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Irrelevant Jack 3

Page 19

by Prax Venter

  Jack met Lex back out in the common room, and she demanded to taste his first culinary creation. He traded her one of his remaining bowls under the condition she understood that it wasn’t perfect or what he’d intended, but she was interested in a taste test anyway. In the end, she said it was better than her first attempt.

  The pair left the Eye o’ the Storm and hung out in the arcade for the final hour before dinner was served. He brought her back to the magical world map Alt had added, and they both saw the newly revealed territory. Towns were now yellow dots and the Kingdom of Blackmoor was delineated with a teal throbbing border. They also saw a straight white line connecting the two Towns and assumed it was the new road. This immensely helpful display was something he needed to show Harrak soon. It was time to start thinking globally.

  “Cubeishly,” Alt corrected.

  Lex and Jack spent the last bit of time they had challenging each other’s score on the intricate Corruption’s Doom table. Lex was getting better, but Jack had years of experience over her and came out with more points in the end. It only encouraged the elfish Bastion to demand future rematches. Exit ‘o clock came, and they returned to the inn with most of the other Townsfolk.

  Jack stood and informed the people gathered there that their home was now the capital Town of Blackmoor Kingdom.

  “There is a straight, Corruption-free road linking us to our neighbor. Myself and/or other Heroes might be traveling back and forth in the near future, so please let me or one of the Town Leaders know if you want to visit and need an escort.” He looked around the silent common room, meeting eyes with those he’d come to know and those who he still had to learn about. He continued, a new personal closeness in his voice. “This is it, people. One Dark Tower captured and an extension of our influence. We are clearing the land, and we got here because of our momentum. We got here with all of you giving your all and doing your best to claim this world as your own. Every log you chop, Meri… Every potato picked, Ryea… Every fish caught, every item sold, every grain ground, every watchful eye walking the Wall, all of it combines and sends a message out into the universe that this is our world.”

  He saw heads nod and a quiet, “Aye,” or, “Right as rain,” murmured from the people before him. Jack checked the time and saw he needed to act now, if he wanted to enact his plan before sunset.

  “Now eat!” he said. “And don’t forget to visit Natch’s shop for some good deals! Look at this great new shirt.”

  Jack pulled at the neck of his soft Chest Slot item and got some mild clapping and cheers. His speech was over, so he stepped off the now-sizable corner-stage and approached his friends at his normal table.

  “Should us lowly dirt wallowers be allowed to sit with such royalty?” Ryea said while he was still a few steps away.

  “Uh actually…” Jack began awkwardly. He should have put more thought into this part of his-

  “Jack!” Harrak yelled from the door. Behind him was the Guard named Kev, and they marched straight to him.

  “Assign Kev here as the new Captain,” Lex’s father said with a firm nod. “He has the best temperament to issue commands.”

  Jack looked over at the man in question to speak for himself.

  “Harrak does all the hard parts anyway. Also, you owe me for taking our Behemoth kill this morning. The archers were finally going to put their training to use, and Irun won’t shut up about it.”

  “You’re hired,” Jack said as he reassigned Kev to his new Job at the Wall. He wondered what happened to Kron out there in the world.

  “Good,” Harrak said as he moved to his seat. “Now, let me at a good old pile of fish.”

  “I’m headed back to the Wall,” Kev said, extending his hand. “Despite your dislike for the notion, it really is an honor, sir.”

  Jack took his hand and nodded before the new Captain of the Guard went back to his post.

  “Tell us about what happened out there!” Ryea said as she planted a playful elbow into Lex’s ribs.

  Jack ground his jaw, and began thinking this was the wrong time to ask-

  “King Jack,” Harnal said as he approached. “After you eat, we might want to discuss some opportunities we have for more trade goods-”

  “Wait,” Jack said, holding up his finger. “I would love to, but first I need to take care of a pressing matter.”

  “Of course!” the Dockmaster chuckled as he went straight for the bar. Jack turned to Lex and pointed.

