Leaning Into Series: The Complete Box Set

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Leaning Into Series: The Complete Box Set Page 101

by Hayes, Lane

  “I have to head back to my office but this is…unexpected and well, I heard Miles is living with you. Just as roommates, I know,” he said with a nervous laugh. “I’ve left him a few messages and I was wondering if—would you ask him to call me? He gets sidetracked sometimes and—”

  “No. Miles doesn’t get sidetracked. If he didn’t call you, it means he doesn’t want to speak to you. You knew him for seven years. You should at least know that much about him,” I snapped.

  Andy looked taken aback. I could hardly blame him. It wasn’t like me to go on the attack like that, but fuck him. He didn’t deserve to know anything more about Miles. “O-okay. I—I’m surprised. I thought you were with that Tom guy.”

  “I’m not,” I said in a softer voice.

  “Huh. Well, he told me you guys were seeing each other and then he asked if I knew you’d taken in my crazy ex. It was news to me,” he snorted.

  So much for keeping my cool. I growled angrily and stabbed my finger at his chest. “Stay the fuck away from Miles. Don’t call him, don’t text him, don’t think about him. You had your chance. You blew it.”

  “Next in line, please.”

  I glanced over at the young woman behind the register and thought about forfeiting my turn to the person behind me, but this idiot wasn’t worth a longer wait for a latte or potentially spending an afternoon with the SF police if I gave into the urge to bury my fist in his face. I tossed a tight-lipped parting smile at him before turning to the counter. I didn’t owe Andy any explanations. He was a zero to me. But I didn’t like that he was partially correct. Miles wasn’t mine. Not really.

  I had to change that. Fast.

  * * *

  Miles hummed a John Legend ballad when he dropped his keys on the console table in the entry a few hours later. I pulled out two champagne flutes and arranged them next to the bottle on the island. I smiled when he walked into the kitchen, shoving his cell and earbuds into his pocket. Fuck, he was pretty in candlelight.

  He set his hands on his hips then threw them open wide. “What’s all this?”

  I uncorked the bottle of champagne, poured two glasses, and skirted the island to give him one. “Just a little bubbly.”

  Miles stopped in his tracks and put his hands over his mouth theatrically. “Oh my—you won! You did it! Why didn’t you call me? Oh. Wow. That’s amazing!” He kissed me hard then rested his forehead on mine and grinned. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks.” I clinked my glass against his when he pulled back and took a small sip.

  He set his flute on the island then spun to cast a wary gaze at the great room. I should have known he’d notice the changes immediately. Surprise and pleasure flitted across his expressive features as he took in the votive candles scattered on every available surface. And the giant vase of red roses on the coffee table. It looked pretty damn romantic if I did say so myself.

  I admired the contrast of his executive suit with the boyish glint of joy in his eyes when he turned to face me. “It’s so beautiful. All these candles and…are those—?”

  He shot an incredulous look at me then moved to the sofa and fingered the edges of the pillows I’d purchased that afternoon.

  “Those are the ones you liked, right?” I asked, joining him in the next room.

  “Yes, but…they’re blue.”

  I made a funny face. “Wild and crazy, eh?”

  “Very.” He grinned like a madman. Then he kicked off his shoes and flopped onto the sofa and cradled the pillow like a precious thing. “I love it. I have no idea what made you turn your black and white world upside down but—”

  “You did.” I sat beside him and struck a casual pose, balancing my elbows on my knees. “You liked them, and I want you to have them.”


  “ ’Cause I like you.” I kissed his forehead and smoothed his hair back. He glowed in the candlelight. Golden and bright and beautiful.

  Miles traced my jaw and ran his thumb over my bottom lip. “Hmm. But I should be showering you with roses and champagne and decorative pillows you don’t need but covet like crazy. You’re the one who had a great day. Mine was ordinary. If you told me sooner, I would have taken off work and hurried home, so I could meet you at the door naked with a single rose between my teeth. Or better still, with my ass in the air. I could have been lubed and ready to go and—”

  I set my hand over his mouth then removed it and kissed him tenderly. “I didn’t want all that. I just want you.”

