Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

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Home (Finding My Home Book 1) Page 36

by Nikita Parmenter

  “Hell yes” I say settling on my side of the bed.

  We eat our way through the epic feast and watch two more episodes. It’s during the first part of the episode that I hear a noise in the back garden, but I ignore it and carry on watching.

  “Who do you think she’s going to end up with?” Luc asks.

  “I don’t think she should end up with just one” I say without thinking.

  “What?” Luc turns to me curiously; I decide to just go with it.

  “Well, each of the guys brings out a different part of her personality and challenges her in different ways. If she chooses one, she will lose the other and the side of her that they bring out. Like if she chooses to be with only Nick then her witch side will be more dominant but if she chooses to be with only Harvey her human side will be more dominant and she’s not one or the other she’s both” I try to explain, “besides choosing fucking sucks.” I frown pretending I can’t feel Luc’s gaze studying me intently.

  “That’s an interesting view on it, Firecracker” he says, his voice cautious.

  I shrug like it’s not a big deal. Like I didn’t just show him a part of my soul, a part that I was even trying to hide from myself. I daren’t hope that when I have to have that talk with them after we’ve been to the cabin, that the outcome will be that I don’t have to choose between them because honestly late at night when whoever is with me has fallen asleep, I try to choose. I go through the motions in my mind of what it would be like if I had to choose and the mere thought of it kills me. I absolutely cannot choose between my boy’s; it just won’t happen.

  As usual when I’m around the guys, I’m so comfortable that I speak without thinking, telling them things I wouldn’t necessarily admit out loud to anyone else. I glance at him out the corner of my eye and see a tiny smirk on Luc’s face as he pulls his phone out.

  “I should get going” he grumbles reluctantly as he puts his phone away.

  “Do you want to stay?” I ask pausing the TV.

  “Absolutely Firecracker” he grins, “I just need to go back to mine and grab some stuff.”

  I start to nod but then frown. I’m sure he still has some stuff left in the room he shared here when they all stayed. I open my mouth to ask but he swoops down his lips landing on mine in a passionate kiss. I grab hold of his shirt pulling him towards me, my legs fall open as he falls forwards, his hands landing on either side of me. He growls as my legs wrap around him tightly securing him to me. I let go of his shirt as I run my hand underneath it, skimming my hand over the dips and groves of his delicious muscles, his stomach tenses as my fingers explore and his hips thrust forward as I gently roll his nipple between my fingers. He drops onto his forearms and balances as his lips trail down my throat and his hand trails up my side slowly causing my skin to pebble with goose bumps. I release a moan as his fingers skim the front of my thin bra and I pull his head up from my neck, bringing his lips back to mine as his hand moves the cup of my bra out of the way and he palms my breast in his large hand before pinching my nipple. My head tips back as I break our kiss and can’t help but set free a moan.

  My hands travel further down Luc’s abs but before I can get to the good stuff his phone rings loudly breaking us apart. We breathe heavily as his head lands on my shoulder and we both groan at being interrupted, he reaches into his jean pocket, still balanced above me and pulls out his phone.

  “What!?” He growls, making me giggle. He shoots me a smirk and quickly pecks me on the lips before rolling off me, “yeah, yeah I’m leaving” he grumbles.

  Why is someone making sure he leaves? I start to ask but he hops up.

  “See you in a bit, Firecracker” he calls as he walks out the door smirking.

  Something is up.

  I pull my top back down as I wonder what the hell is going on and I’m definitely not imagining it, that fucker had a cheeky as fuck grin on his face as he left the room. I get up and debate whether to text one of the guys and ask them what’s going on. Let’s face it though, if one of them is in on it then they all are, it’s just the way they work. Before I can fully make up mind, I hear a plink sound, confused, I tilt my head trying to discern where the sound is coming from. I give up and I’m reaching for my phone to text one of them to ask, when I hear the sound again, this time I can clearly make out where the sound is coming from and my head snaps towards the window.

