The Alpha Wolf's Bride (The Necklace Chronicles Book Four)

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The Alpha Wolf's Bride (The Necklace Chronicles Book Four) Page 11

by R. E. Butler

  After Bri changed into the T-shirt that Tella had given her to sleep in, Ryde tucked her into bed and then sat next to her.

  “Join us?” he asked Dominique.

  “If you don’t mind?” she asked.

  Bri patted the space on the other side of her and said, “It’s family reading time.”

  Dominique settled next to Bri, who handed Ryde one of the books. “This one first,” she said, wiggling under the covers a little more and leaning against him so she could see the page.

  “First?” he asked with a chuckle.

  “We have to read them all.”

  “Whatever my sweetheart wants,” he said, kissing the top of her head and casting a smile at Dominique.

  “I’m happy,” Bri said. “Comet’s happy, too.”

  “Good. It’ll be a new day when you wake up. Everything will be different outside, but in here, in our family, nothing has to change. We’ll all be there for each other,” Dominique said.

  Bri lifted her face to Ryde’s, her eyes glittering with happiness. “You’re not mad about the necklace spell anymore?”

  “You brought a wonderful female into our lives. How could I be mad?”

  “Okay.” She tapped the page. “You have to do voices.”


  “For the people. Auntie G sounds really old, and her dog has a gruff voice.” She demonstrated a few phrases and made Ryde and Dominique laugh.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” he said, clearing his throat before reading the title of the story. “Auntie G and the Case of the Mysteriously Missing Meatballs.”

  Bri’s hum of happiness and Dominique’s sweet smile were all Ryde needed to feel complete. Before he’d met his mate, he thought he’d provided a pretty good life for his daughter, but now he saw that he’d been missing something essential: a solid relationship of love and support. Bri didn’t care if he was alpha, or how big their house was. She cared that he had time for her. He’d learned what was most important in life when he’d nearly lost everything, and he never wanted to take his daughter or his mate for granted again. They were his everything, and what he’d thought mattered before now paled in comparison to how much he wanted to be there for them both.

  And for their future children. Little brothers and sisters for Bri, and a whole lot of love for his family, especially his gorgeous vampire mate.

  Chapter 14

  *One Year Later*

  Ryde smiled as he watched Bri study shelves of stuffed animals. Her face was serious, as if she were about to choose who to give military secrets to and not just the first stuffed animal her new baby brother was going to have. He’d already offered her some suggestions, but she’d quickly told him that he didn’t understand the importance of the stuffed animal because he didn’t sleep with one every night like she did.

  And he couldn’t disagree with that. Dominique was soft and cuddly, but she definitely wasn’t as docile as a stuffed wolf. Over the last year, his mate had risen to the challenge of being the first vampire to take the place of female alpha and to share leadership of Arbor with her shifter mate. The first month of their reign had been a flurry of activity, pouring the foundations and moving the pack homes as quickly as possible inside the walls. They’d worried about packs and covens rising against them, but none had. It wasn’t that they weren’t still vigilant, because they damn sure were, but he figured no one was dumb enough to try to come against a coven and pack who lived and worked together. It had been an uneasy peace at first, with the pack and coven wary of each other, but he and Dominique had done their best to bridge the gap between the groups and now, eleven months after they’d settled the pack into the city, things were good.

  Better than good, since his mate had just delivered their first child. Two hours earlier, Dominique and Ryde had said hello to Veyous. Mother and son were resting comfortably, and when Bri had asked Ryde to take her to buy a gift for him, he’d been happy to do so. Already the nursery in their home was decked out with enough toys, furniture, and clothing to keep Veyous going for years. The pack and coven had been generous with their gifts, going above and beyond what they’d expected.

  “I think,” Bri said, drawing his attention back to the wall of stuffed animals, “this is the right one.”

