Burn Up (Steel Veins Book 2)

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Burn Up (Steel Veins Book 2) Page 17

by Jackson Kane

  She was beginning to actually trust me.

  “No more secrets,” I agreed.

  My filthy hand grazed her cheek as I cupped the side of her face and pulled her into me. Her wide, full lips crushed mine, the last barriers of my resistance shattering. Tomorrow, I’d see to it that Maya was safely on her way to San Francisco and out of my life, but tonight…

  Tonight, Maya, the fallen Steel Vein angel, would be mine.

  Chapter Ten


  I didn’t know what to think when I crested that hill. I figured it had to be something to do with mourning. Then he caught me when I slipped and... I hadn’t planned on any of that. Hendrix was in so much pain when he left me. Who wouldn’t be with the losses he had suffered today? That’s why I went after him. I just wanted to console him, to let him know that I was willing to help him. It was the least I could do.

  I was also a little scared as well. I wasn’t joking about that whole being left alone out in the middle of nowhere thing. I was raised in a city. The wilderness, although incredibly lovely, was also very intimidating. The sheer size of it all….

  Hendrix had saved my life several times over now, but it still struck me as funny that I’d somehow come to associate him, a murderous biker, with safety. He yanked me out of the fire that was his normal lifestyle. By virtue of being near him, I’d given up my sense of security. Intellectually, I understood all of that, but I couldn’t change the way I felt. I really did feel safe around him.

  Safe enough to open up about everything. It felt good to tell him what I’d overheard from Slick about splintering off from the Steel Veins. I didn’t think telling Hendrix was going to fix anything, but it was nice just to share that burden.

  “Is this a good spot for a blanket?” It was a silly question to ask a man wrapped up in a blanket with me. I guess I was trying to diffuse whatever this was because I didn’t know if the whole situation was a good idea, considering what he was probably going through and what I had just been through with that psycho Ricky-Tick.

  Still, pushing myself away was so difficult. I wanted him almost beyond words and especially after every time I thought about him coming back to rescue me. Wrapping my head around just how much he had to give up for me made my heart swell to bursting. No one had ever done anything like that for me before, and ever since then, thoughts of him invaded my mind with the destructiveness and unpredictable nature of gale-force winds in a wild ocean storm.

  I needed to stop myself before it went too far like last time.

  I prayed that it would happen with Hendrix eventually but on some other day, not now. On a day that wasn’t so full of death or near-death or almost-rape or so much loss or….

  When the hell would that normal day be?

  I was almost killed a few hours ago, and there were still so many miles to go. We were dirty, beaten up, and stranded in a near-hopeless situation that we barely escaped from. There may never be an ideal time for Hendrix and me. We may never have our perfect moment, if there even was such a thing. This might be all we got—right here, right now.

  How could I possibly give that up?

  So I let my arms give way and allowed his darkness and warmth to take me. I drew a long, deep breath and released all my doubts, sending them to float away. I gave myself to him completely. Now it was his turn to decide what came next.

  Under the blanket, it was impossibly black. I couldn’t see where I ended and he began. My heart beat only for him. My chest rose and fell on his whim. His fingertips dragged through my scalp, leaving trails of tingling heat in their wake. Tonight, I was his. He was in mourning, and I was recovering from shock and PTSD. Maybe this was the best we could ever hope for?

  He cradled my neck and cheek, and I let him guide me to where I really belonged. He aligned my curves against his rock-hard form and kissed me. Unions like ours were colliding comets, our trajectory hurtling straight toward the sun to be irrevocably consumed. Fast, unpredictable, and absolutely ruinous for us and anything in our way. It was amazingly rare and incredibly brilliant. We were doomed but gloriously so.

  He stretched, pulling the blanket apart far enough to free his other arm then wrapped it around me, mashing my small tits into his hard pecs. Quick, hard, wet, and searching—we kissed like desperate strangers with only a few hours left to live. I lost myself in it all. I lost myself in him.

  “Ow!” I grunted, immediately wrenched back to reality once again, or at least the reality of my still very broken nose. His own pressed against mine, sending shooting pain up into my face.