  I probably should have recognised the sound since Riot used the same method to get my attention the other night. I drop to the floor anyway just in case it’s the crazy stalker and make my way to the window. I probably look like an absolute idiot right now, but I don’t give a shit. I’m not risking it. I probably should have been a bit more cautious the other night too actually.

  Getting to the window, I peak my head slowly, up over the lip of the windowsill and pop up to standing as soon as I see the back yard. Cash is stood in the middle of the yard, holding a guitar and looking super nervous. I throw up my window as I study the lanterns and candles he has everywhere.

  “Hey” I call down when he just stares up at me nervously.

  “Hey, Ever” He takes a deep breath and instantly gains confidence. “So, I haven’t done this in front of anyone but the guys before so go easy on me” he grins like he’s teasing but even from here I can see the worried glint in his eyes and the nervous tension in his posture.

  I smile encouragingly and lean against the window frame.

  He swings the guitar around from his back and starts strumming a few notes. My jaw drops as his voice joins the sound of the instrument.

  Holy fuck.

  His voice is deep and has this gravely smoothness to it, like whiskey on ice, it makes my toes curl.

  I know this song well; he sings the first verse of Luke Bryans, Good Looking Girl in English but as he continues every now and then he will seamlessly switch to Italian. If I thought it was toe curling in English, it’s fucking panty dropping when he switches to Italian. As he sings, his confidence grows and it’s truly mesmerising to watch him, he has this presence about him, a magnetism. He should be up on-stage entertaining millions, there’s no doubt about it. It’s not a wishy-washy song, he’s obviously put some thought into what song he wanted to sing, which makes it even better.

  In all honesty if it was anyone else but him singing, this would be cheesy as fuck and I’d be in fits of giggles, but I could listen to his whiskey on ice voice all fucking night. Jenny must have been in on his plan too because her and Rob haven’t come out to see what the noise is. Actually now that I think about it Luc must have known as well and that’s what that cheeky as fuck grin was about.

  I’ve got to admit, I absolutely love that my guys are all supporting each other with asking me to the Winter Formal, but that’s what happens when you’re as close as these guys are. Trick lent Riot his truck so we could go star gazing and Luc made himself scarce and distracted me whilst Cash set up in the back yard. It gives me a bit of hope for that crazy ass idea I had earlier whilst we were watching Sabrina. The one where I don’t have to choose, and they don’t mind sharing. I push that thought down as soon as it arises.

  Cash’s song comes to a close and he looks up at where I’m perched in the window. Gone is the confident singer and in his place is someone insecure and incredibly nervous. I spin from the window and rush down the stairs and out the back door. When I spy Cash, it’s to see him packing his guitar away with a sad look on his face and his shoulders hunched.

  Holy fuck he thought I didn’t like it.

  As soon as he stands back up again and spots me standing watching him, I launch myself at him. He catches me, staggering back a step from the shock but I don’t give him a chance to recover before I fuse my lips to his, he holds me tighter, as my hands delve into his hair, his hands grabbing my ass. His tongue glides across the seam of my lips and I happily give him access as our tongues dance with each other. I pull back my hands from his hair gripping his cheeks so he can see the sincerity in my eyes.

  “That was absolutely fucking amazing, Cash” he tries to dodge my gaze, but I refuse to let him, “you should be on a stage entertaining millions of people your voice is fucking panty melting. You’ve sort of fucked yourself over a bit now that you’ve played for me because now I’ve heard how you sing, I want to hear you sing all my favourite songs. Wait no, fuck that. I just want to hear you sing anything, everything” I finish with my little rant that admittedly got away from me a bit.

  Cash studies my eyes for a moment, he must see the sincerity shining in them though because in the next moment a truly breath taking grin comes over his face causing a dimple to appear on one side under the light dusting of stubble now covering his cheeks instead of his beard. I wondered whether he still had that cute as fuck dimple, well it was cute on boy Cash but on man Cash? It’s fucking hot as fuck. I loved his one dimpled smile when we were kids but even though Cash smiles a lot, I hadn’t seen it since I got back. I was starting to wonder if it was something that he grew out of, can you even grow out of dimples?

