Let the Rain Come Down [The Moonlight Breed 6] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Let the Rain Come Down [The Moonlight Breed 6] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 5

by Gabrielle Evans

  “Yes,” he whispered, his mouth too dry to speak any louder. Was Demitrius serious? Oscar had never been more turned-on his life. Apparently, his kink wasn’t one that the Trainers had thought to educate him on.

  “You like that I’m so much bigger than you.” Demitrius prowled forward like a predator stalking his prey, urging Oscar backward until his knees pressed against the mattress. “It gets you hot thinking of all the ways I could take you, manhandle you, pin you up against the wall, if that’s what I wanted to do.”

  “Yes.” His voice was shaking now, barely more than a breath, and Oscar felt like he was going to spontaneously combust if he couldn’t have the man inside him soon.

  Demitrius casually kicked his boots off and pushed his jeans down his lean hips so that they pooled on the floor around his ankles. His hard cock jutted proudly from his groin, pointed almost accusingly in Oscar’s direction. A translucent drop of pre-cum glistened at the tip as it beaded from the slit in his cockhead.

  The long, thick shaft flexed while the dark blue vein that snaked along the top pulsed with each rapid beat of Demitrius’s heart. Oscar’s mouth watered, and his knees began to tremble. More than he wanted air, food, or water, he wanted that beautiful cock in his mouth.

  His lover obviously had other plans for him, however. Demitrius’s arm looped around his waist, lifting him easily and positioning him in the center of the bed. Long, nimble fingers made easy work of the button on his jeans, but once the zipper lowered, Demitrius paused, smirking at him in a way Oscar knew meant trouble.

  A slight jerk was his only warning as Demitrius ripped his jeans down the crotch and along the left inseam. His eyes rolled back in his head, and Oscar moaned at the erotic sounds of tearing fabric and the growling groans that tumbled through his mate’s parted lips.

  After divesting him of the remainder of his clothing, Demitrius settled between his splayed thighs, encouraging Oscar’s legs around his waist. Their heavy erections pressed together, sliding over one another to create a mind-numbing friction that had Oscar panting within moments.

  “Shh, sweet baby.” Soft lips pressed against his own in a kiss so sweet Oscar thought his heart would shatter from the emotions the simple touch elicited. One of his lover’s hands slid into his hair and cradled the back of his skull as Demitrius rubbed their cheeks together like a cat seeking affection. “Tell me what you want, Oscar. I’ll give you anything you want.”

  It was Oscar’s primary function in life to provide what his partner needed. No one had ever asked him if he had a preference, and honestly, he couldn’t think past the pounding of his cock. There was only one clear thought in his lust-addled brain. “You. I want you to be mine, Demitrius. Just mine.”

  Clearly, it was the right answer, because Demitrius’s lips stretched into a wide grin against the side of his neck. His hand disappeared, and Oscar distinctly heard the sound of his nightstand drawer sliding open. “I promise that you’ll never want for anything, sweetheart. Everything that I have, everything that I am, belongs to you and you alone.”

  Gods, the man was going to melt him into a puddle of goo right there on the mattress if he kept saying things like that. Never in his life had Oscar had a single thing to call his own. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve someone like Demitrius, but he vowed to do everything in power to be worthy of the gift he’d been given.

  A bottle cap clicked open, causing him to tense when the sound was much louder than he’d expected in the quiet room. With only a small amount of effort, he willed his body to relax again, and even sighed in contentment when Demitrius’s middle finger slipped between his cheeks and ringed the fluttering muscles of his opening. Never had he wanted anything more, and as the thought flittered through his mind, the brief apprehension dissipated.

  “Tell me if I go too fast.” Then his lover’s mouth was on him again, his tongue tickling the seam of Oscar’s lips as he demanded entrance. The single digit at his entrance pushed with steady pressure until it popped through the guarding ring of muscles. “So tight,” Demitrius moaned into his mouth, and Oscar inwardly preened that he could draw such a sound from the big warrior.

  Their tongues met and tangled while Demitrius’s finger pumped in a slow, steady rhythm, loosening his hole and preparing him for more to come. When a second finger was introduced to his straining channel, the burn only pushed him higher until he was teetering precariously on the edge of orgasm. By the time his mate had three fingers sawing in and out of his tunnel, Oscar was holding onto his self-control by the skin of his teeth.

