“That smile onyour face.”Keegan
cocked his head to the side. “What were you
thinkingjust now?”
“Truth?”Vince asked.
“How great last night was,”Vince
said. Fuck it.
Keegangrinned, his face heating.
“Really? I mean, I know you’ve slept witha
lot ofmenand women…”
“It wasn’t like that, Keegan.”Vince
moved slowlytowards Keegan. Evenafter
makinglove to the manlast night, he wasn’t
sure ifKeeganfelt safe withhim. “What we
did was different.”Keeganstepped toward
himand Vince slowlyclosed the gap. “The
wayyoukissed me, touched me, no one’s
ever affected me like that.”
“Really?”Keeganwhispered. “You’re
not just… sayingthat to get me to sleep with
youagain, are you? This isn’t just some line? I
know I’myounger thanyou, and yeah, I’m
naïve whenit comes to stufflike this, but don’t
fuck withmyhead, okay?”
“I don’t want to fuck withyouat all.”
Vince took Keegan’s good hand, rubbingthe
soft skinwithhis thumb. “I’mjust as naïve as
youare right now, I… I’ve never dealt with
this kind ofshit before.”
Vince blew out a frustrated sigh. “You
know what I mean. I was fine untilyoukissed
me the other night. I’ve beenkissed by
hundreds ofmenand women, but you…”
Vince shook his head. “Yougive yourselfto it;
it’s like youtransferred what youwere feeling
to me.”Vince traced Keegan’s lips withthe
tip ofhis finger. “I’ve never wanted to kiss
someone so badly; everytime I look at you, I
want to taste you.”
Keeganbacked awayquickly. “Oh
“What? What is it?”Vince stepped
closer. “I’mnot goingto hurt you, Keegan. I
promised it would never happenagain.” “I’mstillthere,”Keeganwhispered,
closinghis eyes. “OhGod, I’mstillthere.” Vince moved quickly. He turned the
burner offand took Keeganbyhis shoulders. “Look at me, openyour eyes.”Vince
pulled Keegan’s face up to his own.
“You’re not stillinthat chair, allright?
I know what you’ve beenthrough- youcreate
a fantasyworld to survive the torture. I know.
I’ve beenthere. I maynot feelpain, but I
know I did the same thinginprison. This is
real, Keegan. I’mstandinghere infront of
you, we are at the safe house inBenson.”
Vince leaned in, kissingKeegansoftly. “It’s
real, I promise. Whenthis is allover, I’m goingto take youback to that roomand
make yousee it, understand?”
“Y-y-yes.”Keeganlooked at the
concernonVince’s face. “Youare what got
me throughit,”Keeganwhispered. He knew
his hands were shakingbut he couldn’t stop.
“I dreamt ofyoumakinglove to me, wanting
me. I’ve wanted youfromthe moment your
picture slid across mydesk. I couldn’t wait to
get to work, just so I could hear your voice,
see your face. WhenNardozzicaptured me,
allI could think ofwas that one dayI would
see youinperson. Onthe third day, I made
that a realityinmyhead. Youwanted me, we
couldn’t get enoughofeachother and for a
briefperiod oftime, I felt no pain.”Keegan
exhaled, waitingfor Vince to respond to his
Vince’s heart pounded his ribcage.
Keegan’s admissionhit himhard, he was
“This is real.”Vince took Keegan’s
hand, pullinghiminto his warmembrace. “And
I do want you, Keegan. I want youmore than
I have ever wanted anything.”And withthat,
Vince closed the precious inches between
their lips, givingKeeganand himselfwhat they
were bothlongingfor.
Chapter Seven
Ifthere was one thingVince Markov never wanted, it was to feel. Yet he felt everything- Keegan’s hands clawingat his back, tryingdesperatelyto remove his shirt, Keegan’s bare skinonhis own, that soft, velvet smoothskin, brushingagainst his and makinghimshiver. He wanted this man, and not just for one or two nights. He wanted Keeganalways. Theymoved downthe hall, clothingfallingto the floor, lips never leaving for more thana split second. Keegan’s mouth opened to his, surrendering. His hands threaded into his hair and allthe while Vince fought to stayupright as his legs shook. His hands lightlytouched Keegan’s face, keeping Keeganclose to him. God, he wanted this man.
