Russian Prey

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Russian Prey Page 5

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Start talking, Keegan,”Vince said.

  Keeganlooked back at Carlos’ body. “Shouldn’t youc-c-cleanthat up?”

  “Marco and Antonio willget it.”

  Vince hailed a cab, shovingKeegan inside. He instructed the driver to take themto the Copacabana. Keeganwas lookingout the window the whole time, holdinghis hand. Vince looked closer; the fingers were bent at anodd angle. Once theypulled up, Vince hauled Keeganinto the elevator. The ride was silent allthe wayto the suite; Vince took Keeganto his roomand stood as the man opened his suite door withshakinghands. Vince closed the door behind them, leaning against it.


  Keeganwalked into the bedroom, lookingover his shoulder. “What is it youwant me t-t-to say?”

  Vince pushed offthe door and followed Keeganto the back bedroom. “I want youto tellme whyCarlos Nardozzi wanted youdead. Youdon’t strike me as an operative gone rogue.”

  Keeganturned, guninhand. “What do I strike youas?”

  Vince couldn’t help but snicker. “Really? A gun? Are youserious?”Vince removed his shirt lookingdownat his torso. “Youbetter have one hellofa good aim, because ifI get back up I’mgoingto killyou.” Vince motioned to the manygunshot scars on his body. “Now, who the fuck are you?” Vince started walkingtoward Keegan.

  “Stop r-r-right there, I s-s-swear I’ll s-s-shoot you.” Keeganraised his gun. He knew he should be scared, God knows any personintheir right mind would be. But he felt secure inthe knowledge that Vince had changed somewhat. God, he hoped he was right.

  Vince smirked. “Ifyouwanted me dead, you’d have shot me bynow.”Vince stood infront ofKeegan, the barrelofthe gun flushwiththe middle ofhis chest. “Pullthe trigger, Keegan.”Keegan’s hand shook and Vince took the gunfromhimslowly. “I didn’t think so. Now, who are you?”

  Keegansighed, droppinghis head.

  “SpecialAgent KeeganRipleyofthe FBI.”

  Vince raised a brow. “The FBI? What do youwant withme?”

  “Just your help, nothingmore.” Keeganraised his head. “Myboss wants us to have openlines ofcommunication. We keep showingup at the same jobs.”

  Vince cocked his head to the side. “Youknow TroyBishop, don’t you?”

  Keegannodded. “So now that you know who I am, what are yougoingto do?” “Use you.”

  Keegan’s head snapped up. “Excuse m-me?”

  “It seems to me Carlos knew you personally; he also mentioned that his brother wants you. Well, that’s who I’mafter. So it would make sense to use youas bait, to reel Nardozziin.”

  Keegan’s mouthdropped. “Ohf-ffuck you! I amn-n-not goingt-to be b-b-bait for anyone, and I willn-never be anywhere nn-near Dario Nardozziever again!”Keegan stalked past Vince.

  Vince grabbed Keegan’s arm, hauling himback. “The hellyouwon’t! Youwant somethingfromme and I want somethingfrom you. So we’llwork together.”

  “No,”Keeganshook his head. “I won’t help youbringNardozzidown; you’re onyour ownfor that one.”

  “Youknow who he is, what he’s done! Don’t youwant himto be stopped? Or are youthat bigofa coward?”

  “F-f-fuck you!”Keegansnarled. Vince chuckled, pullingKeegancloser to him. “Maybe later, but stayontopic. Nardozziwants youand I want Nardozzi, so youeither work withme…”Vince shrugged his shoulders.

  “Or what?”Keeganlooked into Vince’s eyes, defiantly.

  “I’llforce youto.”Vince leaned in

  evencloser. “I always get myway, Special

  Agent Ripley.”

  “Not withme youwon’t.”Keegan

  pursed his lips.

  Vince looked down; SpecialAgent

  KeeganRipleywas sportingone hellofa

  hard-on. “AmI excitingyou?”

  “G-g-go t-t-to hell! God, youare such

  a pretentious, narcissistic, ass—”

  Vince put his hand over Keegan’s

  mouth. “Now, now, name callingis not nice,”

  Vince laughed, as Keegan’s muffled expletives

  tried to breachhis hand. “Youreallydon’t

  have a choice, Keegan. You’re obviouslyon

  your ownor youwould have had back-up in

  the alley. Seems youare stuck withme.”

  Vince lessened the grip ofhis hand. “Are you

  goingto behave?”

