Sunken Wind

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Sunken Wind Page 5

by Sara T K Fehr

  The sound and her words shook free some of the staring people and as more of them were shaken from their initial stupor more and more also broke free.

  The music started up again and so did the laughter and conversation. But while they were no longer entranced everyone continued to cast Ralis seductive sidelong glances, eager to catch his eye. Raigh was handed a tankard as she took a seat next to the massive orc. Ralis hurried to join her, his own tail flicked excitedly as he was passed his own drink. Browen and the others were shyer as they joined them at the fire and were then handed their own drinks. It smelled sweet and bitter at the same time and tasted like drinking a sweet fire.

  Browen felt strangely at ease in the troupe’s company. The atmosphere was relaxed and the drink delicious. He looked to his friends in hopes that he wasn’t alone in his comfort. Amri appeared cautiously optimistic while Ezra’s attention seemed to be locked on the massive bonfire before her. Miri on the other hand was looking around with an anxious frown

  “Are you ok Miri?” Browen asked leaning in close enough that he could whisper.

  “I have a bad feeling… I am not sure… Be cautious. These are strangers after all.” She answered, setting her drink down with no intention of consuming it. “I did not think we would be coming back.”

  “Let me introduce everyone!” Raigh beamed at her heroes. “This house sized brute is Gram, strongest person you’ll ever meet. For the show he lifts a horse over his head and holds it for… what, minutes?”

  “Until the audience finishes emptying out their coin purses.” Gram laughed; his voice boomed like the rumble of drums.

  “And the shifty guy is Skiv, expert knife thrower. He could nail a fly across a busy tavern every time.” Raigh patted the skinny man with all the knives on his belt. “Where’s Katya?”

  “Went to bed early too.” Skiv answered as he boredly juggled a pair of knives, to the amazement of Browen. “The pregnancy has been making her tired.”

  “Then that’s Erik, Horrus, Meella, Fin, and Tom on the instruments there.” As Raigh pointed to each of them they attempted a wave while they continued to play their lively tune. “Jilly, Reece, Farrin, and Mik, they’re a family of acrobats.”

  The family all cheered loudly at their names and spilled their drinks as they raised their tankards high. They then resumed their laughter filled conversation amongst themselves.

  “This is Kim, she doesn’t perform but she helps keep things running.” Raigh patted the small dark-haired woman on the back, she was eating a skewer of meat and vegetables and blushed as Ralis looked at her.

  Raigh laughed. “Wow I don’t think I have ever seen Kim blush!”

  A slight wrinkle of embarrassed frustration formed on Kim’s brow, but she seemed determined to ignore the comment as she finished her meal. Browen’s stomach audibly rumbled as he eyed the cooked meat. The delicious smell of spices that wafted over him made his mouth water and he realized how hungry he was.

  Kim maintained her deadpan expression even as she noticed and jerked her head towards the plate beside her. On it was a mound of precooked skewers waiting to be eaten. “Help yourselves, I made too many.”

  Eagerly Browen and the others took one of the sticks and enjoyed their late dinner as Raigh continued.

  “That’s Jei, she performs magic tricks.”

  Jei bowed her head at the mention of her name. Browen had never seen anyone like her before, or the reptilian humanoid she sat beside. Jei had light teal skin and features that were sharp and angular. Her eyes were large solid black orbs and dark teal hair that had been tied up into a tight bun. She wore heavy robes but all along her skin were scars that looked intentional as they formed intricate patterns and symbols upon her flesh. Her ears were pointed but in a different way from Miri’s Elven ears, they were smaller and came to a less extreme tip. Browen wondered if she was one of the Genai that lived to the far west that he had read about.

  “And that’s Skhr’rahj, they’re our beast tamer.” Raigh directed everyone’s attention to a strange looking individual who had golden scales instead of skin.