The bed was magicallythere and Vince lowered Keeganonto it gently. He hovered above him, braced onone arm. Vince let his fingertips trace the contours of Keegan’s face; his lips were slightlypink from kissing, his cheeks flushed fromstubble burn and excitement. His half-lidded expression drove Vince insane withdesire. His hand trailed downthe soft curves ofKeegan’s abs, movingup and downinslow, measured movements elicitinggoose bumps inits wake.
Keeganreached for the drawer, openingit. He pulled the lube out, handingit to Vince. “Make love to me, Vince.”
Those five words slammed into his chest and he reeled fromthe emotionaltollit took onhim. Keeganwas so open, so bare, he was so innocent. He clicked the lid open, droppinga dollop onto his hand. Slickinghis dick generously, he reached downand gently turned Keeganover onhis stomach. He spread Keegan’s legs out, wrappinganarm under Keegan’s waist and hitchinghis ass higher.
Confident that Keeganwould stayin the position, Vince went to work massaging the pale, creamyglobes. At a soft moanfrom KeeganVince increased the pressure, spreadingKeegan’s cheeks wider and revealingthe delicious pink hole waitingfor him, twitchingwithneed. Vince slid his hand betweenKeegan’s legs, grippinghis turgid prick and givinghima slow up-downtwist. He kissed one cheek and slowlylicked a pathto the other. Keegan’s dick jumped inhis hand and Vince kept the same slow stroke as his tongue flicked Keegan’s tight hole.
“Oh, s-s-shit,”Keegangroaned. Warmthflowed inside his tunnelas Vince fucked himwithhis tongue. His chest constricted witheveryexpert flick, his moans louder witheverythrust. Keegansqueezed his eyes shut as Vince opened himup more, divinginas his hand kept its continuous slow stroke onhis cock. Keeganactuallyfelt faint, the pleasure Vince was givingwas almost too muchand whenVince slid into himhe finally felt whole. Strongarms wrapped himclosely and a warmmouthtraveled across his shoulders, licking, suckingand markinghim.
Keeganwhimpered as Vince slid in again, rakingacross his sweet spot. Keegan leaned his head back, meetingwithVince’s mouth. The kiss was hungry, frantic and passionate allat once. Ifhe was stillinthat room, this was the best fantasyyet. Vince was murmuringinhis ear how beautifulhe was, how he couldn’t get enoughofhim. It was everythingKeeganhad dreamed ofand more. The fullness left himand Keeganmoaned. He was gentlyturned back over and Vince took his leg, proppingit over his shoulder.
“I want to see youwhenI make love to you. Is that okay?”Vince readied himself againwithlube, waitingfor Keegan.
“I want that, I want to know it’s me you’re thinkingof, that it’s me youwant.”
“I do want you.”Vince leaned over, takingKeegan’s lips. “I want onlyyou.”
“Vince…”This time, whenVince slid inside him, Keegankept his eyes onVince’s face. His eyes were open, lookingdownat him. Theywere mere inches apart, lips brushingsoftly, tongues dancing.r />
Vince’s breaths came ingasps as he moved inside Keegan, the tightness inhis chest becomingharder and harder to ignore. He closed his eyes as Keegan’s kiss slowed down, becomingmore sensual. Slidinginand out ofKeegan’s bodywas almost anout of bodyexperience. Vince wanted to watch, just to make sure it was real, but Keegan’s whimpers and moans kept himglued to the man’s lips. Keegan’s fingers were digginginto his scalp, pullinghimfurther downinto that pleasure zone ofa mouth. His cock glided effortlesslyinside Keeganand the urge to come screamingwas drawingnear. His balls tightened and Vince bit back a groanas Keegan’s tight chute gripped him, milkinghis cock.
“Ohfuck…Keegan…”Vince gasped. “Vince…”The pleasure wave came, crashingover bothofthemand inthat instant Keeganknew he was inlove. The manwhom he’d watched for years, listened to, pined over, was the one manhe’d falleninlove with. The only manhe’d ever falleninlove with. Vince was kissingthe side ofhis neck while his hand gentlyglided up and downKeegan’s thigh. Vince’s erectionthrobbed inside him, makinghimshiver.
“Keegan?”Vince whispered.
“Are youallright? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“No, not at all,”Keegansighed, sated. “It was perfect.”