  “You don’t want sex?” he asked, furrowing his brow in confusion.

  “No, I definitely want sex but…” I closed my eyes briefly and searched for the right words. Nothing too clingy or desperate. When nothing came, I pulled at the cord from his earbuds in his pocket. “What were you listening to when you walked in?”

  If possible, the crease on his forehead deepened. He pulled his cell out then sat up straight and pushed Play. Then he handed me one side of the cord and stuck the other in his ear. We shared a smile and leaned against each other as John Legend serenaded us with “All of Me.” We did this often. It was a Miles thing. He’d be listening to some “amazing” song and insist that I stop whatever I was doing to hear it. I’d give him a thumbs-up and either hand the cord back or rest my head on his shoulder and let him take me on a musical journey.

  Tonight was different. Or maybe I was different. I felt hopeful and yet aware I might be blowing this at the same time. The candlelight seemed too heavy-handed. The roses were overkill, and I was afraid to open my mouth and say anything stupid like, “I ran into your ex and told him you’re mine.” I thought I’d outgrown the awkward kid who hid in his room when I was overwhelmed by noise and anxiety. Afraid I’d never measure up. I wasn’t so sure anything had changed, but I knew I had to take a chance.

  Miles kissed my cheek sweetly. “What is it? You look lost.”

  “I think I am.” I swallowed hard then lifted his hand as I stood. “Do you want to dance?”

  “Dance? Like here?”


  The corner of his mouth curled enticingly. He tugged at my fingers and chuckled when I pulled him against my chest. I snaked my arm around his lower back and buried my nose in his hair, breathing in his scent as I guided him into the open space on the other side of the coffee table. We swayed back and forth like palm trees on a summer breeze.

  “We aren’t even listening to the music,” he whispered with a laugh. “Do you want my headphones?”

  “No. I just wanted an excuse to hold you.”

  Miles cocked his head. “That’s…romantic. Are you trying to tell me something?”

  “Maybe. I…” I rested my forehead against his then kissed him softly. “I thought about you today. All day. I should have stayed with my cousins and pretended to drink and party, but I couldn’t fake it. And by ‘fake it’ I mean…hold a smile all day and act like I don’t care that it’s not official until the paperwork is signed.”

  “You can be overly careful sometimes.”

  “True. They all know I’m the guy who never takes chances. Maybe they’re right. So I took a chance today and bought a couple of pillows. For you.”

  As far as speeches went, it had to be one of my worst ever. And if the subtle shake of Miles’s shoulders was any indication, he agreed. He brushed his stubbled cheek against mine and chuckled.

  “Those fabulous pillows took you outside your comfort zone, didn’t they?”

  I nodded emphatically. “Definitely.”

  “What about the candles? And the roses?”

  “They seemed like a good idea, but now I think they’re too tame. Too expected.”

  “Well, we could pour the wax over each other,” he suggested, nibbling my chin.

  “Sounds painful.”

  “Okay, we could pull the petals off and—”

  “Too messy.”

  Miles snickered. “Well, there’s always—”

  “I want you, Mi.”

  “You have
me. I’m here.”

  I shook my head and pressed kisses along his neck before biting his earlobe. “No, I mean. I want you.”

  He must have heard something in my tone. He backed up slightly and stared at me. “Really?”

  “Yeah. Really.”

  “That is unexpected. Do you trust me?”

  “I do.” I gave him a lopsided smile and ran my fingers through his hair. “I’ve wanted this for a while.”

  “You could have just told me, you know. You didn’t have to buy me pillows or make romantic overtures I might misconstrue.”

  I shook my head in frustration. “That wasn’t why I wanted—”

  “Shh. I know.” He traced my jaw and smiled.

  “Are you gonna make me beg?”

  Miles squeezed his eyes and shivered. “Fuck, that’s hot.”

  He pulled my head forward and covered my mouth possessively. Then he licked my lips and thrust his tongue inside. I angled my head to deepen the connection, but he made it clear he was leading. My job was to follow. He lowered his hands to cup my ass as he jutted his hips, grinding his swollen cock against mine. When I reached for his belt buckle, he smiled and bit my lip.

