Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

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Home (Finding My Home Book 1) Page 22

by Nikita Parmenter

  “Fuck off, we haven’t heard from him since he left” Jensen says shocked.

  “Who’s Atlas?” I ask, they’ve mentioned him before but I’m hoping they give me a better explanation rather than just mentioning his name.

  “He was one of our best friends, like a brother really. Something went down over the summer and suddenly he was just gone. He sent one text saying he couldn’t explain why he was leaving but he had to and that was it. We tried calling him but could never get through” Riot explains, looking confused.

  “Rylie mentioned something about some shit that went down, I thought it was to do with Tomlinson high though?” I ask beyond curious.

  “That was the rumour that we let go round, it’s been just over a year since we last saw him. Something about him suddenly up and leaving was shady as fuck, but we couldn’t get hold of him to ask, his message assured us he was safe though and he would’ve have told us otherwise. We had a code word just in case” Cash says and I stare at him incredulously a fucking code word? Sensing my question before I’ve asked, he answers. “Tensions were really high with Tomlinson high at the time, we thought it would be better to be safe” he shrugs.

  “Which was why we let that rumour go round when he disappeared, it was believable, and Atlas is a scary mother fucker anyway. So, no one dared question it” Luc chuckles.

  “Well what did the fucker say?” Jensen grins.

  All of the guys are practically vibrating, it’s obvious they’ve really missed him, it super cute and telling of how close they really were.

  “He says, I can’t tell you guys what’s going on and why I had to leave but, I think I might be able to swing it so I can come to the cabin if you guys are still going this year? If you are let me know what day you’re planning on arriving and I’ll meet you there. This is a burner, so you won’t be able to contact me on this number after I’ve had a reply. It’s safer that way. Please don’t tell anyone that you guys have heard from me, it will be dangerous for me.” Trick frowns.

  “What the fuck has he gotten himself into?” Riot growls.

  “Oh, and he said, and I quote, I’ve missed you, you ugly fuckers” Trick tells them and the guys all chuckle.

  I grin, I already like Atlas.

  “That ok with you, Dragonfly?” Rafe signs.

  “Of course it fucking is” I grin, “you should tell him about me though in case he doesn’t want to come with an outsider there. Whatever happened is obviously still going on and it sounds shady. I don’t mind staying home so you guys can see him, you’ve obviously missed him” I smirk as a couple of the guys blush. I’ve never got that, why is it so embarrassing to admit you’ve missed someone if you’re a guy and the person you’ve missed is a guy too?

  I make sure I keep the smile plastered on my face, of course I want them to go and see Atlas (how can a name be hot? I internally face palm, for fuck sake Ever) but I’m going to miss them desperately and I really hope he doesn’t mind me coming.

  “Don’t worry Ever, he knows all about you, he won’t mind” Riot assures me throwing an arm around my shoulder.

  “We probably won’t get a text back though he said he could only send that one and then we wouldn’t be able to contact him again” Jensen shrugs.

  “He better be fucking ok” Trick growls, typing out what seems like a really long message.

  “If he can’t reply though that means we won’t know if he’s coming until we get there. We better make sure we get enough food and stuff for him just in case” Cash muses out loud.

  “It sort of sounded like he’s got to sneak away from wherever he is” I add and they all look at me, “he’s probably going to be travelling light, it might be a good idea to take him some other supplies too, like spare clothes stuff like that” I add.

  “That’s a good idea, Dragonfly” Luc grins.

  I suddenly shiver. “Fuck it got cold. I’m going to get dressed” I tell them, wrapping my arms around myself and turning towards the changing room. I shout over my shoulder, “tell him I said hi and although everyone says he’s a scary mother fucker, I can’t wait to meet him” I chuckle.

  I dive into the changing room quickly turning on the shower and jumping in, in my bikini, fuck that cold snuck up on me. I strip it off and slowly relax as the warm water heats me back up. I’m so glad the guys aren’t asking me to stay at home and not go to the cabin with them. I really hope Atlas does come, despite me being there, the guys have missed him and I’m not going to lie, I am so curious about him from the little snippets of information I’ve been told by Rylie and the guys. That and the mysteriousness around him leaving.