“So were you.”Vince slid out slowly, keepinghis eyes onKeeganfor anysignof pain. He rested onhis elbow, lookingat Keegan. A foreignfeelingwashed over him, slicingthroughhis gut. What ifNardozzigot his hands onKeeganagain? The manhad alreadyendured torture once and survived. If Vince knew anythingfor certain, it was that the effects oftorture stayed withyoulongafter you’d beenset free. Keeganstillhad lingering after-effects.
He had to get Keeganto safety. He wouldn’t forgive himselfifanythinghappened to him. The protectiveness rose inhimat the thought ofKeeganinpain. Runninghis fingers throughKeegan’s soft hair, he thought about what Keeganhad said. He’d fantasized about thembeingtogether, that theycouldn’t get enoughofeachother. Vince realized he couldn’t get enoughofKeegan- his skinand the wayhe tasted, the kisses that seemed to take his breathaway, the wayKeeganfelt whentheymade love, his hands, his lips. Vince almost groaned, thinkingabout being balls deep inside himagain.
“Vince?”Keeganmoved onhis side, lookingat Vince’s strongchest.
“What is it?”Vince twirled a piece of Keegan’s soft hair betweenhis fingers.
“AmI okayinbed?”Keeganclosed his eyes as his cheeks turned pink.
“WhyonEarthwould youask me that? Have younot heard me duringsexwith you?”Vince sat up a bit, movinghis hand to Keegan’s cheek. “Look at me.”
“I don’t know ifI can,”Keegan whispered.
“Look at me.”Keeganopened his eyes and Vince licked his lips. “I can’t get enoughofyou. I wasn’t lying, Keegan; I want you.”
“But, you’ve been…”Keegan backpedaled a bit. “Youhave so muchmore experience.”
“Anypersoncanhave sexallthe time and stillsuck inthe sack. Ifit’s mindless ‘Ijust-want-to-get-off’ fucking, you’re reallynot learninga damnthingonhow to please your partner.”
“Is that how it was withAndrei? Did youmake love to him?”Keeganlet out a slow breath. “I’msorry, that’s none ofmy
“I should have - I mean, I married him. But no, I didn’t make love to Andrei. What we just did, I’ve never done that before. I wanted it to be good for you; I wanted you to remember it.”
“Oh, I’llremember it allright,” Keeganlaughed softly.
His face went serious again, as he looked at Vince. He reached out, touching Vince’s cheek.
“The dayI found out youwere married, I wanted to crawlina hole and die. I had just started readingthe background on you- the minute I saw your face…”Keegan sighed. “I couldn’t have cared less who you killed, youwere just so beautiful. The more I read, the more I understood and thenI got to the newer files.”Keeganclosed his eyes. “I couldn’t believe how devastated I was. You were married and had a child. I don’t know why, it was stupid ofme to think I ever had a chance withyouor that I’d ever evenmeet you. I went out and got drunk. ThenI did my job; I watched, I listened and the more I did, the more I wanted you. Whenthis assignment came along, I knew it had to be me. I’d spent years watching, listening, memorizing everythingabout you—”
“Garlic chickenwithteriyaki,”Vince chuckled, kissingKeegan’s cheek.
Keegannodded. “Yes, because you hate soysauce, too salty.”
“Wellit is!”Vince laughed, pulling Keegancloser to him. “I don’t know what this is, but I do know I want more.”
“Really?”Keegansearched Vince’s face; he couldn’t handle it ifVince was fucking withhim.
“Yes, really.”Vince captured
Keegan’s lips, kissinghimdeeply. Whenthey parted for air, Keegan’s eyes were stillclosed.
“I’mgoingto go to the store later, whenit gets dark. We are out ofalmost everything. Is there anythingspecific you want?”
“Just you,”Keegansaid.
Chapter Eight
Bynightfallthey’d made out and had sexagain. Keeganwas sore, but damnhe loved how he’d gottenthat way! Vince was so gentle and caring; he’d never seenthis side of the man.
Vince had left for the store downthe hilla while ago, and Keeganeyed the contents ofthe refrigerator. It was almost completely empty. The waythe two ofthemate, he was surprised it had takenthis long. He closed the fridge and went out the back door.
The night was beautifulas always and Keeganwent to the garage to get firewood. He grabbed one ofthe smaller pieces offthe top and was searchingfor another one when he heard the unmistakable sound ofhelicopter blades.
