Roar of the Lion : Celestra Forever After 7

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Roar of the Lion : Celestra Forever After 7 Page 48

by Addison Moore

Marshall leads us to his massive closet, the size of a small city, with Chloe and her bouncing boobs following close behind. I was in possession of Marlena’s dress before—I’ve worn it—but once the boys’ clothes infiltrated my speck of a closet back home, I gave Marshall a few haunted frocks to guard for me, this being one of them.

  “Here she is.” He holds up the purple and black corset with the overgrown deep purple tutu attached. It so dark it almost looks black.

  “Stunning,” I say. “Just the way I remember her.”

  Chloe grunts, “And what does she do?”

  “It binds the hell out of a Fem, Chloe. It’s the dress I was born to wear.” I shrug over at her while running my fingers over the coarse fabric.

  “Let’s get it on,” I say.

  Chloe laughs. “Words you say nightly to whoever happens to be in your bed.”

  “Be quiet, Chloe.” I sigh over at her. “I don’t need you to antagonize me today.”

  “And what’s today?” She looks from me to Logan. “Time for Operation Dark Horse so soon?”

  “Not soon enough.” Logan shifts as his eyes narrow over hers. “Today is the day, Chloe. And we’re going in full force.”

  I pull the dress off the hanger and feel its weight in my arms.

  “I need Gage to see the truth,” I whisper. “The Fems need to be stopped. That virus they’ve poisoned the planet with? They have a cure, and that cure just so happens to be the undoing of our people.”

  “What?” Chloe barks as if she was just as angry as I am. And I don’t doubt she is.

  Logan navigates her out of the closet. “I’ll fill you in.”

  “I’ll be down in a minute,” I call after him.

  Marshall shuts the door with a bang, entombing us inside this palace of a wardrobe, and soon I’ve changed into the enchanted accouterment, never batting a lash over the fact Marshall gets to see me in my bra and panties. He’s seen me in less, and it seems, that much like Chloe, I’ve lost the ability to blush.

  “Ms. Messenger,” he says sternly while riding his eyes up and down over my body. “You slay in enchanted wear.”

  “Very funny.” My chest begins to palpitate as the reality of what I’m about to do sinks in. “Marshall, how do I get Gage to see the deceptive light?” I grab him by the arms and give him a little rattle. “You have to tell me what to do or say. My people, your kind, our celestial necks are on the line. The Nephilim will be winnowed out in a week. The government already has my sister.”

  His lips curl into his cheeks, and he looks vexingly dangerous. “I have no solutions, only plans.”

  “Give me a plan then.” My voice breaks. “Give me something to say to him, because all I have is empty words that I’ve already said. I don’t know how to convince Gage that he’s wrong. He doesn’t want to risk losing out on an eternity with his family. He needs to be positive before he steps away from the dark side.”

  “It’s you, Skyla. It’s always been you that he doesn’t want to lose.” Marshall studies me a moment. “Though I’m not at liberty to tell you what to say, I have no words regardless.” His lips twitch with malevolent intent. “However—”

  “I’m liking this already.” I latch onto his tie and pull him close. “Spill it, Sector.”

  He shakes his head just enough. “No. My lips will not speak the words. But I can show you with the price of a kiss.” His eyes harden over mine, and it’s in this moment that something becomes exceptionally clear. Could it have been all this time that Marshall’s mouthwatering visions, for lack of a better term, were some type of a work-around so that he and my mother could convey vital information to me without breaking the rules to this celestial game? But if that were true, why not give them to me with a touch of the hand? Via a penetrating stare? A pat on the back? Surely none of it was out of the realm of possibility.

  Marshall shakes his head. “Much like mortals, we are not held accountable to the places our mind wanders when in the throes of passion.”

  Laughter tries to choke its way from my throat, but I’m in far too much awe to initiate it fully.


  “Well then, you delicious beast.” I give his tie a hard yank. “Let’s see how passionate you can get.”

  Logan, forgive me. I sigh as I bring Marshall’s lips to mine. But everything hinges on this kiss, all of humanity, all of my people, my sweet, sweet Gage. I just need to right the wrongs, and then we can start over. But for now…

  I plunge into Marshall’s mouth as if I were on an exploratory journey to map out the landscape.

