Bang Lords Box Set (4 Book Series includes All Bonus Chapters)

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Bang Lords Box Set (4 Book Series includes All Bonus Chapters) Page 12

by Dani Stowe

  At that moment, I didn’t care.

  I wrapped my fingers around the curtain but right before I could pull it open, Jaxon confessed.

  “Sue, I’m a virgin.”

  Chapter 4


  I loosen my arms as Sue arouses. She bats her long lashes at me.

  I move my hand along the backseat of the taxi toward the back of her neck for support. “Hey, baby girl. There you are.”

  Sue pushes against me with her elbows. She grips, then flings my arms off her. Sliding across the cab seat, she coils into a ball against the opposite door.

  “You need to get out, Jaxon,” she demands, staring out the window while intermittently rubbing herself.

  Her actions are devastating. I truly believed after all this time, she might be open to a rekindling. She’s single. I’m single.

  I don’t get the animosity. I don’t understand what’s wrong.

  Rubbing my palm over my pant pocket, I feel for the little container that contains the Bang.

  Do I even need this?

  For years, NIM has been working on this formula. It’s Elliot’s formula, but it was me, the chemist, that had to supply and purify the essential ingredients while Don did the research to balance the psychological aspects. We’re a good team; we create a lot of drugs. It’s just unfortunate the one drug we all thought would be the dream catcher might not work for me.

  Sue is clearly not interested. She won’t even look at me!

  “You can stop circling the block,” I tell the cab driver, “and let us out in front of NIM. We have a meeting.”

  “Yes, sir,” the older gentleman replies.

  “I have to cancel,” inserts Sue. “I can’t attend a meeting with you. Just tell Nick he’ll have to report me. I can’t complete this audit to approve your drug trials. You’ll have to get someone else to come out here.”

  Now, I’m fucking furious. She might have a problem with me, but that doesn’t mean she should allow her personal feelings to interfere with my work or hers, for that matter.

  I front my whole body towards her. “Sue, I know it’s been a really long time and we haven’t talked in a while, but I was really looking forward to seeing you. Your behavior is uncalled for. I get the feeling you’re—I don’t know—disgusted?” I sigh. “With me?”

  She covers her eyes with one hand and her mouth frowns.

  I scoot closer. “What is it? Hmm? Do you still think I’m a geek, not worth your time, or did I not fuck you good enough twelve years ago? I was a kid back then, Ursula. I didn’t know what I was doing.”

  Sue shudders and the cab driver coughs. I make eye contact with him in the rearview mirror, my eyes narrowing enough to make him avert his eyes back to the road and hopefully, keep his thoughts to himself. I lean forward, looking through the windshield to notice we are about to round the corner that will lead us to the front steps of NIM.

  From the corner of my eye, I sense Sue’s body jiggling and with a full turn of my head, I see the woman is crying.

  I don’t understand this. I don’t understand this at all!

  Maybe I should take the Bang? Get to the bottom of this.

  I reach in my pocket and pull out the container, popping the top. Sliding back on the seat, I lean right up against Sue. She wiggles her body as if she’s irritated with me.

  “Look at me,” I tell her. Her eyes are squeezed shut and her head is turned away. She’s internally struggling. “Sue, you have nothing to fear. You know I’d stop at nothing to keep you from danger.”

  “Stop it, Jax! I hate your honest, innocent sweet talk.”

  I grab Sue’s jaw and force her to face me, but she keeps her eyes shut. She still won’t look at me. “No, I think you like it. I think the second you look at me you’ll want to expose yourself to me just like you did on the night of the fire.”

  I ready the Bang between my fingers. Sue is breathing hard against me. Her back arches, allowing her breasts to reach flush against my front. Her body wants me but I can tell that her mind is fighting against us. I’m sure the Bang will tell me how she really feels at her core.

  I plant my forehead against hers. “Open your eyes,” I demand. “Open your eyes and look at me so you can drop those panties like you dropped that towel years ago.”

  The reference forces Sue’s eyes to flip open and as soon as I feel our gaze connect, I slip the pill under my tongue.