Keeganranout and looked up, trying to locate the chopper. A streak oflight whizzed byand hit the garage behind him; Keeganflew forward fromthe blast, hittingthe ground. He stood up onshakylegs and realized he couldn’t hear anything. The garage was a massive ballofflames.
~~ Vince stopped and cocked his head to the side, he was about two miles fromthe house but he knew that sound. It was the sound ofChinook blades. Vince turned and ranback towards the safe house. A large explosionwent offand flames licked up at the sky. His heart poundinginhis chest, Vince ran as fast as his legs would take him. He finally reached the house and saw the Chinook leavingthe scene. Vince raninto the house, lookingthrougheachroom.
“Keegan!”He looked throughallthe rooms again, under beds, inclosets. Nothing
Vince ranout to the garage as another smallblast went off, illuminatingthe back yard. He looked around the yard.
“Keegan! Answer me!”Vince got as close as he could to the flames, lookinginside the garage. The sprinkler systemwas on, dousingthe flames, givinghima good look inside. There were no bodies onthe floor, but a blood trailled fromthe garage towards the house.
Vince grabbed his phone and flipped it open, callingDamon.
“I think Nardozzitook Keegan, Damon. I’mina safe house inBenson, Arizona. Hangona second.”Vince went back inside the house, found Keegan’s phone and flipped it open. Scrollingthroughthe contacts, he found, ‘incase ofemergency.’ Hittingthe ‘call’ button, Vince waited.
“James?”Vince asked.
James jumped to attention, snapping his fingers at Derek.
Vince walked into the kitchen.
“Keegan’s beentaken, James.”
“What?”James shouted.
Vince narrowed his eyes; a note was onthe diningroomtable, alongwithblood. As he neared it, he could see somethingsittingon top ofthe note. Vince looked closer, picking up what laythere. His bodyshook and the anger rose. The note onthe table was from Nardozziand the itemleft ontop was
Keegan’s fingernail.
His blood boiled and his hands shook as the rage consumed him, paintingeverything red. The unmistakable click ofguns came from behind him.
“Come to the safe house inBenson.” Vince put the phones down. Vince listened to the breathingbehind h
im; a low feralgrowl rose frominside him. “Let’s play.”
The first gunwent off, the bullet hitting the plaster inches fromhis head. Vince spun withhis knife, slicingopenthe first manwithin reach. A screampierced the air and intestines spilled to the floor. Vince smiled as he sliced across the man’s neck mid-scream, almost decapitatinghim. Another shot went offand Vince did a back handspringout ofthe wayof the next man. He spunhis knife around inhis hand and brought it downhard. The man’s hand came off, withthe gunstillclutched betweenthe fingers. Another loud screamand Vince growled like a manpossessed. They were allgoingto die. Very. Painfully.
~~ James had recorded the conversation as soonas he’d picked up the phone. Now he almost wished he hadn’t. The teamhad gathered withinminutes and was onits wayto the safe house.
James pushed ‘play’ for the guys to hear what had happened. At first there was nothingbut the clicks ofguns, thena massive growlcame over the recording.
Blood-curdlingscreams could be heard and animalistic grunts and shouts. It was horrific. James stopped the recordingas theypulled up to the house.
A limo was pullingup at the same time and James got out ofhis vehicle, pullinghis gunfromits holster. Samand Troy, alongwith Mateo and Josh, flanked him.
“Dammit, James!”Derek hissed. He looked over at Mark, Riley, Sawyer and Dakota. “Stayright here!”
James stood, waitingfor the door to open. A dark haired mangot out ofthe limo and looked at James.
“James Pruitt?”
James lowered his gunslightly. “Yes?”James looked over the man.
“Yes, I believe Vincent is inthe
Troymoved infront ofJames, sniffing
the air.
“Who’s withyou?”
Damonmoved aside, allowingthe rest
ofhis mento exit the limo.
James recognized Vince’s son,
“He called me, told me Keeganhad
beentaken,”James said.
“I received the same call,”Damon nodded. “I think we should go inside, don’t
you?”Damonturned to Marco and Antonio. “Put your weapons away, theyare not our enemies.”Damontook a tentative step forward, eyeingJames and his men.
James looked over his shoulder. “Put your guns down.”
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