  He raked his fingernails down my back while I worked then yanked my oxford shirt from the jeans I’d changed into earlier. He splayed his hands and moved under my shirt, massaging my abs then tweaking my nipples before capturing my mouth in a searing kiss. My dick was so rigid I was lightheaded. I unbuckled and unzipped. Then I pulled my boxer briefs down and gripped my shaft with a groan.

  “Baby, I’m so fucking hard.”

  Miles let out a mewling sound then stepped back to shrug off his suit coat and unbutton his shirt. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I thought I should do the same. But I was hypnotized. I couldn’t look away from him. His lean muscular frame, his sure and graceful movements. I stood there admiring with my dick in my hand when he pounced on me like a feral cat.

  Suddenly he was everywhere at once. He sucked on my tongue as he hooked one leg around my thigh and kneaded my ass. I kept up with his frenetic pace, licking, biting and humping him until we were both shaking with need. We gasped for air and surveyed each other with wild eyes.

  Miles inclined his head toward the open blinds then tugged my hand. I followed him down the hallway and dropped his hand when we reached the master suite. Miles moved ahead of me, undressing as he made his way to my king-sized bed. He turned on the bedside lamp, threw the duvet aside and jumped onto the middle of the mattress buck-naked. Then he knelt up and crooked his finger at me with a beguiling smile that made my mouth dry.

  “What are you waiting for?” he purred.

  Good question. Clarity, understanding? Did I want to get lost, or was I hoping to be found?

  What I did know was that this didn’t feel the same. It wasn’t just a prelude to sex. We couldn’t gloss over the change in depth and emotion with practiced ease. We were something new.

  I peeled myself from the doorjamb and crossed the room to my lover. I kicked off my shoes, pushed my jeans and briefs down my legs, then sat on the edge of the bed to remove my socks. Miles circled my neck from behind and nuzzled my jaw. He slipped my shirt from my shoulders and tossed it onto the floor then pushed me onto the mattress and climbed on top of me.

  Damn, he felt good. His weight was comforting, not overwhelming. It was funny that I’d tended to go for muscle-bound jocks in the past. I had liked the way I’d looked next to them. Perhaps I’d hoped some of their flashy show of strength and masculinity transferred to me. People would assume I was stronger than I was and wouldn’t notice the cracks in my façade. They’d look past the pain and self-loathing and focus on the exterior. But Miles was whole. He didn’t rely on his looks. He didn’t have to. He was strong. I wanted a piece of that. Of whatever it was that made him who he was. I wanted all of him, but I’d take whatever he’d give.


  “I know. I’ve got you. You can trust me,” he whispered.

  He leaned over me to grab lube and a condom then settled between my legs. When he started to uncap the bottle, I stopped him. “Wait. Let me suck you first.”

  He gulped audibly and nodded before coming to kneel over me. Then he lay beside me and jutted his hips toward me as he swallowed me whole. I cried out in surprise. He was so damn good at the art of fellatio. He instinctively knew how hard to suck and when to back off. I moaned with pleasure when he licked me from base to tip, swirling his tongue languidly over the mushroom head. Then I pulled him closer to me and nuzzled his balls before sucking them one at a time. I backed off to see what he was doing when he slid his fingers over my crack.

  “Is this okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, but…more,” I demanded in a raspy voice.

  Miles picked up the lube and poured a generous amount over his fingers. He massaged the sensitive skin around my entrance until I whimpered greedily. Then he nudged my leaking prick with his nose and then swallowed me just as he pushed a single digit inside. The sensual firestorm was intense. And when he added a second finger and hooked it to graze my prostate, I let out a ragged sigh and went back to work, licking and sucking him feverishly. We made a perfect erotic circle. Give and take, give and take.

  I could have happily done this all night. But the third finger nearly pushed me over the edge. I backed off his cock and propped myself on my elbow to gaze down at him.

  “I don’t want to come yet. I’m already close, baby.”

  Miles released me with a pop and gently eased his fingers from my hole. He climbed over me and kissed me hard before rolling onto his back. “Put the condom on me. Hurry.”

