Wicked Flames of Desire

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Wicked Flames of Desire Page 5

by Lily Thomas

  Roxanne bit her tongue until she tasted blood. She was going to get herself killed if she kept talking. He might have no intention right now, but give her a few minutes of running her mouth, and he would be chomping at the bit to rip her head off with his bare hands.

  “Get outside.”

  “Thought I wasn’t supposed to leave the tent.”

  Daerrin let out an animalistic growl as he prowled towards her.

  Roxanne’s feet jumped to obey his command. She could pretend to be a quiet captive if she kept reminding herself to keep her mouth closed, which was proving harder than she’d initially thought.

  Twisting her hands, Roxanne waited outside the tent. She managed to refrain from glaring down every fire giant that eyed her. They were making her weary with the way they leered at her openly.

  If they would just ignore her, she would be better able to handle this whole situation. She hoped Daerrin would be quick with taking the tent down. She didn’t want to be standing outside by herself for too long.

  He had said he wanted her alive so he could torture her father. So clearly, he wasn’t about to harm her anytime soon, but that didn’t mean none of these other fire giants didn’t pose a threat to her.

  As time drew on, the fire giants started to ignore her presence altogether, as they got ready to leave as well.

  Daerrin seemed to take his sweet time. She had never taken a tent down before, but she knew she would be faster than him. Anyone would be faster than him.

  Finally, Daerrin finished folding the tent up and ready to strap to the back of his saddle.

  “Took you long enough.” She complained and then snapped her mouth shut.

  His crimson eyes turned to glare over at her. “You humans are stupider than I ever thought possible. You’re practically begging me to slit your throat.”

  Roxanne gulped. Damn her tongue! What was wrong with her that she couldn’t just keep silent? She’d have to blame her father for being the only man in the world to encourage his daughter to speak her mind. She’d make a horrible wife to some unfortunate nobleman.

  Roxanne trailed after Daerrin as he strode over to his horse but left a little room in case he was serious about slitting her throat. She wanted to make a getaway, but she wasn’t stupid like he’d claimed. She knew she wouldn’t make it far. If she tried to escape, she would need a horse to have any hope of succeeding.

  She’d keep her eyes peeled for a horse stealing opportunity.

  Daerrin mounted up but didn’t offer her his hand. Instead, he gathered up the reins of the stallion and rode around her in a fiercely tight circle. His horse pranced around her with high-footed steps.

  Roxanne froze. She was terrified the horse would trample all over her delicate feet if she moved an inch. Her fists clenched against her sides, as her eyes slid shut. She didn’t want to see her death coming. Those dinner plate sized hooves would kill her with a single blow.

  When she heard the circle of hooves get smaller, she couldn’t resist opening her eyes. She was starting to seriously fear for her life.

  She gazed up at him decked out in his armor. The only piece missing was his helmet, but she could imagine him with it on. He would look like some sort of war god with burning crimson eyes, and he would be a war god who never lost.

  Her father would have quite the challenge ahead of him getting her back, but she was sure he would succeed. Her father would do anything for her. She was his last remembrance of her long-dead mother.

  When he was satisfied with her petrified stare, Daerrin finally stopped his warhorse and offered her an armored hand.

  Roxanne shoved all her fear back down into a box and snapped that lid closed. She was a lady. She had been trained to put up with stressful situations. She’d even been trained to endure the possibility of an older husband. She knew she could pull through this.

  She still felt it was unbelievable that a fire giant had captured her. It was all some sort of horrible nightmare that she would soon wake from, but for now, she would have to wait.

  She placed her hand in his, and the cold metal sent shivers running over her skin. He pulled her up to sit before him on the saddle. Once she was situated in front of him, one of his arms snaked around her waist to pull her up close to his armored chest.

  Roxanne frowned. She wouldn’t argue with the placement of his arm, but only because she knew they would be taking off soon. She was in a precarious seat as it was, and she knew she would need his arm for support.

  After a quick discussion with his warriors in their language, they headed off with a sudden burst of speed. Roxanne felt crushed, as she was forced back against his metal plated chest.

  As they passed another fire giant warrior, Daerrin tossed him her human clothing.

  Craning her neck past Daerrin’s arm, she watched as the fire giant rode back towards the border.

  Her eyes widened in shock.

  He had a plan for her clothing, and now she knew what he was up to.

  “He won’t think I’m dead, just because you bring him my clothing,” Roxanne announced over the pounding of the horses’ hooves.

  Daerrin laughed evilly in her ear, as he leaned closer. “My intention is not for him to think you are dead. My intention is for him to think about his precious daughter naked in front of so many randy fire giant warriors.”

  Her cheeks heated, as she thought back to when she had been naked in front of him. “But you gave me something else to wear,” Roxanne stated.

  “Your father doesn’t know that. He will probably have a heart attack when he finds his dear daughter’s clothing at the border. Though I hope the heart attack doesn’t kill him. I want this to go on for a lot longer than a mere day.” His voice dripped with venom. He really had it out for her family.

  She bit her lip, as worry coursed through her. Her poor father would lose his mind if he thought giants were forcing her to tend to them in bed. Her stomach rolled, as her heart went out to her father.