  She pulled a soft gray fox with embroidered features from the shelf and gave it a squeeze. “Yep. It’s got a good hug. Try it, Daddy.” She held it up to him. Ryde glanced around the aisle and saw the two guards who had come with them for security were trying to appear as if they weren’t watching, though not doing a very good job of hiding their smiles.

  Ryde took it, gave it what he was sure was an awkward-looking hug, and said, “I think you’re right.”

  She patted the fox on the head. “I’ll call him Frankie. But when Veyous is old enough, he can rename him.”

  “Why wouldn’t you call him Dasher or Rudolph?” he asked as he took her hand and walked with her to the check out.

  She gave him an incredulous look. “Why would I call him one of those names?”

  “Because you named Comet after Santa’s reindeer.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Well yeah, but that’s his name.”

  “And the fox’s name is Frankie?”

  “For now.”

  He decided not to poke holes in her logic. It was cute, at any rate. “You didn’t want to pick out a wolf?”

  “The wolves on the shelves didn’t have the right hug.”

  “You’re going to be a great big sister,” he said as he paid for the fox and the cashier handed Bri the bag with the animal inside.

  “Elsa said I’ll get to teach him how to be nice to girls so he’s not a jerk like some of the boys.”

  “Who’s a jerk? Tell me their names and I’ll make sure they’re not jerks to you anymore,” he said as he opened the back door for her and she climbed into her seat.

  “Not to me, Daddy. I’m the alphas’ daughter, and also Dietrich keeps anyone from being mean to me.”

  He paused as he was about to shut the door. The young vampire male and Bri spent a lot of time together because Argent was one of Ryde and Dominique’s advisors. “You know you’re still not dating until you’re forty.”

  “Mommy said she went on her first date when she was sixteen.”

  He shut the door with a snarl and stomped around to the driver’s side. The guards were following them in another vehicle, and he gave them a curt nod and sat down heavily behind the wheel. The engine roared to life, and he pulled out of the parking lot and headed for home.

  “Let’s change the subject,” he said. “You’re eight, not eighteen.”

  “Okay. Can I hold Veyous?”


  “Can I give him a kiss?”


  “Can I tell him that I’m going to date Dietrich when I’m sixteen?”


  He caught her reflection in the rearview mirror and saw her trying not to laugh. Within moments, she was doubled over in her seat belly-laughing.

  “You’re trouble in a little package, sweetheart,” he said, chuckling. He loved to hear her laugh.

  “Mommy says all girls are. Angels on the outside and alphas on the inside.”

  “She’s absolutely right.”

  He drove through the gates of Arbor and headed for the medical center. It had at one time been the vampire training center, but since they’d moved all training and schooling into the mansion, the building had been repurposed into a hospital. Vampires and wolves were on staff, and Dominique was the first one in the city to give birth in the new facility.

  He parked, nodded at the guards, and lifted the bouquet of pink roses that he’d picked up while they were out shopping. He took Bri’s hand and led her into the center. She skipped beside him, the bag with Frankie inside swinging back and forth from her hand.

  “Welcome back, Alpha,” the female vampire behind the front desk said. “Are you excited to see your brother, Bri?”

Yes! I’m going to be the best big sister ever.”

  Ryde grinned as the female chuckled and wished them well. They walked down the hall and through a set of swinging double doors. There were four maternity rooms in the center, but only one of them had an open door, and that was where his mate and son were waiting.

  He paused at the door and peeked in. Dominique was sitting up in the hospital bed, her blonde hair cascading around her shoulders as she stared down at their sleeping child.

  She looked up and smiled. “Come meet your new brother, Bri,” she murmured.

  Veyous stirred as Bri climbed onto the bed. Dominique settled the baby in Bri’s arms and Ryde joined them, adding his hand under Veyous to offer support.

  “Hi, little brother,” Bri whispered.

  He opened his eyes at her voice, staring intently at her, and then yawned. “Oh! He’s so cute,” Bri said. “I just love him, Mommy.”

  Dominique took him back as Bri asked to give him the gift. She pulled the stuffed fox from the bag and placed it gently on his stomach. “His name is Frankie and I got him just for you. We’re going to be best friends.”

