Betrayed (Atlanta's Finest Series Book 5)

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Betrayed (Atlanta's Finest Series Book 5) Page 18

by Sharon C. Cooper

  He stopped and combed his fingers through his hair. He was tripping. He trusted these guys with his life, and hers, too. They were the best of the best and there wasn’t a man on her security detail who wouldn’t give his life to protect hers.

  Angelo glanced at his watch. “What’s taking her so long?”

  “Man, chill,” Kenton clapped him on the shoulder. “It’s a celebrity party. Everyone will be fashionably late.”

  If anyone should know, it was Kenton. He usually got assigned to celebrity security details and was one of the few who didn’t complain. It was the least favorite for many of the other security specialists, including Angelo. During his experience with some famous people, he found them to be too high-maintenance, fickle, and often disrespectful. At least that’s what he thought until Zenobia fell into his life. Maybe he’d been a little too quick to judge the others because she was nothing like he would’ve imagined.

  Angelo headed for the main stairs. “Let me go and see what’s taking her…” His words died on his tongue when she appeared in the middle of the wide staircase.

  Stunning wasn’t a strong enough description to depict how gorgeous his woman looked. My woman. My beautiful woman. How was it possible that she could improve on perfection? She was breathtaking in the white strapless dress that showed off long, shapely legs that seemed to go on forever. The dangling diamonds hanging from her ears and around her neck accentuated the outfit. While her hairstyle, loose curls piled on top of her head with a few curly tendrils framing her perfectly made-up face, completed the lovely package.

  Angelo’s gaze went back to the dress and heat soared through his veins. “You can’t wear that,” he blurted.

  Someone in the room laughed. It sounded like Parker, but Angelo couldn’t be sure since the culprit covered the laughter up with a cough.

  “Excuse me?” Zenobia walked the rest of the way down the stairs. She stopped in front of Angelo with one hand on her hip and the other clutching a small purse. “You’re the one who picked this one. What do you mean I can’t wear it?”

  “I know but you look…” Angelo’s words trailed off when he realized he wasn’t sure what to say. What the heck could he say? She looked hella good, but he might have to break some chump’s neck at the party if he looked too hard. “I mean, you look magnificent. I’m just concerned that it’s too much…or not enough.”

  “What he means is that his ass will end up in jail if another man looks at you the wrong way,” Laz said bluntly from the front door. “Now can we go?”

  Zenobia burst out laughing and turned away from Angelo. “I’m ready, but I don’t know about my uptight date.”

  Two hours into the party, and Angelo was finally starting to relax. One good thing about not being on Zenobia’s security detail, he could have a drink. Unfortunately, not being on her detail also meant that he’d been stripped of communication with his team. He missed not being able to crack jokes through their invisible coms or discuss results of a basketball game. Tonight, according to Laz, Angelo’s only role was to be eye candy.

  Sipping on his scotch, Angelo glanced around the grand ballroom. Octavia was making her rounds. She had been the first person they saw when arriving. He was glad that she had several clients in attendance, meaning she didn’t linger around him and Zenobia.

  Angelo gave a nod at Parker who was several feet away, trying to blend in near the bar. Kenton and Laz were in reach of Angelo and Zenobia. Like Zen, a few other celebrities arrived with their own personal security, even though Supreme provided security for the whole event.

  Zenobia slipped her arm through his. “Do you want something else to eat?” She had to practically scream over the loud music. Tremaine Dempsi spared no expense on food, drinks, and had the best entertainers present. Some, including Zenobia, had performed.

  “Nah, I’m good, but I’ll gladly get you something to eat or drink if you want,” he said, slipping his arm around her shoulder and kissing the side of her head. He learned something else about her. She normally didn’t drink alcohol. Which was why those shots of whiskey he had insisted she drink the other night had her so tipsy.

  “I could go for a soda, but what I would really like is to sit down for a little while. These shoes aren’t the most comfortable.”

