Betrayed (Atlanta's Finest Series Book 5)

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Betrayed (Atlanta's Finest Series Book 5) Page 8

by Sharon C. Cooper

  She lifted her arm and twirled her index finger for the producer, Kevin, to start again. His engineer adjusted the various gauges and knobs on the mixing board. There seemed to be a hundred of them. A few minutes later, they had her start at the top.

  Zenobia began again. This time her eyes were closed, unlike earlier when she glanced everywhere but at him. Was it his presence that threw her off? He hadn’t considered that possibility, especially when she’d given the okay for him to listen in.

  The singing and the music stopped again. This time, instead of having the producer and engineer start over, Zenobia didn’t say anything. She didn’t give any signals. Instead, she removed the headphones and stepped away from the mic. When she turned her back to him and the producer, Angelo wondered how often this happened. Maybe it was part of her process.

  The producer huffed out a frustrated sigh and dropped his head back to stare at the black ceiling.

  “Maybe we should call it a day,” the engineer said.

  Angelo didn’t think that was a good idea. Especially since Zenobia had told him that her deadline for completing the album was quickly approaching.

  “Let me talk to her.” Angelo left the room before giving either of the men a chance to respond.

  He stepped into the dimly lit hallway. As for studio buildings, the modern design and square footage was more impressive than he’d ever seen. The few that he’d been to were usually under a thousand square feet. Not this one. This space was at least twice the size. It had an inviting reception area, a small kitchen area, and several studios with sound booths. By request, Zenobia was the only client in the building, which meant she needed to make this time count. They only had another hour left.

  Angelo walked the short distance down the hall and tapped on the door leading to the sound booth she was using. Not waiting for her to answer, he pushed the door open.

  Zenobia turned, her troubled gaze meeting his before she glanced down at the floor. Her shoulders slumped and she sighed.

  “Come here,” Angelo said gently. She glanced at him again, and he gestured with a nod of his head for her to step into the hallway. He wasn’t sure if the producer still had ears in the sound booth, but Angelo didn’t take any chances. Not sure where the conversation would end up, he wanted a little privacy.

  Zenobia didn’t speak when she joined him, and suddenly Angelo wasn’t sure what to say. So, he didn’t say anything. He pulled her into his arms and loved the way she relaxed into him. It didn’t matter how many women he’d been with, his connection to Zenobia was like nothing he had ever experienced. He wasn’t sure what to do with what he was feeling for her.

  “What’s on your mind?” he asked, still holding her close.

  She shook her head and the ponytail on top of her head brushed against his chin. “Nothing… No, everything. I can’t focus.”

  “Is it me? I can wait out here while you finish up.”

  “It’s not you. It’s all me,” she mumbled, her head still down and her voice filled with emotion.

  Angelo leaned back and lifted her chin with his finger, forcing her to look at him. “Then talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I have so many thoughts about everything floating around in my head. It’s hard for me to feel…”

  A long silence fell between them. “Feel what?” he prompted. “What aren’t you feeling.”

  “Passion…joy. My life is a mess right now. Someone is after me and I don’t know who or why. You guys found listening devices in my house,” she screeched, her eyes wide before she glanced around to see if anyone was in earshot. “I’m a little freaked out right now. I’m not in the mood to sing, but I have to finish this album.”

  Staring into her eyes, Angelo cupped her face. He wanted so bad to kiss her, but he couldn’t. He needed to maintain some type of professionalism. Instead, he brushed the pad of his thumbs over her cheeks. Her baby-soft skin stirred something intense inside of him.

  “I’m not a motivational speaker. So, I’m not sure what to tell you.” He lowered his voice. “I know we have this fake relationship going and I’m your boyfriend, but maybe pretend for a moment…or at least another hour…that what we have is real. Sing to me. Pour your heart out in that song and make it about you and me.”

  She didn’t respond, but some of the weariness in her eyes slipped away.