  Those feel-good vibratronics of his pulse through me at lightning speeds, and soon I’m buzzing with ecstasy in such a way that I never have before. It’s as if this intense energy field realizes this is a final kiss of sorts, a long goodbye until we meet again on the other side of some great extreme, some great expanse of time.

  A vision begins to form in my mind—Paragon in all its foggy splendor, a spray of purple stars buoyant in the mist. Rockaway Beach is below me with its sparkling onyx sand as I float into the lavender night sky. I survey the scene for signs of Gage or myself, and neither of us seems to be in the vicinity. Rough waves trample the shoreline, crashing with deafening thunder. The sound of something wicked, something wild, rouses from somewhere above me. Destruction blooms like a cloud on the horizon, like smoke reaching to the heavens.

  Marshall’s kisses grow darker, far more commanding. It’s as if he’s trying to work out all of his transgressions—all of his frustrations.

  Lightning strikes in my mind’s eye. It lights up the night sky like a fracturing star. Out of the clouds, out of the heavens, emerge two pale horses, dappled with sprays of light. They run with the determination of escaping a fire as they dash their way toward the water, toward the black glassy shore, straight for me, their eyes of burning flames feasted over mine. They’re coming—so fast—right into—

  I gasp as I pull away with a start.

  “Marshall,” I pant hard, trying to catch my breath. “What was that?”

  “That, my love, is for you to determine.”

  “Marshall, that vision—it was beautiful, but well... I still don’t know how to convince Gage he’s drowning in lies.”

  He grips me over the arms with his strong hands.

  “Think, Skyla,” he whispers. “Consider the vision. What could it mean?”

  I bear into his crimson eyes and shake my head.

  “Those horses…” A thought comes to me. “They remind me of Shaddai. Or those horses Chloe and I rode out of the Transfer on well over a year ago and right into the seventeenth century.” I press my lips tight. “I’m sorry, Marshall. I’m sure I must disappoint you daily. I know I do me.”

  His cheek flickers on one side. “You, my love, do me proud every second you take a breath. Go. Do whatever you must. The time has come for him to come home. He belongs to the darkness no more. Bring him back.”

  And those words alone fuel me to do just that.

  I charge out of the room to find Chloe there, arms folded across her chest, Marshall’s dress shirt draped around her like a dress.

  “I want in on this.” She presses a hand to my chest. “I get to lead the charge. This was my destiny.”

  “No, Chloe.” I push her away. “This is my destiny. We were working together until you reverted back to your twisted ways. I gave you an all-access pass to being my equal. And here I thought you had changed. I truly believed it, and then you had to go and get all Chloe on me again.”

  “Iron sharpens iron, Skyla,” she shoots back. “I couldn’t stand to know that you were the one who fate determined to lead the people that I love. You’re so damn weak and sniveling, I felt the need to do something to protect my people from your lunacy. I couldn’t fight fate, but I knew I could fight you. I was molding you, Skyla, to be the woman our people need you to be.”

  I huff at the thought. “I don’t need you to get near me, and I certainly don’t need you to mold me into anything you nee
d me to be. My life has been nothing but a hurricane on fire. If I’m coming out of one storm, I’m headed into the next. My own life has molded me into the woman I am today. And yes, I will be enough—I am more than enough to lead my people. You know, I can understand why Gage has made so many asinine decisions. He is the enemy. But you and I are the on the same side. So you can hold up a banner all day long that says you tormented me in so many creative ways over the years for the sake of our people, but I will never believe you. It was nothing more than petty jealousy on your part. Yes, people hurt you far before I ever came into the picture, but you carved out a nice little place at the top of the mean girl totem pole for yourself, despite the fact. And when I showed up on Paragon, and inadvertently toppled everything down, you couldn’t stand it.”

  “I was dead. You brought me back.”