  “Please,” he whimpered, bucking upward so he could rub his aching length along the corrugated expanse of Demitrius’s midsection. “Can’t last.” His back bowed, his abs clenched, and a generous amount of pre-cum dripped from his slit. “Demitrius! I need you.”

  “Okay, baby, okay.” The big shifter petted the hair back from Oscar’s damp forehead as he extracted his fingers and reached for the lube once more. “Just breathe, Oscar.”

  When the spongy crown of Demitrius’s dick pressed against his hole, Oscar’s eyes flew open, and he clutched at his lover’s shoulders in a desperate attempt to ground himself. He’d seen Demitrius’s impressive size, but he hadn’t fully realized how huge the man was until the thick shaft was invading his innermost depths.

  “Tell me if it’s too much.” His voice was strained but resolute, as if to say that Oscar had to only say the word, and Demitrius would stop immediately.

  Letting out the breath he’d been holding, Oscar smiled up at his mate and cupped the side of his neck. “I won’t break, love.”

  Demitrius rested their foreheads together, and they both groaned when he bottomed out, his tight sac pressing firmly against the rounded globes of Oscar’s ass. “Fucking hell, you’re tight.”

  “Fucking hell, you’re huge,” Oscar echoed with a soft moan. His inner walls convulsed as they tightened around the enormous shaft. His ass clenched greedily, trying to pull Demitrius even deeper, even closer.

  With extreme care, Demitrius pulled out until only the flared helmet remained, and Oscar swore he could feel his lover’s heartbeat through his cock as it pulsed inside him. Placing a hand flat against the headboard, Demitrius flexed his hips, sliding in to the root once more in torturously slow movements.

  On the next outward glide, Oscar fisted both hands in his lover’s hair and jerked him into a rough, demanding kiss as he thrust his hips, fucking himself on Demitrius’s rigid cock. It took only seconds for Demitrius’s control to snap. With a primal growl, he looped one arm under Oscar’s knee and jerked him open wide as he pounded into his ass with lightning-quick strokes.

  The bed shook violently with the force of his thrusts, slamming the headboard against the wall over and over and knocking the artwork to the floor. The springs of his mattress squeaked in a rhythmic melody to accompany the grunts, growls, moans, and panted breaths. Skin slapped against skin, his hair rustled against the pillow, and even the birds outside the open patio door lent their voices to the erotic symphony.

  When the pressure in his sac and the throbbing of his cock was more than he could bear, Oscar turned his head to the side, baring his throat in not only a show of surrender but a plea for acceptance. Demitrius didn’t disappoint. Without hesitation, his canines pierced the dewy flesh, sending a firestorm of unadulterated pleasure coursing through Oscar’s veins.

  The scream that erupted from his mouth was unlike anything he’d ever heard, but he couldn’t stop. Oscar screamed until his throat was raw as his cock jetted a never-ending river of pearly cum to completely soak his stomach and chest.

  A huffing grunt sounded next to his ear when Demitrius extracted his fangs, and his mate’s fiery, wet release filled him to overflowing. Prying his eyes open, Oscar smiled lazily, feeling exhausted but utterly content. Something tickled the edges of his thoughts, something he needed to do, but he couldn’t concentrate long enough to remember what it was.

  Thankfully, Demitrius was there to t
ake care of him as always, piercing the pad of his index finger on his sharp canines and silently offering the bleeding digit to Oscar. While he wanted to mark his mate, to have visible evidence that Demitrius was forever his, he wanted to complete the connection between them more.

  Taking his lover’s wrist, he pulled Demitrius’s hand closer and wrapped his lips around the tip of the man’s finger, sucking gently as he flicked his tongue over the meaty part of the digit. Electricity sizzled through him as their bond snapped into place, and it suddenly felt as though a hole had been filled, like a part of him he hadn’t known was missing had finally returned.

  “What the hell was I thinking?” Demitrius frantic thoughts slipped into Oscar’s mind, though his face was totally impassive. “He’s so small, so fragile. Gods, I was so rough with him. How can he be smiling at me like that?”