  Unable to hold her tongue she spat back at him. “My father will see you dead for what you’re doing. Taking me was not a brilliant moment on your part. You will soon rue the day you laid eyes on me.” Then she decided to tack on, “Your head will join all the others at the king’s castle.”

  He only laughed again. “Your father can try, but it might be his head that adorns a castle gate, not mine. Don’t be too sure of your father’s skill.”

  Her mouth opened, but then snapped it closed. He was right. She had arrived after the battle had been fought at the castle. She had no idea what Daerrin’s skill could be since she hadn’t seen him in action. Or her father could always make a misstep during a battle with Daerrin.

  Roxanne shook her head. He was trying to get into her mind, and she was letting him succeed. She couldn’t doubt her father’s ability. He was an accomplished swordsman. His need to save her would ensure he could do anything.

  Switching the topic, Roxanne asked him some more questions. Knowledge could be used just as sharply as a sword if aimed correctly.

  “Where are we headed?”

  “Keep rattling on, and I will gag you again. I’m trying to enjoy the scenery around us. Maybe you should shut your mouth and take a look around with your eyes for once. Maybe then you might see this war a little clearer.”

  When he felt her take another intake of breath to start talking, he warned her once more, “I will gag you human.”

  A scowl formed on her face, but she quieted down. She had no intention of being gagged again. Not only did she like the freedom to speak, but she also had just worked the soreness from her jaw. She didn’t need to ruin that by shooting off her mouth.

  Roxanne kept returning to what her father had told her several times before. She would be safer in court. Now she knew he’d been telling her the truth, but she hadn’t thought anything could happen to her. She’d been so confident they could repel an attack easily.

  All she had wanted was to be near her father. Was that too much to ask for?

/>   With no other family, she wanted to remain close to her father. It hadn’t even crossed her mind that a fire giant would have a personal vendetta against her father.

  The border war was so massive, and there were so many generals who were killing giants. For all she knew, this giant had the wrong man. Maybe her father hadn’t been the one who ordered Daerrin’s village destroyed.

  She knew her father. He would never kill civilians, even if they were just fire giants. He was a kind-hearted man who was just fulfilling his duty to his king and country.

  Now she was being used to bring the destruction of her father. It broke her heart into two. In some ways, she hoped her father wouldn’t take any bait from Daerrin, but she feared she was too precious to her father to simply lose.

  If she hadn’t been at the castle, her father would never have opened the gates to defend her. He’d been willing to let the border castle fall to save her. If he’d kept it firmly closed, then he might have destroyed these giants. But there was no guarantee.

  It was her fault her father was in this situation, and so many had died. She really shouldn’t have joined her father at the border, but this realization was coming too late.

  Then again Daerrin may have been able to take the castle, gates open or not. He had a fire burning in those crimson eyes. He was seeking blood and nothing less would do for him.

  For now, she was just glad they were both alive.

  Roxanne was so wrapped up in her thoughts she was never able to appreciate the scenery screaming past them. There was so much beauty around her, where the woeful fingers of war had yet to choke.

  The trees were in full bloom with their pink and orange blossoms. The rest of the lush forest was alive with all sorts of critters running about.

  Chapter 5

  After hours of riding, Daerrin finally called for a stop to Roxanne’s immense relief. All the traveling was wearing on her senses. She just wanted this whole day to come to an end so she could finally rest.

  Daerrin dismounted from behind her. Glancing over at him she was surprised to see him offering his hand up to her.

  “Pretending to be a gentleman?” No giant would be so considerate. Roxanne lifted her nose up at the offer, and the movement threw her ginger locks back behind her head as her jade eyes flashed angrily. “As if I couldn’t get off a horse with a man’s help. I might be a human, but I don’t need help with dismounting thank you very much.”

  Daerrin shrugged his shoulders unconcerned about the rejection. “I thought you might want to stretch your legs, but since you don’t, I suppose we will just head off again.”

  “More riding?” She grimaced.

  Daerrin nodded.

  The blood drained from her face. If she didn’t stretch her legs, she would go insane. Her butt was numb from the constant rhythm of the horse.

  Not to mention how her back ached. She’d been keeping distance between them, while they rode, and now her back was developing some severely painful knots in it.

  “That won’t be necessary. I’ll accept your offer of a break.” Roxanne stuck her hand out waiting for him to take it.

  “Thought you didn’t require any assistance on dismounting.”

  “On second look, the ground is a lot further than a normal steed.” She leaned over and took a glance at the ground. “These giant horses are a little bigger than a normal warhorse.”

  Daerrin ignored her offered hand, and instead just reached over wrapping his large hands around her waist.

  A shocked breath of air escaped her lungs, as he pulled her off the horse and set her down on the ground. Once Roxanne was on her feet, she tried to pull away from his hot grasp which she could feel through the supple animal skin dress.

  Instantly, she wobbled when his hands left her waist, and her numb limbs tried to keep her upright. His hands shot back to her waist to steady her.

  Roxanne accepted his help, but only because she didn’t feel like falling flat on her face in front of so many fire giants. Otherwise, she would’ve pushed his revolting hand from her side. Riding the horse for so long had been uncomfortable and tiring.

