To Tame a Viscount (Reformed Rakes Book 2)

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To Tame a Viscount (Reformed Rakes Book 2) Page 2

by Jenn Langston

  “Is that all you want from me, Miss Shepherd? Beyond last night, you have no desire to see me or continue our associations?”

  She laughed, a dry sound. “If you would recall, I never before wanted or encouraged your associations, as you call them. So, why you would think otherwise now is beyond me.”

  “I understand you are upset, but—”

  “Upset?” Her voice raised an octave as her hands clenched at her side. “How could I not be? I’m livid with myself. It was a hat. Nothing more. How could I have lost my mind so fully because of it?”

  Memories of last night had his eyes running down her body, and his lips curled up at the ends. “I rather enjoyed your loss of control and I know you did as well.”

  “That’s not what I’m talking about,” she snapped. “Tell me, where is Miranda?”

  Realization dawned on him, and he felt like an ass. Although he didn’t regret giving Anson the information about Miss Whittier’s whereabouts, he should have kept his mouth shut last night. Clearly, Kaylee felt as though she had betrayed her friend.

  “She’s a lot safer now that you told me where she was. Honestly, she had no business being there. She should count herself lucky that nothing had happened to her before now.”

  “What makes you think you have a right to decide where she should be?” Kaylee spun around, her hands still clenched at her sides. “I don’t have time for this. Please excuse me, my lord. I see no reason to further these little meetings.”

  Without sparing him another glance, she marched out of the room. Not deterred, his lips spread in a challenging grin. She may not see a reason to meet, but he didn’t see a reason not to.

  ~ ~ ~

  Kaylee slid the brush over the canvas, trying to envision the scene in her mind. The problem was, the only thing she could conjure was Simon. His handsome face, his intense eyes, and his marbled chest. Her fingers itched to paint him. She shivered and gave up the fight. With his image in her thoughts, she pulled the canvas off the stand and put up a blank one. As she dipped her brush in the paint, she gave herself over to the task.

  Filled with the vision of Simon’s face, she recalled how his familiar blue eyes darkened as they’d watched her undress for him. That look had rushed through her body, filling her with confidence and desire. No one had ever looked at her with such consuming focus. In that moment, her invisibility had disappeared and she had been bare for him. Only him.

  As his gaze watched her from the canvas, she stepped back and dropped her brush. What was she doing? He may have given her a memorable experience, but his motives hadn’t been pure. Although she, too, had used him, it had been for other reasons he’d understood. She’d made that clear to him. He just neglected to tell her his was an attempt to obtain information.

  Anger surged within her as she grabbed the offending painting and shoved it underneath all of her other failed projects. That was where he belonged. She needed to clear her mind of him. Likely after today, she’d never see him again.

  She grabbed her shawl and left the room. A walk was exactly what she needed right now. Had Miranda been there, the two of them would have gone on one of their shopping excursions. But, she wasn’t here, and it was all Kaylee’s fault for telling Simon where to find her.

  “Going somewhere?” Regina’s voice floated down the stairway. “Mind if I join you? I’ve been listening to Lady Applegate torture the French language for an hour now and I’m done.”

  “I welcome the company. And, I’d venture to say the viscountess will never master that language. She’s had no improvement these past six months.”

  Regina’s laughter was as fun and glorious as her personality. A stab of envy touched Kaylee. Too many times she’d wished she could be like her friend. Conversations and people skills had always come easy for Regina. It had been the reason almost all of their very few male clients had become smitten with her. Except Simon. From the beginning, he only seemed to have eyes for Kaylee. She’d never understood it, and although he was rather irritating in his attentions, she had to admit she enjoyed it.

  “I know. The lady has in her head that we will miraculously make her proficient with the wave of a hand.”

  “Yes, I have a few who feel similarly,” Kaylee responded, her thoughts still on Simon.

  “Are you well?”

  Regina’s question pulled her out of her reverie. Heat touched her cheeks. She wasn’t normally one to allow her mind to wander. Nor did she typically lose her focus. She sincerely regretted how her one night’s pleasure affected her so drastically.

  “Yes. Why do you ask?” Kaylee kept her voice neutral.

  The sigh Regina let out told her their meeting for a walk wasn’t a coincidental thing. Kaylee straightened her back. She’d never been one to back down from a confrontation.

  “Lady Matteson came to speak to me earlier today. Apparently her daughter, Patricia, made mention of your unusual behavior as of late. The lady was concerned.”

  Resisting the urge to snort, Kaylee kept moving forward as they made their way toward Hyde Park. She knew the strict woman would only have a care for her own goals. Apparently, Kaylee’s preoccupation would be the blame for Patricia’s lack of desire to push herself.

  “I’m sorry. I promise to get back to my old self.”

  Regina touched Kaylee’s arm to stop her. “That’s not why I’m bringing this up. Constance and I are worried about you. I’m not sure what’s been going on with your personal life, but I want to help. We’ve known each other for many years. I hope you know you can confide in me.”

