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Roar of the Lion : Celestra Forever After 7

Page 40

by Addison Moore

  The room breaks out into cheers, and soon Dr. Booth, Laken’s mother—his plus one—Mom, and I are all crowding around fighting to embrace them both.”

  “Listen up!” Tad caws and we loosely give him our attention. “I’m not ponying up for another wedding. And I’m not footing the bill for another divorce either. But seeing that I’m up to my eyeballs in babies, I’ll pitch in for a couple of industrial-size boxes of prophylactics. You’re welcome.”

  Mia shrugs over at Rev. “Thanks, Tad.”

  “Don’t you listen.” Mom is quick to wave her other half off. “I’ll do my best to provide you with whatever I can to make your big day special.”

  Demetri steps up to the plate—not a shocker—as he nods my sister’s way.

  “Of course, my home is always open to you in any capacity,” he offers.

  Mia sucks in a quick breath. “We’re getting married in a mansion!” She shakes Rev for all he’s worth, and the room breaks out into another round of cheers. “Skyla, I’m going to need to borrow your dress. It was freaking hot. And it’s like free now.”

  “Oh, sure.” I look to Logan and shrug. “It’s all yours, Mia.”

  “Great.” She clasps her hands as she looks to my mother. “I’m going to hack off a few feet of that skirt and have it hemmed to at least the upper thigh range.”

  “Mia,” I say. “If I have a little girl one day, she might want to wear my dress in its original condition.”

  “Fine.” She rolls her eyes. “I liked you so much better when you were Chloe.”

  A dark chuckle emits from behind, and sure enough, I see the queen of mean with a curious Tobie circling her.

  Tobie looks up at me with that adorable sparkling bow in her hair.

  “Is she my mama?” She points a pretty painted fingernail up at Chloe.

  “Yes,” I say. “But you’re welcome to call Laken and me Mama as well.”

  “Tanks, Kyla.” She slaps Chloe over her bottom and runs away.

  Chloe makes a face. “Something she learned from watching you, I’m guessing.”

  “Oh, would you hush.” I pull her over to the side. “And would you call it quits with this twisted-sister game of yours? The real Rory is here, and she’s not haunting my body anymore. She’s taken up residence in Melody Winters.”

  “Ugh,” Chloe groans. “Much like you, she just gets more annoying by the second. I guess Heaven doesn’t want her. And judging by the fact you’re still on the right side of the soil, it doesn’t want you either.”

  “Ha-ha. I’m not laughing.” I lean in. “I’ve got big news. Game-changing news about our shared ex. Only I won’t be sharing it with you anytime soon, because it seems you’re still out to prove you’re an asshole. Merry Christmas, Chloe.”

  Her eyes bug out, but I decided to ditch her before I end up treating her to the gift of a much-needed holiday beating.

  Logan comes in close “Wes and Ezrina want to have a word with us.” He points toward the living room and we head on over. We find them congregating near the dark green Douglas fir Mom and Demetri hauled in last week. It’s fluffy and smells like heaven, and even though it’s well lit with twinkle lights, Mom has made it clear the lights are only to remain on for the party. She’s half-convinced the tree is going to burn the entire house to the ground. She much more prefers the fake tree in the family room, and now that I’m a mom with all sorts of new mom fears, I completely agree with her.

  Ezrina and Wes have their heads knit together while Nevermore holds Alice nearby, chatting with Laken and Kresley.

  Ezrina sheds an eerie smile my way, never a good sign.

  “Dear Skyla. Is it you?” she titters.

  “Laugh it up,” I flatline. “What’s going on?”

  Wes bounces his brows. “Ezrina’s on edge. She’s frustrated. We both are.”

  “About?” I step in close and pull Logan in with me.

  Wes shakes his head. “Do you really have to ask?”

  “Yes,” Logan answers for me. “Because every time we turn around, something else falls into the shitter. So speak plainly. We’re dealing with a serious lack of sleep.”

  And a general feeling of malaise at the moment, I want to add, but I don’t share that with Logan. I’m chalking my urge to puke up to my lack of sleep, too.

