The Devil's Masquerade: The Remedy

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The Devil's Masquerade: The Remedy Page 20

by Jennifer Loren

  He rolls his eyes. “Thanks. You don’t look … horrible or anything either.”

  “You both look incredibly handsome,” Kayla says while adjusting our tuxes to her liking before stepping back and gazing at us with the look that makes us feel guilty.

  “Did you hide some weapons in your tux?” I ask him, and he smiles back. “Me too.” Knowing how to fight is great, but having a blade to slice a fucker with just makes you feel better.

  Kayla adjusts my clothes again and my hair before kissing my cheek. “Be careful. Watch your back. Watch Ryan’s back, and please don’t do anything stupid and reckless.” I would argue, but instead, I just give her a wink and enjoy another kiss to my cheek. “Cat is ready. She is just taking a moment to breathe before she has to go.”

  My body tenses, and as hard as I try to avoid looking directly at her, the moment she steps out, I know it, and I cannot keep my eyes from going straight to her. She is stunning. I rarely feel breathless, but it is fitting in this moment. I want so badly to pick her up and run, carry her far away before it is too late. It is not right that she is taking this on for her father, or for anyone. Her white dress makes her seem like an angel walking towards me. Her red hair floats around her with perfection, a cloud I would love to bury myself within. Even her breasts sit high in her corset top, begging to be taken out and caressed against my lips. I feel myself gulp before realizing that she and I are alone. “I guess they had something to discuss,” I say to her as she approaches me.

  “I guess so. You look so handsome,” she says, rubbing her hands on my chest and driving me insane.

  “Thanks. You look … breathtaking,” I reply, awed by her overwhelming beauty. My words cause a bright smile to take over her sad expression. “You really do. I wish we were …” I try to tell her, but nothing comes out.

  “Yes, you wish we were what?”

  “I wish we were somewhere else. Like a nice beach with a cocktail. You know, I have this beach house that sits right on the water. It is completely secluded, serene, and we could … you should go there with me. I know you would love it”

  “I would love to go there with you.” She smiles up at me.

  “Yeah?” She nods, laughing at me. “Okay. You know, in some countries, it is customary to give a soldier a kiss before he goes off to war, a kiss for protection you could say,” I say, watching as she steps closer.

  “Which one of us is the soldier, Eli?”

  “You, Short Stuff.” I kiss her on the head, her nose, and rub my lips delicately across hers before taking them in, embracing her, and pulling her closer to me. Cat takes hold of the back of my head and grips my jacket to pull me even closer to her. “Don’t go,” I whisper. She looks up into my eyes but I quickly hide my fears and my pain within her hair, begging for a solution that keeps any of this from happening. “Come with me, Catriona, and I’ll hold your hand every night to make sure no one takes you away.” I begin to feel the tears from her eyes fall against my face. I feel terrible for her and kiss them away, wishing I could fix everything for her. I just don’t know how. I move her chin up so I can look into her eyes. “I will be there. If, at any time, you change your mind, all you have to do is call my name, and I will carry you out of there. Okay?”

  She takes my face into her hands. “Then don’t get too far away from me, please.” I nod with a slight smile. “I can’t believe you shaved. I think I actually like your scruffy face better.” I laugh, softly taking in her lips. “Oh, why do you have to be such a good kisser too? Let’s go have sex right now, Eli.”

  “What?” I ask in shock.

  “I don’t want to have any regrets, and I really want to. Right now. Don’t you?”

  “Yes, but I always want to have sex. It’s nothing new for me. I’m happy to do it, but I don’t think it’s what you really want.” She nods. “No, honey, you don’t. You didn’t wait all this time for a quick fuck, and no matter how much I really want to, I am not doing that to you. I want your first time to be special, memorable.”

  “Oh, why can’t you be a jackass the one time I need you to be?”

  I take her into my arms, “Oh, Cat, there will be plenty of time for me to be a jackass and for you to drive me insane. I know it, because that’s my life. We will spend the rest of our lives arguing and fighting until we find ourselves naked and in bed together, having the best sex you have ever had.”

