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Come Page 9

by R Phoenix

  Kolt snorted a laugh at that. “Many people have tried before. But maybe you’ll be the first to find me charming,” he added, not wanting to completely discount himself.

  “You don’t know me well enough to know what I want yet,” Leandro mused. “Your best behavior appeals to me, but you don’t know what else appeals to me. We’ll see.” It sounded strange, when it was put like that and he wasn’t sure what to say to that.

  Fortunately, he didn’t need to respond, as the fae kissed him again. This wasn’t a chaste peck like before. It was hungry, deep and probing, demanding submission as Leandro’s tongue flicked across Kolt’s lips. It felt like a test, and for a moment he just froze, trying to fucking think of what the correct answer might be.

  It only lasted a split second before he snapped himself out of it. The contract was mostly for appearances. He didn’t have to be a good wife. After a moment of stillness, he yielded to the kiss, letting Leandro dominate it with all the fervor of a man with a death sentence on his head. It was breathtaking, and Kolt pulled away for a brief moment to gulp down some much needed air.

  He looked at Leandro a moment, but then leaned in to kiss the fae like he’d just been kissed. Hungry, and pushing into him a little greedily — because he was.

  It was dizzying, intoxicating, and even though he wasn’t hungry, it still called to him.

  Like a… snack.

  Leandro’s hand slid from the knot of the cinch up to Kolt’s chest, slipping under the fabric and letting his fingernails graze bare skin. “I wonder what else you’ll adapt to,” he mused between kisses. “If your body changes to suit me, what else might?”

  “What—” Kolt tried to speak, only to be interrupted again by another kiss. The second attempt got similarly foiled, and he grabbed Leandro’s hand on his chest as he pulled away a little further. “What do you mean?" he asked, not sure if he was following. He changed to suit… Leandro?

  Leandro only smiled at him, reaching up to smooth his fingers through Kolt’s hair again. “I’m only curious to see what happens as you spend more time with me,” he said. “You’ve already started to—” He paused, as he apparently realized this was one of those moments to treat him like he was a child. “Ah. Maurice tells me incubi’s bodies shift to match the preferences of their lover. You’re becoming more of my ideal partner with each day.”

  “Oh…” Kolt said, letting the information sink in and settle into what he already did know about himself — which wasn’t much. It would explain his ever changing looks though. “You mean I’m… I’m going to look the same for more than a day, if I stay with you?”

  Somehow that was entirely too exciting and exhilarating.

  Nodding, Leandro’s hand slid to the back of Kolt’s neck then down, over his back. “When you stay with me,” he said with a smirk, “you’ll continue to adapt until you become my ideal. Then you’ll cease changing unless you bed someone else. Even then…” His smirk fell away into a frown. “I’m not certain how much you would change after a single encounter.”

  “That’s… insane," he said slowly, trying to grasp the situation as quickly as possible. But it also made so much sense. Or rather, it explained so much.

  “Is it, really?” Leandro asked with a pleased smile. “I think it’s rather ingenious.”

  “So what’s your ideal look like?” Kolt prompted him immediately.

  Leandro shrugged. “Hmm… I’m not certain. Blond,” he said, closing his eyes. “Gorgeous eyes. About your size, I think,” he said, inspecting Kolt almost clinically. “I suppose we’ll see soon enough, won’t we?”

  It was a little ridiculous how much the prospect excited him. Leandro could’ve described a walrus, and he’d have been fucking ecstatic.

  “I can buy clothes,” he said. “Clothes that’ll fit me, like every day. People can recognize me,” he added, marveling at how normal it would all be.

  “I’ll buy you as many clothes as you’d like,” Leandro promised him, grabbing Kolt by the waist and urging him into his lap.

  He complied, even if it felt a little odd and juvenile, to sit in someone’s lap like that.

  “A whole wardrobe full, in as many styles as you’d like. I may sneak in a few of my own preferences…” A wicked grin curved onto his lips. “But I’ll spoil you rotten, Kol’tso.”

  “I’d be happy with a plain white t-shirt that’ll just fit every time I put it on, but if you want to spend a fortune, I’m not saying no…” he responded, grinning at Leandro.