  Despite the seriousness of the inner monologue, Oscar couldn’t hold in his laughter. “I am not fragile. Don’t you dare hold back on me.”

  Demitrius frowned as he gently eased out of Oscar’s body and rolled to his side. “I acted like a fucking caveman. You should be furious with me right now.”

  Rolling his eyes, Oscar inched closer until he could curl himself into his mate’s warm, protective embrace. “Well, I’m not. I don’t even have words to describe how amazing that was, how incredible you are.”

  “I swear I’ve never lost control like that.”

  Wrinkling his nose in distaste, Oscar bit at Demitrius’s nipple in reprimand. “I don’t want to hear about your other sexual conquests while your cum is still leaking out of my ass.”

  To his annoyance, his lover actually chuckled, though he did squeeze him closer and kissed the top of his head. “Duly noted, sweet baby. Have I told you how sexy you are when you’re pissed?”

  “It’s kind of strange, really. I mean, I usually get sick to my stomach when I even think about arguing or standing up for myself. I don’t feel that way with you, though. I would never be rude or disrespectful, but speaking my mind isn’t nausea inducing, either.”

  “I want a partner, Oscar,” Demitrius said firmly as he took Oscar’s chin between thumb and forefinger, “not a doormat. Never be afraid to tell me what’s on your mind. Even if I don’t agree, even if I don’t like it, I will always listen and respect your opinion.”

  “I know.” Oscar spoke with conviction, feeling the truth of the words right down to his soul. “I feel so safe with you.”

  “Good.” Nodding once, Demitrius offered a crooked smile before dipping his head and placing a kiss on the tip of Oscar’s nose. “Now, let’s get you cleaned up and tucked into bed.” His fingertips gently caressed the skin under Oscar’s right eye. “You haven’t been getting enough sleep.”

  “Well, it’s hard to sleep when you’re gone.”

  Demitrius winked and patted him lightly on the bottom. “Then I suppose I’ll just have to stay.”

  Okay, it had been a sneaky trick, but Oscar couldn’t feel too bad about it since he was getting exactly what he wanted. Besides, it hadn’t exactly been a lie. When Demitrius dropped him off at his room after their walks, it usually took a while for his pulse to return to normal.

  He wondered if Demitrius slept naked, and if not, could he talk the guy into it? Waking up to all those warm, naked muscles pressed against him sounded like heaven.

  With a playful growl, Demitrius rolled him to his back and pinned him against the mattress, trapping his wrists above his head with one hand. “One-track mind,” he teased, having obviously heard Oscar’s lustful thoughts. “You, my sexy little mate, are going to be big trouble.”

  Wiggling his eyebrows, Oscar smiled mischievously as he arched up to nip at Demitrius’s lower lip. “Well, I’m definitely going to try.”

  Chapter Six

  Waking up later that evening with Oscar draped over him like a living blanket, Demitrius stared up at the ceiling for a long time as he drew lazy circles on his mate’s back with his fingertips. He’d have to get up soon and go meet with Xander and Stavion, but he just wanted to hold Oscar for a few more minutes before the outside world imposed.

  “Mmm,” Oscar purred against the side of his neck. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Better than I have in a long time.” It was true. Demitrius couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept so soundly and for more than a couple of hours at a time. “Unfortunately, I have a meeting in about an hour.”

  “Okay.” Rolling to his back, Oscar stretched and yawned hugely. “Well, you should eat something first. What would you like for breakfast?”

  Demitrius knew exactly what he wanted, and it had nothing to do with food. Grabbing Oscar’s wrists, he pulled the shifter on top of him and pushed the unruly curls back from his face. His hand paused at his mate’s temple, and Demitrius’s eyebrows drew together in concentration. “There’s something different about you.”

  “Oh?” Oscar’s lip went between his teeth, and he chewed on it vigorously. “What exactly would that be?”

  Earlier in the day, Demitrius had been so worried about hurting his lover because of his miniature size. Hell, Oscar had barely reached up to his sternum, but now, they were nose to nose, yet he could feel the guy’s toes against his ankles. It was impossible. He was just imagining things. There was absolutely no way Oscar could have grown several inches while they slept.

