward the Guardian, and he narrowed his dark-brown eyes.

  “I will protect the gates,” he said, nodding once.

  “The Fangs,” Blim corrected, making air quotes again.

  “Uh, Mayor,” Jack began, “may I give you and your new Captain of the Guard a bit of advice?”

  Farah waved her hand casually. “How can I refuse a request from our King?”

  “Oh no, there’ll be none of that,” he said, wagging his finger. “What I want to say is, one of the first things you guys should do is block all of the other entrances on this side of The Fangs with piles of rocks. Anything trying to sneak in would get shocked from the Towers and then hit a dead end.”

  “And we’d only have one entrance to guard,” the Guardian said, blinking as if he’d been slapped.

  “This is our world,” Farah said quietly. “And we will make of it what we can. Once we get more of a population, we can start on such a task. Next, I need someone to cook at the Inn. Anyone have any skill with cooking?”

  The new Heroes all turned to the Fire Mage.

  He smiled. “I’m good at searing things.”

  Farah nodded, held out her hand and made Blim the new Innkeeper of Emberstone.

  “That leaves the Mushroom Bog and the Bat Pens,” she said pointing to the cave by the waterfall. Seeing it from here, Jack could tell that the water from above flowed into the cave and that there was a footpath along the edge, following it in. Jack suddenly needed to know what was in that cave as soon as possible.

  “I call the furry bats!” Nera said quickly.

  Farah locked eyes with Kash who let out a light chuckle. “I will gladly tend to the mushrooms and do my part to bring life back to this Town.”

  The Mayor of Emberstone set Kash’s role and then let out a deep sigh.

  “I’m going to head back to Blackmoor later tonight. No offense, Blim, but the Rest Bonus will be better, and I need a climbing party with an open slot.” She shoved Jack’s shoulder. “And I know I can bring some choice valuables back here for my new home afterward.”

  “Smart,” Lex said. “That should work out well for everyone.”

  Kron grunted. “I am not found of this idea. The Mayor of Emberstone should not be dashing from Town to Town in the darkness.”

  “Why don’t you stay here,” Lex offered. “Help make sure our neighbors are well protected as they settle in. Then, you can escort Farah back yourself.”

  “Perfect,” Jack said. “We’ll leave soon and meet you back home tonight.”

  “This is the new front line,” Haylee said as the big armored man was about to protest. He turned his horned head to look at her.

  “You have a point, but I am the Captain of the Guard at Blackmoor Cove.”

  Jack crossed his arms. “You don’t have to be tied to that gate, Kron. And you know what? I think it’s time I assign a Townsfolk to that role anyway. You’re a Hero, damn it. I need you either climbing for loot or helping me take and hold Fallen Towers. Whatever it is you decide to do, it will be your choice. The moment I get back to Blackmoor, I’m assigning Irun- or whoever Harrak thinks is ready.”

  Kron’s mouth hung open.

  “Can’t argue with the King,” Jack added with a shrug.

  “Then it’s settled,” the new Mayor of Emberstone said as she clapped her leather-gloved hands together. “I shall make good use of him today. Now, would the King like a tour of our fine Town?”

  Jack shot her a smile before he held his elbow out for Lex and as her liquid golden eyes turned to meet his, the fact that she should be Queen entered his head with so much force it almost knocked him over.

  He recovered enough of his wherewithal to keep moving as Farah began showing everyone her home, but it became clear how marriage worked was something he needed to know about. As the Mayor of Emberstone started heading to the waterfall-fed underwater river, Alt spoke quickly.

  “I know you asked me to stay out of your love life, but I a
lso know you’ll want answers. Marriage in System Sana happens as everything does, through interfaces. If she has a positive enough disposition toward you, a panel will open to propose a union if you try bringing one up from her Character pane. The only impact for you is that when choosing to spawn a child, there is a much greater chance that they will have dominant traits from both of you- instead of being randomly generated. It’s likely why Lex is both a protector and a healer.

  “She will indeed gain the title of Queen. Additionally, Lex will gain ‘Mayor Powers’ in any Town she visits within the Kingdom.”

  Alt finished as they passed the waterfall, and Jack mentally thanked him. It was a done deal. There was no one in the universe who would ever fit the role better than her. He just needed to do it at the right time... and that wasn’t as they were on their way to see underground livestock.

  The whole group of Heroes moved along the dirt path into the cave, and the sound of cascading water was almost instantly quieted as they curved around a bend. Jack’s eyes adjusted to the natural chasm lit by torchlight, and he felt the echo of nostalgia for his past life. He was about to make a remark about such feelings, but the red shaggy creature with a four-foot wingspan hanging in the rocks above put different words in his mouth.

  “Look at the size of that bat!”

  - 15 -

  Emberstone’s round Inn did not retain its previous name, but Farah said it was identical in appearance. It was called Rockbottom before, yet she left it up to Blim to name since he was now the Innkeeper- until someone else was assigned. Jack had wanted to try Roasted Red Bat for lunch, but Nera told him they were too young to slaughter, and he pictured cow-sized bats eventually dropping from the ceiling from their own weight. Instead, he distributed the Pheasant Orb Salad and Fish Sandwiches he’d brought from Blackmoor. His impossible inventory came up, and they all took some time to explain Alt and his abilities to the new Heroes while they ate in the empty Inn. After seeing the wonders of the day, all four quietly listened and challenged none of it.

  The Fire Mage still hadn’t settled on a name by the time Jack, Lex, and Haylee waved goodbye and headed home. Kron and Jarku followed them into The Fangs to begin the process of moving rocks into the smaller paths into Emberstone.


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