  “Then I’ll get you plain white t-shirts to wear with some loose pants until your body settles in,” Leandro promised. “I doubt your size will change much though.” He considered Kolt for a moment, tugging him closer. “Not much at all…”

  “This is exciting,” Kolt said after a few moments. “It’s been years…”

  Leandro smiled at him, obviously enjoying his pleasure. “You’ll have to speak to Maurice,” he said. “He’ll be able to tell you more about incubi than I can. Maybe there are more changes to look forward to.”

  Maybe he had magic too.

  “Yeah,” he said with a nod, leaning against Leandro as he was held. “I’ll do that.”


  He’d barely changed the day before. He’d made Leandro double check. But aside from his skin tone darkening another shade to the golden peach it was now, and his eyes getting a little warmer and lighter, not much had changed. Even less had changed now. Maybe nothing. Maybe this was it.

  Kolt ran a hand through his hair — blond, as Leandro had predicted, a beautiful honey gold at that, and it was long, with a natural wave to it. It wasn’t exactly straight, meaning that it could be hard to gauge how long it was. He grabbed it in his hand and pulled carefully, straightening it to as long as it would go. It still reached the mark he’d made with pen on his back.

  It was still ridiculously long, but no longer today than it had been yesterday. He’d have to figure out something to do with it to keep it out of the way if this was what it was going to be like from now on. It fell to the small of his back, shiny and voluminous.

  He looked like a movie star with his teeth perfectly straight and white, his lips rosy-pink and pouty and his skin was flawless. There wasn’t a blemish or a mark on it, not even a freckle. It wasn’t quite as radiant as Leandro’s, but apparently the fae were just always exceptionally beautiful assholes.

  He leaned a little closer to the mirror in the bathroom, checking himself for the fifth time, to make sure that this was it. He double checked the profile of his nose, the angle of his jawline and cheekbones. Fuck, he even double checked his cock, which had stayed a respectable size, if not very thick — even if he said so himself.

  Kolt felt excited and elated. He looked good. He looked hot, and it could only mean that Leandro had pretty good taste. He wasn’t going to complain about looking like this.

  “Hey, Lee,” he called over his shoulder from the bathroom to the bedroom, even though the door was closed between them. He tore himself away from the mirror, grabbing a hold of the door leading to the bedroom and pulling it open.

  Leandro was still in bed, clearly used to rising a lot later.

  This felt like something important enough to disturb him for though, and he leaned against the doorway, stretching his lean body out a little more than strictly necessary.

  “Wake up, sleepy head… “ he urged as the fae began to rouse from his slumber.

  Leandro mumbled something unintelligible, but his eyes blinked blearily open. It wasn’t fair how the fae could look so hot even when he was just waking up, but then… Kolt hadn’t done much to his own appearance, either, and he looked fucking fantastic.

  “Yes, Kolt?” he murmured as he sat up, his eyes drinking in the sight of him.

  He flexed a little more, making sure he had Leandro’s full attention on him. “You owe me a wardrobe…” he said with a cheeky grin.

  Leandro grinned back at him. He rose from the bed, closing the distance between them. “Turn for
me,” he said, rubbing the last of the sleep from his eyes. “Let me see all of you before I let you spend all of my money,” he teased.

  Kolt turned, deliberately slow, letting Leandro’s gaze rove over him. He didn’t think he’d ever been this happy about being seen naked. Not that he’d ever really been anything but good looking, but this felt different. This felt real.

  “Like what you see, hmm?" he asked cheekily, casting a coy look over his shoulder at Leandro, before he turned full circle and came to face the man again. “Because apparently it ain’t getting better than this.”

  “I love what I see,” Leandro confirmed, resting his hands on Kolt’s hips and lightly rubbing the skin. “You’re absolutely perfect.” He leaned in to claim a kiss, hands sliding to rest on Kolt’s ass, which incidentally fit perfectly in Leandro’s hands. “I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”

  “I’m hot, aren’t I?” Kolt asked, feeling more than a little giddy as he pressed a little closer to Leandro. He felt hot, literally and figuratively. He wanted to give the new body a proper try out.

