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To Tame a Viscount (Reformed Rakes Book 2)

Page 3

by Jenn Langston

  “Do you doubt that I am capable of handling this new gentleman?” Kaylee didn’t think her eyebrow could go any higher, even if she wanted it to.

  “No. That isn’t the trouble. It’s simply that this particular gentleman is sort of important to the firm.” Constance looked away and cleared her throat.

  Intrigued, Kaylee sat forward in her chair. Her friend was always so calm and put together. Not much discomforted her, and the knowledge that this client brought out such a reaction was curious. However, the unease managed to wiggle at Kaylee’s spine as well. Perhaps this wasn’t something she should want to know about.

  “In the three years we’ve run this business, I don’t recall someone of importance. What makes this gentleman stand out above the rest?”

  Constance’s gaze met hers. “He has agreed to pay double our fees.”

  With a slow nod, Kaylee understood. Although the question of where their funds had come from to begin their enterprise had never been answered, they had managed. In addition, Kaylee had never understood how they had sustained themselves during hard times, but Constance was always conscience of every shilling. Which was no doubt how they survived all this time.

  “You needn’t say another word. I completely understand and will personally guarantee this gentleman receive every bit of attention he requires.”

  Her friend lifted an unconvinced brow. “Don’t say that so quickly as I don’t believe you fully understand.”

  Not wanting Constance to be forced into discussing the uncomfortable truths of the state of the finances, Kaylee lifted her hand and shook her head. “Oh, but I do. I can handle this.”

  “And, what of your personal matters? Regina mentioned—”

  “That’s not an issue,” Kaylee rushed to assure her, not wanting to dredge up thoughts or memories of Simon. She hadn’t seen him in two months, and she was tired of her friends treating her as if she had a debilitating secret that would affect the quality of her work. It was thoughts of this nature that had encouraged her to contact her greedy stepbrother a few days ago. She still hadn’t received a response.

  “Very well. If you truly feel that way, then I will trust you to put your personal feelings aside and handle him as you have every client that has come before. As he has requested to begin with a level of urgency, I have agreed to give him an audience in one hour’s time.”

  Pleased to have restored her friend’s faith in her, Kaylee inclined her head with a smile. “Then, it is settled.”

  Constance nodded, albeit reluctantly, then excused herself. Once left her to own devices, Kaylee ran through her mental list to prepare a gentleman to procure a wife. Although one of the services they provided, it wasn’t commonly requested. After all, a gentleman with funds or titles didn’t require any help in that regard, and one without funds wouldn’t be able to obtain their services. In truth, Kaylee found the men who did arrive to be quite fascinating.

  A knock at the door sent her errant thoughts away. With her mind centered on her task, Kaylee took a deep breath, stood, and granted entrance to the room. The butler stepped in and offered her a smile, showing off his few remaining teeth. As he spoke, Kaylee’s eyes trained to the man behind him, and her heart stopped.


  Her entire body froze. Stuck in a state of shock and confusion by his presence. She could do nothing but stare at him. Marvin finished what she could only assume was reading off Simon’s calling card before he excused himself. Still, she remained immobile.

  Although Simon hadn’t changed these past months, there were subtle differences. His hair was slightly lighter as if he’d spent more time in the sun. The stiff way he held himself was nothing like the easy man she knew. But, most troubling was the teasing light she’d come to expect glowing from his eyes had dissipated. The absence of it, combined with the fact he was here to find a wife, made her realize she didn’t know the man before her. This was Lord Washburne, not the Simon who had left her. It was best she remember that.

  The reminder of his reason for being here brought her back to the present. She had a duty to perform. And, considering her friend, Miranda, had absolved Lord Washburne of any wrongdoing, she would see to his needs. Steeling herself against her emotions, she straightened her back. As she’d told Constance, she could do this, so she would.

  “Welcome to Lady Constance’s House of Reform, my lord.” She used her most professional voice. “Please take a seat. And, may I interest you in some refreshments? A brandy perhaps?”

  He winced, then shook his head. “No, thank you. My business here is not a drinking matter. But, I do really appreciate you agreeing to see me.”

  Swallowing, she nodded, then sat on a chair when he claimed one of his own. Although she had been the one to begin this professionally, she hated to hear the same in his own voice. As if she had meant nothing to him.

  “We are not in the business of turning away clients who are seeking a bride, my lord.”

  He leaned forward, and his eyes drilled into her. “I meant you, specifically. Lady Constance didn’t sound convinced that you would be willing to help me.”

  Keeping every ounce of emotion from her voice, she leveled her stare. “Simply because we shared a history that is now forgotten, doesn’t mean I am an unfeeling creature who would turn a man away who is seeking my help.”

  The sigh he let out, combined with how he roughly wiped one hand on his face, proved her statement false. She was lying to him and to herself if she believed their past was behind her. In truth, she didn’t like the thought of helping him find a wife. The man was clearly desperate and had come for her help. She was an unfeeling monster.

  “So, that is how this is going to go. I knew I shouldn’t have come here.”

