Rise of the Undead (Book 5): Apocalypse Z

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Rise of the Undead (Book 5): Apocalypse Z Page 4

by Higgins, Baileigh

  Twenty minutes later, they raced through the gates of Fort Detrick and roared across the grounds toward the infirmary. They’d hardly rolled to a stop before Saul was out and running up the steps. A guard met him at the entrance and said, “Sergeant Dhlamini?”

  “That’s me,” Saul replied.

  “I’m here to escort you to Sergeant Dean,” the soldier replied.

  “Alright.” Dylan and Rita weren’t far behind him, each eager to find out what was going on. He turned to Rita. “Rita, please tell the rest of the convoy to drop off their gear and go home. I’ll contact them in the morning.”

  “Yes, Sergeant,” Rita replied, though her disappointment was palpable.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll fill you in later. I promise,” Saul added.

  Rita jogged outside to fulfill her orders, and he turned his attention back to the guard. “Lead the way, please.”

  They followed the soldier throughout the long hallways until they reached a ward with a nursing station. The room was crowded, and Saul paused to take in the scene.

  A guard sat on a chair, holding an ice-pack to his head. Dried blood encrusted his scalp and the side of his face. Several more soldiers milled about, and the room hummed with the buzz of low voices. Two stretchers with sheet-covered bodies were carried past them, igniting a spark of fear within his breast.

  “What happened here?” Dylan asked, standing close to his side.

  “I don’t know,” he replied, drinking in the ordered chaos.

  “That’s Alex’s room,” she added, pointing to an entrance past the nursing station. Hospital staff rushed in and out of the doorway, and the shrill ring of an alarm filled the air. “Do you think King’s men tried to kill him?”

  “It could be,” Saul admitted. “We always knew there were more of them, but I didn’t think they’d try something in here. Especially with the extra guard, we put at the entrance.”

  “Well, something bad happened,” Dylan replied, her face creased with concern. “We’d better find out before I go nuts with worry.”

  The next moment, a young nurse rushed past them, holding a hysterical child in her arms. “Excuse me, please. I need to get this little one calmed down.”

  Saul stepped aside, and his eyes flashed to her name tag. Brenda.

  “What’s a kid doing in here?” Dylan asked. “This is getting weirder by the minute.”

  “Agreed, let’s talk to Nick,” Saul said, pointing to the man in question.

  They moved to join the Sergeant on the other side of the nursing station but paused when they spotted the corpse of a man lying prone on the floor. Puncture wounds gleamed on the side of his neck, and his eyes were glassy in death. The station itself was in complete disarray, and a bloody letter opener lay discarded to the side.

  “Nick, what’s going on here?” Saul asked.

  Nick turned to them, his face somber. “You missed a lot of action, my friend.” His eyes flashed to Dylan, and he reached out to squeeze her hand. “There’s someone here to see you.”

  “Who?” Dylan asked, but her question was answered when a blonde whirlwind tore past them to throw herself into Dylan’s arms.

  “Dylan, it’s me. Amy!”

  “Amy?” Dylan gasped. “Oh, my God. I can’t believe it.”

  “It’s really me, and I’m so glad you’re here. Alex… I’m worried about him.”

  “Is he okay? Did someone hurt him?” Dylan asked, holding Amy at arm’s length.

  “A bunch of soldiers came here to kill us—all of us, even Jenny. Alex wasn’t hurt. Well, not really, except when they pulled out his IV’s and stuff. Now, he’s having some sort of attack, and they won’t let me in to see him, and⁠—”

  “Whoa, sweetie. Slow down. Start at the beginning, and tell me everything, okay?” Dylan said in a soothing voice. She led Amy to a nearby chair and sat her down.

  Saul watched the reunion with rising hope and looked at Nick. “Tara?”

  Nick shook his head. “I’m sorry, my friend, but she isn’t here. Only Amy escaped.”

  “King still has her?” Saul asked, his heart plummeting to the ground.

  “He does, but at least, now we know where to find her,” Nick said. “Amy told me she knows the location.”

  Saul breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s something.”

  “Yes, and they won’t hurt her either. Not as long as King needs her for the cure.”