  Angelo glanced down at the strappy sandals. How women stood heels for as long as they did was a mystery to him. “Your wish is my command.”

  A few minutes later, with drinks in hand, they sat at a table with Kira and Elijah. At the beginning of the party, it had been just Kira. Elijah just returned to town and was running late. It would’ve been okay with Angelo if the guy never showed up. He could have fallen off the face of the earth. Angelo couldn’t pinpoint exactly why he couldn’t stand the man, but his dislike grew even stronger since the first time they met.

  “It’s good to see Zenobia isn’t sporting another black eye,” Elijah said, a smirk on his face as he looked at Angelo. “I guess you took my warning to heart.”

  “Eli, don’t start,” Kira warned. “We’re here to have a good time, not watch you two toss jabs at each other.

  Angelo remained quiet, not bothering to justify either comment with a response. Apparently, his hate toward Eli was mutual.

  Zenobia squeezed Angelo’s hand under the table. He glanced at her, finding comfort in the small smile she gave him. He brought her fingers to his lips and kissed the back of them.

  He leaned in close. “When you were singing earlier, I couldn’t help but think you were singing to me.”

  “I was. It’s part of our agreement, remember? Which reminds me: you haven’t sung for me today.”

  Angelo laughed and shook his head. That’s when he spotted Jared across the large space in deep conversation with a couple of women. Release parties weren’t usually his scene, and Angelo wondered if his friend was there on business or pleasure.

  “Once we get out of here, I promise to sing to you for the rest of the night. Right now, though, I need to go holler at a friend of mine. I’ll be right back.”

  “Take your time. I’ll be here.”

  Angelo kissed her and glanced at Kenton and Laz. They both nodded, acknowledging that they’d keep an eye on his woman. Then Angelo went in search of Jared.


  Fifteen minutes later, Zenobia was glad to have the table to herself. Shortly after Angelo went to talk to his friend, Elijah excused himself to go to the men’s room. And while Zenobia absolutely adored Kira, she was glad when her cousin left her alone to go and rub shoulders with the rich and famous.

  Zenobia sipped her club soda and bobbed her head to Tremaine’s latest release. At least until her gaze found Elijah far across the room, talking to a couple of men. It wouldn’t have struck her as odd, except he had been watching Angelo the entire time. Even after he shook each man’s hand before they walked away, Elijah’s attention was back on Angelo.


  Zenobia brought her glass up to her mouth, but stopped inches from her lips. She watched Elijah snap a picture of Angelo and his friend, then typed something into his phone.

  “What the heck is that about?” she said to herself.

  “You say something?”

  Zenobia jumped in her seat at Kenton’s voice close to her ear. There was always at least one of the security team nearby, but she had temporarily forgotten about them.

  “Don’t mind me. I’m just talking to myself.”

  He nodded, then stepped back. Zenobia’s attention went back to Angelo who was deep in conversation. When she looked for Elijah, he was gone. Glancing around the room, she eventually found him weaving in and out of people, heading her way.

  “Dance with me,” he said reaching the table, his hand extended.

  Kenton stood a couple of feet away, but Zenobia could’ve sworn she heard him curse. From her peripheral view, she saw Laz move in closer. Zenobia smiled. They might’ve been hired to guard her, but there was no doubt in her mind that their responses had just as much to do wi
th her being their friend’s woman.

  Tremaine had left the stage and now a DJ was playing a slow song. Zenobia was tempted to say no to Elijah, but she wanted some answers. “Sure, I’ll dance with you.” She accepted his hand. Then she turned to Kenton who was now in arm’s reach of her. “It’s okay. I’ll make sure we stay where you can see me.”

  “Damn, man. It’s just a dance,” Elijah said when Kenton didn’t immediately back up. Again, Zenobia assured him that she’d be fine.

  When she and Elijah reached the packed dance floor, he tried pulling her toward the middle of the throng of people.

  “Right here is fine,” she said. They weren’t exactly on the edge of the dance floor, but pretty close. Close enough to where Angelo and his team could get to her quickly if needed. Besides, Laz stood on the dance floor with his arms folded across his chest, seeming oblivious to guests having to dance around him.

  Elijah pulled her close and they swayed to the music. “What’s going on, Zen? You’ve up security at your house and when you go out in public. Kira said you’re just being more cautious because of some crazy fan, but I have a feeling it’s more than that. What gives?”

  Instead of answering, Zenobia asked a question of her own. “What do you have against Angelo? He’s a great guy. Yet, throughout the night you’ve made snide remarks trying to provoke him. Why?”

  “I don’t like him. I know you and Kira think he’s all that, but something’s not right about the guy. Kira said you met him a couple of months ago when you were getting estimates for a new home security system. What do you really know about him, besides him working for a home security company? Did you do a background check on him? I don’t think he’s who he says he is.”

  Stunned into silence, Zenobia was slow to respond. “I’ve had him thoroughly checked out. I just don’t understand why you care so much.”

  He leaned his head back and frowned at her. “You’re like a sister to Kira, which makes you like a sister to me, but if you want me to back off, I will. I’m just concerned about you.”

  Zenobia slowed as the song neared its end. “I appreciate that, but I think I know what I’m doing with Angelo.” She gave Elijah a hug before pulling out of his arms.

  Elijah gently gripped her elbow. “How about another dance?”

  “That’s not a good idea. Angelo is the jealous type, and I don’t want any trouble tonight. And that’s exactly what will happen if I dance with you again. Besides, here comes my cousin. I’m sure you’d rather dance with her.”

  Zenobia turned and had barely taken a step before she found herself in Angelo’s arms. He led her to the center of the dance floor and pulled her against his hard body. They hadn’t danced together since that night in her kitchen, and she was glad the DJ was playing another slow song.

  Zenobia’s arms went easily around his neck and with a hand at the back of his head, her fingers sifted through his silky hair. He loved and hated when she played in his hair, which only made her want to do it all the time.

  “I saw what you did,” he whispered, his voice thick and his breath warm against her ear.


  “I know you just slipped Elijah’s cell phone into my jacket pocket.”


  Of course, he had seen her. He was one of the most observant people she had ever met. Would she have followed through on her plan had she known he was watching? Probably. Elijah was up to something and they needed to know what.

  “I thought we agreed that you were done with stealing.”

  “I agreed to never steal from you. I never said I wouldn’t steal again. Besides, I didn’t steal his phone. We’re just borrowing it.”


  “Because he was watching you, and I think he took a picture of you and your friend. I’m not saying he’s up to something or did anything wrong, but I thought it was odd. Especially when it looked like he had texted someone.”

  Angelo took so long to say anything, Zenobia thought that maybe she had gone too far. “Listen, I—”

  “Supreme could use your special skills,” he finally said, and kissed her so thoroughly, Zenobia hadn’t realized the song had stopped and now a faster one was playing. “But no more stealing. It’s too dangerous. Now, let’s get out of here. I need to hand off this phone before that chump realizes it’s missing.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Late the next afternoon, Angelo strolled into Supreme Security, feeling good but exhausted thanks to his sexy songbird. In between lovemaking, dancing, and singing songs by some of their favorite artists the night before, he and Zenobia talked. Nothing too heavy. Just chatted about typical stuff one would discuss on a first date. Favorite color. Favorite food. The funniest thing that ever happened to them.

  They kept the topics light. Each day Angelo learned more about her, only making him want to know everything. The more time he spent with Zenobia, the deeper his feelings for her were getting. Problem was, the situation with her unknown enemy was still hanging over their heads.

  Angelo headed up the back staircase. Egypt had summoned him in for a meeting. He was cautiously optimistic that they had found something that could help Zenobia’s situation.

  When he reached the top landing, his phone chirped with a text message and he glanced at his phone.