  “Lex, I need you to come with me for a moment.”

  Everyone at the table stopped mid-conversation and the wide-eyed Bastion stood and joined him.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Nothing’s wrong,” Jack said swiftly as he led her outside by the hand. The sky was a deep orange-purple and if they kept moving now, they’d make it. He heaved a deep sigh of relief and looked into her eyes as he led her down the road.

  “I just needed to get out of there.”

  It wasn’t a lie, so she arched an eyebrow at him.

  “Let’s take a walk down by the beach,” he suggested when they came to the stairs leading down to the cove.

  “What’s gotten into you?” she asked as she took the first step down. “Are you taking me somewhere?”

  He wiggled his eyebrows. “Maybe.”

  More interested than ever, she let Jack set a brisk pace as they moved toward the Endless Sea. The air was cool, but with the new black-furred cloak, Jack felt nothing. This morning he’d predicted storms before going into the Tower, but the clouds vanished as they walked the long road back to from Emberstone, and it turned out to be a pleasant evening.

  Lex held her questions as Jack stepped off the stone pass along the cliff and instead made a left turn once they hit the beach. The ocean waves crashed out against the slick ebony rocks in the deeper waters of the cove, and the thick ocean breeze picked up a little as he helped her up onto the rock that jutted out over the water.

  “Oh Jack,” she said when she saw the orange disk of the sun a few yards above the horizon. A torrent of clear water from the nearby river poured into the ocean and created light mist that captured the last rays of the sun as if they were red-hot diamonds. “It’s beautiful. I didn’t even know this spot existed.”

  “Yeah, I found Sol here once. I’ve been meaning to show you ever since.”

  They both held hands and watched quietly as System Sana’s closest star sunk into the distant sea.

  And the Bastion almost jumped out of her skin when Blackmoor’s silver-haired innkeeper appeared from behind. Lex brought a hand to her chest and gasped.

  “Demi, what-?” She turned and saw her father, Sol, Haylee and Ryea were also there standing in a line behind them. “What is everyone doing?”

  Jack took a deep breath and took Lex’s hand back in his.

  “Even though I am from a different universe, when I am with you, I feel as if I’ve finally found the only place that would have ever fit. No one could ever mean more to me than you, Lex. You understand me and even with my flaws you stayed by my side. I vow from this day forward to be true to you and guard you with my life.”

  Jack Inspected Lex and then willed open the marriage interface panel.

  Lex’s eyes unfocused as she read the same thing he was.

  Joint Marriage - Lex

  This action will promote Lex to Queen of the Kingdom of Blackmoor.

  ‘Accept’ ‘Decline’

  Jack accepted and turned his eyes up into hers. “Lex, will you be my Queen?”

  “Of course, Jack! Yes.” The menu flashed green and vanished before their eyes.

  Demi cleared her throat and then spoke loudly to be heard over the distant breakwater.

  “By the power vested in me as Innkeeper of this Town, I declare you husband and wife- or in this case, King and Queen!”

  Ryea clasped her hands under her chin. “Oh, what a spectacle!”

  Harrak wiped his red-rimmed eyes. “When Demi came by and said you wanted surp
rise witnesses for some ritual… I had no idea.”

  Lex turned to Jack, her eyes shining with joy. “This is a ritual from your world?”

  “Some of it,” he said. “We skipped a few steps, but having Innkeepers officiate over unions with some witnesses is more impactful. You know, instead of just hitting a button. So, I gave Demi a new pretend ability.”

  “I think it’s a grand idea,” Demi said. “The union of two people should be a spectacle.”

  “Especially for our King and Queen!” Ryea cheered.

  “Everyone,” Haylee said with slight alarm in her voice. “I hate to interrupt, but what is that?”

  Jack and Lex and all the witnesses of their royal union turned to face the Tower. But that wasn’t what she was pointing at. Just below it and protruding from the cliff face was a large stone balcony and a few gigantic, glass pane windows.

  “That,” Alt said in his mind, “appears to be Blackmoor Castle.”