  “What happened here?” Saul asked as two more men removed the body of the dead man on the floor. A pool of blood lay glistening in the light but was obliterated by a woman armed with a mop and bucket of soap. The smell of disinfectant filled the air as she washed away the evidence of death.

  “As near as I can tell, when Amy escaped, King alerted his remaining men within the base,” Nick replied. “Grissom was their leader and kept a look-out for her. His job was to intercept her before she could tell anyone where King’s hide-out was.”

  Saul swore under his breath. “I knew it. I knew he couldn’t be trusted. He was far too glib under questioning.”

  “Yes, well. It seems he had second thoughts and turned on his own men,” Nick said.

  Saul’s eyebrows arched. “He’s alive? What about the rest?”

  “I have him in custody, but the rest were killed in action.”

  “Who killed them?” Saul asked, though it was a mechanical question. “Did you catch them mid-act?”

  “Not me. Amy shot one and wounded another. Grissom finished him off while a nurse killed that one over there,” Nick replied.

  “It seems our people are tougher than we thought,” Saul said.

  “Amen to that,” Nick said.

  “Who’s Jenny?” Saul asked, picking up on something Amy had said earlier.

  “I don’t know, but we’d better get the whole story from Amy before we question Grissom again.”

  They walked over to Dylan and Amy. She’d calmed down in the interim and looked up at them with wide blue eyes. “I suppose you want to know what happened to me?”

  “Yes, if you’re up to it,” Nick replied with a kind smile.

  “I am,” she replied before filling them in on her whole adventure from start to finish.

  “Thank you for the information, Amy. You were incredibly brave,” Saul said by the time she was finished.

  Amy blushed. “It was nothing. I had to make it back here for Tara’s sake.”

  “That you did,” Saul added with wholehearted approval. “It looks like you’re all grown-up now.”

  “Maybe,” Amy said. “I only hope Alex is okay.”

  “I’m sure he will be. He’s just as tough as you are,” Dylan said, giving Amy a quick hug.

  Saul turned to Nick. “Are you coming with me? We need to question Grissom before we can come up with a plan of action.”

  Nick glanced at Dylan, and she nodded. “I’ll stay with Amy. You go ahead.”

  “Alright. We’ll be back soon,” Nick replied, leaning down to kiss her on the lips.

  After a quick goodbye, Saul marched toward the exit, followed by Nick. A sense of purpose filled his heart. For the first time, he had real hope of rescuing Tara. I’m coming, my love. I’m coming.

  Chapter 6 - Dylan

  By the time Nick and Saul left, the chaos in the room had died down. The injured guard was escorted away for treatment, all the bodies were removed, and the clean-up was completed. Even the shrill alarm in Alex’s room died down, much to Dylan’s relief.

  A nurse called Amanda walked over and handed Amy a cup of coffee. “Here you go, sweetie. I think you need it.”

  “Thank you, and thanks for saving my life earlier,” Amy said, accepting the cup with a tremulous smile.

  Amanda shrugged. “That man was a brute. He needed killing. They all did.”

  “Yes, thank you,” Dylan added. “I’m very grateful for your courage. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to my young friend here.”

  “Of course. We all have to fight in thes
e times, don’t we? Or we might as well give up and join the undead.”

  “Well said,” Dylan replied, her admiration for the nurse growing by the second.

  “Where’s Jenny?” Amy asked.

  “Brenda is taking care of her for now. When you’re ready, I’ll take you to her,” Amanda said.

  “Thank you,” Amy replied, sagging back into Dylan’s arms.

  Dylan gathered her close, and together they waited for word on Alex’s condition. They didn’t have to wait long. Within a few minutes, Ethan exited the room, along with a couple of nurses.

  “Dylan,” he said, acknowledging her presence with the barest nod.

  “Ethan,” she replied, trying her best to keep a straight face. His attitude hurt more than she was willing to admit. Either to him or herself.

  “How is Alex?” Amy asked. “Is he okay?”

  “Alex is in the clear for now, but we’ll need to keep an eye on him. Blood clots are a danger, and so is infection. I’m keeping him under sedation for the next day or two.”

  Tears gathered in Amy’s eyes, and she swallowed hard. “I can’t bear to lose him too.”