  There was something else different as well. Those bright, lime-green eyes that had mesmerized him upon their first meeting were now a dark, dusky blue. Even his auburn locks looked darker with only a slight hint of red. What the fuck was happening?

  The way Oscar was gnawing on his lip gave Demitrius the impression that the man not only knew what had happened, but was in no way surprised by the changes to his body. “Is there something you want to tell me, Oscar?”

  “Uh, not really.”

  “Well, I think you might want to anyway. You’ve grown at least eight inches, your hair is darker, and your eyes are a completely different color. Did I do this to you?” What was he saying? That didn’t even make a lick of sense, but he was so damn confused.

  “In a way,” Oscar mumbled, dropping his head and refusing to look Demitrius in the eyes.

  “What way is that?” Slipping his fingers under his mate’s chin, Demitrius coaxed his face up so he could look into his eyes. “You’re starting to worry me.” How had he caused this? Was it dangerous? Was Oscar in pain? “Please talk to me, Oscar.”

  “You’re not the only one with a genetic abnormality.”

  “I know. You’re a Moonlighter.” They’d discussed it briefly, and Demitrius could see where that might be cause for concern.

  Alpha Blaise Taylor was working to dispel the myths about the Moonlighters and had even developed a tranquilizer to prevent the breed from shifting on the full moon if they desired. Most didn’t, since the drug had some pretty nasty side effects, though.

  None of that explained the random transformation of his lover in the last few hours, however.

  “That’s not my only defect,” Oscar said with a curl of his upper lip. “Just as I have no control over the fact that my pelt is white, I don’t have any control over my other…oddity, either.”

  “Okay, start over, because you’ve lost me. What defect? What oddity? Oscar, you’re starting to worry me. Are you sick?” Shifters didn’t get sick as a general rule, but there were certain rare diseases that threatened a few species of the populace.

  “No, I’m not sick. I’m a Desirable. A genetically engineered and highly trained companion, capable of fulfilling my Master’s every need, wish, or desire.”

  “You…genetically…companion…what?” Demitrius hadn’t understood a damn word of that statement, but he was interested in hearing the details. “Where were you living before you came to Haven?”

  Sighing heavily, Oscar rolled off of him, sat up on the mattress, and wrapped the blanket around him to hide his nudity. “It’s a long, complicated story that I’m not sure I can finish before you have
to leave for your meeting.”

  “Fuck my meeting,” Demitrius growled. His mate was far more important. “You can tell me, Oscar. Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out together.” There wasn’t anything the guy could say that would make Demitrius feel any differently about him, and he hoped Oscar could see the truth in his eyes.

  “I don’t even know where to start.”

  “Start from the start. They say that’s usually the best place.”

  One side of his mouth curled up in a half smile, and Oscar bobbed his head for a long time before he spoke again. “I guess I had a fairly typical childhood up until I shifted for the first time. I really can’t say how I ended up in The Hive, though. I don’t know if my parents freaked, or if they saw a way to make money because of what I am, but I doubt I was just randomly kidnapped by strangers.”

  “The Hive?”

  Oscar held his hand up and shook his head. “I’ll get to that.”

  Demitrius pressed his lips together and waited patiently. It wasn’t easy, but things like this couldn’t be rushed. There was pain and sadness in Oscar’s eyes. That kind of hurt didn’t just spill out after years of bottling it up. It had to be forced out, purged, and Demitrius probably understood that better than anyone.

  “I went to sleep one night and woke up in The Hive the next morning. It was a pretty normal room expect for the one wall that was made completely of bulletproof glass.” He took a big breath and let it out slowly. “Anyway, they took a lot of blood, and there were some other tests that I didn’t understand. I mean, I was only thirteen.”

  “Understandable,” Demitrius agreed, trying to keep his tone neutral and rein in his anger. Now that they were mated, Oscar would be able to feel his agitation, and he might misinterpret the cause of it. The last thing Demitrius wanted was for the man to think he’d done something wrong.

  “I don’t know anything about genetics, but the theory was that if shifters could change from human to animal, then we should be able to change our human appearance at will as well.”


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