  “He’s lucky to have you,” Dominique said. “What do you think of him?”

  “He’s perfect,” she declared.

  “Must take after his mother,” Ryde mused.

  “Both of us,” Dominique corrected with a sweet smile.

  They stayed in the room until it was time for Bri to get home and go to bed. “I can come back tomorrow after school?” she asked as she kissed first Dominique on the cheek and then Veyous.

  “Of course. You can help me pack up so we can go home together, and then you can show him his new room.”

  Bri beamed at her little brother. “I love you, Veyous. And I’m going to date Dietrich when I’m sixteen.”

  Ryde narrowed his eyes with a grunt, and Dominique stifled her smile behind her hand. “Good night, little wolf,” she said.

  “Night, Mommy. Night, Veyous.”

  Ryde leaned over and brushed his fingers over his son’s head, then kissed his mate. “I’ll be back after I get her settled in.”

  “See you soon.”

  When Bri was ready for bed, Ryde sat down to read a book to her. She hugged Comet around the neck with one arm and leaned against Ryde. “He’s little.”

  “Babies usually are,” he said. “He’s pretty handsome.”

  “Yeah. I want to be the best big sister, but I don’t know how.”

  “It’ll come naturally to you. He’s one lucky boy to have you for a sister.” Ryde did understand how she was feeling. “I worry about being a good dad to him.”

  “Why? You’re a great dad.”

  “Do you think so?”

  She smiled. “Yes. You read me stories before bed every night. You take me for daddy-daughter ice cream on Fridays. And you promised to teach me how to hunt when I’m old enough to shift.”

  “I wasn’t always there when you were littler.”

  She looked thoughtful for a moment. “Yeah, but then I wouldn’t have used the necklace and I wouldn’t have a mommy. So it’s okay that you’re a great daddy now, because I got Mommy and Veyous.” She sat up and kissed his cheek. “And you.”

  “You’re the best daughter a father could ever have,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “Now, are you ready for Auntie G’s latest adventure?”

  “Yes!” She clapped excitedly, then said to Comet, “No talking. This is important.”

  “Yeah, Comet,” Ryde agreed. He started the story, tucking his daughter a little closer to his side. “Auntie G was ready for anything.”

  When he’d finished reading not only the latest book, but two more before Bri was sleeping soundly, he slipped from the bed and turned off the lamp. He kissed her gently on the head and tucked her in, then walked from the room and shut the door silently. Tella, who had volunteered to stay the night with Bri so Ryde could be with his mate and son at the center, was knitting on the couch. She smiled when she saw him.

  “Auntie G books are a hoot.”

  “Yeah. I thought they were dumb at first, but I’ve grown to enjoy them,” he said.

  “I think that’s the way it is with all kid things. How are Dominique and Veyous?”


  “I’ll bring Bri over after school tomorrow. I’d love to meet your new little one.”

  “Dominique would love that. Thank you for staying here tonight.”

  “Anything for the alphas,” she said.

  So much of his life had changed in the last year. Some things he’d never anticipated happening, like finding his true mate through a mating spell cast by his daughter, or the pack moving to Arbor and residing in harmony with the coven. But other things had happened that he’d always hoped for – having a great relationship with his daughter and safety for the pack, for starters.

  He’d first balked at the beautiful vampire in his bed, furious that he’d been forced into a mating with a creature he’d considered a mortal enemy. But without Bri’s meddling, he would never have found out the truth behind the war and been able to heal the rift between their people.

  And he wouldn’t have a gorgeous mate who made his heart pound and set his world on fire.

  He was one damn lucky alpha.