  I’m thrown out of my thoughts when his lips land on mine in a passionate kiss, he is completely in control of this kiss and I’m just along for the ride. When he pulls back, I’m completely out of breath, my heart racing.

  “Damn boy, you can kiss” I say wincing when I realise, I said that out loud.

  Cash chuckles, as my cheeks heat. Damn it I never used to blush before coming here and being surrounded by these gorgeous men.

  “Ever, il mio cuore, will you go to the Winter Formal with me?”

  “Fuck yes” I grin.

  I lean in to kiss him again, I just can’t seem to get enough of him. That voice of his is magic and just as dangerous as Rafe’s voice. Good god if they used them at the same time I’d be gone. Thoughts of them both whispering dirty things to me whilst we’re all naked, flit through my mind.

  “Guys, Luc’s been in an accident” Trick comes rushing out the back door.

  The world stops.

  My breath freezes in my chest, as my heartbeat picks up speed, me and Cash both seem to be stuck in the moment staring at each other in panic before everything suddenly speeds back up.

  “What happened?” I say my voice cracking in panic.

  “I don’t know, someone from school saw it happen and messaged me. A good fucking job too, his parents never would’ve told us anything had happened” he says as we rush towards his truck.

  “The guys are meeting us there” Cash say’s from my other side, checking his phone.

  I have never been so glad for the bench seat in Trick’s truck as I put my hand on his thigh, he promptly reaches down and grabs my hand tightly, I reach my other hand out and grab hold of Cash’s hand too.

  “I’m scared” I whisper, quietly.

  “Me too, but it’s Luc, he’s a tough motherfucker” Cash says firmly.

  “He’s right, he’ll be fine, he has to be” Trick agrees.

  Emotion clogs my throat, but I don’t let it overtake me. We don’t know what’s happened. I need to be strong right now or I’ll be absolutely useless.

  Fall apart later.

  Trick drives as fast as possible without putting us in danger, although I’m pretty sure he broke a couple speed limit laws. We park at the hospital finding it surprisingly easily and rush through the front doors, Riot, Rafe and Jensen are all in the waiting area to our left and I squeeze them each tightly.

  “What happened?” Trick asks.

  “We don’t know. We got here just before you” Jensen explains.

  There’s fear in his eyes and his hands are slightly shaking, I grab his hand and he grips on to mine tightly.

  We walk up to the counter, Trick naturally taking the lead. From the outside he looks completely calm and collected, but I can see the faint tremors making his form vibrate. Still holding Jensen’s hand, I place my other hand on Trick’s back as we get to the counter, he takes a deep breath and shoots me a worried smile.

  “Excuse me Miss, we’re here to see Luc Carmichael he was in a car crash” Trick says his voice clear but obviously worried.

  “His parents said no visitors, but I know how close you boys are, and they just rub me the wrong way, so down the hall room two eighteen” she says.

  We say a quick thank you and rush down the corridor to Luc’s room, not having any idea what we’re going to find. They let us come down here though so that’s a good sign, right? I mean if he was in really bad shape, they’d have told us to wait to speak to a doctor, right? Or, oh god, what if he’s so bad there’s nothing they can do and that’s why they’re letting us through?

  We all rush through the door to see an incredibly angry Luc glaring at his parents. He looks a bit banged up, he has a cut along his hair line, his cheek looks a bit red and his arm is up in a sling but he’s conscious and relatively unhurt. I feel the tension release from me and my boys, although the tension in the room rises as Luc’s parents turn towards us.

  “What are you all doing here, I specifically told that woman not to let you in” Luc’s mom, Sandy says snottily.

  I’m honestly shocked, this is not the woman I remember. To be fair I should’ve guessed that from what Luc told me about how they handled what happened with his aunt. Seeing it for myself though is pretty freaking shocking, they used to be the kindest and most down to earth people. I guess money really does change people and in these people’s case not for the better.

