The Alpha Wolf's Bride (The Necklace Chronicles Book Four)

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The Alpha Wolf's Bride (The Necklace Chronicles Book Four) Page 7

by R. E. Butler

  “I’d like to say that your mating is a happy event,” Leon said, “but this is unprecedented. I’ve never heard of a mating necklace bringing a vampire to a shifter.”

  Dominique touched the pendant. “It happened, though.”

  “I’m a firm believer in the mating necklace,” Dahl said. “It brought my Claire to me, and she and I are perfectly matched. I don’t doubt that you’re the mate for our alpha, and I stand behind you and your mating.”

  Roy said, “I believe that most of the pack members will not be happy about this, but they’ll follow orders. Depending on what happens with this battle, you may have a lot more males stepping up to challenge you for alpha.”

  Ryde grunted in agreement. He looked to the skyline and saw the first ribbons of dawn stretching out across the sky. “It’s time to get my mate indoors. Thank you for your support. I’ll be in touch throughout the day as we prepare for the battle ahead.”

  He dismissed the remaining males and stood in the yard until it was only him and Dominique.

  “That wasn’t too bad,” he said.

  “What? Half of the people you trust are against us.”

  “Yes, but half aren’t.”

  “Can’t we just grab Bri and run away together?” She chewed on her bottom lip and looked up to the second floor.

  “We’d be on the run forever, branded as rogues. There wouldn’t be a pack for us, a safe place we could hide.”

  “Damn it.”

  “This is a hard road to start our future on, but it’s worth it.”

  “Not if you die.”

  “I have no intention of dying today, or any other day.” He growled at the end to punctuate his sentence.

  Dominique smiled. “Me, either.”

  “Good, then let’s go to work. I need to draw up plans for the battle.”

  “I can’t.”


  “I promised Bri I’d be there when she woke up.”

  “Her room isn’t light-tight.”

  “I’ll figure it out.”

  Before he could protest, she kissed him on the lips and hurried inside. He stared at the open door into the house in disbelief. Was she really choosing Bri over preparing for war? And what did it say about him that he’d entirely forgotten about his daughter in the quest to keep his mate safe?

  Dominique had just proved herself a better parent in the last few hours than he had been in the last few years.

  With a muttered curse, he stomped into the house and headed for the office. He’d spend time with his daughter once that was done, and she’d understand that he was working so hard to keep their family safe.

  Chapter 10

  When Dominique entered Bri’s room, she knew he was right. There were two large windows that would soon let in a whole heck of a lot of burning sunlight. It was a pretty view of the woods, but if she didn’t close them up, she’d be stuck hiding in the closet until sunset. But she’d do whatever she needed to so she could be there when Bri woke up. She didn’t want to break the first promise she ever made to the little girl.

  The curtains were colorful pink and purple gauze – very feminine and sweet, but not helpful for keeping out the sun. She moved into the closet and found some blankets on the shelf. Using a hope chest as a step stool, she covered the windows with the blankets, draping them over the curtain rod.

  When the windows were sufficiently shielded and she was sure that no direct sunlight would make it past the barriers, she sat on the end of the bed and yawned. She knew Ryde wasn’t happy that she’d left him in the backyard, but it was important to her to be there for Bri. She couldn’t explain why she’d suddenly felt maternal, but she liked it. She’d always hoped to have a family of her own someday. Of course, in her fantasies, her kids had been vampires because it hadn’t ever occurred to her that she might end up with a shifter. Their children would be hybrids, immortal shifters. She really didn’t know how his people would feel about that, whether their children would be welcome in the pack or shunned. She’d heard that shifters could be exclusive, dismissive of others who weren’t like them. Hopefully, with Ryde being immortal now, the pack would accept her and their future children.

  “You’re here!” Bri squeaked in surprise and launched herself at Dominique. She caught her with a laugh and hugged her. The little girl smelled like a wolf, all fall and woods, but also like cookies, which made her wonder if she’d snuck some treats before bed.