  When she felt gratification rising within her, she shoved it back down. Though his help was needed, Roxanne wasn’t about to thank him.

  Once she felt steady enough, she pulled away from his grasp once and for all. She didn’t need them to be touching for longer than necessary. He was nothing but a dirty fire giant, and she was the daughter of a prestigious general in the Arcaern army.

  Sticking her nose back in the air she eyed him. “I don’t require your assistance.”

  He shrugged unconcerned, his arms falling back down to his sides. “Whatever you want to think.”

  Her eyebrows came down sharply. As she was about to say something more, Daerrin turned on his heel and left her before she could utter another word.

  She huffed.

  Roxanne’s eyes zeroed in on his disappearing back, appalled by his manners. He was completely rude and seemed to be a little too hands-on for her taste. She was starting to wish there was more distance between them. She didn’t need him getting any ideas because he would find she wasn’t an easy mark.

  He may not kill her, but that didn’t mean he would keep his hands to himself. She’d rather have him threatening her life than touching her so much and intimately.

  Hooves pounding against the ground drew her attention. She turned to spot the fire giant warrior who’d taken her clothes to the border arriving at camp. Roxanne could see that his mission had been a success. He didn’t have her clothing anymore, which meant her father would soon have a severe heart attack.

  Daerrin was correct. The best way to torture her father would be to let him think she was naked and surrounded by fire giants. Her reputation would be tarnished and finding a suitable husband would be near impossible.

  If she were, to be honest, this captivity would ensure she was never able to find an ideal husband… ever. Assuming she escaped this, no one would believe the fire giants hadn’t soiled her. Just being touched by a giant would make most people steer clear of her.

  No nobleman would want what a giant had already touched.

  This giant wasn’t only hurting her father, but he was wrecking her life. It was unfair of him to do this to her. She had no part in this war other than being her father’s daughter.

  Daerrin should leave her out of his revenge scheme. If he thought she’d be meek and useless, he had another think coming. She’d left a trail of broken hearts at the king’s court with her impulsive heart.

  Looking up at the clear blue-sky Roxanne hoped her father was all right. Hopefully, he would be on his way to save her in no time, and this whole nightmare would be over. But she had to prepare for the worst: that her father wasn’t able to get to her, which meant she’d have to get back to him.

  Her father didn’t deserve this. He had done his best to raise a daughter after her mother had died. Her father had given her the best governesses money could find.

  If she found an escape, then she would take it. She wasn’t the type to just sit around twiddling her thumbs like most ladies. She hadn’t even saved herself for marriage. How could she know what she wanted in a man unless she tried them out? It was only sensible.

  Distracting herself from all of her tremulous thoughts Roxanne pivoted on her heel to look at Daerrin’s warhorse. She rubbed a hand down its long nose, as she appreciated its structure.

  She had never been too into horses, but she’d known plenty of men who kept quality steeds. Barns had created quite the secluded spot for a couple of young lovers, and she’d learned a bit about horses that way.

  Although this was a giant horse, she could still see there had been some concentrated breeding. Roxanne ran her hands over his thick legs, admiring the definition and silkiness of his coat. It shined in the sun like there was a glossy coat of clear paint on him.

  She could gaze into its dark intelligent eyes forever. Something was calming about those dark depths. Perhaps when
she escaped she would give horses more of a chance.

  The horse snorted in her face, and Roxanne found it hard not to crack a small smile. The grin faded, as the horse turned his attention to the grass below his hooves. Clearly, she wasn’t very interesting to him.

  She was determined to make a friend, so she wasn’t alone for her entire captivity. She had no idea how long it might take for her to escape or for her father to rescue her. Making friends with the horse would give her someone to talk with and give her a possible ally for an escape attempt.

  Taking both of her hands, Roxanne rubbed the warhorse all over his long graceful neck. She would need someone to connect with, and no fire giant would befriend her, and she wasn’t about to befriend a fire giant.

  The horse lifted his head to watch her, as she continued to rub him down with her hands.

  She grinned. She finally had his attention where she wanted it. Roxanne wanted him to understand she was a person who would shower him with love. If she were going to escape, she would need a horse.

  What horse would be better than Daerrin’s? It would be the best way to say a loud and clear, “Fuck you”, by taking his warhorse from right under his nose. Glee bubbled up in her chest. She could just imagine his face when he found both of them missing.

  Leaning in she gave a peck of a kiss to the horse’s soft nose.

  “He likes treats more than kisses, but I tend to enjoy kisses if you’re offering them around.”

  Daerrin’s voice caused her to jump sky high. Folding her arms across her chest, she swiveled around and gave him her most disgusted look.

  “I’m not offering them around to just any beast.”

  A slow smile spread across his face, to her surprise. Shouldn’t he be frowning at her insult?

  “Too bad.” Daerrin stepped closer, as he placed a hand on the neck of his horse.

  Roxanne backed up a couple of steps. Again she had the firm belief that the more space between them was the best option.

  “He is a fine horse. Do you enjoy horseback riding?” Daerrin’s crimson eyes watched her every move.


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