Wicked Flames of Desire

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Wicked Flames of Desire Page 8

by Lily Thomas

  It was hard to find such strapping men among the noblemen at the king’s castle, since they did nothing but dictate orders to their men while they ate and drank plenty, but there were plenty of appealing soldiers. Yet none of them could compare to the body right in front of her. His arms were corded with muscle, and Roxanne had to wonder what the rest of his body might look like under all those clothes.

  Roxanne stopped herself. She was finding a fire giant appealing, and she wasn’t ashamed of it. There was no harm in admiring what was in front of her, just as long as she kept her skirts down and her knees firmly closed. The less the rumor mills had on her, the better.

  Without taking his eyes from the dancing flames, he spoke to her in his rich baritone voice. “Your father should’ve known better than to take you to the borders. He is a general. He should have known how dangerous it would have been for you. I almost pity the situation he put you in.”

  “This again?” She rolled her eyes. “Haven’t we already discussed this? It wasn’t his fault. I wanted to be there, and how was he supposed to know you would attack the castle and take me hostage?”

  “He should have known he would have enemies looking for blood, after everything he’s done here on the border.” Daerrin’s voice was as sharp as a blade.

  “You’re one to speak about enemies! You let your men kill innocent people in that castle.” A shudder spread through her as she thought about what she’d witnessed. It still haunted her.

  “The soldiers there were anything but innocent.” Daerrin shook his head. “And I am not the one who brought my daughter to the front lines. Everything out here is now fair game.”

  “Women and children are not soldiers!” Roxanne couldn’t believe him.

  “The women, children, and your father were all spared death. Only the soldiers were killed.”

  Roxanne’s mouth popped open, as she turned to face him. She wasn’t sure what to say to that. At least, she could stop fretting about everyone being killed. She’d seen them start with the men, but she hadn’t been sure if the women and children had been spared.

  “You still had their men killed in front of their very eyes. Did you ever think about how that might make affect them? To witness their sons, fathers, and brothers being killed right in front of them and unable to do anything to stop it?”

  He shrugged his broad shoulders. “I was not the one who brought females to the border. War is gruesome and sometimes cruel.”

  “You left my father alive.” It wasn’t a question. “Why not just kill him and be over with it?”

  “Of course, I let him live. I want him to feel the same pain I felt when my family was taken from me, but his pain will be even more stinging. His daughter is alive and being held captive by fire giants. I can think of no nightmare worse to a human father.”

  “My father is innocent of the crimes you blame him of. He would only kill soldiers, no one else. You must have him mistaken with some other general.” There were plenty of commanders at this border. Her father was only one of many.

  “I know who the man was, and it was your father.” Daerrin’s eyes roamed up and down her like he was reassessing her intelligence. “Your father is fighting a war that isn’t about land or wealth. He is fighting to exterminate the giants. To do that he needs to kill more than just soldiers.”

  She gaped at him. “I don’t believe you. You just want to taint my feelings for my father. I know for a fact he would never kill women and children. He just wouldn’t be capable of doing it.”

  Roxanne turned back to the flames. They danced in front of her just like the emotions raging through her, thick and turbulent. How dare he accuse her father of being some mindless killing machine, when Daerrin was no better.

  “You have a lot to learn, Roxanne. I’m sure he hid his true self from you.” Daerrin shook his head slowly like he pitied her innocence.

  She let out a small growl of her own. “Stop saying my name. You don’t know my father or me, and I will not have you addressing me so.”

  Daerrin just stared at her with those crimson eyes of his, and then took a glance back at the fire.

  Had there been some hurt in those depths?

  Roxanne snorted, earning her a raised eyebrow, which she ignored. She highly doubted he cared about her or being given permission to use her name. Just like she could care less about him and his family.

  He was probably just making up some lies to confuse her about her father. She would have thought his mother would have taught him that spreading horrendous lies could be hurtful. But she wasn’t about to let him affect her faith in her father.

  As time passed and the silence grew longer, Roxanne found herself becoming bored and drained.

  “I would like to go back to the tent now if it is fine by you.” She watched as he shrugged, but didn’t even glance her way.

  “You can go back to the tent whenever you like.”

  Roxanne paled. She was confident, but she wasn’t about to walk back to the tent in the dark while a camp full of fire giant warriors surrounded her. Someone could snatch her, and no one would see.

  “I have no idea how to get back to the tent, and how do I know one of your men won’t jump me on my way there?”

  Daerrin shrugged again.

  “I’m sick of you shrugging your shoulders instead of answering me.” She clenched a fist. She wasn’t a violent woman by nature, but she really wanted to slap him silly.

  He shrugged his shoulders.


  With no response, Roxanne sat there staring at the flames with him.

  As time passed, she watched as more fire giants got up and left to go back to their tents. She was ready to go back to the tent and get some rest, but Daerrin was apparently going to make her wait.

  Chapter 7

  Daerrin watched her out of the corner of his eyes. She probably thought he was just trying to be cruel by making her wait. He wasn’t though. He was worried about being alone with her in that small tent.

  “Did I hear her call you a bastard?” Ler and Byeg came over to sit by him.

  “You did.”