  “I told you I’d be here when you woke up,” she reminded her, brushing back her hair from her face. “Did you sleep well, little wolf?”

  “I tried to stay up.” Bri sat back and reached for her stuffed wolf. “I was afraid Daddy was mad at me.”

  “He’s not, but he is worried about you being safe.”

  She stuck out her lip. “You won’t hurt me. You’re my mommy.”

  Dominique’s heart clenched at her words. “Of course I won’t hurt you. But do you remember my sister?”

  “The boss of the vampire city?”

  She nodded. “Well, she’s mad because she doesn’t like wolves. She said if I didn’t come home before sunrise, she’d send the army to fight with the wolves. Your people aren’t crazy about my kind, but they’re going to fight to keep us all safe. I don’t want you to be scared. We’ll make sure you’re safe in the house with lots of guards before sunset.”

  Bri rolled her eyes in thought. “I’m not scared. Daddy’s the biggest wolf around.”

  Dominique couldn’t help but smile. Even though Bri clearly felt that Ryde wasn’t living up to his fatherly duties, she did know he was a powerful male who would keep her safe. And now she had Dominique to watch over her, too.

  Bri’s stomach rumbled and Dominique frowned. “It’s early, but you could have breakfast. What do you like to eat?”

  “Strawberry toaster pastries.”

  “I’ve… never had one.”

  “Oh, they’re wonderful! I don’t like them hot, so I eat them right out of the package. Let’s go!” Bri scooted from the bed and tugged on Dominique’s hand.

  “I can’t go out into the house because the sun is up now. Sunlight burns my skin.”

  “Oh,” Bri said. Then she brightened. “I’ll go to the kitchen and bring the box up for us, okay? I can do that. I’m seven.”

  “Just be careful.”

  “I’ve got Comet,” she said, giving the stuffed wolf a kiss.

  Bri skipped from the room, closing the door behind her. Dominique looked at the windows and could see the warm glow of the sun as it rose in the sky. She was thankful that the blankets had done the trick.

  There was a crackling sound, and Ryde’s voice said, “I hear my daughter in the kitchen. I take it you’re not being burned to a crisp in her room?”

  She looked around for the source of his voice and found a speaker mounted on the wall next to the door. She walked over to it and pressed a button labeled Talk. “I covered the windows with blankets. Were you worried?”

  “You said you had it under control, and who am I to argue with the alpha female?”

  She chuckled. “How is planning going?”

  He sighed deeply, and she wished she was there to support him. He sounded like he could use a hug. Or a blow job.

  “I’ve been calling all the males who can fight within the pack and explaining the coming battle to them. It doesn’t matter whether they agree with our mating right now, we need every hand on deck to keep our people safe.”

  “Are they agreeing with you?”

  “Some are balking, but when I explained that their families would be at risk of being annihilated if they didn’t take a stand and fight, they agreed to do so.”

  “I wish my sister would just let me go.”

  “Trust me, I wish that, too.” He laughed mirthlessly.

  “I’m going to eat breakfast with Bri and then rest in her room.”

  “I covered the windows in our bedroom.”

  “You did?”

  He let out a snar
l. “Of course! Do you think I want you hurt after I just got you?”

  Her whole body warmed at his thoughtfulness. “You’re so sweet.”

  “I’m trying to be a good mate. I just have to get us through this war and the mating-by-combat. And then I’ll be a better mate.”

  Her stomach twisted pleasantly at the thought. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Sleep well, my mate.”

  She smiled at the speaker, wishing she were with him right then so she could kiss him. And do other fun things. Of course, it wasn’t an ideal time, since the vampire army was going to be heading their way all too soon. But a girl could think sexy thoughts about her mate anytime.

  “My hands are full, open up!” Bri called through the door. Dominique opened the door and took a few items from her. Bri hurried to the bed and climbed up, setting a box of toaster pastries in the center and her wolf at her side. “I didn’t know what kind of juice you like so I brought apple and orange. I like apple.”