  Coming September 23, 2019 from R. E. Butler

  The Jaguar’s Bride (The Necklace Chronicles Book Five)

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  Contact the Author


  Email: [email protected]

  Twitter: @rebutlerauthor


  * * *

  Also from R. E. Butler

  Arctic Shifters

  Blitzen’s Fated Mate

  Dasher’s Fated Mate

  Prancer’s Fated Mate

  Vixen’s Fated Mate

  Cupid’s Fated Mate

  Dancer’s Fated Mate

  Donner’s Fated Mate

  Comet’s Fated Mate

  Ashland Pride Series

  Seducing Samantha

  Loving Lachlyn

  Marking Melody

  Redeeming Rue

  Saving Scarlett

  Chasing Cristabel

  Jilly’s Wyked Fate

  Embracing Ehrin

  Holding Honor

  Tempting Treasure

  Having Hope (Coming 2019)

  Hyena Heat Series

  Every Night Forever

  Every Dawn Forever

  Every Sunset Forever

  Every Blissful Moment

  Every Heavenly Moment

  Every Miraculous Moment

  Every Angelic Moment

  The Necklace Chronicles

  The Tribe’s Bride

  The Gigolo’s Bride

  The Tiger’s Bride

  The Alpha Wolf’s Bride

  The Jaguar’s Bride (Coming 2019)

  Norlanian Brides Series

  Paoli’s Bride

  Warrick’s Bride

  Dex’s Bride

  Norlanian Brides Volume One

  Villi’s Bride

  Dero’s Bride

  Saber Chronicles Series

  Saber Chronicles Volume One (Books One - Four)

  Uncontrollable Shift

  The Alpha’s Christmas Mate

  The Dragon’s Treasured Mate

  The Bear’s Reluctant Mate

  Vampire Beloved Series


  Need (Coming 2019)

  Were Zoo Series








  Tayme (Coming 2019)

  Wiccan-Were-Bear Novella Series

  A Curve of Claw

  A Flash of Fang

  A Price for a Princess

  A Bond of Brothers
  A Bead of Blood

  A Twitch of Tail

  A Promise on White Wings

  A Slash of Savagery

  Awaken a Wolf

  Daeton’s Journey

  A Dragon for December

  A Muse for Mishka

  The Wiccan-Were-Bear Series Volume One

  The Wiccan-Were-Bear Series Volume Two

  The Wiccan-Were-Bear Series Volume Three

  A Wish for Their Woman

  Wilde Creek Series

  Volume One (Books 1 and 2)

  Volume Two (Books 3 and 4)

  Volume Three (Books 5 and 6)

  The Hunter’s Heart (Book Seven)

  The Beta’s Heart (Book Eight)

  The Wolf’s Mate Series

  The Wolf’s Mate Book 1: Jason & Cadence

  The Wolf’s Mate Book 2: Linus & The Angel

  The Wolf’s Mate Book 3: Callie & The Cats

  The Wolf’s Mate Book 4: Michael & Shyne

  The Wolf’s Mate Book 5: Bo & Reika

  The Wolf’s Mate Book 6: Logan & Jenna

  The Wolf’s Mate Book 7: Lindy & The Wulfen

  Stand Alone Stories

  Purred Promises

  The Alpha’s Honor

  Coming Next in The Necklace Chronicles Series

  The Jaguar’s Bride (Book Five)

  Wanting to help her down-on-her-luck sister, witch Thea Greene plans to concoct a spell to help her find romantic happiness. The problem is that the one ingredient she doesn’t have is a flower that blooms solely during the full moon. There’s only one place the flower can be found, so she dons her hiking boots and heads out to locate it.

  Jaguar shifter Savage Bayle is a marked male. Unable to secure a bride on his own, he’s now facing his people’s traditional Mate Hunt, which occurs during the full moon. As part of a matriarchal society, the females are the ones who chase the males during the Hunt, and any male caught must mate the female or face punishment. One female in his prowl has set her eyes on him – the cold, cruel daughter of the queen. The last thing he wants to do is spend the rest of his life mated to her. Hoping to ride out the Hunt and escape unmated, he heads into the woods with his fingers crossed to find a place to lay low until the Hunt is over at dawn.


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