Another low whimper escaped himas Vince pushed further into his mouth, tasting him, the hand inhis hair pullinghimincloser. The ringingofa cellphone had thembreaking fromthe kiss. Keeganpulled away, looking into Vince’s eyes.
“That’s mine,”Keeganpanted.
Vince put Keegandown, repositioning the erectiontentinghis sweats. “Okay.”
Keeganwalked to the bedroom, tryingto stayupright. The kiss had knocked himonhis ass; he was stilltryingto form words inhis head. He picked up his cell, lookingat the caller ID. Rileywas calling.
“Are yougoingto answer that?”Vince leaned against the door frame.
Keeganturned, cellphone inhand. He hit the ‘ignore’ buttonand set the phone back down. Lookingat Vince, he crossed the room and stood infront ofhim. He placed his hand onVince’s bare chest, feelinghis heart poundingunder it.
“It canwait.”Keegan’s fingers trailed the strongmuscles ofVince’s torso, damnbut the manhad one hellofa body. Placingboth hands onVince’s pectoralmuscles, he felt a smallshiver runthroughVince. “Whyare you nervous?”
“I’mnot.”Vince gazed over the beautifulface infront ofhim.
“No, I suppose youwouldn’t be, would you?”Keeganleaned in, brushinghis lips across Vince’s nipple. A low groanwas emitted fromabove.
“What are youdoing?”Vince wasn’t sure what to do at this point. As muchas he wanted Keegan, he wasn’t goingto pushthe manafter he’d just told himhe’d leave him alone.
“Isn’t this what youwanted?”Keegan got up onhis tip toes. “Youwant me inbed, remember?”Keeganwhispered across Vince’s lips.
Vince took Keegan’s arms, moving himaway. “I’mnot goingto force youinto anything. That’s not how this works.”Vince tried to keep his bodyincheck; he hadn’t had sexineight months. He knew ifhe got Keegan inbed he might not be able to controlhimself and could end up hurtingthe man.
“Yousaid inthe kitchenifI didn’t like the kiss you’d leave me alone.”Keegan wrapped a hand inVince’s hair. “I never said I didn’t like it.”
It took two seconds for the words to register and thenVince pulled Keeganinto him. He was almost throwninto the door as Keeganattacked him. His mind was goinga mile a minute. His sweats came downand a hot mouthwas suckinghis cock. Vince’s head hit the door as he fisted Keegan’s hair. A low growlescaped his lips as Keegandeep throated himhungrily, allwhile massaginghis balls. He was about to come fromthat alone.
RippingKeeganoffhis dick, he picked himup, throwinghimonthe bed. Keegan’s face was red, his breathinglabored and his eyes huge. Vince took Keegan’s sweats off, runninghis hands up his inner thighs. He stopped, lookingdownat Keegan’s thighs; the skinwas raised and slightlypinkish. He knew what theywere the moment he saw them. Keeganwas alreadytryingto get out fromunderneathhim.
“Where are yougoing?”Vince pulled Keeganback down.
Keegantried to cover his thighs. “Let me go.”
“Unuh, no way.”Vince shook his head. Bendingdown, he kissed Keegan’s inner thigh. “I’mnot lettingyourunaway.”
Keegangripped the blankets as Vince kissed and licked his wayup to his hard, leakingcock. Vince’s mouthclosed over the head ofhis prick and the roomspunas Keegangot the best blow job he’d ever had. Jesus, Vince had a mouthonhim; no wonder menand womenwanted the man.
Vince licked, sucked and teased him untilhe was screaminginpleasure; his orgasm raced fromhimwithinminutes. He lie onthe bed, sweatingand breathinglike he’d just run a marathon. He opened his eyes to see Vince lookingdownonhim. That face, the one he’d beenwatchingfor years, was lookingat him witha smile.
Keeganreached out, hand hovering just byVince’s face. “Is this real?”he whispered.
Vince took Keegan’s hand, placingit onhis cheek. “Yes. Ifyoutellme there’s lube and condoms inthis house, I’llmake youfeel how realit is.”
The smile that curved onKeegan’s lips almost did himin. He took Keegan’s face inhis hands, kissinghim. Hands threaded inhis hair, and thena warmbodyarched up to meet his. Vince rutted against Keegan’s prick, their dicks slick withprecum, glidingacross one another.
Vince slid botharms under Keegan’s back, wrappinghimup as his lower body continuouslymoved, the pleasure risinghigher and higher. Their mouths fused together and Vince couldn’t get enough. He was onthe verge ofpassingout as Keeganhooked a leg around his waist, pullinghimincloser. The heat inthe roomhad gone up and bothof themwere sweating. Soft sighs and low moans filled the roomas theymoved together, both onthe precipice ofrelease. He’d beenright Keegan’s kisses whenhe was awake were evenbetter thanasleep.