  “Then I’ll take orange,” she said, joining her on the bed and handing her the apple juice. She opened the silver wrapper on the toaster pastry and handed one to her, then looked at the other one. It had white frosting on it that was sprinkled with red sugar. She gave it a delicate sniff and thought it smelled like a strawberry. Kind of.

  Taking a bite, she decided it wasn’t too bad, but maybe she could teach Bri how to bake something yummy for breakfast instead. Like Danish or muffins. While they ate, Bri told her about the pack school, which every young male and female attended. There was a school building within walking distance of the alpha home, and she had several wolves in her grade, including her best friend Elsa.

  “I’m in second grade. Did you go to vampire school?”

  “My sister and I had tutors at home. There weren’t schools just for vampires, but it’s neat that you have a school in your pack.”

  She shrugged her small shoulders. “Humans don’t mind us in their schools, but it’s better if we do our own teaching. They get upset when we growl, even if we really have a good reason for it.”

  When the meal was over, she helped Bri pick out an outfit for the day and then braided her hair, tying the end with a purple ribbon to match the top she’d chosen. “I don’t think there’s school today, but let me check with your dad.”

  She pressed the intercom button and Ryde answered. “Where should I send Bri?”


  “I’m going to bed. Is she supposed to be in school or something?”

  “Oh, right. I’ll send for Debbie and Elsa. Have her come down and wait in the family room.”

  She turned to Bri and noticed her bottom lip sticking out. “Why are you pouting?”

  “I thought we could play.”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to spend time with you, Bri, but I need to rest so I’m at my best tonight. Do you understand?”

  “I guess.”

  “Besides, I’m a day sleeper, anyway.”

  “I could be a day sleeper.”

  She cupped her face and smiled. “You’re a sweet thing. Now go wait downstairs for your friend. I’ll see you at sunset.”


  She watched Bri leave and then moved to the closet, finding the hidden doorway to the corridor. Following it up to the third floor and out into the closet, she peeked into the room and found the windows covered with blankets. He’d even gone so far as to use tape to make sure no light escaped. She stripped and climbed under the covers with a yawn. She wanted to stay up and spend time with Bri and Ryde, but if she didn’t rest, she’d be useless in the coming battle, and helping keep her new family safe was paramount.

  As she drifted off to sleep, she wished that she’d wake up and her sister wouldn’t be sending the army to kill them all, but she knew that was just a dream.

  * * *

  Dominique was jostled awake when someone sat heavily on the bed. She sat up abruptly and then blew out a breath when she realized it was Ryde.

  “It’s an hour until sunset,” he said. “I’m going to head out to the border with the fighters. You can join me when the sun has set.”

  “Thank you for not trying to keep me away from the action.”

  “This is your fight, too. And my pack needs to see you standing with us. You’re faster and stronger than most of the wolves, and you know your own people.” He cupped her face. “If I thought I could lock you up and keep you safe, and that you wouldn’t try to escape, trust me, I would. But I’d rather have you by my side.”

  “What about Bri?”

  “Debbie and Elsa are here, and I have wolves positioned around the house to guard it.”


  “She wants to come fight with us,” he said with a chuckle. She could see he was proud of her.

  “Let me get dressed.”

  He wiggled his brows. “You look super sexy all naked in bed, by the way. I wish we had time to play.”

  “There will be time for that later.”

  She hoped.

  “When you’re dressed, Yon and Dahl will be waiting for you downstairs. When the sun has set, they’ll bring you to me at the border.”

  She leaned over and kissed him, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close. He kissed her back, growling low in his throat. He nipped her lip and ended the kiss, running his thumb along her lower lip. “Whatever happens tonight, be safe.”

  “You be safe, too.”

  “Maybe your sister will have changed her mind during the day.”