  “Then, why did you?” Her mouth blurted before her brain could stop it.

  “In short, I need your help. Whether I want to or not, I must marry.”

  Her pulse leapt. Could it be he intended to ask her? Although he had taken her innocence, or rather she had given it to him, regardless, she had asked nothing from him in return. No promises or expectations. Her hands tightly clasped one another as if in a vice, dying for him to continue. Then, her rational mind took over.

  That wasn’t what she wanted. At one point in her life, she thought to marry for love, but the availability had been limited. She’d been teased with the idea once, but he had vanished before she could grasp it. Feeling more like herself, she relaxed her fingers and faced Lord Washburne.

  “I applaud your decision to seek the help of Lady Constance, but I’m not sure about your decision to request me.”

  He smiled. The crooked one that always reached in her chest in an uncomfortable way. She gulped down the feelings welling in her throat.

  “That’s simple. You know me better than anyone else does. You see, I simply can’t marry anyone as I once thought. My situation is . . . unique.”

  She narrowed her eyes. This man was a notorious rake. If his wish to wed had an unscrupulous purpose, she would have no part of it. Either his intention would need to be pure, or he would have to find someone else to handle his undesirable business.

  “My lord, if I’m to help you, you must tell me everything. Otherwise, I will not be able to fully provide you what you will need to secure your bride.”

  He dropped his head back in the chair and pinned her with an annoyed look. “Although I enjoy your professionalism in such an important matter, if you don’t drop the titles, I will be forced to remind you how intimate we had become.”

  Immediately, her throat dried as images of his unclothed body over hers paraded through her mind. Keeping their relationship professional would definitely not happen with reminders like that. She needed to clear her head. Once they were back on equal footing, she should be able to handle him as she always had.

  “That is n
ot necessary. I find the use of titles to be appropriate and conducive to a good working relationship. Now, tell me what makes your situation unique.”

  He let out a sigh, then stood and walked to the other side of the room facing away from her. “The bride I choose has several qualification she must meet. And, the situation being what it is, I have no desire for her to know about them.”

  Understanding, Kaylee allowed a smile to relax her features. “That is no different than any other person who comes to us. Each and every one has certain preferences regarding the person they wish to wed.”

  He spun around and looked at her, his face twisted and bitter. “Yes, but my list is much longer than most. You see, it wasn’t me who put it together. My late father decided to outline the very woman he would have me wed. And, I must follow his designs or I lose everything.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Simon’s angry breath rocked his chest as he said the damning words aloud to Kaylee. He’d just come from his solicitor’s office and had been surprised to discover there had been much more to his father’s stipulation than he’d originally been told. The anger he felt for that man at present had propelled him to Kaylee and fueled his every movement and breath. Even the sight of the woman before him did nothing to dull his blinding frustration.

  “And, what exactly are you expecting me to do?” Kaylee’s voice was calm, holding nothing of her feelings. “Our services focus on helping you obtain the necessary skills to find a bride, not selecting candidates for you to choose from.”

  Searching her face, he desperately wished to find something to show him the woman he’d spent so much time with still lurked inside. He’d come to care for her as a friend and certainly had hoped their relationship could have become more, not that it was truly possible considering his situation, but he longed for things to be different.

  “I am very aware of that. What I’m wanting is far more complicated than what you’ve provided before. You see, I can find over a dozen ladies within the hour that match the requirements on my father’s list.”

  Her head tilted to the side as confusion marred the soft skin of her brow. “Then, I don’t understand why you need us.” She indicated the sofa. “Why don’t you come back over here and sit? I don’t like discussing this with you towering over me.”

  Unable to help himself, he smiled. That was the Kaylee he knew. Although she presented a strong, confident woman, he knew her short stature made her uncomfortable. In truth, he adored that about her. He enjoyed seeing the slight vulnerability in the seemingly assured woman.

  Claiming the seat beside her, he turned his body so their knees almost touched. Their proximity brought out memories he had no desire to relive. After their last encounter, he had no doubt she wouldn’t allow him in her bed anytime soon, nor should he want to be there considering he needed to marry. However, that didn’t stop his traitorous desires.

  “Although my father has tried to take my options from me, I still have a few. First, I can pick one of the ladies of my acquaintance, marry her, then send her to live at my country estate until I require her. That, although a common selection, isn’t very fair to her or to me. So, I won’t do it.”

  Kaylee’s eyes softened as she brushed a lose strand of hair from her shoulders. “That is quite wonderful of you, Simon. Many gentlemen would not think twice about selecting the first woman to have the deed done and send her away in the next second.”

  Swallowing down the shock of awareness, he bit down on his back teeth. She called him Simon. In all his years, using his rakish charm had always won a lady’s affections, but clearly Kaylee was different. In the months he’d spent talking and flirting with her, he’d never simply tried to be himself. He never thought he’d make it very far on his own. It was a shame furthering their relationship wouldn’t serve him.

