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Claimed Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  I heard something behind me and glanced over my shoulder at the door. It was slightly open, and I could see the man who consumed my thoughts standing there watching me. He had this expression on his face I couldn’t really place. The way he looked at me made me feel like he wanted to know more. Or maybe I just wanted him to want to know more about me.

  “May I join you?”

  I found myself nodding instantly. He stepped into the room and made his way toward me, sitting in the chair across from me. I was on the floor in front of the fire, the blanket wrapped around me, my legs curled up under my bottom. For long moments we just sat there, neither speaking but the air comfortable, the atmosphere almost relaxing.

  “How are you liking it here?”

  I glanced over at him, thinking about his question. Then I stared back at the flames for a prolonged moment.

  “I’ve never felt safer,” I admitted honestly. I looked back at him, but he showed no reaction, no emotion. He finally nodded and looked at the fire, maybe thinking about what I’d just said.

  “You never have to worry about that again.” He looked at me then. “You never have to worry about someone taking you. You don’t ever have to fear stepping outside.” His voice was growing lower, deeper, and I could see he was getting angry. “I’m going to make sure that you’re always safe, Claire. You mean a lot to me.”

  That last part had my heart beating fast.

  “I mean a lot to you?” I pursed my lips and cursed myself for speaking the words.

  When he looked at me, I felt like he could see into my soul. “Claire, you mean more to me than any other woman ever has.” My throat tightened at his words. “I’ve made it my life’s mission to help women off the auction block. Never once have I wanted them, wanted to keep them.” He leaned forward, his forearms braced on his knees. He was looking directly into my eyes now. “But then you came along and something in me changed, shifted.”

  “Shifted how?” My voice was so low, barely a whisper.

  “Shifted in the way where I don’t want to set you free.” There was a hint of desperation in his voice. But the way he was looking at me was how I imagined a predator looks at his prey. “It’s in the way that I want you as mine.” His expression was so serious in this moment. “Does that frighten you?”

  I didn’t know what to say or how to feel. Emotions were swirling inside of me, threatening to take me under. “No,” I answered honestly. In fact, it made me aroused to hear him say those things. I’d never admit that to him, couldn’t because I was too shy, but I had no doubts that he could see how I felt in the way I held myself. He had to be able to read people because of what he did, how he lived his life.

  Before I could say anything, he was standing. I straightened, not sure if he was leaving, but a part of me wanted to beg him to stay. I liked his company, liked having him here with me even if we didn’t speak. “You’re going?” I cleared my throat, wondering if I sounded desperate.

  He smiled at me, and I swear something in me lit up. “I have some work to do, unfortunately, even if I’d like to stay here with you. But we’ll talk more.” He held his hand out, and I found myself slipping my fingers on top of his. He helped me to stand, and I wondered if he was going to pull me in for an embrace. Instead he reached out and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

  He looked into my eyes but didn’t speak, and neither did I. I didn’t know what to say after what he’d told me. I wanted to admit that I desired him, too. I wanted to let him know that I didn’t want to leave, that I didn’t want to be set free. Being here had opened up my eyes, made me feel things I never thought I’d be able to experience. It was all so crazy and so fast. But it felt genuine. I always went with my gut instincts; I’d had to if I wanted to survive.

  And being here with Xavier felt right. It felt as though this was where I belonged.



  I’d been exploring for the last thirty minutes, looking at each room, running my fingers along the hardwood detailing of the walls. But this estate was so big I knew I hadn’t even seen a fraction of what it had to offer.

  For the last month I’d forced myself to stay mainly confined to the first floor and my bedroom, not really looking at what was my new home for the unforeseeable future. I’d been afraid to explore, as if Xavier would think I was snooping, going where I didn’t belong, where I wasn’t welcome. But I’d come to realize he was different.

  The house was amazing, reminding me of the wealth of the elite that was the world that I lived in. There were two types of people in this world: the rich and the poor. Only a small percentage fell into the former. Everyone else had to survive by any means necessary.

  I reached the end of the hallway and took a left, the wood turning into smooth, polished granite flooring. There were double doors up ahead, the only doors in this hallway. I placed my hand on the glass and felt warmth from the other side. Pushing it open, I instantly smelled chemicals and felt humidity wash over my face.

  I stepped inside, the doors behind me closing softly. In front of me was a grand pool, something I’d only ever heard about. My experience with water up until Xavier had purchased me had consisted of bathing in lakes and streams.

  The water was clear, this unnatural shade of blue. Droplets of moisture filled the air, the humidity thick, the heat pleasant. It felt wonderful because of the cold outside. I walked farther into the room to the edge of the pool, and stared down at the water. It was still, calm. A few chairs were lined up on either side of it, and as I looked around the room, I saw a wooden door on the other side of the room. I walked over and opened it, and dry heat slammed into me, consuming me. In the center of the room was a pedestal, large rocks in the center, wooden benches all around it like a centerpiece. I shut the door and turned back toward the pool, this need to just feel the water lapping over my bare skin riding me hard.