  “Yeah, that’s still broken,” he mused wryly.

  “I’m okay.” I didn’t want him to stop, but it hurt so much.

  “I have no doubt, but why don’t I find new places to kiss... just to be safe.” I could feel his highly skilled lips smile against the skin of my oh-so-sensitive neck before he proceeded to kiss downward. The pain in my face subsided even more in response to his intimate expertise.

  He rolled me over onto my back then tugged me up into a sitting position before yanking my shirt off. I fumbled to unclasp my bra, hoping to save it from being destroyed this time, but Hendrix caught my arms. “Nuh-uh-uh…. Trying to steal all my fun?” he accused devilishly.

  I released a resigned giggle. “If you can handle—” Before I could finish, he had pinched, released, and popped the wings of my bra away. “Uh, okay, apparently you can.” I felt my face redden.

  “That’s not all I can do,” he purred in my ear, slipping a finger between my breasts and ripping my bra off my chest. The chilled air tickled my hardening nipples, and an excited shiver rippled through me. This all was a promise of what was to come, and it transformed my spine into jelly.

  He lifted my chin and kissed along my hairline until he reached my ear. Suddenly, he was all teeth and tongue. A quick jerk forced me back down as he clamped a mighty hand over both my wrists, restraining them over my head. The thrill of exciting kink danced in my mind as he worked my panties off with his other hand. God, I still felt a little self-conscious that I hadn’t shaved, but if he minded, he never let on about it.

  I’d never done anything like this, and now I wasn’t certain if I could handle it.

  With two, exploring fingers, he located my clit and slowly began to rub. His tight, little circles had me breathing heavily almost immediately. I swallowed hard. Those old anxieties began to whine in the back of my head, warning me of whom Hendrix was and what I had already lived through at the hands of my father’s club—

  No! I refused to allow parasites like Ricky-Tick and Slick to ruin my life any further. I wanted Hendrix. Every filthy, flexing, fleshy inch of him. Besides, without a motorcycle or a patch, Hendrix wasn’t officially a biker anymore—

  Dammit! I couldn’t fool myself. Hendrix was still a biker. It would always be a part of a man like him, but right now, with me, he was just a man. That was all that mattered. A real man who wanted me. So I finally disconnected my nagging superego and decided to relax and enjoy him fully. I wasn’t sure if I would survive it, but I now was frantic to find out.

  He withdrew his adept fingers, licked them, then ground harder on my clit, matching the rhythm with my body’s natural tempo. Not too fast. Not too hard. God, did he make my pelvis buck uncontrollably as he coaxed my first squeak and moan from my lips, which then never stopped.

  How was he so good at this? I didn’t think it was possible to be touched like this, to eke out such a response from me like I’ve never experienced before. Because it was too dark to see, I could never prepare myself for his touch. My skin was awash with goose bumps in dripping anticipation, so when I felt his wet teeth abruptly sink into my neglected nipple, my skin caught fire and I exhaled crackling electricity.

  “Fuck,” I whispered, my whole body contracting. I was a steel board. Guttural moans flowed from me like water. I was so close to coming that I could feel it in my clenched teeth. My God, he was amazing.

  “Say it again.” His voice was smoky and th

  “Fuck me....”

  “Louder,” he demanded, flicking over my bean, my body jerking at his every movement. I was a marionette, and he was tugging my strings to his will.

  “Unh... fuck me....”

  “Again,” he growled fiercely in my ear, the edge in his voice slicing through me.

  I couldn’t stand it. My whole body vibrated, yearning for his touch. I wanted to feel him inside of me more than I had ever wanted anything else. “Please!”

  He knew what I wanted but refused, decelerating his fingers to an agonizingly slow speed, which drove me crazy.

  “F-f-f…,” I stammered, teetering on the cusp of divine ecstasy. He was so heartless, demonic even, to torment me so badly.