  “So…no pretending for an hour?” Her hands slid up his chest and a shiver shot through Angelo. Maybe talking to her alone in the semi-dark hallway, a hallway that set the mood for making out, wasn’t a good idea. “You’re saying that you’re mine and I’m yours?”

  Instead of responding, Angelo tried throttling the dizzying desire suddenly racing through his veins. His intention was to give a pep talk, not give a green light to do what they both clearly wanted to do. Make out. He didn’t want to recall all the sexual things he’d done to her in his dreams the night before, but damned if they weren’t at the forefront of his mind.

  No. He had to be strong for both their sakes. Yet, when he opened his mouth, he said, “The outside world can’t touch you in here. It’s just you and me. No one else.”

  “It’s not just us. Kevin and his engineer are here. Besides, that kiss you planted on me the other day at Supreme has me wanting a repeat.”

  That kiss was hot and almost led to a point of no return, Angelo thought, deciding not to voice the thought out loud. “Tell me what I can do to help?”

  Zenobia lifted her gaze to his, mischief sparkling in her pretty eyes. “I might need a little motivation.” Her words were spoken quietly, but Angelo heard them loud and clear. When her tongue slipped out, gliding lazily across her bottom lip, a low growl bubbled inside his chest. For a man known for his strong willpower, he had none when it came to her.

  He shook his head. He shouldn’t give in on what they both wanted, but when Zenobia’s eyes darkened with hunger, Angelo couldn’t help himself. He lowered his head and nibbled on her lower lip. Then her top one. He only intended to have a little taste, but her sweetness and how good her soft body felt against his chest made him yearn for so much more.

  He crushed her to him, and Zenobia slid her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. The last couple of days of trying to keep his hands and mouth to himself had been pure torture. He’d been doing well in keeping things between them professional, except for his vivid dreams at night of them together. The daytime was filled with his craving for her. Now this.

  Longing spiraled through his body as they both moaned, the sound echoing in the hallway. No doubt she felt the bulge behind his zipper pressing against her stomach as his desire for her continued rising. His and Zenobia’s relationship might’ve been fake, but what he felt each time she was in his arms was real. Very real. He had to be careful not to mistake the attraction and comfort they had with each other for anything other than it was—an assignment.

  But why couldn’t he get his body to adhere to what his brain knew? Each kiss was getting more intense, and right now, he wanted to be buried deep inside of her.


  Angelo suddenly broke off the kiss. Chest heaving, he braced his hands on her shoulders and put some distance between them.

  “You gotta stop kissing me like that,” he half-joked. “I can’t take it.”

  Her laughter rippled through the hallway, and he was glad that he had been able to break some of her tension.

  “Now go in there and sing for me.”

  She fisted the front of his shirt and pulled him close. Then she placed another lingering kiss on his lips before releasing him.

  “In case I haven’t mentioned it, you’re an amazing boyfriend.” She winked and returned to the sound booth, leaving him standing there still panting.

  He ran his fingers through his hair and huffed out a breath. “I am so screwed.”


  “Let’s start from the top, Zen. I’ll count you down.” Kevin’s voice boomed into the sound booth minutes later.

  Zenobia slippe
d the headphones back on as her gaze connected with Angelo. He winked and heat flooded her body. The man was too sexy for his own good. Pretending they were dating was turning out to be the easiest thing she’d had to do in a long time.

  She released a slow, calming breath and waited for Kevin. When he lifted his hand, Zenobia readied herself and watched as he started the countdown with his fingers.




  Music started playing. A beautiful melody that she had worked on with them weeks ago, that went great with her lyrics. The music pierced something deep inside her soul as the words flowed from her mouth.

  As the high and low pitches played through the headset, Zenobia’s body swayed, arms and hands moved, punctuating every note and hitting them flawlessly. Her heart was full as she imagined her and Angelo making love under the moonlight. The next words of the song were a mixture of her past and her present. The good and the bad.