  It wasn’t like he was starving. They’d fucked just the night before in the interest of feeding, and two days before that too. But now… he wasn’t particularly craving anything, other than Leandro’s cock for the sake of it.

  “I wanna fuck…” he purred, as he leaned up to nip at Leandro’s throat, just under his jaw. “I want you to act out every fantasy you’ve had about a body like this…” he added in a sultry whisper. He wrapped his arms around the taller man’s neck, and he pressed his naked body close against Leandro’s.

  He knew he wasn’t imagining the shiver that ran through Leandro’s body, making it obvious just how much the fae liked that idea.

  “That’ll take more than a morning,” Leandro told him, lifting his chin so he could claim a searing kiss. Leandro was already half-hard against him, and Kolt knew it had nothing to do with morning wood and everything to do with him. “I have enough fantasies to last us for years and years.”

  “I may sneak in a few of my own preference…” Kolt mused, his hand cupping Leandro’s growing erection and deftly working it to fully erect with a few leisurely strokes.

  “Oh?” Leandro ground against his hand, squeezing his ass cheeks. “Like what, my Kolt?”

  “I’ve seen the stuff in your nightstand…” he answered with a wicked grin.

  Leandro laughed, nudging Kolt against the wall and pressing in close. “Oh? Vibrating butt plugs?" he asked, kissing Kolt’s throat. “Nipple clamps?” He licked the skin. “Rope?”

  He honestly hadn’t been sure what some of it was when he’d been snooping. As such, he just grinned. He didn’t feel confident jumping in the deep end of debauchery right away, but… “I’m game for almost anything. I think I might like the ropes though…” he admitted. Despite trying to play it cool, he felt a hot blush color his cheeks.

  Leandro drew back, only to grin as he saw the blush. “My innocent incubus,” he mused. “I’m going to enjoy teaching you.” He nudged Kolt’s legs apart with his knee. “Corrupting you.” He claimed another kiss.

  Kolt didn’t feel all that innocent, but the blush deepened all the same at the prospect. The red spread a little further than just over his cheekbones, and he squirmed involuntarily.

  “Yes, please…” he said with a husky laugh, grinning up at the fae. “Now…?” He wondered sweetly. Innocently.

  “Is that what you want?” Leandro asked him, but he didn’t let him fucking answer. Instead the fae kissed him with the same intensity he always displayed in the bedroom.

  Kolt pressed against the fae’s body, moaning his agreement into that kiss, chasing the taste of the man. To no avail, as Leandro went from pulling him close to nudging some distance between them.

  “Get on the bed, my Kolt,” Leandro directed.

  Kolt’s heart was already pounding in his chest. It was ridiculous. He’d had sex with Leandro several times already. They’d fucked a whole damn night away, and still this felt different. Like it was the first time. In a way, it was. He’d been fucking for years, but always out of necessity, never like this.

  Never just for fun.

  He gave Leandro’s cock a final, teasing squeeze before he disentangled himself completely to — gracefully — head over to the spacious bed. He sank down on it, amidst the fluffy pile of the duvet. He looked up at Leandro expectantly, trying to ignore his growing nervousness — because it was ridiculous.

  There was a level of utter glee in the fae’s expression, however, that did nothing to calm his nerves. He almost wanted to get up and put some more clothes on, just to slow the fae down.

  “Whatever we’re doing, just… start slow, please?" he asked — or begged rather.

  “Of course,” Leandro said, stalking toward the bed in a manner that was rather predatory, completely contrary to his words. “I’ll start very slow,” he purred. “Because I want to hear you beg for me.”

  Kolt wet his lips and scooted back on the bed involuntarily, not sure what to say or do, or what Leandro meant with wanting to hear him beg. Like right then? Or was he going to make him? His body, on the other hand, was leading its own life at the sight of the fae at the foot of the bed. Kolt continued to move further up the bed, until his back rested against the headboard for support. He instinctively let his legs part, spreading seductively on the bed, almost like an invitation for someone like Leandro to crawl between them.

  “How…?" he asked, after a moment, his voice soft but eager.

  Leandro followed him onto the bed. “Start by stroking yourself for me, Kolt. I want to watch you. But don’t come yet,” he warned.

