The GODD Chip (The Unity of Four Book 1)

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The GODD Chip (The Unity of Four Book 1) Page 30

by K Patrick Donoghue

  Around the corner from Miriam Heinz’ home, Damon slumped down low in the stolen sedan. With the laser rifle clutched in his arms, he analyzed the situation. In his earlier drive-by, he had spotted a half dozen camouflaged Vipers. There was a repairman up on a holotower, a bearded fellow out for a walk along a side street, a young couple perusing produce at a vegetable stand, a deliveryman tending to a balky truck on the shoulder of the road and the last Viper, clad in overalls, was just sitting on a fence, a strand of straw sticking out from her mouth.

  Was Takoda already there or were they waiting for him? That was the question dogging Damon. Looking in the rearview mirror, Damon hoped it was the latter. But he hadn’t seen Takoda on his drive to Miriam Heinz’ neighborhood, leading him to believe the doctor was already ensnared in NASF’s web.

  A block ahead of him was the Vipers’ command truck. When the action began, that would be Damon’s target. Cut off the head of the snake and the Vipers would freeze long enough for Damon to get Takoda and Antoinette out of danger.

  The blonde had almost reached the screen door at the back of the farmhouse when Takoda called out, “Hello, Mariah? Mariah Bloom?” She froze, one hand gripping the wood railing of the back stairs. “Or should I say Toni? I understand you prefer that to Antoinette.”

  She spun around. “Get lost or I’ll call the cops. You’re trespassing.”

  Takoda stood in place, his hands held up as if surrendering. “I’m sorry. I just want to talk to you about Billy Hearns. You remember him, don’t you? Ten-year-old boy, violet eyes just like yours. He came to see you—”

  “I said get lost!”

  Takoda started walking toward her, his hands still raised. “I’ve come a long way to meet you. My name is Takoda Wells. I’m a doctor at the clinic where Billy had his DNA tests performed. I know about the chip—”

  Toni backed up the steps and grabbed the screen door handle. “Go away. I don’t want to talk to you.”

  Halting his advance, Takoda said, “Please. Just give me five minutes of your time. I won’t come any closer. I just want to talk to you about the GODD chip.”

  With a scowl on her face, Toni looked left and right. “Shh…keep your voice down.”

  She stepped inside the house and closed the creaky screen door behind her. Takoda heard a lock slide into place as she stared at him through the screen. In a near whisper, she said, “How did you find me? How do you know my name?”

  Takoda lowered his hands and took a short stride toward the door. “It’s a long story that starts with Sarah Hearns.”

  “You lie. She didn’t know my name or where I lived.”

  Edging another step closer, Takoda said, “No, she didn’t, but she gave us enough information to help find you.”


  Takoda flinched. She had noticed his slip of the tongue. “Yes. I have a doctor colleague who met with Sarah too. We’re both interested to learn more about the…treatment…you performed on Billy. We think it could help other kids like him…like my daughter. Kids diagnosed with JS.”

  He was standing on the bottom of the four steps now. Toni shied back, the shadow of the door frame obscuring her face. Takoda said, “It’s a remarkable device, the chip. It’s a tragedy it was never given a fair chance. Obviously, you feel the same way. Maybe we could help each other change that.”


  Gutant refugee village

  Limahuli, Kauai, the Hawaiian Islands

  The first two EMP grenades launched by Caelan’s Makoas produced the intended effects. The two squads of unsuspecting Vipers, all of their scanners focused on the village, were caught by complete surprise by the explosions behind them. Several were disabled, while the others abandoned their snatch operation to seek cover.

  Caelan knew the respite would be short-lived, and the surviving android commandos would quickly recover. And when they did, their scanners would zero in on Caelan and his Makoas. Sure enough, laser shots and bullets began to slice through the jungle.

  As the lava rock providing Caelan with protection disintegrated into a shower of chunks, he hit the ground and ordered another volley of grenades. These were flash grenades, intended to briefly disorient the Vipers’ scanners, allowing Caelan to scurry behind another rock and providing his Makoas a few seconds of uncontested rifle shots at the Vipers.

