Leaning Into Series: The Complete Box Set

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Leaning Into Series: The Complete Box Set Page 90

by Hayes, Lane

  I sputtered as I tried to formulate a response. I wasn’t sure if I should thank him and return the compliment or point out the built-in shoe rack.

  “Miles, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t—”

  “If you apologize for having a sense of humor, I’ll never talk to you again.”

  I stuffed my hands into my pockets and shrugged awkwardly. “Fair enough. I—what are you doing?”

  “I’m just looking for my…” He paused to rummage through his oversized tote then spun around, holding a tape measure high above his head like a hard-won prize from a penny arcade. “Ta-da!”

  “What’s the point in measuring the closet? You aren’t going to live here.”

  “True but this closet is impressive. Look at all these shelves and hooks!” Miles swung his arms wildly, knocking the strap from his shoulder. He caught the bag before it fell then scrambled to pull it against him before the contents spilled onto the carpet. I didn’t blame him. I wouldn’t want my clothes to hit the floor or my hot pink—

  “Is that a boa?” I asked, squinting at the brightly colored feathers he was wrestling into submission.

  He froze for a moment with his head bent then slowly glanced up and gave me a sheepish half smile. His instant blush should have been entertaining. But I couldn’t crack a joke about his face matching his hair when I noted the obvious distress in his eyes.

  “It’s nothing. I should take a photo. The dimensions don’t really matter, do they? The configuration is brilliant though. And such a surprise when you consider the rest of the house.”

  I set my hand on his shoulder before he could pull out his phone. “Can I see it?”

  “My cell?”

  “No. The boa.”

  “Why?” Miles asked sharply, straightening his spine.

  Tension emanated from him in a fierce wave as an invisible wall rose to protect him from whatever unfortunate thing I might say or do. The shift from friendly banter to sudden hostility was confusing. And a little heartbreaking. Someone had done a number on him.

  “I’ve never worn one. Wait. That’s not true. My sisters had a white one. I used to sneak into their room and try it on when the coast was clear. My dad would have had a fucking heart attack if he’d known.”

  “What about your mom?” he asked softly.

  “She would have smoothed things over with tulumba with extra syrup,” I huffed before adding in a self-deprecating tone, “I always asked for extra syrup. No wonder I was a round kid.”

  “Round as in chubby?” He furrowed his brow then tentatively lowered his tote bag to the floor.

  “Yep. Very chubby. I was overweight until I was seventeen and—whatever.” I wasn’t going down that path. My idea was to get him talking, not to bare my soul. “My weight wasn’t the problem. It was something else completely, and sometimes I wonder if I could have avoided a shit-ton of therapy and mental anguish if I’d been brave enough to throw that boa on when I had a chance.”

  Miles stared at me for a long moment with his chin cocked proudly. “If you’re playing therapist on me, I should warn you, I’m a hopeless case.”

  I snorted in amusement. “I’m highly unqualified to offer anyone advice. Don’t listen to me.”

  “I won’t,” he retorted. “But I will say…we don’t share angsty parental issues, Grant. My dad was mostly MIA but when he did show up, he deferred to Mama and she wouldn’t put up with anyone who looked at me sideways or put limitations on my passion for sequins and glitter.”

  “Then who did?” I prodded. I was instantly pissed at myself for pushing him. His considerable quirks weren’t my business. I had my own shit to worry about.

  Miles frowned then opened his mouth and closed it again. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  I rubbed the back of my neck and looked out the dirty window, wondering what the hell I was thinking. Separation, distance, “friend zone” conversations. I was blowing this in every possible way. And we were only at the first house on my list.

  I raised my brows and gave a nonchalant shrug. “I don’t either.”

  “Hmm. You want to try on my boa, don’t you?” he asked in a bland tone.

  No. Not at all.

  But his shy smile and the spark of humor in his eyes melted his defenses. And encouraged me to set mine aside too. He looked like his carefree, mischievous self. I couldn’t help grinning like a fool when I gestured for him to hand over the boa. “Sure.”

