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Key to Chroma

Page 61

by Piers Anthony

  There was no ikon. They departed the cave. This time the Glamor conjured them to the next before any possible sighting by natives.

  They checked a second, and a third, and fourth, with no better result. Then they landed in a Green Chroma zone. “I have learned caution,” Thumb told her. “I have power, but felt some ebbing, so am restoring immediately."


  "I should remain here an hour or more. I dislike boring you. Have you any other task to accomplish in the interim?"

  "Negation. However—"

  He caught her thought. “I do not wish to have you intoxicated while we are traveling to the cones."

  "Some other device, then. I can hold the ikon in my hand, away from my body, so you can approach me, and it may lend me sufficient strength to tolerate your penetration. If we can mask your nature somewhat. Maybe if you assumed the herdsman role, and I that of a country girl."

  He became a nonChroma boy, looking completely rustic. He even burped openly, as such folk did.

  "Can you clothe me similarly?"

  She found herself wearing a stout canvas farm skirt, a home-sewn shirt, and wooden shoes. She was sure she looked the part exactly. She took the blue ikon in her hand and held it away from her torso. It seemed that it was only actual contact that was balked, or the touch of flesh directly touching it. Arm's length was far enough, so long as her hand did not touch his body.

  "Greeting, Herdsman,” she said, and forced a burp of her own. She buried the knowledge of his nature in her secret mind, the one that could not be read by others, and allowed only superficial immediacies to play about her open mind.

  "You're a pretty farm girl."

  Now she forced a blush. “So I am told, handsome stranger."

  "I have to travel, and would like a traveling companion and guide."

  "No fault?"

  "Of course."

  "What do you have for me, that I should guide you anywhere?"

  He reached into a pocket. “This sparkling necklace."

  She gazed at the bauble. It did indeed sparkle. “Done.” She reached for it.

  He drew it out of her reach. “One bead at a time.” He set it about his own neck, where it glowed brightly.

  "But there must be fifty beads on it!"

  "At least,” he agreed.

  "Then we had better be on our way, because I have to be home with the cows by nightfall."

  "Agreement.” They walked five paces, and a campsite appeared before them. “Afternoon."

  "It seems like only a moment since we started."

  "A moment that can become as long as we may need."

  They entered a chamber. There was a curtained bed therein. “Give me a bead.” Farm girls were eager for bright baubles.

  "Take it,” he said, sitting on the bed.

  She reached for a bead with her non-ikon hand, but he leaned back, keeping it just out of range. She pursued it, falling against his body. One hand held the ikon while the other went for the bead; she had no hand to support her. Their clothing dissolved as his back landed on the bed, and she was plastered against him. But the necklace was not in reach. She pounced on a bead, and it came away in her hand, leaving the rest of the necklace intact. As this happened, she felt something press in elsewhere. Rather than inquire, she lifted her face to kiss his mouth.

  A shock ran through her, convulsing her body. But rather than leap off him, she did the opposite, clinging to him and drawing herself in closer yet. She was straddling something huge, but she could contain it. The current continued, forming a circuit that seemed to connect her lips, breasts, belly, and groin, pulsing rhythmically, circling on through the man and back to electrify her again.

  She broke the kiss for a moment. “I want another bead,” she gasped.

  "Take it."

  She grabbed a second, and it too came away in her hand. She put her mouth back on his, and the circuit resumed. It was as though she were mounted on a stake set into her middle, and pleasure radiated from it, coursing upward through her body until it leaped like a spark from her lips to his and traveled on down through his body.

  She lifted her head a fraction, breaking the circuit for a moment. “Another!"


  She grabbed another as she dropped her face back onto his, and another strong pulse of pleasure jetted from the stake to the sheath and spread out as it rose. It diffused through the thickness of her body, then intensified as it focused on her lips and departed.

  Then it was nothing but a scramble as she reached one-handed for bead after bead, barely pausing between them, and the pulses kept coming. She had never known such sustained pleasure. It became almost continuous, transforming her to a creature of sheer ongoing bliss. Bead and pulse, bead and pulse, bead pulse, bead-pulse, beadpulse, bepulse, on and on, wonderfully.