  Once again, however, the Vipers recovered quickly. At that moment, Caelan expected to die. One of the Vipers had locked in on the rock shielding him and was blasting it to pieces. Pressed flat against the ground, Caelan knew if he rose to shoot, the Viper would cut him in two. But if he stayed in position, the same fate awaited him as soon as the rock was obliterated.

  In the distance, he heard another explosion. Good for you, luv, thought Caelan. Now the bastards are stuck on the island.

  The spit of a laser grazed his shoulder before shattering the trunk of the palm tree behind him. As the tree began to fall, Caelan growled an expletive and bolted up. There was no way he was going out lying on his belly.

  The moment he raised to his feet, he was hurled through the air by a thunderous blow. Landing in a heap in a thicket of vines and lush foliage, the dazed Caelan looked back to see what had hit him. The shadow moved so fast, it disappeared between bushes before Caelan could focus. It was a Makoa, but it wasn’t one of his. As his eyes cleared, he saw the smoking remains of the Viper who had cornered him.

  Caelan’s earbud then erupted with chatter from his team. Elvis reported he was caught in a crossfire and that Vipers had entered the village. Another of his Makoas reported the crossfire was coming from inside the village and from the hillside above. Ellie alerted Caelan she had dispatched Ake to join the fight.

  Above the radio chatter and sounds of the battle, Caelan heard screams coming from the village. He didn’t need an explanation. The Vipers had found the girl. He grabbed his rifle and scurried into the underbrush. “Hold on, boys. Hold on as long as you can. The crossfire’s coming from the villagers. Do not engage. Repeat. Do not engage. Ellie, the Vipers are headed your way. They’ve got the girl. We’ll try to cut them off before they get to you.”

  With a laser rifle slung over his shoulder, Akela emerged from the garage holding a portable radio in one hand and gripping RJ’s hand with the other. Lotus rushed toward him while pointing down at the village. “The chip! They’re after my injector and the vials! I left them in the infirmary. That’s why they’re attacking.”

  Akela edged toward the precipice of the hill and noticed the sounds of the battle were moving away from the village. In the distance, he saw smoke coming from the direction of the beach. Clutching RJ’s trembling hand tighter, Akela raised the radio to his mouth and demanded a report from his Makoas.

  “Sir, Bora here. Where are you? We’ve been trying to reach you?”

  “Never mind that. What’s happening? Who’s attacking the village?”

  “Unknown force of androids. They’ve taken Avana. They are headed for the cove. We are in pursuit.”

  “Avana?” cried RJ. He tugged Akela’s hand. “You have to save her.”

  Akela turned to Lotus as he spoke into the radio. “Did they attack the infirmary?”

  “Negative. They raided from the north, took Avana and fled toward the cove.”

  “Looks like you were wrong,” Akela said to Lotus. Turning back to the radio, he asked, “Is the village secure? Are there injuries?”

  A new voice sounded through Akela’s radio. “Chief, it’s Malo. We were lucky. Most of the fighting happened outside the village. Very few casualties. I’m triaging them now. Where are you?”

  “On my way.” As Akela started to run, he felt an awkward tug from RJ. He turned just as RJ stumbled and fell. Akela stopped to help the boy up, but RJ pushed his hand away. “Go! Save Avana!”

  He hoisted RJ up and motioned for him to follow. “Come on! Run with me.”

  Akela was halfway down the hill before he realized Lotus was gone.

  Counselor Jordyn�
��s quarters - Palace of Prefect Tripp

  Minneapolis, Lakelands Province, New Atlantia

  In the privacy of her quarters, Jordyn shed her counselor robes and retreated to the restoration chamber to expunge the remnants of the past two days’ interactions with humans. After undergoing an electrostatic shower and subsequent irradiation, Jordyn emerged from the chamber and padded toward her recharging dock.

  She set the charging console to “background” mode and hooked the dock’s tether into the battery port on her hip. As soon as her brain core detected the initial surge of power, Jordyn initiated system maintenance programs and began to scan her unattended holomessages. During her review, she received a high priority holovid message from Prefect Tripp.

  “Report to my quarters. Immediately.”