“Keegan…”Vince breathed.
“OhGod…”Keeganbit back a cry, as his bodyexploded underneathVince. The sheer force ofhis orgasmtook himby surprise; he gripped Vince’s hair tighter as it hit him. A loud groanfilled the roomand warmthspread over his stomachas Vince came. Theybothlayshudderingas the aftershocks hit thembothinwaves.
Vince picked his head up witha great amount ofeffort. “Youcame twice.”
Keegancovered his face withhis hands. “I canget hard reallyfast, and I can come a lot ina short spanoftime.”
“Well, youare goingto keep me busy,”Vince chuckled.
Keeganpeeked throughhis fingers. “What does that mean?”
“Youdon’t reallyexpect me not to want to do that again, do you?”Vince had to laughwhenKeegan’s face turned red. “Contraryto popular belief, I do not always have sexwithrandompeople. Just beingwith youlike this was enoughfor me.”
“What?”Keegantried to sit up, only to be pushed back down.
“That doesn’t meanthat I don’t want to have sexwithyou. I meanrealsex.”
Keeganlooked at Vince’s softening dick; the damnthingwas stillhuge. “Um, I don’t think I’ve had one that bigbefore.”
Vince bit his lip, the urge to be a smartass was right onthe tip ofhis tongue.
Keegangiggled, lookingat Vince. “Youwant to saysomething, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but I’mnot goingto.”Vince rolled over onhis back, pullingKeeganinto his side. Vince looked over at Keegan’s face. “Yousaid that onpurpose!”
“I did.”Keeganhid his face. “I’m proud ofyou; it must have takena great deal ofcontrolnot to blurt somethingout.”Keegan raised himselfup onhis elbow. “The thingis, I know who youare and youhave always been anass. I guess I shouldn’t have been
“I amanasshole; I’ve beenone since the age offifteen. That day, mywhole life changed. I used to be this sweet kid.”Vince smiled as Keeganraised a brow. “I was, really. Mymomalways said anywoman would be luckyto have me.”
“Did she know? Youknow, that you preferred bothsexes?”
Vince nodded. “Yes, so did mydad. It reallydidn’t bother himtoo much. Mymom cried for a bit, youknow, the whole grandkid thing. Mysister smoothed things over telling her I could always get a womanknocked up, just for the kid,”Vince laughed. “I don’t know how to be nice most ofthe time. WithNikolai it’s easy; he’s myfleshand blood. He is allI have left inthis world.”
“That’s not true, youhave friends, too.”Keeganlooked at the broad chest in front ofhim. Vince had a tattoo ofa woman’s face onhis right pectoralmuscle. “Is that your sister?”
“Yes,”Vince looked at his chest. “It’s Viktoriya; I had a picture ofher withme when I went to the tattoo parlor. Mymomis onmy back.”
“I saw that.”Keegancrawled over Vince, settlinginbehind him. The tattoo ofhis mother was over a bullet wound scar. Vince’s broad back held quite the story; long, deep scars ranalonghis back fromhis shoulders to the top ofhis buttocks. Keeganranhis fingertip downone ofthem. “OhGod, you were whipped?”
“Yes, inprison. I swore whenI got out those menwould pay.”
The paininVince’s voice hurt Keegan’s heart. “I’msorry, for everythingyou lost.”
Vince rolled over to face Keegan. “I haven’t spokenofthat night inyears. I don’t know whyI’mtalkingto youabout it.”The green-greyeyes looked into his just thenand allVince wanted was to ki
ss Keeganagain. As ifsensingit, Keeganleaned inand pressed his lips lightlyto his own.
“We should get out ofbed, because as far as I know, there is no lube or condoms inthis house,”Keegangrinned.
“Not muchofa safe house, is it?” Vince kept his face stoic.
“Oh! Youmade a joke!”Keegan laughed, tryingto get awayfromVince’s stronghands.
“Come here!”Vince grabbed Keegan bythe waist, pullinghiminto his arms.
“Are yougoingto tickle me?”Keegan squirmed against Vince.
“No, but I might kiss youagain.” Vince played withKeegan’s unrulyhair, it was so damnsoft. Everythingabout Keeganwas soft. Althoughhe had one hellofa muscular body, his face was like fine porcelain. The cheeks were pink fromlaughingand the lips were slightlywet. He craved this man, God knows why. He’d never craved anyone, yet he found himselfwanting, evenneeding Keegan. He felt human, whentheywere together.
