Jade's Erotic Adventures Box Set

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Jade's Erotic Adventures Box Set Page 10

by Victoria Rush

  Alexandra asked us to switch and turn to the other side, which gave me an opportunity to scan the other side of the room. I noticed some of the women glancing in my direction and we smiled as we checked out each other's bodies. So far, the experience had been liberating and mildly stimulating, but I was beginning to grow tired with how we'd been covering up our most erogenous parts with the poses Alexandra had led us through.

  "Okay," she said, as if reading my mind. "Now we're going to get a little more risqué in our positions and open up our bodies to channel our chi more freely."

  She sat up on her mat and extended her legs straight in front of her. Then she slowly spread her legs apart, exposing her bare vulva to the entire room. My breathing quickened and I became mindful of the growing wet spot on my mat. The slit in her pussy beckoned to me as I unconsciously leaned forward.

  "We're going to do a wide-angle seated forward bend, which will stretch and strengthen your adductors and pubococcygeus muscle. I want you to spread your legs straight out and as far to the sides in front of you, then lean forward with a straight back as you reach out with your hands toward your outstretched feet. You'll feel a tightness between your legs, so you have to do this slowly and carefully so as not to pull anything."

  Alexandra leaned forward and clasped her heels with her two hands and pulled herself forward until her chest rested on the floor. There was no denying that she was extremely flexible, as she moved through each of the poses to the maximum extent possible with little noticeable strain.

  As I mimicked her movement, I tried not to glance between the legs of the yoga partners in front of me. I wished the young girl who'd I'd made a connection with had been positioned in front of me instead of to my side. As I leaned forward, I turned my head and glanced in her direction. She did the same, and we moved our chests forward and down in a synchronized manner. If yoga was all about the union of mind and body, I definitely was feeling yoked with my fantasy yoga partner.

  "Press your pelvis into the floor," Alexandra said. "Bring your chest down and forward as far as you can. Spread your thighs apart with your hands as you feel the tension between your legs relax."

  I glanced around the room and watched all the toned men and women bending over spreading their legs. My pussy grew wetter and wetter until I could hear the squishing of my legs against the mat as I rubbed my clit back and forth in the small puddle beneath me. I glanced over at the girl next to me and she smiled knowingly, as my pace of breathing increased and my eyes began to glaze over. I could have sworn her hips were rocking back and forth in lockstep with mine as we fantasized about rubbing our pussies together.

  Please, I pleaded with her under my breath. Please come back to the next session.

  Just when I was getting close to having a mini-orgasm, Alexandra asked us to sit up and change position.

  Damn, girl, I thought. You're such a tease.

  I was more convinced than ever that these poses were orchestrated to maximize the arc of our arousal just enough to deny us ultimate pleasure, so we'd have no choice but to come back and finish the deal.

  "You're all doing fabulous," she purred in her soft, gentle intonation. "Now I want you to sit up with a straight back with your legs still spread out in front of you."

  My eyes widened as she grabbed her big toes and began to lift them off the floor until they were at the same height as her head. She had opened herself up completely to the room, exposing her bare pussy and breasts in the most revealing way, daring us to ravish her magnificent body with our eyes.

  "This is one of our most liberating poses," she said as she held her feet in the air, "where you'll feel most at one with your bodies and with those of your fellow yogis."

  She glanced toward the back of the room at the two men and looked down between their legs.

  "Don't worry if you notice some of your partners in a state of obvious arousal. This is a normal and healthy response and is just another way for us to connect with our bodies and feel the energy flowing through us. Try to keep your back straight and look up toward the ceiling as you lift your chest and breathe deeply. Feel your connection to the universe and the power within your own bodies. Free your mind and let all the negative chi flow from your body."

  As I spread my legs and prepared to move into the provocative position, I rotated my hips slightly so I'd be facing closer to the girl next to me. I didn't want to make it too obvious what I was doing, but I was hoping she'd do the same so that we could look at one another's fully exposed bodies and I could let my fantasies run free. I began to lift my legs at a forty-five-degree angle to her and noticed out the corner of my eye that she had shifted her body subtly toward mine in a similar manner.

  "Try to flex your PC muscle as you feel your Mula Bandha tighten and relax," Alexandra said. "This will create a stronger connection during intimate moments with your partner and heighten your sexual pleasure."

  As I extended my legs and revealed my glistening pussy for the entire room to see, I looked over at the girl and smiled triumphantly. We’d opened ourselves up to one another in every sense of the word and let all of our inhibitions fall away while reveling in the beauty of one another's bodies. She was still turned just far enough away that I couldn't see her bare pussy behind her outstretched leg, but I noticed the puddle on the mat just in front of her.

  She was just as turned on as I was!

  My pussy quivered and shook in the excitement of the moment. If anyone had touched me anywhere near my Mula Bandha, I would have had an orgasm in a millisecond. My mind raced with all the possibilities I could engage in with my fantasy partner during the next level session. Just when I thought it couldn't get any more intense and intimate at that moment, Alexandra gave us a new instruction.

  "Now," she said, "while still holding your toes as high in the air as you can, gently lean back with a straight back until you're balancing on your buttocks in a spread piked position."

  She demonstrated the technique as she tipped slowly backwards then held a perfect forty-five degree piked position, looking up toward the ceiling in the sexiest but most composed manner.

  God, I thought. I'd fuck that woman any day—in any position.

  I glanced over at the girl behind me, and we both leaned backwards at the same time, matching the degree of rotation in perfect synchronicity. When we both reached the same forty-five-degree angle of our backs towards the floor, we beamed at one another in joy and pride at having achieved this level of proficiency. I wanted to turn my body completely in her direction and scoot my ass over to her then wrap my legs around her while we ground our pussies together and kissed passionately.

  This naked yoga thing was even hotter than I'd hoped! I knew I'd be counting the minutes until the next session in horny anticipation.

  I glanced in the mirror to see how this was working for the two men and saw that they had full hard-ons, angled straight up at forty-five degrees in the same direction as their outspread legs. What a turn-on this must have been for everybody in the room!

  "I'm very proud of all of you," Alexandra said, as she began to lower her legs back toward the mat. "Now it's time for us to relax and return to a quiet state. Please bring your legs back onto your mats and cross them in front of you in the seated Buddha position. Close your eyes and reflect back on the growth you've achieved today. Breathe slowly in and out and feel the energy coursing through your body. You've all come a long way today. If you feel comfortable moving on to the next level, I hope to see you again where we’ll explore a new level of synergy working together to stretch our minds and spirits even further."

  Alexandra closed her eyes and placed the back of her hands on her knees as she touched her thumbs and forefingers together.

  "Om," she chanted, exhaling slowly in an extended intonation.

  "Om..." the room chanted with her in harmony, as our spirits exalted.

  There was no question that I was ready to take this to the next level. I glanced out the corner of my eye at the girl next t
o me and winked as she returned my gaze.

  I hope we'll see each other in a whole new light the next time we meet, I smiled to myself.



  On the evening of my second scheduled naked yoga session, I could hardly contain my excitement. This was the step up to Level 2, which Soraya had promised would involve closer interaction with the other yoga participants. I wasn't exactly sure what that meant, but I hoped it would involve some direct contact with a partner. I'd been fantasizing for the last three days about the girl who stretched beside me in the previous class, and my pussy was already tingling in anticipation of touching her.

  When I arrived at the studio, I saw her stretching quietly on her mat. I immediately walked over to a spot in front of her and placed my mat on the floor to stake my claim. I didn't want anything getting in the way of direct access to her this time!

  "Hi," I said, as she peered up at me. "I didn't properly introduce myself last time. My name's Jade."

  "Kayla," she said, sitting up and extending her hand.