  “And you just took it?” Ler asked.

  “I did.”

  “Amazing,” Byeg said.

  “Why amazing?”

  “I’ve known you to get into brawls over less.” Byeg shook his head. “I figured you’d take less from your enemy’s daughter.”

  Ler reasoned. “But usually he is in a tavern drinking himself silly when he gets in brawls.”

  “True.” Byeg nodded his head.

  “Did you both come over here to annoy me?”

  “No. I was wondering why you were still by the fire. Most of the men have already gone to their tents.” Ler observed him.

  “You know me too well.” Daerrin sighed. “I don’t know if I can trust myself to keep my hands off of her if she were laying down next to me.”

  “She is something with that wild red hair of hers.”

  Daerrin snorted. “I’m not saying she's beautiful. It’s just been weeks since I was back at the castle and in the company of a female. Her body is tempting.” And the flash of spirit in her eyes made him think she’d be a fantastic bed partner.

  “Uh huh,” Byeg said unconvinced.

  “Don’t you have something to be doing, like tending to the food stores?”

  “All the men are in bed. My job is over until they wake up.”

  “She might be the enemy’s daughter, but it doesn’t mean she is ugly.” Ler tried again.

  No, she wasn’t ugly. Daerrin just wasn’t ready to say that she was gorgeous out loud.

  Earlier, unknown to her, she’d made him as hard as a rock. Now he feared it would happen again, but this time there would be far too few clothes between them. He didn’t need her setting his blood aflame.

  “She’s an extension of my enemy, and I don’t want to be lusting after her.”

  “You could give her a separate tent.”

  “But then I wouldn
’t be able to oversee her safety personally. I trust my men, but even the best warrior can let hatred or lust overcome his actions.” Daerrin didn’t want a dead human female on his hands when his queen was a human female.

  Stryme would have his head on a spike if he displeased Elizabeth. Stryme might already take his head for capturing a human female. It would put his king in a sticky situation with his queen.

  There were too many warriors who had lost a loved one in this war. He couldn’t take the risk with her life by giving her another tent.

  Daerrin heaved a sigh. “I will just have to make it through the night and face the days as they come. Somehow, I will have to manage to keep my hands all to myself.”

  “You can do it. I know how deep your hatred runs.”

  “It amazes me you don’t hate them more.” He looked over at Ler.

  “They may have killed my family as well, but I have dealt with my anger differently than you. Not to say that your way is wrong.” Ler held up a hand. “It’s just different.”

  “It is time for me to retire.” Rising from his position he turned towards Roxanne. It was time for him to face his fear and take her back to his tent. “It’s time to head back.”

  He watched as she yawned and rose from the ground in one elegant sweep of her body. Placing a hand on her lower back, he guided her through the maze of tents. His steps were slow since he feared the night to come.

  When they arrived at the tent, Daerrin held open the fur flap for Roxanne, and then followed her inside.

  Roxanne glanced around the room, and then back at him. “Are you going to have your own tent? There won’t be enough room in this one for the both of us.”

  Daerrin couldn’t help but crack a smile. It was the same thought he’d been having earlier. “I will be sleeping in here with you.”

  “So there are no other tents for you to sleep in?” Her face looked a tad pale, as though the idea of him being so close didn’t sit well with her.

  “There are, but I am choosing to sleep in this one. Besides, you will be safer near me. You wouldn’t want one of my men to sneak in and slit your throat during the night, would you?”

  One of her delicate hands came up to encompass her slender neck. “If we both sleep in here. Our bodies will be pressed together.”

  “Would you like to risk that one of my men would slip into the tent and slit your throat? Or would you rather have me sleep next to you?”

  She huffed, as she crossed her arms, but she didn’t argue with him.

  “I’m not the only one who’s lost loved ones because of your father in this camp, and even the ones who have no connection to your father’s brutality might still want to do you harm.”

  “I thought you promised me I would be safe.” She arched an eyebrow.

  “That is why you will be staying with me. It will be much safer for you to sleep beside me.”

  Roxanne understood his reasoning, but she wasn’t exactly keen on the idea of sleeping beside him for an extended period of time.

  “Will you at least have your own fur to sleep under?” Roxanne cast a glance down at the only fur covering within the tent. She needed there to be separate coverings.

  Daerrin shook his head at her in the dark. “Only one sleeping fur per warrior. There are no luxuries in war.”

  Roxanne pursed her lips but said nothing else. If she was safer and there was only one fur, then so be it. She was a strong-willed woman. She would survive this. She wouldn’t give Daerrin the satisfaction of seeing her beg for there to be another sleeping arrangement.

  “Fine then. Let us go to sleep.” Because she really needed some rest after the turn her life had taken.

  She watched as he walked around in the tent. It was hard to see in the dark, but she was able to pick up on some things. She had enough light to see him when he started stripping off his clothing.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” She was unable to contain the squeaky tone of her voice. She didn’t want him getting too comfortable when they were sleeping so close.

  “Do not fret, Roxanne. I will only be taking off my shirt. My pants will stay on, not that you need to worry about me jumping you in the night.”

  Before she could say another word, he slipped underneath the fur covers. Roxanne hesitated, as she watched him getting comfortable on his side.