  “Nnn,” Sue moans as her chest starts heaving even heavier.

  I feel like we are back in the fire as I watch her eyes widen—the irises sparkling like emeralds. Her pupils constrict to remain fixed on me as her lips part. Licking her lips, I feel a finger at my own. Sue’s index finger trails across my bottom then my upper lip before she slips the digit into my mouth.

  I suck on it, keeping my eyes fixated on hers.

  Holy shit! The drug works!

  I hear the screech of brakes and quickly jerk my head towards the driver as Sue’s finger comes free of my mouth with a sucking pop sound. “Keep going!” I snap at the driver.

  He chuckles, “If the two of you are going to continue to quarrel until the point you’re having sex and dirtying up my backseat, it’s going to cost you extra.”

  I shuffle to reach in my breast pocket to pull out my wallet when I notice Sue’s body is writhing. She’s rolling, squirming, and shuffling to pull up her skirt. Quickly, I grab the entire wad of cash stashed in my leather bi-fold and toss it over the front seat.

  “Where we headed?” the driver asks.

  “Just drive.”

  When I turn back to Sue, she’s slid down to a slouch and the fingers I was sucking on are now in her mouth while the other hand is trying desperately to yank up her skirt.

  Her eyes beam into mine. “Hewp mwe,” she mutters with her finger nestled in the cradle of her tongue.

  Gripping the back of her neck, I lean into her and reach with my opposite hand to help her hike up her skirt. Her legs come apart and she digs her fingers under her black satin, lace trimmed panties to find herself between a patch of soft fuzz. I’m in awe when I see her thrust two fingers deep into her folds. Her breath hitches and she moans from pleasuring herself.

  Holy fuck! I look at her face. Is she really enjoying this?

  Before I know it, a wet finger pokes into my mouth and I bite Sue’s index finger saturated in her juices. She’s watching me intensely and the whole thing is starting to feel bizarre. I’m not the biologist or the psychologist, but I do feel like I need to assess the situation. It’s odd Sue wouldn’t look at me earlier but while I’m on the Bang, her eyes are fixed, beaming, and greedy with desire.

  And she’s touching herself!

  I pull her finger from my mouth. “Sue, am I doing this to you? I mean... is it me that’s making you hot right now?”

  “You always make me hot,” she says, arching her back as she plunges her fingers back in and out of her canal.

  My mind rocks back and forth unsure of her reactions. “Why wouldn’t you look at me moments ago?”

  “Because you make me want to touch myself. I do it all the time.”

  Touch herself? All the time?

  I think I’m going to come in my pants.

  I reach for my belt. “Let me fuck you, Sue. Let me make love to you. There hasn’t been a day that’s gone by that I haven’t thought about the two of us together again.”

  Claws grip my face and dig surprisingly deep and painfully into my cheeks. “I want you, Jaxon.”

  She wants me!

  “But no cock,” she grits, “and no kissing.”



  I hear the taxi driver snicker and I sigh.

  I still don’t understand what the fuck is going on here.

  “Jax,” she mumbles softly. “Help me, please. I feel like I’m burning up. I feel like I’m on fire. I need you to fix this.”

  I trace my fingers across her cheek and move in to kiss her, but her brows furrow and she snaps. “I
said no kissing!”

  I stroke her hair instead, perplexed. She really doesn’t want to be kissed?

  My fingers get damp against her scalp; she’s beginning to sweat. It reminds me of the night I pulled her from the fire. Her eyes are as wide now as they were that night.

  My poor girl. There’s something going on in her head and I get the feeling I’m responsible in some way. I feel like I need to make it right, make everything all right. She’s asked me for help once again and if this is what she needs, I’m going to help her.

  I reach to put my hand between her legs.

  Sue gasps as I push my middle finger into her, entering her alongside with one of her own fingers and, together, we finger fuck her.

  My finger is soaking, slipping in every direction so I look down to watch our glistening fingers jerk in unison.

  Damn! I’m so turned on.

  Guiding our fingers into a rhythm, it doesn’t take long for her hips to rock back and forth, to dance with the beat of our pulsing hands. Sue’s canal tightens around our joined digits plunging in and out.