  “You won’t lose him,” Ethan replied with brisk confidence. “Not on my watch, and that’s a promise.”

  “I hope so,” Amy said.

  “Why don’t you join Jenny and get some rest? I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you,” Dylan said. “Besides, there isn’t much you can do for Alex now. Not while he’s sleeping.”

  Ethan nodded. “Excellent suggestion.”

  “Alright,” Amy said. “I’ll go, but only if you come with me, Dylan.”

  “Of course,” Dylan agreed.

  “Let me show you the way,” Amanda added.

  Dylan left the ward without a backward glance. She refused to show Ethan how much pain he caused her. Not while he was determined to view her as a freak. Her fingers traced across the sleeve of her jacket, right where the scar from the zombie bite marred her flesh. I’m not a monster. I’m just a human being like the rest. Neither perfect nor whole.

  Amanda showed them to a small room equipped with a double bunk bed against one wall and a three-quarter bed against the other. They entered to find Jenny huddled into a little ball on the bottom bunk. Her eyes were red and swollen, and her bottom lip quivered.

  Brenda looked up at them with an expression of relief. “Thank goodness; you’re here. I can’t get her to settle down.”

  Amy immediately hurried to Jenny’s side and wrapped an arm around her. “Oh, sweetie. Don’t worry. I’m here now. It’s going to be okay.”

  “No, it’s not,” Jenny replied with a hiccuping sob. “He’s gone.”

  “Who’s gone?” Amy said with a frown of confusion.

  “She keeps asking for Rufus,” Brenda explained. “Who’s Rufus?”

  Amy’s expression cleared. “It’s her teddy bear. I think he’s still in the truck.”

  “I’ll go fetch him,” Amanda offered, rushing out.

  “I’ll go with you,” Dylan said.

  They left the room and headed to the exit in silence, each lost in their thoughts. They found the truck where Grissom had parked it and searched the interior. Rufus was lying on the front seat, and Dylan eyed the scruffy brown bear with surprise. “There’s not much to him, huh?”

  Amanda laughed. “Kids. They get attached to the strangest things. I had a ratty old blanket as a child. Damn thing nearly disintegrated in the wash; it was that old.”

  “Yeah, I had a one-legged Barbie doll called Thor,” Dylan said, tucking Jenny’s bear into her jacket pocket.

  “Thor?” Amanda asked with a snort.

  Dylan shrugged. “I wanted an action-hero, okay? But we foster kids had to make do with what we got, so I sewed her a handmade cape and pretended she was the god of thunder.”

  “Inventive,” Amanda said, grabbing the rest of Jenny and Amy’s things from the truck. Together, they walked back inside.

  “I just hope the poor kid gets over it. Losing her parents and witnessing an attempted murder in the span of two days. That sucks,” Dylan added.

  “Agreed, but kids are resilient,” Amanda replied. “More so than we give them credit for.”

  “You’re probably right. Besides, she’s got Amy on her side, and that girl is like a ray of sunshine on a fine summer’s day.”

  “You’re fond of her,” Amanda said.

  “I am. Amy is like family to me,” Dylan replied. “Her and Alex, though I’ll have to make space for Jenny now too, I suppose.”

  “You could do worse. She seems like a good kid,” Amanda said.

  Dylan nodded. “That she does.”

  They returned to the room to find Jenny tucked into the bunk bed with the blankets drawn up around her face. Dylan produced the teddy from her pocket and waved him around. “Guess who I found? Rufus!”

  Amy grinned. “There he is. See, Jenny? I told you he was just fine.”

  “Rufus,” Jenny cried, reaching out with both hands.

  Dylan handed him over, and his scruffy form disappeared beneath the blankets in a flash. “Bye, Rufus. See you in the morning.”

  Jenny eyed her with mistrust. “Maybe. We’ll see.”

  Dylan laughed. “Oh, so that’s how it is. I’ll have to earn his trust first.”

  Jenny nodded, her expression fierce. “He’s my friend, and I won’t let anyone hurt him.”

  Dylan nodded, her expression somber. “I’m glad to hear that. You should always protect your friends.”