  “I have never had sex with anyone, so how would I know?”

  “Trust me, I’m the best.” She laughs at me. “Come back to me, Cat …” She looks up at me and smiles before diving into my chest again and holding on to me tight.

  “Please don’t do anything stupid. If it doesn’t work out and I have to leave with Nick, then run away with Kayla and the boys. They need you Eli. They really do, and there won’t be anything you can do for me, so just go and be happy,” she says tearfully.

  “They need Nick, and I need you,” I say firmly.

  Ryan comes into the room, making as much noise as he can. I step away and avoid looking at her. “Your car is here, Cat. Are you ready to go?” Ryan asks.

  “Yes, goodbye,” I hear her say, but I can’t bring myself to say it back or acknowledge her at all. “Good luck … to all of you.”

  “Goodbye, Cat,” Kayla says as she walks in the room. “I hope everything goes as you want it to. Feel free to call if you need anything.” Ryan and I both glare at Kayla until she shrugs with a smile.

  I turn to say something else to Cat, but she is gone. I should have said something more to her. I should have hugged her one more time, kissed her despite the eyes on us. Maybe I can find her there before it is too late. Damn it! I’m a dumbass. I should have forced her to leave with me. Fuck. I guess I am going to this stupid ass ball. Ryan eyes me until I nod. We both kiss Kayla on the cheek and say goodbye. Ryan threatens to break Gideon’s legs if he lets Kayla leave the house.

  Bo and Brady are just in front of us, and I catch sight of Dwayne, Reginald and Terrence behind us. Eddy connects with us all through ear pieces until Ryan is able to get in and hook him up to the security cameras. The line of limos coming in stretches beyond our patience. By the time we arrive to the front of the ball’s entrance, we nearly tackle the greeter who opens the door for us. I guess you could say, we’re a little anxious. Even once we escape the confines of our car, we wait in the line of guests making their way through the large, heavy, double doors at one side of the large estate. Security is on high alert, and considering the strange guests coming through the doors, I understand why. “This is a huge party,” I say to Ryan as we do our best to blend in. I look to my side as one woman smiles at me, her eyes slowly go dark and her lips shade to a bright, blood red. She looks at me as if she is going to eat me alive, so I step to the other side of Ryan and let him deal with her.

  Ryan glances at me but doesn’t seem to notice the strange woman. “I wasn’t expecting so many people, but maybe that is a good thing. He won’t want to kill us in front of all these people. Right?” he says before the woman starts stroking his hair. “Ummm, thank you, but I’m good,” he says, removing her from his hair.

  “Sure. I mean, I am sure he has a dungeon he can put us in first and torture us until he has more time to kill us. He can’t kill us tonight. That would be rude. That should give us some time to decide whose fault it is that we are in this mess before we die.”

  “You’re so soft,” the strange woman says, stroking Ryan again before reaching out for me. “Meria loves you. I love you both. Let me pleasure you.”

  “Oh wow, you are friendly,” I say, pushing her hand away from me as Ryan darts away. She comes at me again with excited laughter. “Thank you for the offer, but no. I can’t right now …” I say as I try to quickly move away from Crazy. “Maybe later.”

  “I will be waiting for you.”

  “Oh-kay, crazy fucking whore,” I mumble to myself. “Ten seconds in, and we are already being offered sex. We are obviously too desirable for this place,” I say, ca
using Ryan to laugh.

  “And to think, your face is covered, too,” he laughs.

  “Hey, I didn’t even think of that. You think it’s the tux? It is tight, isn’t it? I should have kept it simple and stayed away from being so sexy.”

  “I don’t think it’s your tux, jackass. I think it’s your age,” he says, nodding behind me. I look over my shoulder as a man a hundred years past his death focuses in on me. Oh shit! I jump away from the man who suddenly begins to move.

  “Quick, call Guinness! We just found the biggest collection of freaks in the world,” I say, noticing two ladies with little to nothing on and blond hair down to their ass. Their white-blue eyes instantly set my head adrift. Wow.