  Their face looked like that of a lizard, or perhaps of a dragon from one of Browen’s books. They had a long snout and a pair of horns built into their brow. Their eyes were silver vertical slits and they wore several layers of fabric as if the warm summer night was still too cold. At the introduction Skhr’rahj bowed their torso.

  “They came from the Allorrin Desert with the fully grown lion.” Raigh gestured towards the cage with the large yellow beast sleeping inside. “And within the first year of joining us they found the bear cub and raised it. I’ve never met someone so good with animals before!”

  “You’re from the desert, right? What brings you so far north?” Ezra asked, finally looking away from the fire.

  “The sands are harsh and so are its people. Innocence must be proven, and for the crime I was accused, my sentence would have been execution. I chose to take my chances in the north.” Skhr’rahj answered, their accent strange and full of deep growls and soft hisses.

  “And finally, that’s Scriff and Scaff. They’re twins and do a complex gymnastic performance.” A pair of strange looking humanoids looked up with sharp toothed grins at Raigh’s introduction.

  “Hey!” They both exclaimed in unison.

  They were small, not only in stature but in frame, and would easily be mistaken for a short Human were it not for the pointed fox like ears that perked from the tops of their heads. They had fluffy fox like tails and their yellow eyes reflected the light of the fire. Browen knew without a doubt that they must be Qwarrians from the Cryadil Islands in the Whispering Sea. Once a society of expert traders and seafarers that had closed their borders when Queen Zarrennia came into power.

  Raigh then began to look around the fire with a frown. “Did everyone else go to bed?”

  “We have an early morning, remember.” Gram answered with a yawn.

  Raigh shrugged. “Well anyway, let’s see if I remember your names. This is Amri, Miri… Browen, Ezra and of course Ralis.” She beamed at herself, impressed to have remembered the names.

  “What do you perform here?” Ralis asked Raigh, now that the introductions were over.

  “I told you.” She laughed. “I’m a fire dancer, maybe later I’ll show you.”

  “You’re an odd group to be travelling alone.” Skiv asked, now juggling a third knife. “What brings you to this neck of the woods?”

  “We’re travelling to Esper.” Browen offered. He saw no harm in at least saying that much, even as Miri cringed.

  “So are we.” Raigh exclaimed. “Well sort of, at least to the border. It can be a pain to cross the Endarin these days. You should travel with us. It’s safer and faster than sneaking through the woods.”

  “We were not sneaking.” Miri replied defensively.

  “Look, we get it.” Gram shook his head as he addressed the group. “You’re avoiding roads, travelling to Esper, freeing people from cages. By the light, you’re travelling with an Elf and a half Na’tyr. Ignore Skiv, whatever your running from we don’t care. We’re all running from something. Sane people don’t join a travelling carnival.”

  “Speak for yourself.” Kim sighed as she tossed her empty skewer into the flames.

  “We would be able to move faster with them.” Ezra leaned towards Miri. “And you wouldn’t need to worry about hunting for food every day.”

  “You’re right Gram. But if you’re coming with us you should know that the Ringmaster is going to want you to work for your keep. We’re always needing help with little things.” Skiv mentioned as he effortlessly tossed a fourth and fifth blade into the mix. “Set up, take down, sell tickets, all that dull work.”

  “I do not think…” Miri began but was surprised to be cut off by Ralis.

  “This could be fun Miri and we wo
uld be safe with them.”

  “Ralis, we should not…” Miri was clearly worried but felt the words stolen from her as he eagerly looked towards the band.

  “I would love to join them, but my lute…” Ralis sighed with longing.

  “You play?” Raigh cocked her head towards him.

  “Self-taught.” Ralis answered with a modest shrug.

  “His music and singing are the most beautiful you have ever heard.” Ezra encouraged.

  “Well in that case.” Raigh stood. “Fin, lend us your lute.”