  I never could resist a good mystery.

  I finish up quickly and get dressed in ripped black jeans and a long sleeved dark purple Henley, piling my hair up into a messy bun on the top of my head. I’m not going to bother with make-up, since I have a feeling Rylie has a whole plan for the party tonight. I grab all my stuff, dumping my wet bikini and towel into the wash basket in the corner.

  I make my way past the swimming pool and out into the hallway beyond, pausing to put my bag in the cinema room so it’s out of the way and make my way towards the sound of the guys. Kat and Marc must already be back since I can hear them too.

  “Hey Ever, take a seat, its nearly finished” Kat instructs me as I walk into the kitchen, I take a seat at the large table between Rafe and Riot.

  With all that happened with Atlas contacting them and the talk of the cabin, I had completely forgotten that Kat and Marc wanted to talk to me and now I’m super nervous. Rafe’s hand lands on my leg stopping it from bouncing up and down in my nervousness. I glance up at him, worriedly biting my lip, he quickly glances back at the kitchen and seeing that Marc and Kat are facing the other way, grabbing the last few dishes for the table, he quickly darts down kissing me softly and then biting my lip, lingering for a second before he pulls back. He leans away from me smirking at my shocked expression. Riot chuckles quietly next to me, as Cash and the others try to hide their laughter behind their hands or by coughing and Jensen just outright laughs at the shocked look on my face.

  His kiss has successfully distracted me though so at least there’s that. I can’t believe he kissed me in front of them all and they found my shock amusing. I’m starting to feel like I’m missing something. Like they’re all in on a secret and have forgotten to fill me in.

  “What’s so funny?” Marc asks, looking around at the guys as he places a dish of steamed veg down. Him and Kat take a seat and they both look at the still laughing Jensen.

  “Nothing, it’s Jensen” Trick shrugs by way of an explanation and Cash’s parents just smile indulgently, which causes my own grin to surface.

  “Ok then, dig in everyone” Kat smiles as we all start dishing up chicken, salad, potatoes and steamed veg onto our plates.

  “Mom, I don’t think Ever is going to be able to enjoy lunch until you tell her what you wanted to talk to her about” Cash tells her, his eyes on me as I nervously chew my lip, his eyes dip to it and darken with heat.

  I shoot him a grateful look. I didn’t want to be rude and bring it up, but he is right, I offer an apologetic look to Kat and Marc, who just smile.

  “Ok Ever that’s fair enough, although it really is nothing to worry about cara ragazza” Kat Smiles. “Before we begin though I just want to make sure you definitely want the boys here for this, it is a legal matter but like I said it’s good news.”

  “It’s ok if you don’t, we can go back to my office” Marc offers kindly, “I’d say Kat’s but you can’t even see her desk under the piles of unorganised mess” he winks at me and I chuckle as Kat smacks him on the arm giving him a mock glare.

  I take a second to think about it before coming to a conclusion.

  “I’ll probably just end up telling them anyway so it’s fine to talk in front of them” I chuckle.

  “Ok, tesero” Kat takes a deep breath, “I don’t know if you remember, but I was actually your mom’s best friend
, all of us parents are close but me and her were like sisters” she starts, I vaguely remember but I was so young that I didn’t focus on parents friendships, my attention was all on the boys. “Towards the end, your mom came to me, and asked me to change a part of her will and transfer some money she had in a hidden account into a trust for you. A trust that you would receive on your eighteenth birthday. She also wanted me to make sure it was kept secret from your dad.”

  I frown hard in confusion.

  Rafe’s arm comes around my shoulders and Riot’s hand squeezes mine gently, as Trick nudges his foot against mine under the table in silent support.