  Betrayed and tossed to the side,

  All I wanted to do was hide.

  But you wouldn’t let me,

  You wouldn’t let me be.

  You came out of nowhere and promised me,

  You promised me love.

  When you found me, I found love.

  When you found me, I found love.

  You brought so much joy and wiped so many tears,

  You even stood guard to block my many, many fears.

  You’ve planted the seed and watered it with love and laughter,

  And then promised that we would live happily ever after.

  When you found me, I found love.

  When you found me, I found love.

  Angelo’s unblinking gaze stayed on her as if taking in every word, melody, and heartfelt emotion of the song. When she wrote the lyrics, Zenobia imagined what it would be like to finally find that one person who could wipe away the hurts and fears of the past. Angelo might not be that man, but his presence in her life was right on time.

  When Zenobia finished singing, the producer pumped his fist. “Yes! Daayum, girl. That was lit!”

  Zenobia joined them in the studio, and Angelo pulled her into his arms, placing a kiss against her temple. “That was amazing, baby,” he whispered. “You can sing for me anytime.”

  Kevin approached and shook Angelo’s hand. “I don’t know what you said or did to get all of that out of her, but I might need you to come back in a couple of days. We have another song to get through.”

  A lazy smile spread across Angelo’s lips. “I’ll be here,” he said, staring down at her. With the respect radiating in his eyes, Zenobia could easily forget that they weren’t a real couple. Now she understood why he was chosen to play the role of her love interest. He was good. He was damn good.

  For the next half hour, Zenobia couldn’t stop grinning as Kevin played her song back for her to listen to it. Even though there were some areas that needed tweaking, she was proud of the piece.

  Angelo’s phone buzzed and he glanced at the screen. “Myles is out back when we’re ready.”

  Zenobia nodded. Since parking was practically non-existent, Angelo had arranged for Myles to drop them off at the studio and then pick them up. The day before, Angelo had drove her anywhere she wanted to go and Zenobia wished for some alone time with him. Then again, maybe it was good they wouldn’t be alone because she was sure she’d want another sample of his sexy lips against hers.

  After setting up another session with Kevin, she and Angelo headed down the hall that led to the back entrance. When they walked out, Myles was standing at the back door of the SUV.

  Zenobia pulled up short. “Crap. I left my bag. I’ll be right back.”

  She went back into the building and jogged down the hall, wondering how she’d managed to forget her oversized bag. “Angelo,” she mumbled to herself. The man was such a distraction, and a good kisser. A real good kisser.

  Smiling at the possibility of going another round with him, Zenobia rushed into the women’s lounge. Retracing her steps to one of the stalls, she found the large Coach bag hanging from the hook on the back of the stall door. A quick search inside confirmed nothing was missing. Good thing they’d had the building to themselves.

  Zenobia headed to the door, pulled it open and a scream ripped from her throat.

  “Oh, good. You’re still here. Why haven’t you returned my calls?”

  “Damn it, Stephen, you scared me!” With a hand on her chest, her heart pounded against her palm. “What are you doing here?”

  “Looking for you. We need to—” His words were cut off when Myles wrapped his arm around Stephen’s neck and roughly pulled him into the women’s lounge.

  Angelo was right behind him and reached for Zenobia. “You all right?”

  Heart beating a mile a minute, she nodded, unable to speak after witnessing how fast everything played out.

  “Get off me!” Stephen choked out, pulling on Myle’s forearm and trying to free himself. With one arm keeping Stephen in a choke hold, Myles used his free hand to quickly pat him down before shoving him into the vanity.

  “What the heck’s going on in here?” Kevin roared from the doorway. “Stephen? What are you doing? How’d you get in the building?”

  “That’s what I want to know,” Angelo said, his arm sliding around Zenobia’s waist.

  Coughing and holding his throat, Stephen looked around the room with wide-eyed shock. “Dude, who the hell are you?” Then he glared at Zenobia. “Who is this chump?”