  - 16 -

  “It looks like a subway station,” Jack mumbled as he stood over the stone stairway that appeared in the upgraded Town Hall. It was the first time they’d been inside this building since Blackmoor Cove hit Level 5, and both his flier mockup and map of Emberstone were gone, but it seemed as if he’d received an underground castle in return.

  Jack, Lex, Haylee, Harrak, Ryea, Sol, and Demi all crept down into a large, torch-lit hallway to find deep indigo rugs on the floors and black tapestries with gold borders over some of the smooth stone walls. The hallway led into a huge dining hall with an extensive view of the Endless Sea out one of the windows they’d seen from down on the beach. A long table sat in the center of this room with twelve padded chairs crafted from some type of dark wood.

  “Can I assume our future meetings will be held here?” Sol asked, as he studied the finery.

  Beyond this voluminous space was a door that led to another hallway attached to two more underground rooms; a living room, with access to the balcony and a central fire pit, and an enormous bedroom.

  “You two deserve some privacy,” Ryea said as soon as she saw the bed.

  “Indeed,” agreed Demi. “I’ll have a selection of dishes sent down shortly.”

  Jack held up his hands. “No, you don’t need to serve us like that.”

  Demi turned away and spoke over her shoulder. “No, but tonight you’ll endure it.”

  She and Ryea both shooed everyone back up to the surface, and moments later, Jack and Lex were alone standing by an enormous glass window with a view on the beach and the darkening cove beyond. He looked down and noticed his sword and scabbard had phased out without his involvement and realized that even Alt was doing his best to leave them alone. After a short while of watching the waves crash against the distant protective stones, Lex moved to wrap her arms around him.

  “I don’t know how much more I can take, Jack. The changes within me, the Arcade, the Dark Tower, our new Castle…Only a short time ago I felt alone and struggling to get out of bed. My mind cannot believe I’m now Queen of a growing Kingdom.”

  “Believe it,” Jack said then kissed her forehead. “By the way, you now have the power to reassign Townsfolk anywhere you visit. We have good forward momentum and a lot of work ahead of us. That Dark Tower we faced today had only a short time to grow strong. Who knows how many other Mothers of Demons are out there who’ve festered for years upon years, gathering resources?”

  She sighed and squeezed him tighter.

  “Then we should enjoy this time while we have it,” she whispered.

  First, they tried out the new bed and found layers of soft blankets and silky sheets beckoning the pair to remain tangled under them forever. Eventually, Reno knocked on their door and when they checked the dining area, they found a veritable feast waiting for them. Roast Orb pheasants, herb-crusted potatoes, barley soup, and every fruit there was. There was both a jug of rum and a jug of mulled wine, and Jack figured there wouldn’t be a better time to let go a little.

  The newlyweds lay intertwined in their new living room on a chaise lounge more than large enough to accommodate them both. A hood-ventilated fire pit warmed their outsides as the smooth alcohol warmed them from the inside, and Jack told Lex everything about the marriage traditions from his old universe.

  She was slightly upset that she didn’t give him her own vow when he opened the interface and astonished that people spent days relaxing afterward. Things were different here, and there wasn’t time… Unless they enjoyed a week’s vacation on one of the Floors in the Tower.

  Jack let the idea fall out of his head. It might be fun for a day or so, but they were not the type to enjoy relaxing for days when there was still monsters to fight and a universe to save.

  They’d already switched to discussing their next steps in fighting the Corruption when another knock came on the thick wooden door out in the hallway.

  It was time for the town hall meeting.

  The first order of business was recreating the flier layout with ink and paper. It took Jack some time to get in the habit of recharging the quill with more ink, but he got the images and text back mostly the way it was before. Except this time, he added “~ from the Kingdom of Blackmoor” at the bottom. Demi agreed to make copies of the ad during the day with help from Reno, so with that settled, they moved on to military-related subjects.

  Before they got too far into expansion and defense, Jack suggested they all take a field trip to the Arcade to look at the world map Alt had added.