  The musicians all paused as Fin, still charmed and eager to please, passed Ralis his lute and took a seat at the fire. Browen beamed at Ralis as he stood with the lute in hand and joined the musicians. It was nice to see his friend so excited and while Browen kept Miri’s warning in mind, he could not help but think that travelling with the carnival might be just the break that they needed.

  “I’ve never played with a group before.” Ralis said as he slung the lute strap between his wings. “And never for so many.”

  “You lead, we’ll follow.” Horrus blushed, still charmed as he brought his flute to his lips.

  All eyes were on Ralis, charmed or not, and he took a deep breath then closed his eyes. Browen found that he had been holding his breath and finally released it when Ralis’s fingers strummed the first few bars of a melody. His playing was shy at first but as he became more comfortable, the song’s pace quickened into a fast and intricate song. The other musicians listened for a moment before finding a place to join in. The accompaniment seemed to have given Ralis the courage he needed, and he opened his eyes as he began to sing. It was a made-up song about dancing under the stars with good company and nowhere else to be. Many of the troupe got up to dance, the family of acrobats performed especially elaborate moves as they tossed each other and spun so fast Browen thought that he was going to be nauseous on their behalf.

  He was surprised when Amri grabbed his hand and pulled him from the ground. Browen felt his face grow red as she danced using him mostly as a leverage point for the spins and dips that she performed. He tried to move with her, but he felt that he couldn’t keep pace as she moved with an agility that he did not possess. She laughed at his clumsy motions.

  “I thought nobles knew how to dance.” She teased.

  “Nobles don’t dance like this.” He blushed back. “Where did you learn to dance?”

  “I didn’t, I’m just following them.” She laughed pointing to the acrobat family and the impressive display of motion they performed. “It looked like fun.”

  Browen beamed at how happy Amri looked. He could easily count the times he had seen her genuinely smile on one hand. He was certain in that moment that they all needed this.

  The song came to an end all too soon and Amri laughed as she fell into the grass, dizzy from the spinning and dancing. Browen joined her and caught his breath as another song began this one just as fast as the other but to an entirely different rhythm. Miri and Ezra hadn’t joined in the dance but had watched from their place on the ground. Miri with a sad frown, and Ezra with the opposite.

  Flames roared around them and Browen saw why they called Raigh a fire dancer. As she spun and twisted to the music, flames from the bonfire collected around and moved with her. It was an impressive sight as her body flowed in an erotic dance wreathed in the oranges, reds and yellows of the fire.

  “She can only control flame, she can’t summon it.” Ezra said quietly to no one in particular.

  Browen turned to her and noticed that the green flame of Ezra’s eyes flickered excitedly, and the tattoo on her arm glowed bright. Carefully he put a hand on her shoulder, it was hot, like he had reached his hands into the fire pit.


  She blinked as he spoke her name and frowned. “I’m ok.”

  The second song ended and before another could begin, everyone was surprised by a loud, slow clap. A heavy-set man in a crisp suit and top hat, approached the campfire from one of the wagons. His beady eyes glimmered eagerly, and his mustache was groomed to curl around his lips as he smiled at the strangers.

  On his arm was a beautiful woman who stood much taller than him. She wore an elegant red silk dress with long white gloves. Her hair was an equally brilliant red but what caught Browen’s attention was the full beard that adorned her face, thicker and more beautifully kept than most men’s.

  As the pair approached, Browen noticed that the troupe’s body language had grown tense. The flame that had been dancing around Raigh returned to its place in the bonfire and she crossed her arms to glare at the man who had interrupted their fun.

  “Bravo, bravo!” The man declared as he continued his slow clap. “What a stunning performance. You sir put my musicians to shame.”

  “Um… Thank you…” Ralis blushed, taking a slight bow.

  “Did I hear correctly that you said you were self-taught? Ha! Imagine what you would sound like with some lessons! Allow me to introduce myself, I am Ringmaster Vergo Sammali. Welcome to the Carnival of Dreams, forget the world beyond and spend a night making dreams become reality.”

  As the Ringmaster talked, