Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

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Home (Finding My Home Book 1) Page 32

by Nikita Parmenter

  Ignoring everyone, I say a quick goodbye to Rylie and Darcy who are apparently hanging out after school. I really hope Rylie lets herself feel what she clearly is for Darcy. It’s obvious Darcy feels the same. I want them both to be happy.

  I hop into the front of the truck claiming the front seat for myself, my stomach has started cramping like a bitch and I need to get to the store.

  “Hey guys” I grin. “Is it still ok to nip to the store?” I ask Trick as everyone gets settled and we pull out of the crowded parking lot.

  “Sure thing Dragonfly” Trick grins at me.

  It’s weird how some places I still recognise from when I was younger, and others are foreign to me now. The store I recognise, I remember mom bringing me here when I was little. I hop out of the car and I’m surprised when all the guys hop out with me.

  “You aren’t going anywhere alone until this stalker fuck is caught, Sunshine” Riot says seriously, throwing his arm around my shoulder when I look confused.

  “Fair enough, I forgot to be honest” I say as we step through the doors to the store.

  “You forgot?” Jensen asks incredulously, raising his eyebrow at me.

  “I’m in pain and I’m cranky as fuck” I shrug.

  “You’re in pain?” Cash asks worriedly.

  “Yeah, shark week and all that, hurts like a motherfucker and makes me cranky, hence why we’re here” I chuckle.

  “I can’t believe you call your period shark week!” Jensen gets out between bouts of laughter the others joining in.

  “What? It’s accurate” I shrug, “do you guys need to get stuff?”

  “I could definitely do with some more snacks at mine” Jensen says.

  “Cart it is then” I decide.

  I head straight towards the feminine hygiene aisle; I expect the guys to get squeamish or go and get their snacks whilst I do this, but they all follow me down the aisle.

  “There are so many different kinds” Trick says baffled.

  “Yeah not everyone’s period is the same, so they make a variety of products to suit different needs.”

  “Really?” Luc asks curiously as he picks up a box of pads and starts to read the packaging. “I thought it was all pretty much the same, that’s what they taught us in sex ed anyway, you know pads and tampons that’s it?” he asks placing the box back on the shelf.

  A woman in her mid-thirties walks down the aisle and pauses as she sees the guys all looking at the different products. I pay her no mind as I try to explain.

  “Well the basics are pretty much the same but it effects each woman differently. For example mine are particularly painful the day before I start and for the first few days but it’s quite short and only last’s between four to five days, some people get no pain but it last over seven days, everyone is different.”

  “Oh ok, see I wish they taught this stuff in sex ed, I mean the majority of us guys are going to have girlfriends, wives and daughters, we should be taught this stuff” Trick says.

  “If we were taught this, guys wouldn’t get so funny about periods and anything to do with them, it’s ridiculous.” Rafe signs.

  “I agree completely” I say picking up two boxes and placing them in the cart.

  The guys all study the boxes as if committing them to memory, it’s kind of cute and gives me all the feels.

  “Ok so where to next?” Cash asks.

  “Excuse me” the lady from before stops us as we go to leave the aisle. “I just wanted to say that it’s really nice to see young men actually take an interest in this sort of thing, my husband outright refuses to get me any feminine hygiene products.”

  “That’s pretty ridiculous” Trick says respectfully, “we just want to learn about this stuff, so we know what the hell to look for if our girl sends us out for it” he chuckles.

  Her eyebrow raises at Trick’s use of our girl, but she just chuckles and carries on with her shopping. I pick up some painkillers and a pack of those sticky heat pad things.

  “These help?” Jensen asks.

  “Yeah they help me.”

  “Good to know” he mutters, and I grin.

  The cuteness levels are rising rapidly.

  “What’s next?” Riot asks.

  “Chocolate and lots of yummy food” I grin.

  “Chocolate?” Jensen chuckles, “I actually thought that was like a myth or something.”

  “Nope chocolate always makes everything better, even sex” I smirk as Jensen trips over his over feet and the others stare at me in shock. “What it’s true, sticky though” I grimace.

  “Always full of surprises Ever” Trick smirks, recovering quicker than the others, he swoops in and places a soft kiss on my lips, before he grabs my hand. “Come on, chocolate is this way” he chuckles as he tugs me down an aisle.

  The others catch up and everyone starts piling their favourite snacks into the cart. I grab the biggest bar of chocolate I can find and start searching for some other yummy snacks when Riot approaches me.

  “Can I talk to you for a second Ever?”

  “Yeah sure” I say, stopping my search for snacks and turning to give him my full attention. “What’s up?”

  “We don’t have to go out tonight if you’re not up for it.”

  “I can’t wait to go out with you tonight Riot, I’ve been looking forward to it all day” I reassure him.

  “You have?” he asks surprised.

  “Of course I have” I grin.

  Stepping up onto my tiptoes, I wrap my arms around his neck as his arms wrap around me. I slowly kiss him loving the sensations he evokes in me as heat pools in my core. I step back before I get carried away. These men are slowly driving me crazy, but I need to have that talk with them all before I take the next step with any of them. I mean we got pretty close to having sex when we were all in bed together. If Cash’s dad hadn’t interrupted, I’m pretty sure I know what would’ve happened but, I really need to talk to them and get everything on the table before I have sex with any of them. Sex will make things a whole hell of a lot more complicated if we aren’t all on the same page first.

  I’m just worried, no not worried absolutely terrified what the outcome of that conversation will be. I want us to all enjoy winter break and the cabin before bringing something up that could potentially ruin us.

  “Good” he says firmly, still holding on to me.

  “Hey, you get her all to yourself all evening share the love” Cash grins and Riot chuckles not in the least bit annoyed.

  My thoughts are spinning though caught on Cash’s words.

  Share the love?

  Could we do that? Would they even want to?

  They are sort of doing it now, but like I said it could get seriously complicated if we bring sex into the mix.

  I put a pin in it to think about later. To be honest though, I’ve got so many things that I’ve put pins in to think about later that I’m going to run out of space very soon, if I don’t start dealing with shit. We finish up in the store quickly and we’re back at Trick’s place in no time, the guys wanted to hang out for a bit before me and Riot go out in a couple of hours.

  “Hey guys” Jenny calls from the kitchen. “Some boxes arrived for you Ever. I see you’re spending your inheritance well” she giggles and winks at me as she walks out the kitchen door wiping her hands on a dishcloth. “I put them on your bed.”

  I squeal in excitement as I race up the stairs, taking them two at a time. I race into my bedroom not even giving a crap that the guys are laughing their asses off as they follow me up the stairs. When I get to my room, I see four sizeable boxes on my bed, whoops. I know I bought a lot but seeing the evidence of it in person is a slight shock.

  I grab the first box and tear into it ridiculously excited. I pull out the first set of underwear a black lace thong, matching non padded bra and garter belt that I bought on a whim. I have no idea how to wear it. I’m probably going to have to google it or maybe Pinterest. Pinterest has everything. I open the b
ags and lay the set on the bed so I can get a proper look at them, I hear Jenny yell up after the guys.

  “Erm boys I’m not sure you should go in there, maybe wait a bit?”

  It’s too late though, they come crashing into my room as I stare lovingly at the underwear set.

  “I swear Ever that is the most girly sound I have ever heard you make. What in the world did you b . . .” Riot trails off as he and the guys finally spot me.

  “Fuck” Rafe swears aloud, swallowing thickly as his eyes darken with lust.

  I just sit there a smirk, before I feel a little bit evil.

  “It’s so pretty don’t you think?” I ask as I stand up and hold the items against myself.

  “Fuuuuck” Jensen curses as he takes a step forward, “that’s fucking hot Ever.”

  It’s then that the others notice all the boxes on my bed and Trick chokes out a laugh breaking the building tension in the room.

  “Holy fuck, Ever. Are those boxes all full of underwear?” he asks incredulously.

  “Yep, well most of them. I got sweats and pyjamas too” I say before admitting, “there may be a small chance that I have a new obsession with pretty underwear” I chuckle as I start rummaging through the box and pull out more lace and satin.

  “You’re going to be the death of us, Everleigh” Cash chokes out and the guys make sounds of affirmation as they watch me pull out more underwear.

  I smirk over my shoulder at them.

  “Oh, but what a way to go” I wink. “Alright, whilst this is fun, I’ve got to get ready for my first proper date so out you go” I shoo them out of the room noticing the shocked looks they throw between each other.

  Instead of moving away from the door once it’s shut, I lean back against it smirking as I listen to them.

  “First date?” Luc asks quietly.

  “Fucking hell, our poor girl. She deserves to be spoilt” Cash says heatedly.

  “Do you think that means she’s, you know inexperienced?” Jensen asks and I hear a smack. “Hey! You were thinking it too. I would’ve said no because she sure as fuck kisses like she has experience” he groans. “It wouldn’t matter either way, I’m just curious.”

  The silly fuckers haven’t moved away from my door, so I pull it open, making them jump and look at me sheepishly which makes my grin widen.

  “Ok not that it should matter but I know it’ll drive you guys crazy not knowing so, for the record I’m definitely not a virgin” I tell them, amused when one of them growls.

  Now what the fuck was that for? An emotion that looks suspiciously like jealousy is swimming in each of their eyes and shocks the shit out of me. Hang on they’re jealous?

  “But you’ve never had a date?” Trick asks.

  “No, I’ve had one-night stands and friends with benefits. My first time was a one-night stand, it was just after the shower thing. I was terrified that my virginity would be taken from me so I took matters into my own hands. That choice was mine and meant that no one could take it from me by force” I explain clinically.

  The guys growl and curse.

  “It is what it is. Now I really do have to get ready and I really want to unpack the rest of my pretty underwear. If you’re lucky I might model it for you guys some time, I expect the favour returned though” I smirk at the shocked expressions on their face before slamming the door.

  Damn three for three I’m on a roll this afternoon. I chuckle to myself before literally skipping over to my boxes. I don’t have enough time to put all of the pretties away before I’ve got to leave for my date with Riot so, I just pick out some underwear.

  Unfortunately, I was slightly off in my calculations earlier and shark week has begun, so I can’t wear any of my super pretty panties, but I do have some comfy ones that, honestly say shark week on them. They make me chuckle.

  I pull out a pretty lace and satin bra. Then I open one of the other boxes trying to find some pyjamas out. I have a feeling I’m not going to be sleeping here alone tonight, in fact ever since I told Riot that I was worried to go to sleep in case the nightmares came back. I haven’t had to sleep alone.

  I put my pyjamas on my bed, ready for later and move the boxes off it to stack them inside the closet. I have a feeling we’re going to be back quite late tonight and I won’t want to be moving stuff later. Whilst I’m in the closet, I search through my clothes to find something to wear, pausing first to lovingly stroke the garment bag that holds my dress, I really love it.

  After rummaging through my stuff looking for something warm like Riot told me to, I finally settle on my black skinny jeans, a light grey long sleeved top with super pretty embroidery on the ends of the sleeves, Riot’s jumper and my trusty doc martens. I grab my coat from where I chucked it in my excitement to get to the boxes and lay it on my bed ready to put on later. Nervous butterflies swarm in my stomach with excitement and I put my hand over it trying to quell the feeling.

  My first proper date and it’s with a guy who is so gorgeous he could be a god and is one of the guys that I’m falling in lo… ohh nuh uh, no, nope, not going there, nice try excited brain.

  Yeah, I think anyone would be nervous in my position.

  Shaking off my nerves or at least trying to anyway, I grab my makeup and take it to the bathroom. I quickly reapply my usual simple makeup. Taking my hair down from the messy bun it’s been in all day, I stare at the wild poofiness of it before glancing at my phone, shit ok not enough time to straighten it. Not that I have straighteners but Jenny might, and probably wouldn’t mind lending them to me. There really isn’t enough time for that though so instead I pull it into a loose Dutch braid and secure the end.