  I licked my lips and obeyed. My hands shook as I struggled to open the package. We shared a strained smile when I finally rolled the latex over his turgid shaft. This next part made me nervous. We’d been here many times before with his dick nudging my hole. But I’d never let myself go there with Miles. In one way, it was a mystery. I was versatile. I’d been on the receiving end plenty of times, and I loved it. But Miles wasn’t like any other man I’d ever been with. Somehow I knew it would be something more than sex if I let him in. I braced one hand on the headboard to straddle his torso then inched backward until his cock brushed against my hole.

  Miles stroked my length and spoke in a soothing voice below me. I couldn’t make out his words, but I got the meaning. When his sheathed cock slid between my cheeks enticingly, I had a déjà vu moment. I remembered the night he’d snuck into my room at Nick and Wes’s house months ago. I’d wanted him but I’d been too careful, too cautious. I didn’t feel that way now. I glanced down at my beautiful lover and smiled. Then I slowly lowered myself onto his impossibly hard dick until he was buried deep inside me.

  “You feel so fucking good, Mi.”

  “So do you. So do you.”

  We went still for a moment, utterly in awe of what we were doing. Sure, we’d done this plenty of times. It shouldn’t feel new, but it did. And I knew it wasn’t just because we’d switched positions. I reached for his hand and brought it to my lips. I kissed his knuckles then sucked his fingers. Miles groaned beneath me. His eyelids fluttered as he let out a strangled rush of air. I rolled my hips experimentally then lifted my ass to ride his length up and down, testing my readiness as my body adjusted to his girth. Miles was seriously hung. When the last traces of pain receded, I grinned down at him and finally began to move.

  The tentative push and pull with a slow rocking motion soon gave way to a steady rhythm with gyrating hips and deep sighs of pleasure. I bent to suck his lips and glide my tongue alongside his while he thrust his pelvis upward, fucking me with his feet planted flat on the mattress and his hands all over me. He twisted my tits, scratched my chest, and smacked my ass. The bed thumped as I rode him, gaining momentum and speed as pleasure grew and threatened to pull us under.

  Miles must have sensed it too. He broke for oxygen and pushed me sideways. “I want to be on top of you.”

  We rolled together, fus
ed in a sticky sexy tangle of limbs. Miles rose above me and smiled. He looked like he was going to speak, but he leaned down to kiss me instead. A slow, sweet brush of lips and tongues in perfect harmony with the constant slide of his thick cock in and out of my hole. I squeezed his ass and hiked my legs high to spur him on then finally resorted to begging.

  “Fuck me, Mi. Fuck me, baby. Harder.”

  He growled in response then bucked his hips and let go, thrusting and grinding into me like a madman. I slipped my right hand between our cum and sweat-slicked bodies and jacked my cock then pulled him closer and sealed my mouth over his. And fell apart. Fractured and splintered into glorious pieces. I cried his name then looked up at him when he joined me a few seconds later as his orgasm pulled him under.

  Miles collapsed on top of me, trembling furiously. I was probably shaking too, but it wasn’t easy to tell where one of us ended or the other began. Our hearts beat, and our pulses raced as one. Sure, the sentiment was fanciful and maybe even a little absurd but fuck, I’d never felt anything like this before.

  I cradled his head and pressed a kiss to his temple. I was usually good with silence. But after a few minutes, the prolonged quiet unnerved me. I brushed his hair out of his face and craned my neck, hoping for a glimpse of his expression. His low bubble of laughter resonated inside me. I grinned and tugged his ear.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You. Me.” He slowly disengaged from me then padded toward the bathroom to clean up. He returned quickly with a washcloth and asked if I wanted water.

  “No. Just come here.” I swiped at the mess on my stomach, unsurprised when Miles took over.

  “You missed a spot. Never mind. I’ll lick it off.”

  I moaned when he flattened his tongue over my V and kissed his way up my torso. Then he burrowed against my side and laid his head over my heart. “We should get up and blow out all those candles,” he said softly.

  “We’ll get to it. Don’t go anywhere yet.” I closed my eyes and ran my hand down his back. Nothing sounded better than drifting to sleep naked and maybe doing that all over again.


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