  “Come and join me.” Daerrin patted the covers beside him.

  Yet she still didn’t budge from where she stood in the tent.

  “I won’t bite. At least… not much.” Daerrin teased her from where he lay.

  She was glad at least one of them found this situation funny, not. “I’m not worried about you… biting.”

  Daerrin heaved a sigh. “I will not touch you in any inappropriate manner.” He held both his hands up in promise. “You are safe with me, for the time being. I need you for my revenge, after all.”

  “And what happens when your revenge is satisfied? Will you just do away with me?” Silence greeted her questions, and she felt uncomfortable without an answer from him.

  “My only desire is to torture your father. You have my word that I won’t harm you. You will just be my captive for the time being.” He relented.

  “You are harming me.”

  “How so?”

  “By forcing me to stay here with you,” Roxanne whispered into the darkness.

  “I’m not harming you, only making you unhappy. I can always show you the difference if you need a demonstration.”

  “Not harming me? If only you knew the damage, you’re doing! Even if you let me go, my reputation as a lady will be ruined. I will have a hard time convincing my people I wasn’t taken by any giants.” Roxanne shot back.

  “That isn’t doing you any harm. And I’m sure you can convince many a male to take you as a wife if you put your mind to it.”

  She huffed at him.

  “Come, join me under the covers. We will be rising early tomorrow, and I don’t want you falling off the horse due to exhaustion.” Daerrin patted the area next to him.

  She stood there for a minute more, before she gave in. She was exhausted, and she would require sleep if she wanted to put up with Daerrin.

  Roxanne slowly bent down and lifted the corner of the covers. Thankfully, she wasn’t able to see his bare chest in the darkness. It would’ve caused her courage to falter, she was sure.

  She tried to keep distance between their bodies, but the small fur they shared didn’t allow for much room. Rolling out from under the cover the cold air instantly puckered her skin. She wanted to be warm, but she didn’t want to be right next to him either.

  “Roxanne, just put the covers over yourself. I have absolutely no interest in taking you.” Daerrin said with just a touch of exasperation.

  “Because I am unattractive?”

  “One of the many reasons.”

  Roxanne whipped around to face him. “Excuse me?”

  “And your lofty attitude.”

  “My attitude? What about your attitude?” Her anger replaced any fears she had of sleeping next to him.

  “I’m not some stuck up young female who is used to getting her way. I’ve gone through life earning what I have. It’s never been easy, and it was never given to me.” Daerrin growled into the dark.

  “Don’t blame me for your upbringing.”

  “Best you watch that tongue of yours.”

  “Or what? You’ll cut it out? I thought you wouldn’t harm me?” Maybe her hot temper was getting the best of her, but he was irritating and ruffled her feathers like no other.

  “I won’t cut it out, but there are others who wouldn’t hesitate if you say the wrong things to them.” He chuckled. “Besides, I think I could come up with a better use for your tongue.”

  Roxanne gasped as she caught his meaning. “That will never happen.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Roxanne wanted to say more, but he turned onto his side and left her to stare at his broad back in the dark. Rolling onto her s
ide, she wished he would just fall over dead.

  Within seconds, she heard him snoring, and it bothered her that he’d fallen asleep so quickly. Here she was worrying about her father and staying up, while he snored soundly beside her.

  Roxanne couldn’t remember when she’d fallen asleep, but she was glad she’d been able to. Rolling over she found Daerrin’s spot under the covers empty.

  Putting a hand on his side of the makeshift bed she found that it was still warm from the body heat he’d left behind.

  Moaning a bit, Roxanne snuggled up into that warmth. It just felt so great, and she could feel her body soaking it in. His scent drifted up to her nose, delighting her with its spiciness and leather.

  “Miss me already?” His voice rang out of nowhere.

  Jumping sky high Roxanne let out a gasp and whipped around to find him standing behind her.

  Daerrin threw her a grin from his great height, and she glimpsed a teasing twinkle in his blood red eyes.

  She huffed up at him, but she was glad he was still in the tent with her. She wasn’t ready to be abandoned in a camp full of fire giants. Daerrin was still the only fire giant she could slightly trust with her safety.

  With one last stretch, Roxanne threw off the fur covers, as she stood up in the small tent.

  Daerrin tossed her a small bag. Curious she opened it up by its leather straps and found that it contained some dry salted meat.

  She took out a small piece but had to harshly tear it with her teeth. She shook her head from side to side as she tried to tear a manageable bite off. Eventually, she yanked a piece off, and she chewed on it.

  It was thick and chewy, but it made her empty stomach jump for joy. Not as good as the roasted birds from the previous night, but at least it was something.

  Within a few minutes of chewing, her jaw was too tired to eat anymore dried meat, and she handed the fur bag back to Daerrin.

  “Thank you.”

  “Come. It’s time for us to get going.” Daerrin strode past her and swooped the fur covering off the floor and into his arms. Then ushered her out of the tent.

  Looking around the camp, Roxanne found herself a bit puzzled. “Is it morning? The sun looks too high in the sky.” She placed a hand above her eyes and looked up to where the sun was sitting above them.


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