  Keegannarrowed his eyes, nodding. Vince released his grip. The right hook

  fromKeegancaught himbysurprise. Vince’s head snapped back fromthe hit. He grabbed

  Keegan’s wrist, tightly.

  “That wasn’t nice,”Vince snarled. “I didn’t sayanything,”Keegan

  sucked ina breath; he’d forgottenmost ofthe

  fingers onhis right hand were broken. He bit

  back a cryas Vince straightened his fingers


  “Stop, please,”Keeganwhispered. “Theyhave to be straightened out.”

  Vince pulled Keeganover to the desk and sat

  himdown. He looked at eachfinger, carefully.

  “At least three ofthemneed to be set.”Vince

  looked closer at Keegan’s fingers. “What the

  hellis this?”

  Keeganpulled his hand back with

  great effort. “D-d-don’t t-t-touchme!” Vince leaned against the desk,

  crossinghis arms. “I canknock youout.” “Pfft…good luck withtha—” Vince caught Keeganbefore he fell

  out ofthe chair. He hadn’t meant to hit himso

  hard… Yeah, he had. Vince chuckled,

  carefullyplacingKeeganonthe bed. He

  grabbed his phone and called Damon. “We have a problem.”

  “So I’ve gathered fromMarco and

  Antonio. Carlos, Vince? Really? Marco is

  cleaningthe mess inthe alley.”

  “Hey! I had no idea that’s who it

  was.”Vince looked downat Keegan’s face.

  A bruise was alreadyformingonhis cheek.

  Ooops. “Anyway, I’ve got anFBI agent with


  Damonstood up. “Youhave a


  “Agent KeeganRipley, FBI. About

  five foot nine, cute little guy—”

  “Dammit, Vincent! The FBI? We do

  not get involved withthe FBI.”

  “Wellhe involved himself; he was here

  for me.”Vince looked downat Keeganonthe

  bed. “AlthoughI have no idea how he made it

  past the training. He’s just so…fragile


  “Do not let looks deceive you. What

  does he want withyou?”

  “What do allmenwant withme?”

  Vince chuckled.

  Damonsighed infrustration. “Vincent


  “Ohchill, his boss wants us to work


  “Theywhat?”Damonsat back inhis

  chair. “Seems we alldo the same job.

  Remember whenI told youabout Troy


  “Yes, I do.”

  “Same thing. Whoever the bigwigis

  for them, he wants to work together.” Damonscrunched his brow inthought.

  “It would make sense, poolour resources and

  men. Some ofthemare due a well-deserved


  Vince sat onthe bed, mouthagape.

  “Are youseriouslythinkingofworkingwith


  “It makes sense, I did not come this

  far inlife byplayingbythe rules. It would be

  good to set up a meetingwithKeegan

  Ripley’s boss.”

  “About that…”

  “Ohno.”Damonsighed, runninghis

  hands over his face. “Please tellme youdid

  not killhim.”

  “No, I didn’t killhim!”Vince moved a

  straystrand ofhair fromKeegan’s forehead.

  “I kinda hit him, but he’s got brokenfingers

/>   fromCarlos.”

  “Marco and Antonio willbringa

  doctor to you. Please do not killthe fragile

  FBI agent,”Damonsaid.

  “Hey! He hit me and pulled a gunon

  me. I just punched himto shut himup.” “He pulled a gunonyou?”Damon

  was tryinghard not to laugh, it didn’t work. Vince smiled at the laughter coming

  throughthe phone. “I know, it was kinda

  funny. He looked so damned serious.” “Take care ofhim; it would not bode

  wellifwe killthe bigwig’s agent. Antonio lost

  the two menwho were inthe alley. He knows

  theyare Nardozzioperatives, this willget

  back to Nardozzi.”

  “Good, now he’llbe hell-bent on

  comingafter me.”

  Damonsat back, lookingat the file on

  Nardozzi. “No he won’t, he and his brother

  were not close.”Damonthought about the

  FBI agent. “But, I think I have anidea. Stay

  bythe phone, Antonio is onhis wayright


  “Yup, later Damon.”Vince hungup

  the phone, puttingit onthe night stand. He ran

  his fingers over Keegan’s cheekbone. The

  skinwas soft; he knew it would be. Vince

  trailed his fingers over Keegan’s poutylips. The manwas beautiful. A short cough interrupted his thoughts. He realized he’d been

  staringat Keeganfor tenminutes.

  “Stop feelingup the FBI agent.”

  Antonio raised a brow.