  “Yes, well, it isn’t love I’m looking for, either. Not to mention, I don’t have time to seek it out either.” With her looking at him with admiration, he couldn’t take it anymore. He gave in and returned to his previous place across the room, safe from her warmth and perceptive gaze. “There must be a woman out there who meets my father’s demands, and I can stand to be around. If those qualifications are met, I’m certain I can make a marriage work.”

  “Your plan sounds admirable, but again, I’m wondering how I can help with any of this. I don’t move about society, and we don’t run a service here in which I could recommend one of our clients to you.”

  He froze. Actually, that thought hadn’t occurred to him. “That may not be your current service, but it would be bloody convenient.”

  Her eyes widened and anger etched her features. “Absolutely not. We’re not running a matchmaking service, nor would I violate my clients trust to further your goals.”

  Lifting his hand, he tried to wave off her horror. “Please calm down. Although I don’t deny the merits, that isn’t why I’m here. You see, I need your help to teach me about women.”

  Laughter burst from Kaylee, then her wide eyes met his, as if she hadn’t expected the round of mirth. “I’m sorry. It’s just the very idea that you need help regarding women is far-fetched. The man I knew months ago would never make such a claim.”

  The truth of the matter had him closing his eyes for a brief moment. “You are correct. I can read most women fairly well. I can tell her wants and desires sometimes before she knows them herself. However, I have no luck at all when it comes to learning their true nature.”

  She stood and crossed the room to stand before him. He watched her movements with unease and anticipation. On one hand, he wanted to be near her more than anything, to have matters between them return to how they were months ago, but that was unwise to even think on it. Not only was Kaylee uninterested in marriage to him, but she didn’t fit his father’s requirements.

  Although he knew very little of her background, he was confident she wasn’t hiding something as important as noble blood from him. In truth, it wasn’t uncommon for a woman to fall in dire straits and be forced to resort to supporting herself, but that was not the situation for Kaylee. Someone of her delicate age and gentle beauty would have easily found a husband to support her. If he could, he would sign up for the position without a second thought.

  She laid a hand on his arm and his body stiffened. Bloody hell, he wanted her. After all this time, he couldn’t force himself to forget the feel of her skin against his, the taste of her flesh, nor her intoxicating scent. Drawing in a deep breath, he inhaled the aroma of honey and paint that clung to her. He’d been with more women than he could count. Why did she have to be different?

  “You truly have changed. Haven’t you? Well, in light of this new information, I have no recourse but to help you.”

  Unable to stop himself, he slid his hand along the delicate skin of her cheek. “Thank you, Kaylee. You have no idea how much your help means to me.”

  Her lips parted and he felt as if he would expire as a desperate need to drown in her overtook him. Touching her had been a mistake. Very likely the worst he’d ever made, but that didn’t stop his traitorous body from leaning closer to her.

  Abruptly, she turned and walked away from him. “Please allow me to apologize for touching you. It was inappropriate, and it won’t happen again.”

  “You know very well that I don’t mind.” He smiled, loving the breathless sound of her voice.

  “But, I do mind. In the future, I shall keep my hands to myself, and I fully expect you to do the same. Now, I believe that is all the discussion we shall have today.”

  Not thrilled with her manner of dismissal, he narrowed his eyes then bowed his head. “As you wish, but I shall make no promises in regard to my hands.”

  With that, he marched from the small room. Now, he was certain coming to Kaylee was most definitely a mistake, but he refused to squander the very little time he had left with her. A
fter all, once he married, he would never be at liberty to see her again.

  Chapter 3

  “Dear God, no.” Miranda’s voice was filled with horror. “Take that off at once.”

  Kaylee rolled her eyes as she complied with her friend’s bidding. The hat truly was hideous, but it had been such a long time since she had purchased a new one that splurging sounded like a good idea. In addition, the price on this particular one made her decision seem logical. If she were being honest with herself, using any funds, including the trivial amount on the hideous hat, wasn’t the wisest course of action considering she had a plan for her future. If only her stepbrother would respond to her letter.

  “I have no choice but to agree with you.” After settling the hat back onto the display counter, Kaylee took her friend’s arm. “It’s much too cold for a walk through Hyde Park. Why don’t we go back to the townhouse?”

  Miranda grinned. “Anson isn’t home, so we can take the carriage back to Greenleaf House. I’m sure Arthur can build up a fire while Cook prepares some of her delightful scones.”

  With their plans made, they hurried through the cold, and were soon bundled in front of the fireplace in a most impressive room at Greenleaf House. As Kaylee looked around, she could still hardly believe Miranda had married a marquis such a short time ago.

  “Now, tell me. How does it feel to be a marchioness?”

  Her friend laughed. “That’s the easy part. Growing up, I was trained to run a household, and the marquis holds his staff to great standards, so it’s no trouble. It’s the wife part that has been significantly more difficult. As you know from working with them, men are quite complicated. I never know what to expect from my husband at any given moment.”

  Nodding, Kaylee thought about Simon. At first, she believed him to be no different than countless others whose only interest was getting her into bed, but something had changed in him since she’d first met him. Their training sessions were progressing well. Not only had he seemed to listen to her every word intently, but as she’d asked, he’d managed to keep his hands to himself.


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