  I lean my head to speak into her ear. “Do you want me to take you home, Sue? Do you remember the last time I took you home? We were in a taxi a lot like this one.”

  “Jax,” she whispers, closing her eyes. “That was a long time ago.”

  “But we’re here now. We survived so much together in a single night. Sue, let me kiss you.”

  “No, Jaxon. No kissing.”

  No kissing. No fucking. Just fingering? What the fuck?! These are her feelings at her core? This is all she has for me? Surely, there’s more.

  “Can you come for me?” I ask.

  “Mmm, yes.” She clamps tighter. She’s so close.

  “Let me kiss you, baby girl. Let me kiss you while you come.”

  “No, Jax,” she whines, tense and gaping.

  “Baby girl, give me something. I want you. I want more of you. Let me taste your mouth. I’ve missed your mouth.”

  “Oh God, you turn me on, Jax,” she confesses.

  My insides are burning. For some reason, I feel like I’m back in that damn burning house, except I’m unable to get out, unable to get her out.

  Hooking her fingers, I yank her hand to pull her out of herself, so I can take over the plunging myself. I thrust two fingers deep in her and use my thumb to pull her panties back. The sight of that space between her legs is just as intriguing as it was when I was that dumb, eager eighteen-year-old kid, but this time, I want to get my face in that space.

  I lick my lips before I lean my body forward, bringing my mouth straight down towards her cunt.

  “No, don’t kiss it!” she cries, pushing on my head and squeezing her legs together. “My therapist said no kissing!”

  Her therapist? So, there is something going on with her.

  “I’m not going to kiss it, Sue. I’m going to eat it. Did your therapist mention anything against eating?”

  “No,” she blinks.

  “Then open your legs.”

  Sue bites her bottom lip, struggling against what’s at her core, but she manages to spread her thighs slightly.

  “More,” I grit.

  Sue inches her knees wider and I’m sure it’s enough space for my face to fit into, so I lean over to chow down on her clit. She tugs on the hair at the back of my head, scraping my scalp but I just chow down harder—nipping and licking, folding and rolling on her blood-infused, hard little nub until her ass comes off the seat.

  “Ah-ah-ah!” she cries coming on my face with her hips buckling like she’s leaping, convulsing uncontrollably, and bringing the cab driver to howl a small cheer.

  Fuck, she’s wilder than anyone I’ve ever known! I keep my face buried in her sweet heat, my tongue maneuvering across her slippery mess, which is spreading to my cheeks until her ass falls back down to rest.

  “Oh my God, Jax,” she blinks. Baby girl sees me now. “You just made me come.”

  I scroll my hand down my face to wipe my cheeks, mouth, and jaw of her slippery juice. “Well yeah, baby girl. I’ll do it again if you want me to.”

  She blushes. “No one’s ever made me come before.”

  “You mean no one’s ever made you come that hard before,” I chuckle.

  “No, Jax,” she huffs. “No one’s ever given me have an orgasm before.”



  Chapter 5


  I don’t know why I opened my mouth. Jaxon won’t shut his.

  He wants to talk. Talk, talk, talk. But these feelings of yearning that came out of nowhere feel like they are subsiding so I’m no longer interested in connecting with him.

  I instruct the driver to take me to my hotel.

  Jaxon is clearly upset. I would suspect he’d be happy following my escaped confession. He should be ecstatic knowing he’s the only man that’s brought this woman to climax, but instead he keeps questioning me, trying to learn what’s been going on with me these past years. And he won’t stop trying to get me to look at him again.

  But I can’t.

  If I look at him, I’ll think about kissing him, and kissing is unfortunately a trigger.

  “Talk to me, Sue,” he begs. “Tell me what’s been going on with you,” he whines. “I want to know everything about your life,” he cries querulously. In truth, he sounds the same as he did when we were kids and although my therapist has instructed me to avoid the memory of Jaxon and I together, I remember...

  Jaxon repeated himself as I stood idle outside of the shower. “Did you hear me, Sue? I said I’m a virgin.”