  Vince flipped Antonio off. “Damon


  “Yes, a doctor is coming.”Antonio

  walked over to the bed; he leaned over,

  inspectingthe FBI Agent. “He is very…small.” “Yeah? Wellhe packs a meanright

  hook.”Vince picked up Keegan’s hand

  carefully. “What do youmake ofthis?” Antonio peered downat Keegan’s

  hands. “His nails were pulled out.”

  Vince nodded. “That’s what I thought.

  What the fuck happened to this guy?” “We willhave the doctor look at his hand. He willbe welltakencare of.”Antonio walked to the door. “Trynot to hurt him


  Antonio smirked, as Vince opened his

  mouthinprotest. “I know, I know, he hit you


  “Oh, just go away,”Vince laughed.

  ~~ Keeganwoke up witha mouththat felt like it was fullofcotton. He sat straight up onthe bed; he’d beendrugged. He tried focusingonsomethinginthe room. His eyes searched, stoppingonVince Markovsittingat the desk. Keegansighed, lyingback onthe bed.

  “I was hopingit was alla nightmare.” Vince cocked aneyebrow. “Which part?

  “Allofit.”Keeganbrought his hand up to his face. “What did youdo?”

  “We brought a doctor in; he set your fingers.”Vince moved to the bed. “So here’s the deal, Ripley. As a show ofgood faith, you work withme to bringinNardozzi. Youwill be myfiancé.”

  “What? Why?”Keeganstammered.

  Vince sat back, eyeingthe younger agent. “Because Nardozziwants me. Badly. If he thinks I have somethingthat’s wortha lot to me, he’llcome at me evenharder. He’s tried, withAndrei. Needless to say, he lost quite a few menthat day. Youdon’t come after someone I love without knowingwhat’s comingyour way.”

  “What about Nikolai?”Keegansat up, tryingto get the glass ofwater, just out of his reach.

  Vince handed Keeganthe glass, watchinghimdownthe whole thinginone long gulp. “I’d be careful; we had to knock youout and sometimes—”

  “OhGod,”Keeganfelt the bile rising and ranto the bathroom.

  “Youget a reaction,”Vince finished. Vince followed Keeganto the bathroom; he grabbed a washcloth, wettingit withcold water.


  Keeganlooked up. “I bet youthink this is hilarious.”

  Vince crossed his arms over his chest.

  “I have to know whyyour boss sent you. You’re not huge. I mean, you’re as scary as a puppywitha chew toy.”

  Keeganthrew the washclothat Vince.

  “God, youare suchanass! No wonder Andreidivorced you!”

  Vince squatted to be at Keegan’s eye level.

  “I’d watchmymouthifI were you.”

  “Or what? Are yougoingto punchme again?”

  “Maybe, ifyoupiss me offenough. Now, we are goingout tonight so get ready.”

  Keeganstood up, eyes wide. “Are youserious? I have brokenfingers and a black eye!”

  Vince stepped closer to Keegan, invadinghis private space. “No one willbe lookingat youanyway.”Vince eyed Keegan’s face. “Do I need to get yousome foundation, Cover Girl?”

  “Ass,”Keeganmumbled. “Younever answered myquestion. Whynot just go after Nikolai?”

  Vince raised a brow. “Have youmet Nikolai?”

  “No, but I’ve seenhis pictures.”

  Vince raised bothbrows.

  “Oh, so inother words, like father like son.”Keegantook the washcloththat was hangingoffofVince’s shoulder and applied it to his eye. “Could youat least give me one night to recuperate?”Keeganlifted his eyes to Vince’s. “Please?”

  Vince sighed. Evenwitha black eye KeeganRipleywas downright fuckable. He actuallykind offelt bad for hittinghimnow. Damn.

  “Okay, fine. One night, but don’t think that doe-eyed look willwork a second time!” Vince huffed and stalked out ofthe bathroom, slammingthe door shut behind him.

  Keeganlooked inthe mirror, scowling at his black eye. “Doe-eyed look?”

  ~~ Vince paced the livingroomofthe suite. This was a bad idea, a verybad idea. Althoughit made sense. Nardozzihad come after himtwice as hard while he was married to Andrei. He had underestimated the head of the Russianmob - Andreiwas no pushover. He wasn’t weak either; mendidn’t cower in Andrei’s presence for no reason. When Nardozzihad come after them, he’d sent twentymen. None ofthemhad gone back. Well, except for one, inpieces. Andreiwas notorious for sendingmessages.