“What’s wrong?”Keegansearched Vince’s face. He looked confused.
“Nothing, I was just thinking. I need to get the layofthe land around here. I saw a store not too far away, how ’bout I go get some… supplies…”Vince grinned, biting Keegan’s lower lip. “I’llalso take a look around, just to make sure that ifwe are found I know the quickest escape route.”
Keegannodded inagreement. “I know most ofthe land; I’ve beenhere a few times. But yes,”Keeganrolled over ontop of Vince, “we need some… things.”
Vince took Keegan’s face inhis hands. He’d knownsome good lookingguys inhis time, but the more time he spent with Keegan, the more beautifulthe manbecame. “OhGod, I have to go before I fuck youright now.”
“God, that’s so romantic,”Keegan sighed, comically.
“I never said I was romantic, infact I’mnot sure I know how to do that, either. I bought Andreia car once and anAK47 for Christmas.”
Keeganclapped his hands together. “Oooh!! Everythinga manwants!”
Vince scowled. “Youlook twelve right now.”
“That would make youa pedophile,” Keeganlaughed, jumpingoffthe bed, before Vince could get him. “Come on, I’lltellyou the code for the door.”
~~ As soonas Keeganwas sure Vince had left, he called Rileyback. The phone was answered onthe second ringand Rileywas alreadytalkinga mile a minute.
“Slow down, Riley,”Keeganlaughed. “What’s up?”
“How dare youignore me!”Riley laughed.
“Well, I’msorry, I was right inthe middle ofmakingout withVince Markov.” Keeganwaited; the phone line got extremely quiet. “Riley? Did I lose you?”Keeganheld his phone inthe air, lookingat his signal. The shoutingfromhis phone assured himthat Riley was indeed stillthere.
“Oh. My. GOD,”Rileyalmost screamed. “Youkissed him?”
“Technically, he kissed me.”Keegan sat downonthe bed; he couldn’t wipe the smile offhis face evenifhe wanted to.
Rileysat downonhis bed
crossed-legged. “So? Is he what everyone says he is? Is he, like, anawesome kisser?”
Keeganfellback onthe bed witha loud sigh. “Oh, God, Riley. It was like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I felt it inmytoes.”
Rileycouldn’t help the smile onhis lips. He remembered what it had beenlike to kiss Mateo, what it was still like to kiss Mateo. “I think I know how youfeel,”Riley sighed happily. “So, are youokaythen? Is he the asshole everyone says he is?”
“Oh, fuck yes,”Keeganlaughed until he almost choked. “But whenhe touches me, it’s so… gentle. He touches myface whenhe kisses me; no one’s ever done that to me.” Keeganclosed his eyes, rememberingVince’s warmmouthonhis own, and the feelofhis hands.
“So, did youguys … well, youknow …”
“No, we didn’t have anything. Vince is actuallyout buyingstuffas we speak. Get this, he did the dishes last night.”
“Vince Markovdoes dishes?”Riley giggled. “Damn, don’t let that get out. People might see himas weak.”
“Yeah, I don’t see that ever
happening. He hasn’t changed fromthe first dayI saw himoncamera.”
“But he likes you, right? I meanifhe kissed youand touched your face, he must like you.”
Keeganhad to chuckle, he always forgot Rileywas a lot younger thanhe was. Sometimes talkingto Rileywas like talkingto a teenager.
“I think so; I meanhe told me he finds me attractive.”Keegangot offthe bed and went downthe hall; he peeked around, makingsure he was stillalone. “He gave me head; I came inless thantwo minutes,” Keeganwhispered.
“Damn!”Rileylaughed, fallingover on his side inhysterics. “He is good!”
Keeganwent back to the bedroom and looked at the time. He was goingto have to pullsome lunchtogether and get dinner goingas well. “I have to go Riley, I have to make food. Vince eats quite a bit.”
“Didn’t yousayyouwished he’d eat youalive?”Rileylaughed hysterically.
“Yes, Riley,”Keeganlaughed. “I have to go, ya damnsexfiend!”
“I’mtellingMateo!”Rileylaughed harder.
“Bye, Riley!”Keeganhungup, still laughing.
Chapter Six
Vince checked out a good three miles ofland; he didn’t want to get caught withhis pants downaround his ankles, literally. The townofBensonhad quite a few houses, but there was stilla lot ofdesert inbetween.