  Ryan jerks me away. “Watch yourself, and remember not to look anyone in the eyes, please. I can’t have you becoming some pleasure princess’s sex servant tonight.”

  “Hmmm, really? You think that is what they wanted?” I say, looking the blond twins over.

  Ryan grabs my collar and jerks me in another direction. “Focus!”

  “Fine jackass. I will have no fun tonight, obviously.” This place is huge. We could get lost in here for days. The entry alone is three stories and is covered in servants greeting everyone in their elaborate costume and serving drinks from sparkling crystal. The main ballroom’s multiple double doors are all opened up to the main entry. When you walk through, you step out onto the ballroom’s balcony and its masterly crafted railings, overlooking the jubilant festivities below and a grand staircase descending to the marbled floors of the Masquerade. Ryan and I walk in with a deep simultaneous sigh. “Well this is an exceptional place to die,” I say before following Ryan into the abundant mix of ornate costumes. These people took the event seriously, and some are dressed from head to toe and then some. The dizzying array of masked people makes it nearly impossible to spot our few allies. Amery’s typical smirk and nod is spotted first as he finds his way to the open second floor balcony. Even from afar, he pisses me off. Kamini floats through an archway and gives us a perilous smile that causes my dick to twitch. I check it to make sure it is still there, and I feel better when it responds properly. Bo shows up, watching everyone closely, while Terrence is already working Eddie’s bugs throughout various areas of the house. Both Dwayne and Reginald are set up in their positions outside the ballroom, watching and waiting for our signal. Brady wanders the perimeter, casually looking for possible escapes just in case things go terribly wrong. Our only other allies are Cat and her father, but she is being watched closely, and her father can’t be trusted. So, that really leaves us with …not much at all. I separate from Ryan while he helps Terrence place Eddie’s bugs in the control room. I decide to wander the back halls, hoping to spot Cat so I can make sure she is alright. I never am able to find her, and when I return to the ballroom, I notice that Amery disappeared from his spot for some reason. Motherfucker doesn’t listen to anyone.

  Ryan comes back and nods, assuring me that at least Eddy is watching out for us. “Where is Amery?” Ryan asks, looking around for him.

  “I have no idea. You know we can’t trust him,” I say.

  “I am going to kill him,” Ryan breathes through his teeth. I nod, liking the idea.

  There is a brief moment of excitement as Savage steps out and greets all of his guests from a private area overlooking everyone, like he is a king or, a fiery dragon, on top of the world. His opulently adorned costume is nauseating but not nearly as much as his stupid speech. He rambles on and on before finally introducing Galena and giving her praise. I wonder how Nick will walk in?

  “Now, for my proudest moment. I want to introduce my grandson, Ma Joie, my Nicholas,” he says, waving his hand towards Nick as he walks out, tall, strong, and looking out over everyone with confidence. His mask conceals his face, and for a brief moment, I hope that they have put up an imposter and it is not my long time best friend; however, upon removing his mask, his identity is confirmed. It is him, taking a powerful stand. Ryan glances my way, and we both steady ourselves.

  Nick moves, but slowly and stiffly. Ryan and I watch him closely. “Did you see that? There is something wrong,” Ryan says, noticing the same thing I did. Nick’s hand trembled as he raised it to take hold of the edge of the railing.

  “This party is for him, for you to know that he has gained my full support. Nicholas will also introduce his new bride tonight before he takes her to his bed, begins his family, and continues our family name. We will begin the ceremony shortly. For now, please enjoy the festivities!” he says with excitement as dancers, fire breathers, and aerial fabric-dancers begin to drop out of the ceiling.

  “Wow, and this is just to announce Nick as his grandson? Oh, and well, I guess to announce his new bride, too,” Ryan mutters next to me.

  Yeah, Nick’s new bride. Isn’t it funny how this is all working out? I live with his wife, and he is marrying the woman I can’t stop thinking about. I don’t think things could be more fucked up. Suddenly, Fagan walks by me with a scowl before greeting Savage and Nick and sitting down next to them. And things suddenly just got more fucked up. Ryan groans next to me, shaking his head while I simply steam in place. The motherfucker has clearly made his decision, and apparently, he is going to go with supporting Savage, leaving us with one less ally.