  Then it ended. She found herself sprawled across him, naked, spent. “Why did it stop?” she gasped.

  "The beads are all gone."

  She lifted her head enough to look. There was no longer a necklace at his neck. But there was something at her throat. She brought a hand around to touch it, and found the necklace there, its beads present. The transfer was complete.

  "I want another necklace,” she said.

  He smiled. “I think you have enough for now."

  "Oh, pooh!” But she lifted herself off him, one-handed, and discovered that she was overflowing viscous fluid, as if a flagon of green jelly had been squeezed into her aperture. In fact, that region was almost numb.

  She returned the ikon to her mouth, fetched the pot from under the bed and squatted on it, squeezing herself out. Green goop slid out and plopped down. The numbness faded, leaving a nucleus of fading pleasure. Fifty men could hardly have accounted for this volume of substance!

  She paused. She now had fifty beads.

  "How long has it been?"

  "An hour."

  "That milkmaid did some milking!"

  "Amazement. You remember?"

  She stood, and her regular clothing formed about her. “Horny herdsman and lusty lass, no fault for beads, one per episode."

  "Do you know my nature?"

  "The farm girl did not, but I do."

  He sat up, then stood, and his own clothing returned as the bed disappeared. “Say my name."

  She smiled, remembering the childhood game. “Say mine."

  "Symbol of Triumph City."

  "Thumb, the Green Glamor."

  "And we did what?"

  "We had glorious continuous sex!"

  He nodded. “Then you have done what no mortal has done before. You had knowing sex with a Glamor. How did you do it?"

  She considered. “I think I understand. A Glamor can have knowing sex with a mortal woman, as long as she does not know it. The ignorance has to be in the mortal, not the Glamor. So it's not the act, it's the unknowing, and it's all in the mortal. So if she can pretend ignorance well enough, she can do it. I pretended to be an ignorant farm girl with a passing herder, and when my underlying awareness threatened to disrupt it, I buried it and jammed on. That girl really wanted those beads!"

  "She earned them."

  "All fifty of them. But it was that girl doing it, not the knowing courtesan. As long as she was in control, it continued. But now she's gone, and I have her experience, and it's all mine. I can remember it as mine."

  "Yet you knew. Was the farm girl really necessary?"

  "Let's find out.” She removed the ikon and stepped into him, reaching for his lips.

  But as their mouths touched, there was a divine shock, and she fell back, momentarily stunned.

  "It seems not,” he said with regret.

  Symbol recovered equilibrium. She focused her mind. “Farm girl making tryst with stranger herdsman.” She stepped into him and kissed him. There was a shock, but she wrapped one arm about him and held the kiss for several seconds. Then she drew back and gazed into his green eyes. “But I do know, behind my mind."

  "You are perhaps the
most remarkable mortal woman I have encountered."

  "Appreciation,” she said wryly. “Though surely the ikon lends me immortal strength. I welcome it. Now I suppose we should return to work."

  He nodded and took her elbow. They stood at the base of a White Chroma volcanic cone. But the cave and altar were empty.

  After two more cones, Swale appeared, investing Symbol “Hoo girl! What you did!” she exclaimed with Symbol's mouth.

  "Fifty times in an hour,” Thumb said with seeming pride. “A record.” Symbol realized that the Glamors had great magic, but valued their accomplishments of whatever nature, just as mortals did.

  "Ludicrous! Even I would be hard put to it to do that. The man would give out long before that total."

  "Not if he's a Glamor,” Symbol said smugly.

  "And she'd be raw."

  "Not if she had an ikon."

  The succubus paused. “Amazement! I must try it."

  "Not with this body, not right now,” Symbol said, smiling. “We're busy."

  "Oh, yes. That's what I came for. Bijou and Blue fetched the White ikon. That's the last one. You can quit now.” She departed.