  Kolt drew in a slow breath and held it, trying not to feel weird about it as his hand slid up his thigh to his cock. He didn’t normally play with himself. He never had a need to. He was an incubus, and jerking someone else off did more for him than masturbation ever had. Still, he tried his best, giving his cock a slow tug and locking eyes with Leandro as he did.

  “Like this…?" he asked sweetly, as he stroked himself a little more insistently.

  It may have been strange for him, but Leandro certainly seemed to like it. He was already breathing more heavily, his eyes only flicking to Kolt’s face when he spoke before going back to looking down at his cock. “Like that,” he confirmed. “Do you like your nipples touched, Kolt?”

  He faltered mid-stroke, because he’d never really thought about it. He didn’t mind, and he’d rather liked it when someone sucked or nipped at them. Someone meaning not himself, but he didn’t think that was why Leandro was asking.

  “I guess so…?” he offered hesitantly. “Aren’t you supposed to be corrupting me?” he added, hoping to spur the fae on to being more … hands-on. It wasn’t like it didn’t feel nice, rubbing his cock while Leandro watched. It felt fine, but… just fine. It wasn’t the mind-blowing sex he was looking for.

  “You told me to start slow,” Leandro replied every bit as sweetly as the way Kolt had spoken before. “I’m starting slow. Are you going to argue with me, or are you going to play with your nipples for me?”

  Kolt faltered again, not sure what to make of the requests. He swallowed and looked from Leandro’s hard cock, back up to his face. He really was liking the view, Kolt had to assume.

  “I just want to see what you like, my Kolt,” Leandro explained, when he still didn’t do as he was told. The fae’s smile was wolfish. “It’s going to be so much more fun to corrupt you when I know more about what turns you on. Just play with yourself. ”

  He didn’t think he was being difficult. He was pliable, he was accommodating, and he was asking to be fucked. What part of that was being difficult? All he’d wanted was for Leandro to start slow with fucking him. It was a new body, after all, and who the fuck knew what it was Leandro truly desired in his lovers?

  Kolt already felt chastised and awkward enough to keep his mouth shut though. He wet his lips quickly and drew in a deep breath, keeping his eyes on Leandro while his free han
d went to his nipple as he’d been instructed.

  He sped up the pace of his strokes, hoping to stoke the fire in his gut a little more. He started to fondle one of his nipples, rolling it between his fingers, pinching it occasionally.

  It was sort of nice, and his pulse was starting to quicken, more so when he saw the hungry look in Leandro’s gaze as he watched him.

  But it still felt weird. Even though he could feel Leandro’s arousal, the man was too far removed from the action to really get Kolt going. And by himself it was just—

  “Like this…?" he asked when his insecurity got the better of him.

  “Like that,” Leandro confirmed, but he regarded Kolt for another long moment before he mused, “You aren’t liking this, are you? Do you want me to touch you?” Another smile. “Or would you rather be touching me?”

  Either. He didn’t fucking care, but he wanted physical contact with someone other than himself. Even though he could see a way out, he didn’t stop what he was doing. Instead, he bit his lower lip and looked down at himself to consider what it was that made it feel all weird.

  “It’s your perfect body, not mine…” He reminded Leandro.

  “It is,” Leandro agreed with a please hum. “Which is why I want to admire it.”

  Kolt shifted positions then, from fisting his cock and jerking to rubbing a flat hand along the shaft, pressing it against his body. He moved too, sitting up on his knees, leaving him beautifully prone in the large bed. All Leandro had to do was take which part he wanted.

  “Can’t you admire it while I worship your cock…?" he asked sweetly. He didn’t really want to push, but he wanted more.

  Leandro groaned, his hand going to his own cock. He gave it a tug before kneeling onto the bed himself.

  “You can worship my cock any time you like, my Kolt,” he assured in a husky tone of voice — one that made Kolt grin. Partly because of the promise, and partly because it got him out of performing on himself.

  Kolt crawled across the bed to Leandro until he came within reach. He dipped, letting his hair pool in and around Leandro’s lap as he did. His lips wrapped around Leandro’s cock without hesitation as he got to work on something he was much better at.


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