  “I know.” Kaylee sighed and they began walking again. “I suppose the situation with Miranda has rattled me. Her departure from us was rather abrupt.”

  “The two of you were close.”

  Kaylee nodded.

  As they started down a path through Hyde Park, they strolled in silence. Kaylee had no desire to discuss her current situation. Her experience with Simon was one that she couldn’t even discuss with Miranda, had her friend been there.

  “Miss Shepherd?”

  Kaylee froze upon hearing Simon’s voice. Had her thoughts conjured him? Her traitorous heart skipped at the idea of seeing him. She didn’t want to feel this way, and definitely didn’t want to see him, but her feet ignored her warnings as they spun her body around to face him.

  “Lord Washburne, how nice to see you. You remember Lady Regina?” She kept her voice monotone. On one hand she didn’t want Regina to sense the tension, but on the other she certainly didn’t want Simon to believe she was pleased to see him. Because, she was not. She just needed to remember that, herself.

  “Of course. It’s a pleasure to see you again.” He inclined his head as he gave Regina a warm smile, which Kaylee felt like a stab to her chest. “Miss Shepherd, when we last spoke, we didn’t conclude our discussion regarding the possibly of me retaining your services. When do you think you will have a moment?”

  Keeping her mouth closed was difficult. Was this another ploy of his to see her or did he truly need help? If the latter, she couldn’t exactly turn him away, and not in front of Regina.

  “Don’t mind me. I was thinking about returning to the townhouse.” Regina shot her a measure look. “Please, excuse me.”

  Having no other recourse, Kaylee said her goodbyes, as did Simon. Once alone, he offered his arm. Although reluctant, she accepted it. The feeling of having her hand wrapped around his arm as they strolled through the park was unusual in its normalcy. Had she been married, this may have been her life. To be able to enjoy the day with her husband was something she would never know.

  “Now that Regina is gone, tell me what service you’re wanting. I don’t see you as the type to have a desire to play the pianoforte.”

  He chuckled. “Although I would dearly love to take any kind of lessons from you,
I have no instrumental inclinations. The services I am after are unique.”

  She stiffened her spine. “Unique? How?”

  “I merely want the opportunity to come by and visit you as I’ve done this past month. I don’t care if they are scheduled meetings or a freedom to stop by at my choosing. I can work my schedule around either one.”

  Confused, she stopped and faced him. “Come visit? You want to pay the House of Reform just to stop in for visits with me?”

  His gaze was unwavering as he watched her. “Yes.”

  “Why?” She couldn’t comprehend him having any desire to spend time with her like that. Unless he wanted another night with her. The thought both excited and angered her. That was definitely not going to happen.

  “In truth, I have no reason to give you because I, myself, don’t know. All I know is that days when I see you, my life seems a little easier.”

  The sincerity in his voice almost convinced her, but she had to remind herself this man was quite skilled at flirtation. Likely, this was another of his plans. But, she wanted to give in. To be able to spend uninterrupted time with him just as she did with her other clients.

  Then, she thought about Miranda. He’d used her then, and he wanted to use her still. Although this time he offered to pay her, the price to herself would be too high. After all, she wouldn’t be able to handle it when he eventually told her he was done.

  “I’m sorry, my lord. That is not a service we provide. I can spare a moment of my time upon occasion for you, but that is all I can offer.”

  His face fell, but he quickly caught himself and slid into his untouchable façade. “Very well. I thought it worth asking. This does help me with a decision, though.”

  Curious, she leaned her head back as she studied at him. “What is that?”

  “I’ve been thinking of taking a break from London for a while now.” He offered his arm again. “Please, allow me to escort you home. I don’t know when, or if, I will have the pleasure of seeing you again.”

  Kaylee took his arm and allowed him to turn them back as depression clogged her throat. He was leaving. She may never see him again. The need to stop him, to tell him she had changed her mind, clawed at her. But, she couldn’t get the words out.

  Although she had no power to stop her reaction, she knew this was for the best. After all, if she acted this way now, prolonging their association would only bring pain. She just didn’t know how to account for the hole opening in her chest.

  Chapter 2

  Simon watched the twirling couples moving around the dance floor, but his mind was miles away. For the past week, he’d been staying at his friend, Anson Greenleaf’s estate, as he hadn’t been able to bring himself to go back to his own empty manor house. Besides, after he’d lost Kaylee in order to obtain Miranda Whittier’s whereabouts for Anson, the man owed him something.

  “You don’t appear to be enjoying yourself in the least,” Anson observed as he came up behind Simon.

  “Of course I’m not. The dear Miss Whittier is too busy dancing to pay me any mind,” Simon replied in mock disappointment.

  Anson’s jaw clenched. “I have noticed that as well. The first ball she attended was much preferable to this. I, for one, would dearly love to know what happened to increase her popularity.”

  With a laugh, Simon shook his head. “That should be obvious. Nothing attracts a man more than a highly coveted woman. There is just something about a greatly prized lady.”

  His friend let out a low growl. “I don’t like it. She belongs to me.”