  While Keeganwas knocked out, a planhad beenhatched byDamonand Marco for Keeganto pose as Vince’s fiancé. Vince sat downonthe couch. Whydid Nardozzi want KeeganRipley? He had shownup at the tailend ofthe conversationinthe alley, only catchingthat Nardozziwanted Keegan. But why? Vince stood up again, pacing. What could Keeganhave that Nardozziwanted? The more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

  Keegancame out ofthe bathroom. Vince stopped pacing, his eyes following Keeganas he crossed the roomto the couch, sittingdownonthe far end.

  Keeganfelt eyes onhimand looked up at Vince.

  “What?”Keeganpulled his legs up, wrappinghis arms around his knees.

  “How old are you?”Vince narrowed his eyes.


  “Youlook twenty-four.”

  Keeganscowled. “Youlook sixty-four.”

  “Youreallywant me to hit youagain, don’t you?”Vince sat downnext to Keegan, as close as he could get, smirking.

  “There is a whole couchyouknow.” Keegantried to move further away, to no avail. The armrest was cuttinginto his ribs. “Canyoumove over just a tad, please?”

  Vince gave Keeganhis wicked smile. “AmI botheringyou? You never answered my question.”

  “Whichwas?”Keeganhip-bumped Vince over.

  “Whywere youpicked for this job?”

  Keegansat back, regardingVince withwhat he hoped was his most serious face. “Because I’meverythingyoulook for ina man. I’msmall, but not too small, I have muscles, but I’mnot huge. I’mpretty,” Keeganspat the last word out.

  Vince gave Keegana slow once-over. “Yes, youare mytype for sure. Since you’re myfiancé, we should go practice havingsex.”

  “Does that line work?”Keegan snorted, standingup. “Enjoythe couch.”

  “Wait a minute.”Vince stood up. He hadn’t realized how muchshorter Keeganwas untiljust then. He looked so damnsmall. “So, are yo
ugoingto help me get Nardozzi?”

  Keeganlooked at his hand, he knew what would happenifNardozzigot a hold of himagain. He might not survive it this time. The thought ofNardozzigettinga hold of childrenagainmade his stomachturn. The man hunted childrenlike it was a sport. It was disgusting.

  Sixyears ago, he’d beenona stakeout withSpence whentheywere taken bysurprise. Nardozzihad tortured him relentlesslytryingto find out the whereabouts ofthe childrenofhis enemies. He’d almost died protectingthose kids. As it was, the year before he had takena .44 to the shoulder protectingone ofthem.

  “Just make sure he never gets his hands onme. Okay?”Keegansaid.

  Vince narrowed his eyes. “What happened?”

  “Promise.”Keeganlooked up, meetingVince’s eyes.

  Vince had the suddenurge to palm Keegan’s face. He stuffed his hands inhis pockets. “Youhave myword.”

  “Good enough.”Keeganbrushed past Vince to the bedroom. “Goodnight, Vince.”

  “I’mnot sleepingonthe couch.”Vince raised a brow.

  “Fine, I’llput pillows downthe middle ofthe bed.”

  Vince laughed loud, leaningover trying to catchhis breath. “Pillows, how scary.”

  Keeganfolded his arms across his chest. “Stayonyour side.”

  Vince walked closer to Keeganand looked downat him. “Yousure?”

  Keegan’s pulse raced, thenhis dick filled. Dammit.

  “Yes, I’msure.”

  Vince looked downat Keegan’s erection. “Your dick says it wants to play.”

  “He’s grounded, now goodnight.”

  Vince followed Keeganinto the bedroom; he stripped his shirt off, thenwent about takinghis pants off.

  “W-w-what are youd-d-doing?” Keeganaverted his eyes.

  Vince threw his pants onthe chair. “Goingto bed. Do yousleep withallyour clothes on?”Vince pulled the comforter back and slid into the bed. “Do youneed your Teddy?”

  “God, youare suchanasshole,” Keeganmuttered, unzippinghis pants. He heard a low whistle, and looked at Vince in the bed. “Do youmind?”

  “Not at all, naked male is my favorite.”Vince sat up onhis elbow, watching the show.

  “Ugh!”Keeganpulled his pants off and climbed into the bed. He positioned the extra pillows downthe middle betweenVince and himself. Fluffinghis remainingpillow, he settled incomfortably, tryingto avoid hitting his hand.

  “I think we cancalldownfor a night light,”Vince snickered.

  “Are youalways sucha dick?” Keeganpeered over the pillows.


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