  Hopefully his friend had some good news. Angelo had handed off Elijah’s phone to Laz who knew people on both sides of the law. He claimed to have someone who could get into the locked phone. If they couldn’t, Laz assured him that he could somehow get Elijah’s phone records.

  Angelo read the text.

  No luck getting into the phone, but got someone going through the phone records. Looking for anything connected to you or Zen.

  Angelo didn’t know how he’d pull that off without a warrant and would never ask.

  Thanks. Keep me posted, he texted back before returning his phone to his pants pocket.

  When he made it to Egypt’s office, she was standing next to her desk with a cell phone plastered to her ear. Angelo hovered near the door, wanting to give her some privacy, but she waved him in and pointed to one of the chairs at the small round table.

  As usual, she was dressed to impress. The guys often referred to her as Queen. Not only because she played a major role in Supreme’s operations, but because she came to work looking like a Nubian queen. Like now, she had on an African print button-up blouse that was yellow, red, green, and a host of other vibrant colors. It was paired with a straight navy-blue skinny skirt that stopped at her knees, along with sky-high navy-blue pumps. How she worked in shoes that tall all day was a mystery to him.

  “Hey there,” she said after finishing her call, then hugged him. “How was the party last night?”

  “It was good. Saw a lot of entertainers, ate good, and of course, the music was on point. All in all, great evening.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” She moved her laptop from the desk and set it on the table. “Have a seat. Let’s get right to it because Wiz is going to be calling in a few minutes. But first, I wanted to let you know that we heard back from our contact at Atlanta PD a few minutes ago. They have an ID on one of the guys who attacked you and Zenobia.”

  “Oookay. Who was he?” Angelo asked slowly. Jared had confirmed the night before that the Cameesos were rebuilding, but were in the early stages.

  “His name was Reggie Sumpter and his last known address was Miami, Florida. They still don’t have any information on the other guy, but that truck was also spotted in Lake Geneva around the time Zenobia was there.”

  “What? Really? Did anyone—”

  “That’s all our contact knew. They’re still waiting for more information.”

  “Do they know anything more about the dead guy, Reggie? Who’d he hang out with? Any cartel or gang affiliations?” Angelo asked, his pulse amping up as he pulled his cell phone from his pocket to call Myles. He and Kenton were on Zenobia’s detail, and Angelo wanted them to be extra
-attentive with her safety.

  “If you’re getting ready to call Kenton, you don’t have to. I talked to him about ten minutes ago and gave him the same info. As for Reggie, he had a brother with ties to the Cameeso Cartel.”

  Angelo’s heart thumped loudly in his chest. “Where is his brother now?”

  “Dead. He was killed in a home invasion over ten years ago. So far, they don’t know Reggie’s affiliations, but said he’d been in and out of jail for much of his life.”

  Angelo eased out of his seat and paced around the room. “Well, at least he’s off the streets. I want to know who Reggie was with that night he slammed into my car.”

  “I’m sure you’ll have answers soon, but are you ready to hear what I found on Zenobia?”

  Angelo rubbed the back of his neck, tension quickly building. “Not really, but I need to know.” He preferred Zenobia told him anything she wanted him to know about her, but she had left them no choice. If the Cameesos or any cartel was after her, his team needed to know. Dealing with those types of criminals wouldn’t be like dealing with some crazed fan. No, Atlanta’s Finest would need to be extremely vigilant in keeping her safe.

  “There are gaps in Zenobia’s past. It looks like everything she told you about her mother is true, and there’s no father listed on her birth certificate. But some of her background information is fake.”

  Angelo stopped moving and frowned. “What do you mean fake?”

  “Like, she claims to have graduated with a two-year degree from a trade school in Miami. Actually, she never attended that school, but has her GED. There are also seven years unaccounted for. I’m thinking that might have something to do with the time she spent recovering in Mexico after the Cameeso ordeal.


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