  “Amy is my friend,” Jenny said, her dark eyes wide. “Just like Rufus.”

  “She’s my friend too,” Dylan said.

  “Really?” Jenny asked, flashing Amy a look.

  “Really, really,” Amy replied. “Dylan is like family to me, and maybe one day, she’ll be your family too. If you want that, of course.”

  “I don’t know,” Jenny said, wrinkling her nose.

  Dylan laughed and wisely retreated to the three-quarter bed on the opposite side of the room. “Don’t worry. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, including being friends with me.”

  “Okay,” Jenny replied, allowing Amy to tuck her back under the covers.

  Amanda dropped Amy and Jenny’s bags in the corner. “Where’s Brenda?”

  “She said she had to get back to work,” Amy said.

  “I’d better check on her,” Amanda said. “She got a huge fright earlier tonight. If you need anything, just ask. There’s a bathroom down the hall, and the cafeteria is three doors up.”

  “Thanks, Amanda,” Dylan said. “I hope to see you again soon.”

  “Me too,” Amanda said before leaving them alone in the room.

  “Right. Time for bed, young Missy. Rufus must be exhausted,” Amy said, hauling herself up to plant a kiss on Jenny’s forehead.

  Jenny yawned. “So am I, but what about you? I want you to stay with me.”

  “I’ll be right here all night,” Amy said.


  “I promise.”

  “Okay, goodnight.”

  “Don’t let the bed bugs bite,” Amy replied. She smoothed a lock of hair out of Jenny’s eyes before backing away. She sat down on the edge of her bed and shot Dylan a weary look. “I’m beat.”

  “You look it too,” Dylan said. “Get some sleep.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” Amy admitted. “It feels like every time I let my guard down, something bad happens.”

  “How about I keep watch for a while?” Dylan offered. “I’m not that tired yet.”

  “Sounds good,” Amy said, kicking off her shoes and removing her jacket. She lay down and pulled the thick duvet over her. “Goodnight, Dylan.”

  “Goodnight, sweetie.”

  “Oh, and Dylan?”

  “Yes, Amy?”

  “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too, baby girl. More than I ever thought possible.”

  Amy smiled and closed her eyes. Within minutes, both she and Jen
ny were fast asleep. Dylan waited another twenty minutes before she made her move. On silent feet, she got up and tiptoed to the exit. She switched off the light and closed the door. “Goodnight, you two. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  She left the infirmary behind and made a beeline for Nick’s headquarters. Her boots crunched across the thin layer of snow, and her breath puffed out in clouds of white. It was another cold night, even though spring wasn’t far off. A glance at her watch showed her it was almost midnight, but she wasn’t tired. Not when there was work to be done. Don’t worry, Tara. We’re coming for you.

  Chapter 7 - Nick

  Nick glanced up with surprise when Dylan walked into his office. She was accompanied by a chilly breeze and a flurry of snow. After wiping her boots on the welcome mat, she plonked down into the nearest chair and surveyed him and Saul with raised eyebrows. “And? When do we get Tara back?”



  Nick and Saul spoke simultaneously, and their conflicting statements hung in the air for several seconds.

  Dylan eyed them with raised eyebrows? “Well? Which will it be?”

  “Tomorrow,” Saul repeated.

  “Not tomorrow,” Nick said.

  “Why the hell not?” Saul demanded.

  “We need to plan this properly, and it will take a few days to get everything ready,” Nick replied with a shake of his head.

  “We already have a plan,” Saul insisted. “A good one. And, I’m not waiting one second longer than I absolutely have to, to rescue Tara.”

  “What did Grissom say?” Dylan asked.

  “He’s been very forthcoming,” Nick said.

  “I’m not surprised,” Dylan said. “He’s up shit creek without a paddle, and cozying up to you is his only hope of survival.”

  “Exactly. He told us where King is holed up, where his lookouts are, and what his defenses look like. He’s even volunteered to speak to King and tell him the mission succeeded,” Nick added.

  “Do you think that will work?” Dylan asked.

  “I don’t see why not,” Nick said. “If we can get King to relax, we can launch a proper attack after scoping the place out. We’ll have the advantage of surprise, and we’ll know what we’re up against.”


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