  “My mother played her card. I would have declared a holiday on the anniversary of the day the Counts buried you at the base of Devil’s Peak. You have her to thank, not me. She brought you to Paragon.” A part of me wants to tell her that I’d like to send her right back to paradise, but I’ve softened. After living inside of Chloe Bishop’s skin, I’m no longer insolent at the sight of her. “Maybe I would have declared a holiday on the anniversary of that horrible day at one point, but I take it back. I don’t feel that way anymore, Chloe.” My eyes sweep over her, top to bottom. “Maybe one day you’ll feel differently about me, too.”

  Downstairs, while the others mobilize for battle and Michelle vows to stay right here and cheer us on while sipping on a glass of wine, Logan and I stare one another down. I held his hand and told him about the vision and how it was obtained, and now we’re in this awkward place.

  He shakes his head, his amber eyes searching me.

  “Skyla,” he says it flatly. “I hold nothing against you. I know where you will be when this shakes out. With me. Besides, you are a stunning sight in that dress.” He offers a pained smile. “I’m still going to have to beat the shit out him.” He sighs. “But this isn’t about us, Skyla. It’s about the greater good of our people, of the world. And above that, do whatever the hell you have to do to get Gage to see the light. I want my brother back.” He leans in, a scalding look on his face. “This is it. No more chances. Do or die. And yes, millions of our people will die in a government-holding cell if this isn’t nipped in the damn bud. You have one moment.”

  “No pressure.”

  He shakes his head. “You have the weight of the world on your shoulders, Skyla. I am not going to sugarcoat this. Gage is tough as nails. He’s fighting for you—the kids. And you’re fighting for him with the exact same tenacity. Fire against fire.” He cups my face with his hand and brushes his thumb against my cheek. “I love you, Skyla Laurel Oliver.”

  I clasp onto his wrist, assuring that he continues to hold my face in this sweet way.

  “You are the great love of my life, Logan Oliver.” My heart wrenches with every word. “Gage is coming back to us. I don’t know how, or what I can possibly say to change his mind, but you’re right. This is it, do or die—or our people die.” I glance to the floor. “Or they leave us.”

  Logan gives a sober nod. “Once and for all.”

  My eyes widen a touch. “Rory locked them into a covenant. If they turn from Celestra, they’re bound to the Fems and can never come back.”

  Laken and Coop stride up.

  “Sorry to interrupt.” Laken sweeps her eyes over my body. “You look amazing, Skyla.” Her eyes are glassy with tears. “So this is it. Are you ready?”

  I look to Cooper. “I’m ready. How about you?” Laken isn’t going out on this adventure. Cooper and Wes implored her not to put herself in danger for the sake of the children. And I suppose since anything can happen to Coop or Wes, it’s a prudent move.

  Coop takes a breath and slaps Logan on the shoulder, inadvertently revealing his own wrist, spotted with welts.

  “We’ve got this,” he says, looking every bit like Logan’s twin.

  “Cooper.” I snatch up his arm and pull his sleeve back, exposing nothing but raw flesh. “Ezrina!” I shout, not waiting for Cooper to say a word. And judging by the fact Laken didn’t so much as let out a gasp, I’m assuming she knows about it all too well.

  Laken runs a finger over his bumpy flesh. “You can’t stop him, Skyla. I’ve tried.”

  Ezrina crops up and glances at him, nonplused. “I’m aware.” She needles Coop with a look. “What now?”

  “Now nothing.” He pulls his sleeve down again. “Skyla, I’m fine. Ezrina is on the cusp of developing a vaccine for those who might be allergic to the serum.”

  “Okay.” I take up his hand. “Cooper, if you’re feeling run-down at all, I beg of you to reconsider.”

  “I don’t. I’m fine.” He gives my hand a squeeze before letting go. “I promise. In fact, I had Ezrina test my stamina. There is no way I’d want to go out as a weak link—I’ve got my kids to think about, too. If I wasn’t up to it, I wouldn’t do it.”

  Ezrina bobs her head. “He is well. Cooper is one of the best. Godspeed.” Her lips lift a notch with the idea of a smile. “You will be a brave warrior today. Tomorrow I’ll draw more samples from you. The surge of adrenaline will do good for them.” She turns her attention my way. “We’ll have the supplemental vaccine available before the weekend. Now fight.”