  Ezrina sighs. “It’s the Kingdom Virus. It’s proliferating to pandemic levels. It’s reminiscent of the Spanish Flu. It has and will kill many.”

  “Ezrina and I have decided we want to work to find a vaccine.” Wesley’s evergreen eyes meet with mine. “It’ll interfere with our work for Celestra. But just temporarily until we find something to ease the chaos. People are dying. Economies are crippled. The fear is palpable. This could upend the world, quickly.”

  “You don’t need to sell it,” I say as Nathan and Barron run screaming and laughing through the room with their cousins, each one outfitted with a Santa hat, and the sight melts my heart. “The young and the old are the most susceptible. Don’t waste a moment. We have to work until there’s a viable way to stop this. Before it comes home and bites us where it hurts.” I nod to the kids.

  “I agree.” Logan wraps his arm around me, and a strange surge rises from my solar plexus, pleasure mixed with that odd nausea. “I heard there are rumors the virus was sent down via aliens.” He says aliens in air quotes. “I heard a theory about an infected pig farm, too.” He tips his head toward Ezrina. “And the truth is?”

  “Perhaps the pigs.” She takes a slow breath. “More than likely it’s biological warfare gone awry from some world government. It’s too strong. Far too contagious, moving too quickly. I’d believe the pig farm story if the pigs were set in a lab.”

  I shake my head. “It’s bad enough we have the Fems to worry about, and now on top of that, we have the morons who think they run this world.”

  Wes glances over my shoulder at someone. “Speaking of morons.”

  I turn to find Gage and Demetri knotted up in what looks to be a serious conversation.

  Marshall comes this way, his face glowing ever so slightly in an inhuman way, and I wonder what the hell that could be about, too.

  “Dudley,” Logan says curtly. “You’re lit up like a glow stick. Knock it off.”

  His lips twitch in my direction. “Ms. Messenger, it’s time for your true gift.”

  “Marshall,” I coo. “You don’t have to give me a gift. You’re my gift.” I glance to Logan. “And I mean that in a nonsexual way.”

  Logan’s cheek flinches. “He is the reason I’m here. I guess in a roundabout way he’s my gift, too. What have you got, Dudley? Jewelry mined from the seventeenth century? A shiny new spirit sword? Or let me guess? An all-access pass to your private chambers?”

  Marshall growls over at him, “I’ll see you both in the woods adjacent to the house.” He nods to the forest just past the driveway and takes off, pausing to speak to Gage and Demetri as the three of them hit the door.

  Wes blinks my way. “Have fun with that one.”

  I glare in the direction Gage and Demetri went off in.

  “It looks as if Marshall is extending the invite. Why don’t the two of you join us?”

  “Hard pass,” Wes says. “My New Year’s resolution is to minimize strife. I’d like to start that a little early.” He spots Laken and Coop. “Have fun,” he says before taking off in their direction.

  Ezrina’s deep crimson eyes meet with mine, and it feels as if she’s piercing my very soul.

  “I know,” she gravels it out like only she can.

  “You know?” I lean in. “About the gift?”

  “It is well.” She examines both of us before taking off for Nev.

  Logan takes my hand and kisses the back of it.

  “My queen.” It comes out with a sorrowful smile. “Let’s do this.”

  We’re about to hit the door when Mia hops in front of us.

  “Chloe, guess what?”

  “I’m Skyla,” I over enunciate “And I was
never Chloe. I was Rory,” I say my sister’s name lower than a whisper just as Melody Winters strides by, pausing to wink my way. “Speaking of the witch.” I nod over to her and Mia shrugs.

  “Whatever.” She pulls me in. “Great news. Rev and I picked a wedding date—Valentine’s Day. Be there or I’ll have to kill you myself.” She gives a cheeky wink herself. “You’re standing up for me along with Melissa.” She frowns as if it were a necessary evil. “Just wear pink. I’m wearing red, so I’ll want to stand out. I’d better find Lexy and shore up the rest of the details. Time is of the essence!” She trots off, and a laugh gets caught in my throat.

  “I guess there’s no time like the present,” I say.

  Logan wraps an arm around my waist as we head out into the icy fog.

  “Can’t say I blame them.” He lands a sweet kiss to my cheek. “I wish I would have married you the day we met.”