  The performers clear the area and allow dancers to come in and perform for Nick, inviting him to join them in their seductive dance. Aside from their elaborate head gear and decoratively tattooed bodies, the dancers strip down to nothing. Nick steps down and admires them closer, seeming to immensely enjoy the view. Not that I blame him, I am certainly not disliking it. The women work on seducing Nick with every move while Savage looks on with all smiles, laughing and cheering them on. Nick smiles wide with a nod towards the women and then turns away and goes back to his seat.

  Savage stands with a shocked expression. “I am so sorry ladies. My grandson apparently has eyes for only one, but I certainly invite you to entertain me anytime,” he says with great laughter and cheers following after. He smiles wide, excusing the women and inviting Fagan out to the floor. Fagan makes a grand approach, starting off with a desperate gesture of a bow to Savage and Nick before continuing on with a speech about his dear friend Savage. Fagan begins to discuss Catriona and all the details of her beauty and intelligence and why she will make the perfect wife for Nick. The son of a bitch even talks of her virginity and how precious and wonderful it will be to have Nick be the one to bring her to womanhood. I hate this fucking bastard.

  The more he goes on, the more I tense until Ryan punches me in the side. “Eli, stay focused and don’t worry about him. This coward will run before he ever considers joining in battle with Savage.”

  I cringe as I look up and see everyone who isn’t already standing, stand. Everyone begins straining their necks to see over the others as a slow, welcoming melody is played by the orchestra. And this is when my heart drops out of my chest, crashes to the floor, and gets stepped on by giant, disgusting, Savage shoes.

  Catriona walks in, slow and easy but surprisingly confident. Her head is held high, and she moves smoothly to the music. She is almost hypnotic. I didn’t know she could do that. Nick stands instantly, looking over her with excitement in his eyes. He doesn’t even hesitate stepping out of his secure zone and approaching her with acceptance and longing. The moment she stands in front of him, he holds out his hand, and she takes it without hesitation. He guides her to the center position of the dance floor, and they begin dancing together with refined elegance. She whispers in his ear while caressing his neck, his face, and chest, encouraging him to bring her in even closer. My body tenses, and my muscles tighten. I can’t wait to kill my long time best friend who is suddenly my new enemy. I know for sure he is not the friend I once knew, and neither is she. I can’t believe either one of them are acting the way they are. They are handling each other as if they have been married for years. When the song ends, Savage begins to move from his protected perch, and we all
take a single step in anticipation, but he stops short, watching Nick play with Catriona’s hair.

  “What is wrong, Ma Joie?” Nick shakes his head and looks down at her for several seconds before Savage becomes impatient. “What are you doing, Nicholas? Is she not who you want?” I don’t understand what he is talking about until I look closer and notice Nick tensing suddenly. Nick grabs his head and begins cringing in pain. Ryan and I exchange glances, both confused on what to do next. “Fagan, do something about your daughter. She is obviously doing something horribly disgusting.” Fagan moves closer and whispers to her. Catriona takes Nick’s face into her hands and says something to him, repeatedly causing him to shake his head. Savage reaches a level of impatience that shakes the whole room. “Catriona! You stop that now! Catriona, leave here or I will force you out!” He yells her name over and over as we all watch in confusion. The tension increases as Savage’s rage grows. He is screaming and screaming for Nick to respond to him, for Catriona to stop whatever it is she is doing.

  Then, Catriona takes a half step back from Nick but still holds onto his hands as if she never wants to let go of him. She breathes deeply. “Stop yelling at me!” she yells back. “And by the way, I am not Catriona,” she says, removing her mask, latching on to Nick’s lips, and holding on tight. Savage’s eyes burn while I feel a new presence at my side.

  I look down. “I think you were right about that kiss, Eli … it was good luck,” Catriona says to me.


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