  Miles dug into his bag and then pulled the feathery scarf out like a magician showing off a new trick.

  “Here you go. Let’s see how you look,” he said, draping it over my neck before stepping backward to check me out.


  Miles shook his head mournfully. “I can’t tell. It’s just a pink thing lying on your shoulders. Put your sunglasses on and give me a walk.”


  He snickered at my panicky expression. “Pretend you’re on the catwalk strutting your stuff. You’ve done it in your underwear. Surely you can handle a boa.”

  “Yeah, but why?”

  “Because something tells me that for as many times as you’ve sashayed in designer briefs in front of drooling admirers, you might like an opportunity to try it with a fabulous accessory. Go on, try it. Just for fun.”

  I fingered the feathery edges and moved toward the doorway. Then I plucked my sunglasses from my shirt pocket, set them on my nose, and walked diagonally across the small room. I pivoted when I reached the corner and made my way back again.

  “How was that?” I asked, lowering my glasses.

  Miles clapped enthusiastically. “Amazing. If this carpet wasn’t ten kinds of disgusting, I’d faint from pure lust!”

  I snorted. “Right.”

  “But if I could offer one teensy criticism…”

  “You can’t. It’s time to go.” I made a production of checking my watch then lifted the boa from my shoulders and set it over his. “The next property is a two-bedroom one block over.”

  “Fine but I’m wearing this,” he said in a definitive tone he ruined with a sideways glance.

  “Fine,” I repeated, heading into the adjoining living area. I opened the front door and turned, expecting to find him right behind me. He stood motionless in the bedroom in some kind of daze. “Are you coming?”

  Miles jolted visibly then offered a weak half smile before stopping to grab his bag and heft it over his shoulder. He adjusted his boa before finally joining me. I gave him a reassuring grin and gestured for him to move ahead of me.

  He stepped forward then stopped abruptly and narrowed his eyes. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

  “Mind what, the feathers? Of course not. Could you scoot out of the way, so I can lock up?” I nudged his elbow and waited for him to comply. When he didn’t budge, I leaned against the doorjamb and crossed my arms. “What is it?”

  “Nothing. I—you surprise me. You’re masculine and sexy and comfortable in your skin, but are you sure you want to be seen with a grown man wearing a boa?”

  “I don’t mind at all. If you want to wear feathers, do it. If you want to put on a pair of heels too, go for it. Just be sure you can keep up with me ’cause we’re on a tight schedule here and—”

  Miles wrapped his hands around my neck to draw me forward then crashed his mouth over mine in a sizzling kiss that would have knocked me sideways if I didn’t pull him against me at the same time and sink into the connection. I tried to tell myself to push him away because this wasn’t supposed to happen again. But he felt so good in my arms, and my dick wasn’t interested in anything but getting as close to him as possible. I slipped my fingers under his sweater and splayed my hand over his lower back then licked the seam of his lips in a silent request for entry. He hummed in approval when I slid my tongue alongside his and angled my head to deepen the kiss. We made out in the doorway, feverishly twisting our tongues as our hands roved, plucking and pulling at fabric and grappling for skin. When he tilted his hips to grind his
erection against mine, the temperature went up a few notches. I was already on edge and the feel of his stiff prick, even through layers of denim, was pushing me to the brink.

  I broke the kiss, gasping for air and stared into his beautiful eyes. Fuck, I wanted him. No. It was more than that. I needed this. I had to feel him again. Really feel him, touch him, hold him. I traced his jaw and gently pressed my lips against his. Miles pulled back and let out a ragged breath.

  “We have to do this. It’s inevitable. Let’s get it out of our systems, so we can go back to our regularly scheduled lives. No promises, no strings. Do you agree?” he asked in a huskier than normal tone.

  I shook my head. Bad idea, bad idea. But instead of telling him that was craziness, I stuck my tongue down his throat one more time. Then I lifted his bag off his shoulder, hiked it over mine and threaded my fingers through his and tugged. “Yeah. Come with me.”