  “It would have saved a heck of a lot of heartache,” I muse. “But fate had other plans.”

  “Better plans.” He plants a kiss next to my ear as we come upon the woods next to the Landon house. “We have the boys.”

  A faint blue glow lights up the mist in the thick of the evergreens, and we make our way over, and soon a small sea of faces appear before us.

  But one in particular…

  “Daddy!” I bolt his way, collapsing my limbs around him, and he feels every bit solid. “I love you. I’m so sorry everything has gone to hell,” I say. I didn’t dare bring any of it up when I saw him at the wedding, but it feels as if that apology I feel I owe the universe should be given right now. “I’m trying, I really am. But I have screwed this up twelve ways to Sunday. And Rory, she—”

  He pulls back and brushes the hair from my eyes.

  “I know,” he whispers. “I know all about it.”

  The mirrored version of myself to his right catches my eye.

  “And you,” I spit the words out, and Marshall pulls me close to him as if his arm were a hook.

  “I believe Merry Christmas is the proper greeting, Ms. Messenger,” Marshall says it tight, like the warning it is, but I choose to ignore it.

  My mother glows as if she were lit from the inside. And next to her is the embodiment of wickedness, Demetri, and then Gage next to him. An odd holiday gathering if ever there was one.

  “I’m not feeling so merry.” My lips part, and just as I’m about to demand that my mother tell Gage the truth, Logan takes my hand.

  No. Not now. Not with Demetri here. If Gage hasn’t told him, we’re not either.

  I nod, glaring at my mother.

  “Hello,” I say, untethering myself from Marshall and Logan. “So you’re here. About a month too late.”

  “I was at your wedding,” she counters. “You’re in your own body. Isn’t that freeing?”

  It’s true, she made a ghostly appearance, but I only saw her once for less than three seconds and we certainly didn’t exchange words.

  I tip my head her way. “I had to poison my body to get here.”

  “So be it.” She bears those icy blue eyes into mine. “All is well that ends well.” Her lips curl into a malevolent smile, and my fingers twitch to wrap themselves around her neck.

  She takes a breath. “Shall we get to the gift, Nathan?”

  “Please,” I say. “There are some people I can’t stand to be around for very long.” She happens to be one of them.

  A tiny dimple dips in next to her lips. “Are you feeling under the weather, Skyla?”

  “Now and again. So let’s have it.”

  “Logan.” She motions for him to stand next to me before taking up his hands. “How I loved you before I knew you. How I adored you so when we finally met. Instantly, I knew there was no other for my daughter.”

  A strange chill rides through me. It’s one thing to say this in front of Gage, but Marshall is here, too.

  She nods my way. “Sector Marshall is for you as well. Nothing but the finest, Skyla. Choice souls. It is imperative you attain the noblest character, the largest of hearts, the highest pedigree.”

  “And there you have it,” I say under my breath. “Am I nothing but a breeding mare to you?”

  “Oh, Skyla.” She scoffs. “Must you speak of children as if they were a curse?”

  My father steps in. “Candace. Enough with the theatrics. Get to the point.”

  “Very well.” She flicks her finger and a spray of pink stars envelops the vicinity.

  My body heats unnaturally before leveling off to a warm, soothing strum as if Marshall were still touching me. A flash of light surrounds me as my abdomen tingles and I look down to see a small pink glow emanating from deep inside of me—deep inside of my…womb.

  Dozens of cobalt blue butterflies appear from nowhere, fluttering around my body, and my mind races as I try to take it all in.


  Logan steps before me.

  “Skyla.” A laugh rumbles through his chest. “Are we having a baby?”

  “We’re having a baby?” The words yelp from me as I look to my mother first then my father.

  They both offer up slow smiles, sober nods, and I wrap my arms around Logan so tight I can hardly breathe.

  “She’s here,” I whisper as I lay my hand over my belly. The little girl who my mother teased us with a few years back, whose sweet body we were able to love and to hold is finally on her way. “I know it’s her, Logan. I can feel it.”

  Tears swell in both of our eyes as he nods.

  “And she’ll have three big brothers ready to watch over her.” He dots a kiss to my lips.