  “My security,” Zenobia said as Myles moved to the door, letting Kevin know that he and Angelo could take it from there.

  “How’d you know she was here?” Angelo asked.

  “Man, I ain’t gotta tell you shit. If I want to talk to my girl, then—”

  “See, that’s where you’re wrong,” Angelo said. His deep voice was filled with venom as he moved closer, towering over Stephen by at least five inches. “She’s mine now. So, I’ll ask again. How’d you know she was here?”

  Stephen’s gaze bounced from Zenobia to Angelo, back to her again. He was always trying to act all hard, when in reality he was a cream puff, especially standing next to Angelo. Suddenly, she wondered what she ever saw in him. Then again, he was another example of her poor judgment.

  Stephen might’ve had an amazing voice, but he came off as childish and silly. A year younger than her, at twenty-nine he looked more like twenty. His style probably didn’t help. Tall and lanky, baggy clothes similar to what other rappers were wearing was his thing. He wore his hair in short twists with blond tips and tattoos covered much of his body, something Zenobia hated.

  Angelo folded his arms across his chest. “Start talking.”

  Stephen looked at her. “So, it’s like that, huh?”

  “I told you I was seeing someone, but that’s beside the point. How’d you know I was here?” His stony glare suddenly turned guilty, but he didn’t respond. Zenobia got in his face. “How’d you know I was here?”

  “Answer her!” Angelo bellowed when Stephen was slow to speak.

  “I tracked her.”

  “Wh—what?” Someone could’ve knocked Zenobia over with a feather. “How are you tracking me? More importantly, why?”

  Angelo stepped around her. “Hand over the phone.”

  Stephen chuckled. “Man, you got balls, but you better reconi—”

  Angelo slammed him against the hand dryer and without a word, took the phone out of Stephen’s back pocket. “Now unlock it.” Stephen didn’t move, only glowered at him before Angelo shoved the phone in his face. “Look at it.”

  “Steph, just do it and quit screwing around.”

  Once the phone was unlocked, Zenobia watched as Angelo opened an app on the home screen. It was as if he’d done it a hundred times, knowing exactly where to go and what he was looking for.

  Zenobia glowered at Stephen. “I can’t believe you’ve been tracking me. When did this start?”

  “When we were dating.”

nbsp; “Why?” Angelo asked.

  “Cause I wanted to know where she was. Why do you think?” he shouted, then turned his attention to Zenobia. “How you think I knew you was at Lake Lanier?”

  “Wait. You were there?”

  “Nah, I wasn’t there, but who you think sent the flowers?” Then he glanced at Angelo and narrowed his eyes. “You took credit for my flowers, didn’t you?”

  Angelo shook his head in disgust and started rattling off one question after another. It became clear pretty quick that Stephen knew nothing. He hadn’t planted listening devices in her home, and he had nothing to do with the kidnapping.

  But the question remained. Who was after her and why?

  Chapter Ten

  Zenobia laid in bed in her semi-dark bedroom, staring up at the tan and brown tray ceiling as the ceiling fan rotated around and around.

  Four hours.

  It had been four hours since she had retired to her little slice of heaven on the second floor, hoping to forget about the events of the last couple of days.

  No such luck. Each time she closed her eyes, images of the attempted kidnapping played on loop inside her mind. Then there was the meeting at Supreme where she hired a security firm and, in the process, snagged a boyfriend. If that wasn’t enough, she came home, to her sanctuary, the one place where she felt safe, only to find out that some lowlife had been monitoring her conversations. And she didn’t even want to think about the encounter with Stephen.

  Zenobia closed her eyes and shook her head, her hair brushing back and forth against the satin pillowcase. What the heck was her life coming to? She couldn’t even find tranquility in her own home. Her ex and some unknown enemy was messing with her peace of mind. And the gorgeous hunk sleeping across the hall had her body tied up in knots. She was horny and tempted to march across the hall and slide into bed beside Angelo and have her way with him.


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