  “I thought this was just some sort of art,” Sol said as he studied the display.

  “It still is,” Haylee corrected him.

  Harrak snorted a sharp laugh out his nose as he stepped closer to the glowing map.

  “A magic box that shows us our world from the clouds? This is invaluable- I’m far beyond wondering where these things come from. That dot is Blackmoor and that’s Emberstone. Which means Pinefall should be through a dense forest to the southeast around here.” Harrak drew a line in the air with his finger and came to swirl in a place that was further away from Emberstone than Emberstone was to them.

  “Mountains to our south-west continue to the sea again where the land swells outward. I believe there is a Town isolated much farther down the coast as it curves back south. I don’t remember its name. The Weeping Doe Rapids cuts through from the mountains to the sea making that route difficult.”

  “Dove-something,” the Innkeeper said rubbing her chin trying to remember the distant Town’s name.

  The way Harrak described the currently obscured geography of the region, Blackmoor Cove was in a defensible position. Unless there was some island out there north of them, they had two sides facing the Endless Sea with an impassable river to the west and Emberstone and Pinefall to the south. Jack gazed into the swirling black mist that covered a good 95% of the map, wondering what waited for them out there.

  “Does anyone know if Pinefall or this Dove place are Fallen Towns?” he asked.

  No one did.

  “I knew the Mayor of Pinefall,” Harrak said, thoughtful. “Barnax. Hmm, that was a long time ago, before I spawned Lex. It was a good-sized Town when I was there last. Maybe Level 3. There is a chance it still stands. Barnax was a skilled tactician.”

  “Then that should be our next goal,” Jack said. “There must be other Towns out there. We know a bunch of coastal ones must exist. Natch, the Merchant, he said he was from a place called Moonglass and Jib, Ryea’s new Farmhand, is from some huge city something-Crag. Does anyone know if we can add Towns to our Kingdom if we don’t defeat the Corruption holding it?”

  “I’m going to assume yes,” Alt answered. “But I won’t know for sure unless you visit one.”

  Lex was the first person not telepathically linked to his mind to break the silence.

  “I believe it must be possible for us to join with others who still live to fight.”

  “I agree,” Haylee said with a firm nod.

  “For all we know,” Demi began, “there
might even be other Kingdoms out there.”

  “I hope so,” Jack said. “Unless they try to conquer us instead of the Corruption…” His brows came down as he looked around the group. “Wait, is that even a thing in System Sana?”

  Sol answered. “Anything can be a thing, these days.”

  “Greetings from Emberstone!” Farah called out from behind them. Everyone turned from the world map to see the Shadow Blade and the unarmored Guardian named Kron walking to the edge of the Arcade. It was strange to see the closely cropped black hair of the giant man, and Jack had to think back to a time when Kron wasn’t wearing his horned helm.

  Lex reached Farah first, and the two women shared a hug.

  “How was the trip?” Jack asked.

  “Clear,” Kron rumbled. “The words over the Arcade can be seen in the darkness from a great distance.”

  “After you left,” Farah began, “Emberstone spawned a total of three Townsfolk at the gate, one by one. Two went to the Guard, and a young woman named Ceeroa replaced Blim at the Inn- who wasn’t nearly as good at cooking as he boasted. The Fire Mage tried to make some mushroom dishes for dinner but burnt everything to a crisp. The Inn’s called Stonebread, now.”

  “Also,” Kron added, “we may need further instruction on how to build a proper wall. Jarku and I could only form a pile that any child could climb over.”

  Jack nodded. “Ah, yeah. There’s probably more technique involved to creating a useful barrier. Sounds like I might need to reinvent mortar.”

  “Sounds as if we need a Stonemason,” said Demi as she crossed her arms.

  Haylee held out her new homemade book. “What if all Kron needed was knowledge?”

  The group of Heroes and Town leaders quietly contemplated her words before Farah noticed the world map display.

  “Is that an extremely incomplete painting of a map?” she asked, stepping closer.


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