  Symbol had mixed feelings. She was glad to see the mission completed, but sorry to have no further excuse for no fault liaisons with the Glamor. Still, she had had the greatest single or multiple experience of her sexual life, and accomplished something no mortal woman had done before. That was more than enough for now.

  "Another time, perhaps,” the Green Glamor murmured. Then they were back in the throne room at Triumph City.

  Bijou and Lucent were there. The Blue Glamor nodded, knowing what Symbol had done with Green. She had set it up, giving Symbol her chance.

  "What a fine green necklace,” Ennui said as Symbol returned the blue ikon to the box.

  Symbol had forgotten that. It remained about her neck. “The Green Glamor gave it to me."

  Now the other mortal women clustered close. “Curiosity,” Gale said, speaking for herself, Bijou, Spanky, and the Lady Aspect.

  "Read my mind.” Symbol opened it to them.

  Four jaws dropped. “Incredulity,” the Lady Aspect said.

  "Fifty times!” Gale breathed.

  "With a Glamor,” Bijou said in open wonder.

  "Illicit, unbecoming envy,” Ennui said, blushing.

  "I will wear this always, with indecent pride."

  But now they had business. “If you ladies will cease being naughty, the roster of ikons is whole,” King Havoc said, amused, for of course the men had snooped on the open thought too. “We will complete the pattern."

  "Not yet, Sire,” Ennui said, reverting to form. “We must obtain the permission of the other Glamors to weave their threads."

  Havoc nodded. “I almost forgot. I am fortunate to have you keeping order."

  Ennui glanced at Symbol. The two of them had forgotten too, and almost woven in the Silver thread.

  Havoc looked around. “Any reason we shouldn't summon the missing Glamors now?"

  Symbol raised her hand. “Those Glamors don't want to be found. They have hidden from us until now."

  "Agreement. Now they will be revealed."

  "I would not want to be the one to summon an angry Glamor."

  There was a silence. It seemed that no one else had thought of that. The Glamors present nodded; they agreed that this was mischief.

  "And what would you recommend?” Havoc asked her.

  "I think we do have to do it, and we can't wait long, because the ikons need to be returned as soon as possible.” Symbol took a breath. “Maybe that's why Glamors can't touch the ikons. They protect the folk who summon them."

  There were nods around the circle.

  "Will you summon a Glamor?"

  How could she decline? She would do anything for him. “Agreement."

  "Take your ikon."

  She walked to the box and lifted out the Silver Spider. She held it up, nerved herself, and spoke. “Silver Glamor."

  A giant scintillating seven legged silver spider appeared. Present.

  Symbol stared. So did most of the others, including the human Glamors. No one spoke. There was no question of authenticity; the power of the mind voice brooked no doubt. This was indeed a Glamor.

  It seemed to be up to Symbol. “We—we didn't know there were animal Glamors."

  We did not care to have you know. But now that you have found us, we will join you. It is time.

  "Time?” she asked somewhat dumbly.

  Time for the Glamors to unify in a common cause. We resolved to remain apart until you showed your competence and commitment by locating us and recognizing our nature.

  "We recognize it,” Havoc said, recovering from his surprise. “And welcome you to our midst."

  It was in part your ascension to the leadership of your species that persuaded us. You relate well to nonhuman creatures.

  "We do,” Havoc said. “Gale and I were tutored by a blue dragon."

  "And Yellow—the spider—was my friend,” Gale said.

  Yellow is now part of me. I know your nature. You may call me Silver. The Silver Glamor oriented on Havoc. Summon the others.

  Havoc nodded. “We appreciate your acceptance.” He turned to Gale. “Take your ikon."

  Gale stepped up to the box and took out the Brown ikon, which was in the form of a dragon. “Brown Glamor."

  A resplendent brown female dragon appeared. Present.

  This time the general surprise was more subdued. “Welcome to our number, Glamor,” Havoc said.

  Mentor is part of me. You carry his seed.

  "I do, and so does Gale. We have always respected your kind, and owe much to it. My crown itself, in part."

  Mentor chose well, with you. You have ripened nicely. You may call me by his name; his aspect will be with you.