  I looked around and didn’t see anybody, so I slowly slipped off my clothes. I left my undergarments on: my panties and a cotton bra. I dipped my foot into the water, the liquid warm, soothing. I sat down on the edge and slipped in, gasping slightly as I emerged. I pushed away from the wall and swam into the center, moving onto my back so my upper body was facing the ceiling. And then I just closed my eyes and floated, feeling weightless, feeling like nothing else mattered.

  And I supposed right now nothing did.

  I thought about Xavier, about the emotions that he invoked inside of me. Never had I felt such an intense attraction to a man. Even when I was with the other refugees, the other rebels, I’d never been aroused. I’d never been touched in the ways that counted.

  But I wanted him to touch me. I wanted to feel his big, tattooed body over mine. All I could think about when I saw him anymore was what it would feel like to have his hands on me, his mouth on me … his cock in me.

  My entire body shivered, goose bumps popping out over my flesh. Maybe I was insane, or maybe I was just so lonely and I hadn’t realized how much until Xavier bought me, until he showed me I did have a future.

  I saw the way he watched me, and wished like hell I could talk to him, could tell him that I hoped he felt the same way I did. In just this short time here, I’d fallen for the man, and it was crazy the more I thought about it. I should take his offer and let him set me free, let him help me stay hidden. But I didn’t want that. I didn’t want to run, even if I technically didn’t have to anymore. I just wanted to be here.

  The world we lived in was not ideal, especially for a female. But he was making it better, making it so I didn’t have to worry about what my future held. And even though I’d survived many years in the wild with others like me, men and women who didn’t like a system that destroyed people, this was the first time I’d ever felt hope.

  I continued to float, my eyes closed, my arms stretched out on either side of me. I was relaxed, not having to worry about somebody finding me, kidnapping me and selling me to the highest bidder. That had already happened, but my fate had been fa
r different than I’d expected.

  I heard something and snapped my eyes open. I righted myself and looked over to where the sound had come from. My heart started thundering as I saw Xavier walk in, a towel wrapped around his waist, his upper body bare. He was tall and big, muscular. The tattoos that covered his chest and arms had every part of me clenching in desire.

  He was so unlike all the other elite I’d ever seen or heard about. The men of wealth were physically the opposite of Xavier; round, pale and cold. Their lifestyle dictated that others did everything for them. Feeding them, keeping them out of the harsh rays of the sun. They’d never admit it, but they were weak. They were so damn weak in every way that counted.

  Although Xavier was frightening in appearance, looking as if he could crush you with just a flick of his finger, I saw something else inside of him. I saw desperation. I saw loneliness. What I saw in him was what I felt in myself.

  He took off the towel and tossed it over the back of a chair, the shorts he wore falling to his knees. He was so strong, so powerful. The muscular definition on his body made me feel wholly feminine. And then our gazes locked and I could see the surprise on his face. He hadn’t known I was here, hadn’t realized I’d been watching him.

  “I’m sorry,” I said softly and started swimming toward the edge of the pool, about to get out and give him his privacy.

  “Don’t go,” he said in his deep, gruff voice. I stopped, my hand braced on the lip of the pool, my body partially facing him. I watched as he got into the water and swam toward me. My heart was thundering, and I knew if I hadn’t been in the water, I’d be sweating right now, beads of perspiration covering my skin.

  He stopped a few inches from me, droplets of water covering his neck and face. My hair was wet, the strands sticking to my shoulders. Could he see how fast my pulse was racing beneath my ear? I remembered our time together, although brief, just the other night. I remembered how it had felt when his fingers had brushed my skin as he’d moved that hair away from my face. I wanted to feel that again, ten times over.

  “You’ve been exploring?” His voice was soft, not accusing me of anything, but more curious.

  I curled my hand around the edge of the pool. My throat felt so tight, and I wondered if I could even speak clearly. “Your home is so big, and there are so many things to see.” I licked my lips, tasting the bitterness of the water as it coated my tongue. The seconds ticked by where neither of us spoke. He was so much bigger than I was, his body making me feel so small and feminine. “Your home is beautiful,” I said softly.

  Xavier moved closer to me, and I held my breath. I was at the edge of the pool, where the two corners met. I couldn’t move away, even if I’d wanted to. Which I didn’t.

  “It feels different having you here,” he said, his gaze lowering to my mouth.

  I forced myself not to lick my lips once more. “What do you mean?” My voice was so low I didn’t even know if he’d heard me. He lifted his gaze back to my face.

  “It feels different than when I had the other rescued women here.” He stared deep into my eyes. “You make the house feel full, warm.”

  I didn’t know how to respond to that. I didn’t know what would happen next, or where I would go. Xavier had assured me that he would make sure I was safe, that I’d never have to worry about being captured again. I thought about the people that had been left behind when I was taken. No, not left behind. Escaped. I was glad that no one else had gotten caught, that no one had gotten hurt.

  He moved another inch closer. If I’d wanted to, I could have reached out and smoothed my hand along his scruff-covered cheek. I curled my fingers into my palm to stop myself. I couldn’t hear anything but my heart beating in my ears, could barely even breathe normally. He was looking at me so intently that I couldn’t even think straight.

  I felt the air thicken and heat, which had nothing to do with the humidity. And then I saw him lift his hand out of the water, droplets falling down. He pushed strands of my hair away from my cheek, his fingertips grazing my skin.