  As Simon turned his attention back to the dance floor, he found Miss Whittier dancing with a lord who was easily ten years their junior. Thinking about how he would feel had that been Kaylee, he clenched his jaw. He had no trouble understanding his friend’s predicament.

  “At least you are awarded with the opportunity to see her every day. Can you imagine how it would feel to be apart for a great length of time?”

  “I suppose you’re right, but I would much prefer to not see her in another man’s arms.”

  “True.” Thinking of his friend’s situation, he faced the man. “Why did you decide to approach Miss Whittier’s father and essentially purchase her before you even knew her? With all the trouble you have gone through to obtain her, surely it would have been easier to charm one of the ladies around here into marrying you.”

  The sigh Anson replied with spoke volumes. “At the time, I had thought to save myself this trouble. She was supposed to follow her father’s wishes and come to me without pause. But, now it is done, and I must precede thusly.”

  “I suppose women are trouble no matter which way you go about it.”

  Anson laughed. “That’s the truth. What are you going to do when the time for you to marry comes along? Can you see yourself attending parties every night in hope to find the right lady?”

  It was Simon’s turn to laugh, but he didn’t find it amusing in the least. Part of him would love nothing more than to confide his troubles in his friend, but he had no desire to burden Anson with more difficulties. The man was already going through a lot with Miss Whittier.

  “I can. That’s always been the way of things. However, what I don’t understand is how to find the correct one for me, as it seems a near impossibility to locate her among the group. As you know, the majority of these ladies are presenting their best self in order to obtain a man’s attention.”

  “You have given this a fair amount of thought.” Anson studied him with a raised eyebrow. “Are you truly considering marriage?”

  Simon shrugged, making sure to keep his grin in place, lest his friend worry something was wrong. “Perhaps. You know how much I enjoy women, but there is definitely something to be said for having just one to enjoy without all the chase.”

  His friend eyed him critically, but Simon kept his expression neutral. The words were something he’d never uttered before, and likely would never again. He did enjoy women. A varied number of them. The idea of only having one in his bed for the rest of eternity didn’t sound very appealing. Then, he thought of Kaylee. He could definitely see himself with her. Every night. He shook his head. That was impossible, and likely stemming from the fact that he couldn’t have her.

  “I’m surprised to hear you say that. How long have you been thinking like this?”

  “A little over two months.” Simon laughed, but it sounded forced, even to his own ears. “I suppose turning twenty-five does that to a man.”

  “I don’t know about that, but–”

  “Look. Miss Whittier has finished her dance, and it appears the gentleman is trying to get her to go outside with him.”

  That diverted Anson’s attention. As his friend excused himself, Simon applauded his quick thinking. Besides saving Miss Whittier from a possible unscrupulous character, he managed to free himself from his friend’s insight.

  As he turned his attention back to the crowd, he surveyed the attendees as they were potential spouses or competition. The faces all blurred together, and he let out a sigh. Perhaps Anson was right to go about this in a different way. Discouraged, Simon shook off the thought and went off to seek out his dance partner.

  Swirling the girl around the floor, he tried to see through their inane conversation, to no avail. How was he supposed to determine if he could stand waking up to her every single day? Certainly she was pretty enough, but he was looking for far more.

  “Is there something amiss, my lord?”

  Embarrassed at having been caught, he cleared his throat. “Not at all. Tell me something about yourself.”

  A bright smile lit her face. “There are a number of things I can say. Are you interested in my musical inclinations? Or, perhaps my hostess abilities? I can assure you that I have been trained in that area, as well as how to run a large estate.”

/>   Simon coughed and nearly missed a step. Bloody hell, that escalated much too quickly. “I was thinking something on a more personal nature. Tell me something not widely known. What is it you like to do when you’re alone?”

  Her mouth fell open before transforming into a sultry smile. “My lord, if you are asking what I believe you are, I’d be quite happy to show you. Simply tell me when and where you’d like to see me.”

  The very thought of what would occur after such an encounter with an innocent had him cringing. Likely the woman was calculating exactly when to have her chaperone locate them and trap him into marriage. He fought back a groan.

  He had no skill in this area. Getting a woman into bed had never been a problem, and clearly would remain a simple feat. Securing a wife, however, was an entirely different matter. He simply needed to sit back and trust his solicitor to handle the matter and free him from the obligation of finding a wife with any amount of expediency.

  The following day as he clutched the missive from his solicitor, all hope fell from his being. His father’s ridiculous stipulation would remain. Not only was there not much his solicitor could do to fight the clause, but his own cousin’s solicitor had become involved as well. That was only complicating matters.

  Crumbling the paper, he tossed it on the small writing desk in his assigned bedchamber. He wouldn’t respond. After all, there was nothing he could say. The next step was up to him. As soon as he helped Anson sort out the trouble he was experiencing with his lady, Simon would head back to London.

  Then, it would be time to find some lady trouble of his own.

  ~ ~ ~

  Kaylee eyed Constance as her over analytical brain calculated every possible answer as to why her friend would call such a meeting. Typically, new clients didn’t require such ceremony.


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