  “That’s wishful thinking. A nice thought, but not realistic. When I didn’t show up by sunrise, she would’ve done exactly what she said – considered me a betrayer and an enemy.”

  Just thinking about her sister’s cold and deadly tone made her skin prickle.

  “Family isn’t supposed to act like that.” He stood and ran his hand through his hair. “She’ll regret not wanting to broker peace because of our mating. Don’t be mad if I kill her.”

  “Just don’t get killed yourself. I just got you. I’m not ready to let you go.”

  “I promise.”

  He winked and walked out of the room, shutting the door. She looked at the window, and the way the sunlight was a dark gold through the blankets. It was nearly sunset, and she needed to be ready to fight. She wasn’t just fighting for her life, but for Ryde’s and Bri’s, and every wolf in the pack, whether they liked her or not.

  She cleaned up and brushed her hair, pulling it into a high ponytail. Then she dressed in the leggings and tunic, wishing she had hiking boots instead of tennis shoes. She hustled to the second floor and knocked on Bri’s door.

  “Dominique!” Bri said as she opened the door and threw herself at her.

  She laughed and hugged her. “How was your afternoon?”

  “Boring. We did schoolwork since the school was closed because of the fight.”

  “I just wanted to stop in and say hi before I head out. It’s almost sunset, so I can leave.”

  Bri’s eyes became luminous as they filled with tears. “You’re going to come back, aren’t you?”

  “Of course.”

  “I don’t want you or Daddy to get hurt.”

  She knelt and took the little girl’s hands. “I’m fast and strong. And your dad is the biggest, baddest wolf around. We’ll keep each other safe and come back.”

  “Pinky promise?” She held out her pinky and blinked rapidly, tears falling over her cheeks.

  Dominique hooked her pinky with Bri’s and said, “Pinky promise.”

  She hugged her and stood, looking at Debbie. “Lock the door, okay?”

  Debbie nodded. “My mate is protecting the house with the other guards. We’ll be safe.”

  Dominique wanted to stay with Bri and ensure her safety, but she knew the best way to keep her safe was to not let any vampires near the house. That meant standing at the border with the pack members and fighting. She’d been taught to fight when she was young – it was training that all vampires went
through, male and female – but she’d never fought someone who wanted her dead, as her sister now did. She didn’t know what would happen when she reached the border, but as she walked down to the first floor and met Yon and Dahl, she knew she didn’t have family outside of the pack anymore. She only had Ryde and Bri.

  And they were worth fighting for.

  Chapter 11

  Ryde stood at the border of the pack lands. His pack members were spread around the line of the border, their eyes on the vampire city. The sun was setting rapidly, the inky darkness lowering to eclipse the golden orb as it settled for the night.

  Finn cleared his throat. “Is this worth it?”

  He glanced at his second. “Are you really asking me that right now?”

  “We’re meeting vampires in a full-on battle, which hasn’t happened since our fathers went to war. Last time, we had a valid reason for fighting.”

  He cut a glance at him. “Are you telling me that if you found your true mate and her people wanted to kill her that you wouldn’t ask me to stand by your side and fight for her? For you both?”

  “My mate will be a shifter.”

  “Why don’t you cast the mating spell and see what happens?” Ryde turned to face him after uttering the challenge. “I wouldn’t have chosen a vampire for a mate, you know that. It never crossed my mind that it was even possible for the mating spell to bring a vampire. But she’s here, and she’s mine. I don’t give a damn if you don’t like it.”

  Finn stared at him hard, his lips pressed into a thin line. He opened his mouth just as Dominique strode up between Yon and Dahl. She was wearing all black, her hair up in a high ponytail, wooden stakes contained in holsters strapped to her thighs. Yon and Dahl had similar holsters, and he was thankful they’d outfitted Dominique, too. Some of his pack members were more comfortable fighting in their human form with weapons like stakes and blades, but he planned to shift and fight. He’d been trained to fight in his wolf form against vampires, although he had no doubt he could also take them on in his human form.


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