  “So smooth,” he said, almost to himself, his focus on my mouth.

  This intense need for him to lean in and kiss me was strong. I wanted to say the words, wanted to plead and beg for him to do just that. But I clenched my jaw together, refusing to succumb to my needs. I didn’t want to cross that line. He had saved me, was making sure I was taken care of. Being with him in that way would ruin things, surely.

  But he wants me.

  “I’m sorry,” he said and pulled his hand away. And instinctively I reached out and curled my fingers around his thick wrist. I didn’t know why I did that, but it was too late to stop myself, to try and pretend that it hadn’t happened.

  “I liked that,” I found myself saying. “I liked you touching me.” I was being honest for the first time in my life, not trying to hide what I wanted or who I was. For so long I’d had to do that, had to pretend that I was someone else in order to ensure I made it to the next day. And I didn’t know why, but with Xavier I felt like I could do all those things. I felt like I could be myself.

  He placed his hand on my cheek, cupping the side of my face. His palm was so big, smooth, and masculine. We looked into each other’s eyes for long moments, neither of us saying anything. I knew what would happen, and I desperately wanted it. And then he pulled me in close, my body molding to his. I made a small sound as I felt the definition of his erection pressed against my belly, the proof of how much he wanted me. I tingled between my thighs, and I felt my nipples harden. I didn’t know what was happening, but I didn’t want it to stop. I felt this fire burning inside of me.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. And then he leaned in even more, pressed his mouth right to mine, and gave me a kiss that made me breathless. It was soft, almost sweet. I could feel the hardness, the tightness in his body. I knew he was holding back. I didn’t want that. I wanted to feel the raw prowess of Xavier. I wanted him to show me what it was really like to be with a man.

  He kissed me harder, adding more force. I was pressed against the corner of the pool now, letting him mold his body to mine, feeling the hard dips of his muscles pressed to my softness. I found myself lifting my arms and wrapping them around his neck, letting him hold me up above the water.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist,” he said gruffly against my mouth.

  I wrapped my legs around him and felt the stiff outline of his cock even more, pressed right up against my pussy. I was panting against his mouth, unable to think clearly, let alone say anything.

  “Tell me to stop,” he said harshly against my lips. I just shook my head. “If you don’t tell me to stop, I won’t be able to. I’m too far gone, want you too fucking badly.” Again, I shook my head, unable to actually say the words. He broke away and looked into my eyes, his hand cupping my cheek.

  “I don’t want you to stop. I won’t tell you to.” I final said. He groaned and slammed his mouth down on mine. I dug my fingernails into his back, pulling him closer. I opened my mouth, and he slipped his tongue inside, stroking mine, making me ache between my thighs.

  He was holding us above water with one hand on the edge of the pool, but at the same time he was gently pressing his hard cock against my aching pussy. Back and forth, slow and easy. He made me wish there was nothing separating us, that his erection was out and he was sliding it deep inside of me, claiming me in every way that counted.

  “I need you,” I gasped against his mouth, and he pulled away. My face felt hot, my lips swollen from the blood rushing beneath the surface. “I need you, Xavier. I need all of you.” I couldn’t believe I was saying the words, but they were out, moving between us, unable to be taken back.

  I didn’t want them back. I wanted him to know that all the looks I gave him, everything I was, I wanted him to take. I wanted to feel freedom in his arms, in his bed.

  Even if only for one night.

  He didn’t say anything for long moments, but I could see he was thinking hard, deepl
y. He still had his hand on my cheek, his thumb stroking right under my eye. I could feel his cock all but throbbing against my belly. My inner muscles clenched, needing something substantial, wanting to be stretched, to feel that burn.

  “Xavier.” I said his name softly, but before I could say anything else, he had his mouth on mine again. He fucked me with his lips and tongue, making me wish we were naked and in his bed.

  “You’re mine,” he said with so much determination in his voice there was no doubt in my mind he meant it. “I can’t let you go.” He pulled away, and I saw that truth on his face, in his eyes. “I mean that, Claire. You’re mine, and I’m not fucking letting you go. Ever.”

  Good, because I didn’t want it any other way.



  My cock came alert, my heart raced, and every part of me was strung tight.

  I looked into her eyes, the blue sweeping me in, holding me down. I realized this was what being truly alive felt like.

  This was what wanting something irrevocably felt like.

  I’d taken her to my room, needing her on my bed. I held her tightly to me, kissing her until she was gasping for air, until she was clinging to me. I became a beast with her, tearing at what little clothing she still had on until she was bared for me. I placed her in the center of my bed, her blonde hair fanned out over my dark sheets, my scent no doubt covering her. I always wanted to see her like this when she was in my bed; naked, primed for me, looking up at me with an expression of need.

  There wasn’t any more time I wanted to waste, not when I had Claire so ready and willing for me. I leaned in an inch, our mouths so close if I said one word, they’d brush together. “I want you forever,” I said unapologetically. I slipped my hand behind her head, cupping her nape, keeping her close. This possessive side rose up in me like a hungry beast, refusing to be tamed where she was concerned.


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