  I leaned forward and shook her hand softly. Just touching her at the ends of our extremities was electrifying, but I pulled back when I felt my hand begin to moisten. Whether it was nerves or my body starting to heat up, it was undeniable that Kayla was getting me charged up just being next to her.

  I sat down on my mat and crossed my legs in a comfortable seated position.

  "I've been looking forward to this for days," I said. "That last class was pretty stimulating, don't you think?"

  "Definitely," she said. "It's been running through my head on a continuous loop pretty much the whole time."

  "So much for yoga calming our minds," I joked.

  Kayla smiled.

  "At least it accomplished the other goal of lifting our spirits and charging our bodies up."

  "Yes, it certainly did."

  I studied Kayla's face as she spoke to me, and I felt myself getting more and more attracted to her with each passing moment. She had a soft and gentle beauty that matched her petite figure. With bright green eyes and tiny freckles scattered over the bridge of her narrow nose, she looked like the consummate redhead that I'd often fantasized about. She'd be my first if we got that far, and I had no intention of letting her slip through my grasp.

  At the top of the hour, a new instructor walked to the front of the room and laid her mat in front of the mirror. I wondered again if it might be Soraya from my initial online chat. She'd said there were only three tantric yoga instructors, so I figured there was a good chance I'd encounter her at one of the three stages.

  "Good evening everyone," the instructor said. "My name's Amber and I'll be leading you through today's Level Two tantric session—Namaste."

  "Namaste," some of the experienced yogis in the room repeated.

  Amber placed her hands together in front of her chest and bowed gently.

  "Namaste," she said, repeating the refrain. "How many of you know what this word means?"

  I vaguely recalled Soraya talking about this in our online chat, but all I could remember was that it had something to do about showing respect for one another.

  "Namaste comes from ancient Sanskrit meaning 'bowing to you,'" Amber said. "In the context of yoga, it refers to the act of recognizing and bowing to the divinity within each of us. This will be the focus of today's session, where we partner up and celebrate the power within each of us as we seek to expand our limits. Accordingly, let's begin today's session by shedding our clothes and sharing the natural beauty within us."

  Just as Alexandra had done in the previous session, Amber removed her tights and placed them in a neat pile by the mirror. She had a fuller, more athletic figure than Alexandra, but just as magnificent. Her full C-cup breasts bounced gently on her chest as she moved, and I was captivated by her large brown nipples. Her hips were wider than Alexandra's and she had curvier, more powerful-looking legs. The whole package projected a stunning hourglass figure. My eyes traced a line down to her narrow midsection, where a thin patch of brown pubic hair echoed the imagery of sand flowing through her body.

  As I admired her beauty, I removed my own clothes, not wanting to be the last one with everyone staring at me again. When everyone was naked, Amber placed her hands in front of her chest once again and bowed to the group.

  "Namaste," she said softly.

  "Namaste," everyone in the group replied, bowing to her divinity.

  I scanned the room in the mirror behind Amber and saw a few familiar faces, together with a number of new participants. This time the ratio of women to men wasn't quite as skewed, with roughly a dozen women and five or six men.

  "Let's begin by getting comfortable with one another," Amber said. "I'd like you to turn to your nearest partner and stand facing him or her with your hands at your side. Straighten your back and elevate your chests as you breathe slowly in and out. You should see your partner's stomach extending and collapsing as they breathe from their diaphragms."

  I turned toward Kayla before anyone else could steal her, and she did the same as she faced me. We smiled at one another knowing this time we'd be entirely focused on one another.

  "Now, inhale as you raise your arms straight up and join your palms over your head," Amber instructed. "Feel the power within you as you stand tall as a mountain. Feel yourself rooted firmly to the ground as you tighten your thigh and buttock muscles. You are strong and magnificent, and you possess the power to achieve everything you desire. Look at your partner and recognize the strength within them."

  Kayla and I looked at each other and smiled broadly. My grin kept widening until I showed my teeth, looking like I was posing for a camera shot. Kayla responded in kind, revealing the cutest dimples in the sides of her cheeks. This time, we didn't run our eyes over one another's bodies—we simply locked eyes and radiated the joy we were both feeling.