  “She also made me promise to watch out for you, I think she knew that your dad was into something shady although she obviously didn’t know the extent of it. Not that we know much either, but it’s obvious from the details we were given that he was in pretty deep. She passed away a couple of months later and before I could blink your dad had packed you up and taken you away” she looks me in the eyes her own eyes watering, “I am so sorry I didn’t get to you in time, tesero.”

  “It’s not your fault, he was really good at pretending everything was fine just after mom died. From what you’ve said though it makes me wonder if maybe he always was” I shrug, thinking about what she’s told me. I would’ve said that dad changed when mom died but maybe he had always been that way. I give her a smile to assure her I don’t blame her, the only person I blame is my shit stain of a father. I’m distracted from my building anger as she continues.

  “Due to the extenuating circumstances, I managed to get your trust partly released early. Which means until you turn eighteen you will be given a certain amount a month, sort of like an allowance” Kat explains, “you just need to sign a few things and you’ll be good to go. This month’s amount is double what it would usually be since its Christmas this month so, I asked for another favour” she winks at me.

  “She left me money?” I ask shocked.

  “Yes tesero, your mom was a really good interior designer before she got sick and she saved a good portion for your trust fund” Kat tells me gently.

  “Would you like to know how much?” Marc asks.

  I just nod silently.

  I have so many questions.

  I used to think everything was perfect before mom died but I’m starting to realise that maybe I was just viewing it through the rose-tinted glasses of a child.

  “You have around five-” Marc starts, ok that’s good I can get the guys and Rylie Christmas presents with that, something for Rob and Jenny too easily with five hundred dollars, “-million dollars.”

  “Fucking hell” Riot curses suddenly.

  The rest of their eyes widen and Jensen chokes on the food he’s just put in his mouth.

  “W-w-what?” I stammer, because I simply cannot have fucking heard him properly.

  “Your mom was a highly successful businesswoman; she designed a couple of homes for some very prominent business owners and then built her business through word of mouth alone. As well as that she made some incredibly good investments.”

  “But we didn’t live like she had that kind of money” I ask, trying to think back to my childhood to see if maybe I missed something that would’ve given me a clue that we were better off than I thought.

  “Well your mom had been saving for years, most of her paycheck going into the fund. I don’t know why she didn’t trust your dad, but she must’ve told him she earnt a lot less than she did. I also know that a large portion of that money is from an inheritance she received from her own grandparents.” Kat explains.

  “Fuck” I breath out slowly. “Let me just check I heard you right, five million dollars?”

  “Yes, that’s right, although you won’t have access to all of it now but I have a card here that will be loaded at the beginning of each month with three thousand dollars. Whatever you don’t spend will just roll over. This month you have six” Marc tells me as he bends down and pulls a stack of papers from a case I didn’t notice by his feet.

  I gape at him.

  “Ever, are you alright Sweetheart?” Trick asks gently, his intense grey eyes studying my features intently from across the table.

  “Fuck” I say again, fairly sure I’m incapable of saying anything else right now.

  That is so much fucking money, what on earth am I supposed to spend it on in month! I’m not even going to think about the grand total of the inheritance that’s just scary amounts of fucking money.

  They chuckle.

  “Ok then” Kat chuckles amused, “I just need you to sign where the little stickers are and then you’re all set and you can have your card and pin number” Kat instructs.

  I sign everything blindly. A part of me wants to tell them I don’t want it, but that would be ridiculous. It’s just the thought of the amount of responsibility that comes along with that sort of money. Of course, the guys being guys all start eating again. Sending me encouraging looks and seeming to realise that I’m a bit shell shocked. As most fucking people would be, I mean just fuck. After it’s all done, she hands me the card and I tentatively take it. They both get up and start clearing the table, normally I’d hop up to help them, but I think I’m in shock.

  There is six thousand dollars on this tiny piece of plastic in my hand, that’s just crazy.

  Not wanting to put it in my jean pocket in case it falls out, I put it in my bra and pat it, there nice and safe.

  “Did you just put that in your bra?” Jensen grins, keeping his voice low so Cash’s parents don’t hear from the kitchen.

  “Yep, no safer place. I don’t trust it won’t fall out of my pocket” I shrug like it’s a no brainer.