  My father embraces us and presses a gentle kiss to my cheek.

  “Skyla, Logan.” He pulls back with his signature warm grin. “I’m absolutely thrilled for you. Another great addition to the family is on the way. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.” I glance back to see Demetri chatting away with my mother and Marshall.

  Dad grunts, “Don’t worry about that. She can more than handle him. Say, would you mind asking Mia to come out? I hear congratulations are in order for her, too.”

  “Absolutely.” I quickly text my sister. “I told her you’d be at the bottom of the porch.” My sister is more than apprised of my father’s guest appearances in our lives, and we’re both more than thankful for them.

  “Congratulations again.” He plants another kiss on me before looking to Logan. “You take care of my girl, would you?”

  “And you take care of Sage,” I say.

  “Yeah.” He frowns as he nods and takes off.

  I sigh as I look to Logan. “And that tells me everything I need to know.”

  “Congratulations.” Gage steps up with a sheepish smile on his face. “Job well done. I think you might actually have your angel this time around.”

  Tears flow down my cheeks instantly at the mention of our baby girl we miss so much. Angel was the rather generic name we came up with for our baby girl. I think this time around we’ll be a little more original.

  “Thank you.” Logan clasps his hand over Gage’s arm and pulls him in and I join in on the embrace.

  I hold onto both Logan and Gage as if I were about to fly off the planet without the two of them tethering me to the ground. For so long that was true. For so long I believed it was the only way to survive. But if these last few weeks have taught me anything, it’s that I’m strong enough to survive on my own. But it doesn’t change the fact I need them, that I absolutely require them to breathe.

  I pull back, the hot tears now raining down my cheeks.

  “I love you both so much,” I whisper.

  Logan nods, but Gage has a fresh level of fury in his eyes.

  “Brother,” Logan whispers to Gage. “We’re not giving up on you. Know that.”

  Gage takes a deep breath as if to stave off emotions.

  “I’ve already given up on myself.” He’s about to take off, but I pull him back with monstrous strength.

  “There’s no devil in
Hell that can keep you from our love,” I say it low in an effort to keep it from Demetri. “Have you discussed what we talked about to anyone yet?” I nod toward the devil in question.

  Gage purses his lips. That hardened expression on his face lets me know this isn’t going to be easy.

  “No,” he bites the word out. “I’ve forgotten about it. And I recommend you forget about it as well. It’s a lie. I have to do what I have to do.” He looks from Logan to me, tears sparkling like shards in his own eyes now. “You are not in my shoes. You aren’t faced with the same reality. This isn’t a drill, Skyla. If I don’t accomplish my mission, I lose it all.”

  Logan yanks him in close. “We get it. We want you in our version of eternity as well. You’re doing it all for those you love, for the boys, for Skyla. I would do the same. I would burn the world down for five minutes so that I could stand in eternity with those I care about, forever. But if I was lost in a maze of lies, I would be fully dependent on the two of you to tell me. And that’s what’s happening here. If you don’t want to believe us at face value, that’s fine. Dig deep. Find the answers on your own. But for God’s sake, don’t forget about it. You’re a pawn in the biggest game of chess in the universe. People have died. Celestra has been knocked down. You don’t want either of those things.”

  “Do me a favor.” My voice quivers as I press my body to his. “When you lift the rock off everything you think is true, and you see nothing but sickly worms that look like Demetri underneath it, call me, find me—no matter what I’m doing, no matter what the time. I want to be there for you. I want to share your rage, your joy, your magnificent release.”

  Logan nods. “Me too, man.” He pulls Gage into a headlock and kisses his hair. “Don’t hesitate. The three of us have been in this together since the beginning. And that’s the way it’s going to end.”

  Gage pulls away and eyes us both with an uncertainty I’ve never seen in him before.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “It’s not going to happen.” He takes off deep into the woods as an electric blue fog envelops him. That colorful mist lets us know who he is, and who he still belongs to.

  Gage may be a Fem, but he won’t belong to them for long. Not if I can help it. Not with Logan and me clawing at everything in the natural and spiritual world to make sure Gage Oliver lands back in his right mind.


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