  Glancing over myself in the mirror I figure it’s as good as it’s gonna get. I clear up my mess in the bathroom and then take my stuff back to my room. I nervously start to straighten everything up before realising what I’m doing and tell myself to get a grip.

  A stab of pain in my stomach reminds me it would probably be a good idea if I got some painkillers before we go or else I’m not going to be able to enjoy our date. I grab my coat off my bed checking that I’ve got everything I’ll need because I’m lazy as fuck and don’t want to come back upstairs to grab anything that I’ve forgotten.

  My eyes dart out of the window, I assume from what Riot told me to wear that we’re going to be outside doing something. I take the time to study outside, thankfully it’s not raining, and actually the sky is pretty clear although night is falling quickly.

  Clear skies mean that it’s going to be freaking cold though. I’m so glad I finally got a coat. Done with stalling, I make my way out of my room and down the stairs hanging my coat on the banister on the way past so it’s ready to go and make my way into the kitchen.

  “Hey guys, where did those bags from the grocery store go?” I ask them.

  They’re all sat around the kitchen table with snacks spread out in front of them.

  “We put it all away, what do you need Dragonfly?” Rafe signs.

  “I just need some painkillers before we go.”

  “You ok?” Cash asks worriedly.

  Even though I explained why I’m in pain earlier, he obviously doesn’t like the idea of me being in pain and from the matching frowns around the table they all feel the same.

  My heart melts.

  I’m not used to being cared about like this.

  “Yeah but it’s nothing painkillers won’t be able to help with” I smile softly.

  “Here I’ll get you some” Jensen says as he jumps up.

  I watch him with a smile as he fishes out the painkillers and then pours me some juice and brings it over to me. I stand on my tip toes and kiss him once on the lips.

  “Thank you” I say softly.

  He smiles down at me with that emotion I’m not ready to identify lighting up his beautiful dark green eyes.

  “You’re welcome, Angel” he says softly as he hands over my drink and painkillers.

  My heart flutters in my chest at his nic
kname for me. I take the painkillers trying to stop my heart from going crazy.

  “Are you ready to go?” Riot smiles, running his eyes over my hoody, “I’m really not getting that back, am I?” He chuckles with the guys.

  “Nope, I don’t know what you fuckers are laughing at. I’m eventually going to have one of yours too” I smirk at the others cackling around the table, “and yep I’m ready.”

  He grabs my hand and leads me to the front door. I grab my coat on the way past the bottom of the stairs and pull it on.

  “Riot” Trick calls before throwing him the keys to his truck.

  “Thanks man” Riot grins.

  “No problem” Trick shrugs.

  “Come on Sunshine, let’s go” he tugs me out the door.

  “Bye guys, have fun at Jensen’s, tell your dad I say hi” I call over my shoulder.

  We load up in the truck and we’re off.

  I’m literally bouncing in my seat I’m so excited to see where we’re going. Riot glances at me out the corner of his eye and chuckles.

  “You ok there, Sunshine?” he asks his voice amused.

  “I’m excited, I didn’t realise I liked surprises” I chuckle.

  “Come here Sunshine. You’re far too far away right now” Riot invites as he lifts his arm up.

  I quite literally melt at his sweet words.

  I undo my seatbelt and slide across the bench seat happily tucking myself into his side and refastening the seat belt.

  “That’s better” Riot grins whilst focusing on the road.

  Over the next ten minutes I try really hard not to ask where we are going and the effort causes me to fidget. The more I fidget the more Riot’s grin grows until finally I can’t take it anymore.

  “Where are we going?” I ask my words blurring together with the speed I ask them.

  Riot bursts out laughing.

  “You lasted ten minutes, Ever” he grins down at me before focusing on the road again.

  I huff at him and stick my tongue out.


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