  The guys just ignore her and rush towards Luc. I hang back a little, letting them all reassure themselves that he’s ok first, at least I pretend that’s the reason when in reality I just need a minute to compose myself or I’m going to bawl like a baby. I genuinely thought we were going to lose him or had already lost him.

  “Ever?” Luc asks suddenly, his voice sounding slightly unhinged.

  The sound of the near panic in his voice has me propelling forward through the guys.

  Luc’s eyes are wild and although he’s putting up a fairly good front, he’s terrified. He was just in a car crash and he’s understandably scared shitless. I rush to his side my hands flutter uselessly above him as I’m unsure where to touch him, not wanting to hurt him. He makes the decision for me though and pulls me towards him with his good arm, his head immediately buries into my neck and he releases a shuddering breath. My hands go to his red hair that’s fallen out of his usual man bun and is laying in disarray, I gently run my hands through his hair as he grips me tightly. I stop running my hands through his hair and wrap my arms around him instead, holding him just as firmly as he’s holding me.

  “Young lady I don’t know who you think you are, but you need to take a step back from my son” Luc’s dad growls from behind me.

  I tense, not liking having an angry unknown man behind me. It goes against all of my instincts. Luc feels my flinch and growls against my throat, clearly not liking it. I can’t help my reaction as my nipples pebble, but I push the feeling away. Thankfully, Luc doesn’t notice as he raises his head from my neck and glares coldly at his parents. I glance behind me to see that the guys have made a ring around us, blocking Luc’s parents from getting to us.

  “Get out” Luc growls.

  “What?” His mom asks shocked.

  “You tried to stop my family from seeing me, and you dare to talk to Everleigh like that?” Luc growls dangerously. “Get out.”

  “We’re your parents. Luc son, we’re your family” his dad replies.

  “You haven’t been my family since you took me away from the guys when I needed them most, didn’t believe me when I told you something was going on with Aunt Elena and then when it was proved that something was happening and I was right, your solution was to blame Aunt Elena who was a fucking victim and then stop me from seeing her. You both disgust me” He sneers. “Get the fuck out.”

  “Now son, I think your confused. You must have hit your head in the crash, nothing to worry about Darling we’ll get the nurse to get your friends” his mom sneers the word as she looks down on us, “to l
eave and then you can come home and we will look after …”

  “I believe that Mr Carmichael asked you and your husband to leave. Not his friends and girlfriend” a stern looking doctor comments from the doorway.

  No one bothers to correct him about the girlfriend part of the sentence and my stupid heart flutters in response, the dumbass.

  “Do you know who we are?” Luc’s dad bolsters.

  “I know exactly who you are, now leave” the doctors unimpressed tone makes me smirk.

  I try to hide it by turning back to Luc, but he instantly catches it and the fear in his eyes gets chased away by amusement as he raises his eyebrow at me.

  His parents are still trying to make a scene behind us until the doctor threatens to have them thrown out by security, before escorting them out himself. Luc’s mom screeches as she is led from the room and the sound of it has me darting forward and burying my head into his neck to try and mask my laughing. Luc inhales sharply as my lips make contact with his neck accidentally, as the door closes my laughter turns slightly hysterical.

  I have no idea why.

  “Is she ok?” Rafe question aloud now that Luc’s parents are gone.

  “I don’t think so” Luc says concerned.

  My laughter turns into quiet sobs, tears soaking the side of his neck.

  “Hey now, Firecracker. I’m ok. I’m right here, the doctor was coming to give me my discharge papers before he decided it would be safer to escort my parents from the room” he says softly.

  My shoulders heave, I can’t stop crying.

  “Don’t cry, Firecracker I promise I’m ok, I’m safe” Luc tries again.

  “Fuck! Is she crying?” Jensen asks panicked. “What do we do, someone do something!” he sounds so panicked that I can’t help but giggle, note to self, Jensen doesn’t do well with crying.

  Periods he can handle no problem, but crying? Nope that’s panic inducing.

  Hearing my giggle, the guys all chuckle as well, clearly recognising Jensen’s behaviour as just slightly hilarious.


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