  “Oh Angel” he chuckles, green eyes mischievous.

  “Come on, let’s help them clear the table” I tell the guys to change the subject.

  As soon as everything is put away, we go back up to Cash’s room so the guys can play some racing game and I take a seat on the couch in front of his TV in a daze.

  “Do you want a go?” Cash asks me, as they start up the game, holding a controller out to me.

  “Are you ok Ever?” Luc asks before I can reply to Cash.

  “Yeah I think I’m in shock you know?” I ask, “I never thought I would have that sort of money and so long as I don’t blow it on something ridiculous it’s highly unlikely I will ever go hungry again” the guys growl, but I carry on, “holy fuck I can buy myself clothes that I actually like, not ones that I’ve had to make do with.” My eyes fill with tears but I push them back, a happy smile lighting up my face, “I don’t ever have to drink black coffee again” I chuckle, wetly.

  It might be an insignificant thing to be happy about to most people, but not to me. It’s a sign that I really am going to be ok.

  The guys immediately surround me as Jensen and Cash throw their arms around me and Trick crouches down in front of me.

  “Let’s get one thing clear Sweetheart, with or without that money we were never going to let you go hungry again” Trick tells me firmly.

  I nod, my throat clogged with emotion. I clear it when I think of something else.

  “I am curious about what was going on back then, my mom obviously knew something was up with my dad way before she got sick” I frown. “I thought it was her being ill that ruined my dad but it turns out he was always rotten and mom just helped prolong it for a bit. I guess I’ll never know what exactly went on.”

  “Maybe not Sunshine, but one thing is unequivocally certain” I turn to look at Riot questioningly. “Your momma loved you and did everything she could to try and protect you. I’m sure she would’ve done more if she realised just how dark your father was.”

  “Thanks, Riot” I grin, I need a distraction from all this emotion, still not that comfortable with it, I’m still working in it. “Now who’s ass am I kicking first?”

  The guys all chuckle before Jensen’s face suddenly turns serious his brow furrowing.

  “Hey Ever, does this make me a gol
d digger now?” He smirks, a mischievous light dancing his in his green eyes.

  “No dickhead you liked her before she got money” Luc chuckles, smacking him on the back of and head and setting them all off in fits of laughter.

  My heart soars.

  We spend the rest of the afternoon playing video games until my phone pings next to me, I feel confused for half second. All of the guys are in the room with me, why would they be texting me? I pull out my phone and grin.

  “Shit I totally forgot I was supposed to be going to Rylie’s to get ready for the party tonight.” I chuckle.

  “I was hoping you’d forgotten about that, I’m going to miss you” Jensen pouts, I chuckle and turn towards where he’s sat next to me, tipping my head back and kissing him on the cheek.

  “I’ll miss you guys too, but it’s literally only for a couple of hours” I grin, before remembering that Trick drove us all here in the truck, “shit I didn’t bring my bike, can one of you drive me over please?” I ask as I hunt for my boots.

  “Yeah” Riot and Rafe say together.

  “I will Angel” Jensen says almost at exactly the same time as Cash and Luc also say they’ll take me.

  “Well you can’t all take me that’d be a bit of overkill” I chuckle, trying to play it off casually, when in actuality my heart is almost bursting with happiness that they all want to take me. I almost can’t believe that they aren’t fed up with me yet, I was certain they would be by now.

  The guys have a weirdly intense stare off. I watch highly amused, before they finally come to some sort of decision without using any words, just varying facial expressions. It’s impressive if I’m being honest even if it is pretty damn amusing to watch.

  “I’ll take you” Trick grins, jumping up.

  “Thanks, I’m just going to go and grab my bag” I say hopping up off the couch and going around the room to give everyone a kiss on the cheek before darting out of the door to grab my bag from the cinema room.

  As soon as I have it, I bounce towards the front door, ridiculously excited to have some girl time and admittedly do some girly shit. I haven’t had that ever before. Even when I was younger it was just me and the guys.


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