  Jordyn unplugged from the dock, dressed and headed for the prefect’s chambers. During the elevator ride, she consulted her logic module for possible reasons for the summoning. Within seconds, the module produced dozens of scenarios ranked from most probable to least. Given the scowl on Tripp’s face and the tone of his voice in the holovid, the scenario at the top of the list portended a new development in the Beacon case. But as Jordyn scanned her other messages, she detected nothing to indicate a new problem. NASF contacted the prefect about a new development directly, suggested the logic module. It would be an unusual breach of protocol, but not unheard of. Alternatively, the prefect may have initiated a direct dialogue with NASF. Jordyn deemed this more likely. The new prefect was reputed to be a hands-on administrator.

  Skipping to the next scenario on the list, the logic module proposed Tripp had received another complaint from the Carapach ambassador or the Guild. Neither appeared satisfied with Prefect Munoz’ earlier apologies. With the new prefect in place, one or both may have reprised their protests.

  As Jordyn’s AI pondered this second scenario, the elevator doors opened, revealing two armed Steels blocking the entrance to the prefect’s quarters.

  “What is the meaning of this? Why are you here?” Jordyn queried.

  “Prefect’s orders, Counselor,” said one of the Steels.

  “I am aware of no security threat. Has there been an intrusion into the palace?”

  “None have been reported to us.”

  “Then, why have you been ordered to stand guard?”

  “The prefect requested extra security.”

  “Step aside. The prefect has requested to meet with me.”

  The Steels separated and allowed Jordyn to pass. Once inside, she found Prefect Tripp seated in the living room. Cigar held in one hand and a snifter of brandy in the other, the evvie smiled at her. “Hello, Jordyn. You took your sweet time getting here. Have a seat.”

  “Yes, Your Eminence.”

  “Your Eminence…I like the ring of that.” The evvie’s smile widened as he flicked ashes into a tray balanced on the arm of his chair. Once Jordyn settled into a seat across from him, Tripp’s smile faded. “I want you to recall the NASF commandos in Thunder Bay. The ones on Kauai as well.”

  “Why, Your Eminence?”

  “The last I checked, Counselor, you were an aide to me, not the other way around. I am not required to explain. However, you are required to comply with my order. Now, use your little computer brain and transmit the orders. Right here. Right now.”

  “But, sir, both platoons are in positions to accomplish their missions.”

  “Don’t care. Recall them. Now.”

  Jordyn’s logic module cycled apace as it tried to formulate an explanation for the prefect’s command. “But you were in support of their missions earlier.”

  As the prefect once again reminded her that he had no obligation to provide her with an explanation, Jordyn’s communication module signaled an incoming call from the Viper commander on Kauai. Milliseconds later, she received another call. This one was from Capt. Glick in Thunder Bay.

  Invoking the capabilities of her parallel processor, Jordyn connected the two calls simultaneously. At the same time, she responded to Tripp. “Sir, if Beacon acquires the GODD chip, there will be grave consequences. Surely, you understand the implications.”

  Data from the calls flowed into Jordyn’s brain core…Avana Wells was in custody, but the Vipers were engaged in an intense firefight…Glick’s team had Mariah Bloom and Takoda Wells surrounded and were preparing to move in. In the blink of an eye, she responded with the same message to each: “Acknowledged. Stand by for further instructions.”

  “Counselor, I won’t ask again. Command both teams to stand down.”

  “Sir, I’ve just been informed the Vipers on Kauai have Avana Wells. The Thunder Bay team reports Takoda Wells and Mariah Bloom are surrounded. Both teams have achieved their missions.”

  Tripp shook his head and put down his cigar. “Look, Counselor, I don’t give a flying fig about their missions. Tell them to stand down. Release the girl. Back off Dr. Wells and the Bloom woman or I will decommission your ass and order them to stand down myself.”

  Another message arrived from Kauai. “Taking heavy losses. Trapped on the beach. Shuttle boat destroyed. Have ordered seaplane to run onto shore. Will advise when target is safe aboard plane.” Jordyn received a response from Glick as well. “Roger that. Standing by.”

  “Your order is illogical and counter to the best interests of New Atlantia,” Jordyn said to Tripp. “I will not comply.”

  “You give me no choice, then. Goodbye, Counselor.”