  My feelings were overwhelming and I clasped my hands to my chest. I suspected Jaxon not only felt the same strong attraction I did, but he was also feeling an internal itch to connect physically.

  The only difference was he was more afraid than I was, feeling like he had to explain himself and his lack of experience.

  I didn’t feel the need to explain anything because I wasn’t afraid at all. In that moment, I felt so engrossed in the idea of Jaxon being my knight in shining armor, I figured there was no way he could ever hurt me.

  I walked back into my bedroom, rummaged through my purse, pulled out the condom I was saving for my boyfriend (a six-foot-four running back), and marched right back to stand outside the shower, sliding the curtain open.

  Grabbing the handle of the cab door, I ready myself.

  Be ready to open the door, Ursula. You need to be ready to open the door and get out.

  Before the cab has a chance to come to an immediate stop, I grab my purse to loop the strap over my shoulder. Once the cab has come to a complete halt, I tug on the handle, shoving my shoulder into the door then scoot myself off the seat and hastily try to shut the door behind me.

  Jaxon slams it open onehandedly so I turn immediately towards my getaway, facing the hotel lobby. I do not dare look at Jaxon about to slide himself to the edge of the seat, to exit the cab with his thighs about spread and help him maneuver out of the vehicle.

  Oh God, I dare not think what hangs between those legs!

  An ugly knot wraps itself around my stomach and winds its way from my gut into my chest. I can’t breathe! I’d better hustle.

  My legs move with haste, but I choose not to run too fast. The last thing I want is to trip on my heels and find Jaxon hovering over me, or worse, his parts hanging over me.

  I get to the hotel elevators, push the button, and of course I have to wait. I keep my head down but I can feel Jaxon’s presence approaching. He’s so different, so grown—brimming and teeming.

  Why is he chasing me after all this time?

  He stands right next to me, peering down on me. He says nothing but I can feel his hot breath as it blows on me. His proximity is smothering me. I don’t even have to look at him to feel his affluence, his magnitude, or how big his...

  Oh no! I’m about to have a panic attack.

  I reach into my purse for my emergency pills and the elevator door opens.
I rush in, slap the button to my floor, and put my forehead in the far corner. Looking down to dig in my purse, my hands are shaking wildly out of control. I manage to open the small white bottle to toss some pills into my palm when suddenly, I’m jerked around.

  The pills in my palm fly through the air. As if time has been put in slow motion, I hear each little pill bounce along the elevator’s polished white and brown checkboard tiled floor.

  Now I really can’t breathe!

  “What’s going on with you?” Jaxon snarls, cupping my face.

  I shut my eyes tight. My legs are weak. My body is shaking. The few pills left in the container in my palm are rattling.

  Don’t open your eyes. You cannot look at Jaxon. Don’t look at him!

  Jaxon fumbles about me then wrenches the pill bottle from my clutches. He shakes the bottle. I hear the pills rattle in his hand and then I hear him pouring. Next, I feel something very small, round, and hard touch between my lips—

  Yes! My emergency pill.

  “You need this?” Jaxon asks, his voice soft and apologetic.

  “Mhm,” I mumble, my chest cramping so tight it feels like it’s flooded with cement and is beginning to harden, forcing me to rub my arms and elbows across my front to massage it.

  “Open your mouth,” Jaxon orders politely.

  I part my lips and stick my tongue out slightly. Jaxon pushes the pill over my tongue, into my mouth, and I can taste his long salty finger as he pulls his finger out, leaving my pill embedded near the back of my throat.

  “Swallow,” he orders, gripping the sides of my jaw with both hands to tilt my head back.

  I swallow.

  Jaxon massages my jaw and neck caught between his palms and his fingers. “Did it go down?”

  I squeeze my eyes tighter. “Yes, but it will take a few minutes to—”

  A tongue invades my mouth. Hot lips press wet and strong onto mine, so I clench them. But Jaxon pulls at the skin of my face with his thumbs, forcing me to gasp, which allows him easy access to thrust his tongue deep into my oral cavity. My tongue pushes back and I feel like I’ve been drawn into battle, a battle of tongues.


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