  “Scream for me. I want to hear that you really want it this time.” He slid two fingers into my pussy, and I immediately came. He felt it, too, and didn’t stop. Instead, he sped up in rhythm with my pussy’s spasms, making a beckoning motion with his fingers inside of me. He oscillated them, one after the other, in short bursts of movement, stroking them against my ribbed walls. I was sopping. My whole body went rigid. My pussy, thighs, and lower stomach rocked involuntarily.

  The growing bulge in his pants became a hardening rod. Hot and thick. Grinding down my thigh. I strained against his iron grip, desperately wanting to grab his cock, to feel it every way possible.

  “Fuck!” I screamed it. I’d never been more ravenous. “Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!” I shouted at the top of my lungs until my throat was rough. I had let the whole world know what I wanted, but I didn’t care.

  He released me to pull his pants off. My hands rocketed down to my pussy; he had me so close to coming again! I was right on the verge when he grabbed my hand and flattened it onto my pussy. The pressure was pleasurable, but it wouldn’t be enough. He refused to let me consummate that ever-evasive orgasm, the bastard!

  “No! No! I’m so close! Don’t be so mean!” I rubbed my pussy against his hand. I was almost there again. All I needed was a little more....

  “All I am is mean.” He jerked our hands away and laid his massive cock on my pulsating pussy. I was losing my goddamn mind now. How could he be so much in control?

  The cool air licked at my soaked pussy and thighs but didn’t chill me one bit. The heat I had that burned for him could set the chilling wind on fire. I felt like I was going to have a fucking heart attack if he kept teasing me. If I exploded, they would be finding pieces of me across these hills for weeks.

  “Give it to me!”

  And then he finally did.

  His cock split me open wider than Tyrone, my favorite vibrator at home did, but his incredible girth continued to invade my very core until I feared that I might feel him in my throat; it was so fucking amazing. My quick, shallow breaths were a mockery of breathing. God, the things Hendrix made me feel….

  He threw one of my legs over and rolled me on my side. The new position allowed him to somehow get impossibly deeper, sending pangs of pleasure all the way up to my rib cage.

  The blanket was a distant memory as we copulated in the dirt.

  “I’ve needed to fuck you since the second I laid eyes on you.” His voice was raunchy and betrayed cracks in his stoicism as he pumped harder and faster. Asphalt-darkened earth packed underneath my nails as I dug my fingers into the ground as it was all I could do to just hold on.

  “I’m coming! I’m coming! Don’t stop!” I seized, momentarily arresting my writhing. The orgasm ripped throughout my entire body like I was made of paper. My eyes rolled back in response to the deepest ecstasy I’d ever felt.

  “You won’t scream for me?” I croaked between gasping, ragged breaths.

  Hendrix squeezed my leg and ass tight enough that I would bruise. Good! I wanted to remember this for as long as I could. The thought of me being the girl to make a man like Hendrix lose control, if only for a second, was intoxicating. The most dangerous of all drugs.

  I ran my dirty fingers down the ridges of his sweaty, sculpted chest and abs. He yelled both loud and guttural, both frightening and thrilling. Then he snapped my hand up and bit my fingers, dirt and all. My swollen pussy clamped down on his corpulent, throbbing cock as he filled every part of me. His cock swelled even larger and pulsed, and I felt him explode.

  I curled my fingers in his mouth and jerked him toward me. He lay on top of me and pulled my lips into his, kissing me with fervor. So personal and so very intimate. He even remembered to be careful of my nose, which reflected the kind of man that was hidden within that rough exterior.

  How could I possibly have been able to write him off?

  Eventually, he slid back in what was the longest pulling out of my life, then found and straightened the blanket. With a quick jerk and without any hesitation, being that we were both filthy, he trapped me against him. Our bodies, a sweaty, dirty mass of flesh, collided. I relaxed on his chest and listened as his racing heart eventually decelerated back down to normal. Everything about what had just happened was wet, sloppy, and strangely wonderful.

  Hendrix was a man who made no apologies for what he was and what he wanted. If there was something worth taking, he took it. Tonight, that was me. I hadn’t felt this good, this accepted, in... God... I couldn’t even remember when. Worse, I thought I was actually beginning to fall for him.