  The prefect tapped his holoband. Jordyn’s brain core detected a surge of electromagnetic waves. Remote commands signaled her modules to toggle off. As quickly as the commands flowed in, Jordyn’s security system issued override instructions. As fast as the overrides took effect, a new surge of remote commands once again ordered her modules to shut down. Jordyn’s security system countered a second time and shut off her comms module to prevent a further cyberattack.

  But the comms-cut command had been issued too late. Within seconds, Jordyn’s systems were inundated by the high-speed barrage of a data virus that had been buried in the remote shutdown commands. As her security module scrambled to analyze and counter the unrecognized infection, Jordyn began voluntarily shutting off low-priority systems to conserve power.

  Internal alerts informed Jordyn of a sharp rise in component temperatures. Signal interference overwhelmed her sensory module. Her gyroscope failed. Blind, deaf and dumb, Jordyn slumped to the floor. She attempted to radio the Steels outside the chamber for assistance, but they did not respond.

  Through the interference obscuring her vision, Jordyn saw the prefect kneel beside her. She then heard and felt him tear away her robes. An alert signaled the hip panel covering her charging port had opened. She reached for the port and detected a device had been plugged in. Her batteries, already under the strain of battle against the virus, began to discharge at an even higher rate. She attempted to dislodge the device, but it would not budge.

  Jordyn’s reasoning module, still active and functioning, concluded her main batteries would fully discharge in less than a minute, her emergency reserve a minute after that. With the virus spreading throughout her circuitry, the reasoning module advised her there was too little power left to stop it from invading her remaining systems.

  Looking up, Jordyn saw the smiling prefect bending over her. Waving goodbye, he took a deep drag of his cigar and blew smoke in her face. Jordyn queried her logic module for options. It returned only one. She diverted her remaining power to transmit messages to the Viper teams.

  “Kill Avana Wells.”

  “Kill Takoda Wells and Mariah Bloom.”

  The last input Jordyn’s processor captured before she ejected her brain core was the stunned expression on the prefect’s face as she drove her fist through his chest.

  Miriam Heinz’ farmhouse

  On the outskirts of Thunder Bay, The Northlands

  The first sign of activity shook Damon to attention. The straw-chewing Viper hopped down from the fence, crouched low and beg
an to run toward the farmhouse, pulling a laser pistol from her overalls as she ran.

  As Damon opened the car and took aim at the command truck, he heard the sizzle of a laser. Looking up, he saw the Viper repairman on the holotower firing another blast at the farmhouse. Damon raised his rifle and shot a beam at the repairman. As soon as it hit home, he wheeled around and fired several times at the command truck, slicing gashes through the truck body with each beam.

  The sound of gunshots mixed with more laser shots. All seemed aimed at the farmhouse. Damon left the cover of the sedan and raced for bushes adjoining the property, staying as low as possible. But a bullet hit him in the leg, knocking him to the ground. His laser rifle skittered away. As he crawled toward his rifle, more bullets hit the dirt road around him. Damon cursed and rolled into the bushes to hide.

  Amid the firefight, Damon heard the snarls of jakalis. Lots of jakalis. They were coming from the other side of the bushes and growing louder. All of a sudden, a jakali burst through the bush and jumped over Damon. Two others followed, seemingly blind to his presence. Damon looked up and followed them with his eyes. The jakalis ran headlong toward the overall-clad Viper. She dropped the first one with a laser, but the other two tackled the android before it could fire again.

  Behind him, Damon heard a loud snarl. He rolled to defend himself but never got a clean look at his assailant before a heavy blow knocked him out.

  Disoriented and bleeding from several wounds, Takoda remained curled against the side of the farmhouse back stairs until the firefight was over. Next to him, the open doors of a storm cellar were coated with blood. Lying across the entrance was a dead jakali. More littered the yard.

  Above him, he heard the crackle of a fire. The sooty odor of smoke filled the air. Move…get away from the house before you go up with it. On hands and knees, he began to crawl away. With each movement, the pain from his wounds felt like stabbing icepicks.

  When he was a safe distance from the house, Takoda collapsed and looked back. Smoke poured through the shattered frame of the screen door. He could see Toni Gilbert’s splayed feet just inside the house. There was no point in attempting a rescue. Takoda had been talking to her when the first laser beam pierced her head.


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