  Chapter 6

  Five city blocks never seemed longer in my life. We walked hand-in-hand through the rainbow-hued streets at a brisk pace. In some parts of the country, we might have turned a few heads. Miles would have for sure. But no one batted an eyelash at the tall redhead swathed in a cloud of hot pink feathers, holding my hand in broad daylight. We blended in with the scenery in the Castro. Not that I cared. I’d have gone anywhere with him at that moment. Moreover, it felt like we were exactly where we should be. And we fit. Our hands, our stride, our sense of urgency.

  I turned down a quiet street and led the way to my house, along the brick pathway and up a short set of stairs.

  “You have a red door?”

  I smiled at the awe in his voice as I twisted the key in the lock. “Yeah. You like?”

  “I love,” he purred, licking the shell of my ear.

  “Fuck.” I shivered in response then pushed the door open.

  “Wow. This is ni—”

  I spun him around abruptly, so he collided against my chest the second we stepped across the threshold. Then I lifted his sweater and licked his bottom lip and bit it before lowering my hands to work on his belt buckle. I loved the feel of his warm skin and taut abs. He was lean but toned in all the right places. I wanted to lick him from head to toe and back again.

  “I have to feel you. Get naked, Mi.”

  “Here?” he asked breathlessly.

  “No. Bed. Come.”

  I dumped his bag on the bench in the foyer and then yanked at his belt loop and pulled him down the hallway to the master suite like a caveman. Miles laughed and swatted my hand away. He pulled me back to lace our fingers together. I glanced down, thinking I’d held his hand more today than anyone I’d ever been with. I wasn’t sure what that said about either of us, but now wasn’t the time to analyze.

  I let go when we entered the room and got to work on the long row of buttons on my oxford shirt. Then I kicked off my shoes and unbuckled my belt before turning to help Miles. I unraveled his boa from his neck, tugged his sweater over his head, and tossed them both on the leather chaise lounge in the corner. He gave me a sheepish look as he reached out to brush his thumb over my nipple.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered reverently. “I can’t believe I’m here. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Please tell me you’re kidding.” I grabbed his wrist and pumped my hips against his palm, so he could feel just how much I wanted him. “If this isn’t obvious, I can think of another way to prove how sure I am, but you’ll have to take your jeans off.”

  “Mmm. I like it when you get bossy,” Miles said as he unbuttoned and unzipped before pushing the denim halfway over his ass. He paused with his thumbs hooked under the elastic of his briefs. “What about you?”

  My eyes were glued to the thatch of reddish hair visible above the elastic on his briefs. Fuck, that was sexy. I shrugged my shirt from my shoulders then pushed my jeans and briefs out of the way and kicked them aside before moving to stand in front of Miles.

  “You need some help?” I asked in a sex-hazed tone I barely recognized as mine.

  I nipped his jaw and slid my tongue between his lips as I circled his slim waist. Then I dipped my fingers to graze his crack. Just a featherlight touch, up and down, up and down. He groaned into the kiss, tilting his head to deepen the connection while he gyrated shamelessly against me. I walked backward, stopping when the edge of the mattress hit the back of my knees. I sat down and pulled him between my legs then glanced up to meet his gaze. Miles raked his fingers through my hair and caressed my face. I wasn’t sure what he saw, but his awestruck expression was a mirror image of how I felt. Completely mesmerized by the moment.

  I leaned in to kiss the sensitive skin just below his belly button, then traced his V line with the tip of my tongue, lowering his black boxer briefs as I worked my way south. I sucked his rigid shaft through the cotton barrier, grabbed his ass cheeks in each hand, and squeezed. Miles jutted his hips forward and yanked at my hair. His belt buckle clanked when his jeans hit the throw rug. When he tried to back up to push his briefs out of the way, I smacked his ass.

  “There’s no hurry.” I gave him a crooked grin as I stroked him with one hand and myself with the other.

  “Oh, my God. Yes, there is. I’m going to come in my fucking underwear any second, and that is not what I want.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I have a laundry list of nasty, honey. I want your fingers in my ass, your mouth on my cock. Then I want to suck you and then climb on top of you and ride your—oh, fuck!”