  "Appreciation.” Havoc turned to Throe. “Take your ikon."

  Throe took the Orange Sphinx from the box. “Orange Glamor."

  A female Orange Sphinx appeared. Present. Call me Orange.

  "I know you!” Jamais Vu exclaimed.

  Agreement, Black Glamor. You did not know me when we met before.


  No one can find a hidden Glamor, as we agreed.

  "I never suspected."

  At some other time Symbol might have enjoyed seeing a Glamor discomfited, but she saw that Throe, Enui, and Bijou were similarly amazed. They had all been fooled.

  If Havoc was nervous, it didn't show. “Bijou."

  Bijou stepped up and took the White Goat ikon. “White Glamor."

  A White Goat appeared. Present. Call me Billy.

  Finally Havoc took out the Gray Ikon, in the form of a bird. “I wonder,” he murmured. Then: “Gray Glamor."

  A Gray Bird appeared. Yes, we met. Call me Avian. I let you fetch the green ikon.

  "So you did allow it! I suspected that, but was not sure why."

  Weave your pattern.

  Havoc nodded. “We mean to return all the Ikons to their places as soon as we have seen the pattern. We did not realize at first the harm done by their removal.” He glanced at Ennui. “Do it, friend."

  Ennui went to work at the loom. Symbol watched, glad that she didn't have to be center stage at the moment; she had too much to assimilate in her own life.

  The five new threads fit. One by one Ennui wove them into the complicated tapestry, while all parties, human and animal, mortal and Glamor, watched.

  And when it was done, the pattern was still incomplete. There were more triangles, but also several missing lines.

  "More missing Glamors?” Havoc asked, dismayed.

  "Confusion,” Stevia said. “We thought the roster would be complete with twelve."

  Symbol studied the pattern. “This strikes me as a three dimensional geometric shape. We have five triangles, and a number of angles that suggest more triangles. Look, if we filled in lines here and here, we'd have, let me see, seven more triangles. And you know what the first four triangl
es form? A pyramid! Just like Triumph City."

  "A pyramid!” Havoc said. “I see it now. You have an analytic mind."

  "I have a symbolic mind. Would you have had any interest in me otherwise?"

  "Interest in your invisible body, surely."

  "When you already have Gale? What of these Glamors?” She glanced at Stevia, Lucent, and Deva, who each obligingly flashed as stunningly nude Red, Blue, and Yellow Glamors. “Better that you appreciate my invisible mind."

  They all laughed. “We like your body and your mind, mortal woman,” Thumb said.

  "Fifty times over,” Ennui agreed, glancing at Symbol's necklace.

  Symbol was the center of attention, and she loved it. “Here's the thing: there must be at least two threads missing, to fill in those partial triangles. Actually they are facets on the figure, which is obviously more complicated than a single pyramid. See, there are pyramids built on three of the faces of the original pyramid, with just one additional line missing. And I'll bet you there's a pyramid built on the fourth face, only we don't have any of its final three lines yet."

  "Confusion,” Stevia said. “I am unable to visualize the figure you describe."

  "Maybe we can craft it by illusion,” Symbol said. She glanced at Thumb. “Do these beads lend me any magic power? I'd like to extend my illusive technique to this tapestry."

  "Granted,” the Green Glamor said. She felt a tingling at her neck.

  She reached out with illusion, fashioning the figure she described. “First the four sided pyramid. Then a second one built on its nether facet. Then a third, fourth, and fifth, on its other facets, so that the original pyramid is entirely submerged, as it were. Now we have a four pointed star."

  "A star!” Deva exclaimed. She was the Yellow Glamor of demons.

  "Now I see it,” Stevia said.

  "A fearful symmetry,” Gale breathed.

  "Of course I may be mistaken,” Symbol said. “But this strikes me as a viable geometric positioning for the threads. If it is correct, it means we have five pyramids, eight points, counting the internal ones, sixteen facets, and eighteen edges—which suggests eighteen threads. But even if there is no fifth pyramid, it's still fifteen threads."


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