  Everyone around us piles into their cars, and I watch as they take off for Rockaway, armed with spirit swords, armed with their anger. If we can get Gage’s core army of Fems to materialize, I have no doubt they’ll enjoy the idea of getting physical with us. And then we’ll bind them. Logan, Wes, Brody, and Coop will take them to the Tenebrous Woods. And Ingram will hold them there in that desolate abyss.

  I pull Mia to the side as she strides by with Rev.

  “You don’t have to do this.” My voice shakes as I say it.

  “You can’t stop me.” She laughs and looks eerily like my mother, like me—and twice as defiant as both of us. “Don’t worry, Skyla. I’ll stick close to Rev.”

  Rev backs up and nods. “And I’m not letting a damn thing happen to her.” He looks from Logan to me. “Good luck.”

  They take off, and it’s just Marshall, Logan, and me on the front lawn of his estate.

  Marshall pulls me into a tight embrace, and those feel-good vibrations of his pulse through me in throbbing waves. My belly warms, and I can feel the new life surging deep inside of me. Another token of Logan’s love.

  “You will do well.” Marshall lays his hand over my forehead. “May the good Lord hem you in with His presence. May He go before you and after you. May He grant you victory over your adversaries and my own. May this day be forever known as the turning point for your people and my kind. You are destined for victory, Ms. Messenger. Your mother has all but ordained it. However, it is entirely up to you bring it home.” He reaches over and smacks Logan hard on the forehead with the palm of his hand.

  “Geez.” Logan takes a staggering step back. “What the hell did you do that for?”

  “I give my blessings the way I see fit.” Marshall lifts a brow. “Don’t think I didn’t hear that comment earlier about the beating you think you’ll be delivering.”

  “It’s coming,” Logan says, plucking me from Marshall’s arms. “But first, it’s time to get this done.”

  Logan and I walk down to his truck under a sky full of clouds that hang low, ominous as purple welts.

  I pull out my phone and stare at it a moment too long before texting Gage.

  We need to talk. No sooner do I hit send than the dancing ellipses erupt on my screen.

  My phone pings. When and where? I’m there.

  Logan and I take a deep breath.

  Rockaway. Give me fifteen minutes. It feels as if it takes all of my strength to send that text, but I do and then I stare at the screen until he texts right back.

  See you there.

  “So it begins,” I say, looking into Logan Oliver’s beautiful eyes. “It’s h
appening.” I shake my head. “This is our moment. We have one chance.”

  He shakes his head ever so slightly. “This is your chance, Skyla. I’ll hold down the fort. You take as long as you need.” His eyes rake over my features. “Do what you need to do.”

  We don’t break our gaze for a very long time. It feels as if everything we’ve ever been through is culminating into this one moment, and now we find ourselves dancing on the edge of a very sharp razor.

  Logan lands a searing kiss to my lips and my entire body enlivens. My womb hums with the delight of our love. Logan and I made our way back to one another. We are building a family—the way it should have been from the beginning, but destiny had other plans, unusual plans that came with their own rewards and treasures. And although we took a side trip, we are right where we belong, and we will never be moved apart again—not by my mother or any of the intentions she might have for my future.

  A rebellion has been born within us. Logan and I are forging our own path, one that doesn’t include her say in it.

  I love you, Skyla, I love you more than the heavens love the sun and the moon.

  I know. I kiss him deeper. I love you with all that I am, all I was, and all I will be. Without you, there is no me.

  He warms my back with his hands. And in a strange way, it’s Gage who completes who we are. Let’s bring him home.

  We take off for Rockaway to do just that.

  Deep purple clouds sit heavy up above, like a blanket ready to dissolve under the weight of the water. And down below, the sand glows like crushed amethysts under their duress.

  I walk barefoot across the icy beach as the wind blows my hair wild, and my dress puffs up like a parachute around my waist. Evergreens and rolling oaks line the outer banks of the beach, along with rocky crags. And that’s exactly where those carefully chosen members of my private reserve are currently lying in wait. Logan promised he wouldn’t take his eyes off of me—that is, until Gage and I disappear.

  But Gage won’t be coming alone. I have no doubt Gage’s minions follow him whether he wants them to or not. They are Demetri’s private patrol, his detailed security that have strict orders to protect his son where ever he goes.


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