  "Now take a large step forward with your right leg," Amber said. "Keep your hands above your head and squat down into a wide stance with your feet at least three or four feet apart. Hold this Warrior pose as you channel your chi and recognize how strong you are."

  Kayla and I both took a broad step forward until our front foots were resting near the front of our mats. We'd suddenly closed half the distance between us, with only four or five feet separating us. My tummy sucked in an out as I gulped air to feed my straining legs. I couldn't keep my eyes from darting down between Kayla's scissored legs as I thought about touching her there. I noticed her breathing escalating too, and I wondered if it was due to the strain of holding the deep bend or from her own heightened arousal.

  "Now," Amber continued, "with your feet, knees, and arms in the same locked position, rotate your upper body toward your left side until your chest is parallel with the line of your outstretched legs. Lower your arms and extend them straight across the same plane, holding them parallel to the floor. This is called the Warrior Two pose. Imagine you're lunging toward your partner in a fixed position, as if fencing with a foil. Except in this case, we're simply trying to touch fingers to channel the positive energy flowing between you."

  Amber demonstrated the pose at the front of the room and we all followed her lead. There was now only a foot or so separating my outstretched hand from Kayla's. I shifted my weight forward onto my front leg to try to get closer.

  "Keep your upper body centered between your front and rear foot," Amber said, "as you feel yourself grounded to the floor beneath you."

  I frowned sheepishly at Kayla as I reluctantly pulled myself back and centered my weight as Amber instructed. Kayla giggled softly, recognizing my frustration. Our hips were turned away from each other so we could no longer see each other's bare midsections, but I had a commanding view of her tight ass, and I shamelessly took it all in.

  "Now, place your left hand on the outside of your trailing leg and lift your right arm straight over your head, bending as far backwards with your chest still facing the side as you feel comfortable. You should feel your abs and int
ercostal muscles stretch as you expand and elevate your ribcage. This is called the Reverse Warrior pose."

  Amber once again demonstrated the technique as she arched her body into position. She looked like the epitome of a yoga master as she struck the pose. With her legs spread wide and glancing up toward the ceiling with a focused expression, she looked for all the world like a true warrior.

  Kayla and I shifted our weight, and dutifully adjusted our position. Unfortunately, we were now looking away from each other, and I was beginning to feel frustrated with the loss of connection. After a few people grunted from the tension of holding the pose, Amber instructed us to return to a seated position on our mats.

  "Are you ready to begin working with your partners now to see if we can push one another to new heights?" she asked.

  A few people nodded, and the rest of the room exhaled deeply, signaling they needed a brief respite.

  "Let's return to the Buddha position to catch our breath for a moment," Amber said. "Cross your legs in front of you with your feet under your knees and hold your back straight while you breathe deeply to reenergize your muscles. Feel the tension leaving your body as you relax and free your mind. Close your eyes and feel the stillness of the room as you sense your pulse slowing and your thoughts emptying."

  I closed my eyes, but it was impossible for me to empty my thoughts knowing I had a beautiful naked woman in front of me with whom I hoped to engage in closer contact.

  "Okay," Amber said, breaking the silence after a few minutes of self-meditation. "We're now going to begin engaging in a more progressive manner with our fellow participants to see if we can push past some of our limits. I'd like you to move next to your partner and place your backs against one another, while you remain in the Buddha pose. This is called the Seated Meditation Bond. This will give you an opportunity to begin feeling your partner's energy in a safe and relaxing manner."

  Kayla and I hesitated trying to figure out who should move first toward the other's mat, and I made the first move. I scooted over to her mat and gave her a soft kiss on her forehead before turning around and placing my back against hers. We assumed the cross-legged Buddha pose, and straightened our spines against one another, playfully pushing each other forward and back a few inches as we felt our bare skin and asses touching.


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