  “Oh shit! Did we just do that without a condom?” The harsh realization dawned on me with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

  “It was good for me too. Thanks for asking.”

  “And you came inside me!” I ignored him and climbed against him into a sitting position, the consequences of what we had just done piling up in my head. And I was worried about what that might mean for me. Jesus, what if I got pregnant? I wasn’t ready for that. What about him? Was he clean?

  “You get wound up pretty easily, don’t you?” He tried to drag me back down, but I thoroughly resisted.

  “I’m not on birth control, and you came in me without asking!” I ranted in his face.

  He sighed and released me yet made no other move to comfort or reassure me. Why wasn’t he taking this seriously?

  “I had a vasectomy years ago, and they tested me in prison. So as long as you’re clean, we’re good,” he finally revealed, and my panic gradually melted. Only then did I allow him to pull me back into his embrace. “You are clean, right?” he inquired discreetly.

  “Of course! What kind of woman do you think I am?” I choked on the absurdity of the question. I hadn’t had many partners, and up until now, I was always extremely careful.

  Hendrix rolled me onto my back, and his big cock slapped against my thigh then slid over my pussy, eliciting a sharp thrill that ran up between my legs. “The kind of woman who likes to be held down and fucked in the dirt.”

  “Oh, you smug son of a bitch....” My cheeks reddened profusely while my smile beamed. He was right though. I loved every filthy second of it. “What about the girl you were with at the clubhouse before we left?”

  “Jackie Blow? I had a condom, not that it came to that. Guess what her specialty was?”

  “You are such a pig,” I scoffed, mostly jokingly. A small part of me was jealous of that girl. But why? It was only a few days ago, but it might as well have been a lifetime.

  I didn’t know what this was that we had—if it was anything at all. The sex was incredible, and I hoped I would get that chance again. Though, feelings for him aside, I didn’t know what was in store for me in the next few days, let alone us. This was no time to go foolishly falling in love.

  “What is your last name?” I asked as it suddenly dawned on me that I had no idea. He knew mine, of course. That was one of the reasons that we were in this mess.

  “Are we already at that stage of the relationship? You’re moving a bit fast for me, Maya.” He chuckled then added, “It’s Cedro. Hendrix Cedro.” I could feel the smile in his kiss. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Merritt.”

  I liked the way he said my name. It was a sil
ly little thing, but I liked how he could swing between vulgarity and propriety. He had me, and even worse, he knew he had me. Keeping him emotionally at arm’s length might be more difficult than I thought.

  It was a nice thought to fade into sleep with. I was a little cold, but Hendrix was a two-hundred-pounds-plus heater who held me close all night. I had never felt safer or slept more soundly than I did with him.

  “Um, hello? Hul-lo?” The old, gruff voice groggily awoke me to an early rising sun.

  It took me a few seconds to figure out where I was and what was going on. Hendrix stirred beneath me but continued sleeping.

  “Oh my God!” I blurted out sharply, jerking the corner of the blanket over me. We were laying on too much of it to cover myself in any meaningful way, so I rolled onto my stomach and prayed that I would melt into the ground and disappear forever. “Hendrix! There’s someone here!”

  Hendrix startled awake and was up into a sitting position at a hundred miles per hour in a few seconds. Dazed, he groped around for his gun before relaxing when he saw the old man and deemed him not a threat. Hendrix was utterly unconcerned about his lack of clothes and took the opportunity to stretch and scratch himself before standing up.

  “Are you youngsters all right?” The old man, bent over by age and using a cane, stood on the opposite side of the hill that we came down hours before. “I heard noises last night but didn’t want to come out till daytime.”

  Noises? Jesus... I didn’t think it was possible to be more embarrassed. There was no way to explain what we were doing out here that left out the fact that we were fucking in the dirt like animals. I was mortified.

  Hendrix cleared his throat, shaded his eyes, and asked, “You call the cops?”

  “Couldn’t. They’re closed for another hour.”

  “The police station is closed? Where the hell are we?” It seemed so surreal to me that what he said was even possible.


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