  I shoved the fabric over his ridged member so fast it hit my chin and smeared precum just under my bottom lip. I stuck my tongue out, hoping to lick it off before honing in on the gorgeous dick inches from my face. I gripped him at the base and studied the prominent veins along his thick shaft. I stroked him languidly and did the same to myself as I moved forward to lick his length. Up one side, down the other. I paused to suck his balls before licking my way upward to his wide mushroom head. I twirled my tongue at the crown, savoring the bittersweet taste of his precum before finally swallowing as much of him as I could. And fuck, it felt like coming home.

  Maybe that was corny, but it was true. I’d been with Miles once before, but having him here in my room felt different somehow. This wasn’t a random poor choice in the heat of the moment. We knew what we were doing. I flattened my tongue as I worked him over, alternately sucking then licking him into a frenzy. Miles rested his hands on my shoulders as he pumped his hips, pushing my limits to see how far I’d let him go. I could have sucked him all afternoon, but when he rubbed my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, I lost my rhythm.

  I sat back and grabbed his wrists then pulled him on top of me and rolled over to switch our positions. I slid my cock alongside his and sucked his tongue. He yanked his hands free then clawed my back as he locked his long legs around my ass and bucked his hips. When he shifted his weight to pull me sideways, I shook my head and recaptured his wrists. Then I bent over him and licked his jawline to his ear.

  “What do you want now, Mi?” I whispered.

  “Fuck me. Please.”

  I pressed a harsh kiss on his lips before moving off him to grab a condom and lube from the nightstand drawer. Miles shoved the black and white striped duvet out of the way then scooted toward the dark wood headboard and laid his head on the pillow. He held his palm open, wordlessly requesting me to give him the bottle. I handed it over and hurried to roll the latex on. I glanced up to signal for the lube just as he lifted his left leg and pushed a single digit inside his hole.

  “You’re so…so fucking sexy,” I said in a gravelly voice.

  He smiled but didn’t respond. I slicked my palm then stroked my sheathed dick as I watched him slide his finger in and out. When he added a second finger, I crawled between his open thighs and gripped his cock. Miles groaned and whispered something unintelligible.

  “What did you—?”

  “Put your finger inside me.”

  I gulped then set my middle finger ne
xt to his and pushed. He gasped at the sensation and went curiously still. I studied his half-mast eyes and the flush of color on his cheeks. He looked wanton and uninhibited like someone so in tune with his sexuality, he became the essence of that ever elusive “it”—the magnet that drew everyone to him yet let no one in. But I was here with him now. And if only for a little while, he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

  I pushed in and out, listening closely to his shallow breath and soft cries for more. I loved the way he writhed and arched his back as he stroked his cock while he fucked himself on our fingers. He looked like he might explode at any second, but I wanted to be inside him when that happened. I sat back for a moment to get myself under control, so I didn’t slam into him immediately. Miles bit his lip and locked his gaze on mine when I set my dick at his entrance, pulling his fingers aside before gently pushing my way inside.

  “Mi, you feel so fucking good.”

  He hummed in response but didn’t speak until I was buried balls deep. I trembled with the effort to wait for a signal he was ready. I’d been on the receiving end often enough to know it took a few seconds to adjust to having a dick in your ass.

  “You don’t have to wait. I’m fine.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “A little but it’s okay.”

  I furrowed my brow and shifted my weight to my elbow then ran a soothing hand over his chest and down his side. I rocked my hips gently then bent to kiss him.

  “I don’t want to hurt you. We’ll take it slow. There’s no rush.”

  He rolled his eyes back with a sigh and pulled his legs against his chest. The change in position gave me more room to move, but it didn’t look comfortable, and the hint of tension in his forehead told me he was mentally preparing for me to go hard whether or not he liked it. I felt a surge of anger for the fucker who’d messed with his head, but I wouldn’t let him win. No one was allowed here but Miles and me. No exes, no regrets, no worries about where we should be or what we should be doing. I wanted the same sexy man who’d begged me to fuck him to let me show him how to do this another way.


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