Cactus spread out ineverydirection alongwithpalo verde trees. Wildlife was around everycorner and Vince had already runinto javelinas. Theytook a defensive stance, clackingtheir teeth. Vince chuckled and clacked his back, addinga low growl, and they’d left himalone. He alreadyloved it here. Stayinglow to the ground, Vince checked out the washnearby. It carved a paththroughthe neighboringyards and right across a street. The deep dip inthe road told himthat whenit flooded youweren’t gettinghome this way.
The supplies were hangingfromhis jeans loop ina Safewayplastic bag. The lube and condoms bounced against his thighevery now and thenremindinghimwhat he’d be goingback to.
The thought made his pulse race. Vince stopped inhis tracks; it occurred to him that whenhe got back, he was goingto be in bed withKeegan, havingsex. His skinbroke out ina fine sheenofsweat.
What the hell?
Vince sat downona rock. And then what? They’d have sex; it would be awesome as always, wellat least onhis end it would be. He didn’t know how to have bad sex. Although, some ofthe menhe’d slept with… Vince rolled his eyes.
He’d bottomed for Andreionly, and that was givingup a lot ofcontrol. Vince sat back, thinkingabout sexwithKeegan. What would happenwhentheywere done? Would theygo back to the waythings were when theyfirst met? Would it become something more? Did he want it to?
Vince sighed infrustration. Whywas he evencontemplatinga relationship? Keegan didn’t want himinthat way, did he? Maybe he was goingto be just a fuck this time. Vince didn’t like the idea ofthat. Sure, he’d used plentyofmeninhis lifetime, but to be the one who got used? Vince shook his head; no fuckingway.
Vince balled his fists. What the fuck was wrongwithhim? He needed to get his head back ontrack. Vince stood up,
surveyingthe land; ifsomeone came, he knew what to do. What he always did. Killor be killed.
Keeganwas just puttingthe food on warmwhenthe lockingmechanisminthe house echoed downthe hall. He wiped his hands offona toweland walked into the living room. Vince was just shuttingthe door.
“Hey, did youget a good layofthe land?”
Vince opened his mouth, and then inhaled. “What is that?”
Keegangrinned. “Garlic chicken, with brownrice.”
Vince walked into the kitchenand lifted the lid onthe wok. “Youmade Chinese food?”Vince smelled the delicious aroma risingfromthe wok. “Youused teriyaki, not soy.”Vince turned slowly.
“Yep.”Keegangrabbed some plates downfromthe cabinet.
Vince grabbed Keegan’s wrist, causingthe plates to fallonthe kitchenfloor and shatter, shards flyingacross the room.
“Tellme the truthright now, Keegan. How longhave youh
ad me under
“You’re hurtingmyhand.”Keegan looked up. “Let go.”
Keegantried to step back, but the grip onhis wrist tightened. He looked into Vince’s eyes - theywere pure black. His face had changed; he wasn’t lookingat the Vince fromearlier. The eyes were dead, unseeing and unfeeling.
“Stop fuckinglyingto me right now,” Vince snarled. “Garlic chickenwithteriyaki? Youjust fucked up.”
“I said let go,”Keegankept his voice even. “I maylook weak, Vince, but I assure youI’mnot.”
Vince hauled Keeganinto him. “Start talking.”
Keeganbrought his left hand up, meetingwithVince’s face. It was enoughto jar himloose. He stepped back, readying himself.
Vince rubbed his jaw. “That’s goingto cost you.”
Keegansidestepped Vince’s frontal attack, onlyto be hit witha roundhouse kick to the face. He went flyinginto the wall, smackinghis back hard enoughto hear a crack. Vince was onhimagaininseconds. Keegantried to keep his right hand out ofthe fight, but it was provingmore difficult thanhe had imagined. Theyhit the kitchenfloor, slidingacross it and almost hittingthe wall. Keeganturned his lower body, keepinghis elbow securelyinfront ofhis face, wardingoff Vince’s lethalgrip. He got Vince ina scissor hold, tryingto keep himfrommoving.
It didn’t last.
His bodywas picked up and he was thrownonto the diningroomtable, knocking the air fromhis lungs.
“Talk!”Vince slammed Keegan’s hand down.
Keeganbit his lip to keep from screaming.
“Fuck you!”Keeganbrought his leg up, hittingVince inthe back ofthe head. He rolled away, fallingoffthe table. He
side-kicked Vince inthe stomachas he tried to grab himagain, sendinghimflyinginto the stove.
“Sonofa bitch!”Vince recovered, makinga runat Keeganagain. He plowed into Keegan’s mid-section, shovinghiminto the wallbehind him. The plaster cracked as Keeganwas shoved almost throughthe wall. He let out a loud wailas his hand became sandwiched betweentwo pieces ofdrywall. His head hit the two byfour and cement behind himand everythingwent black.
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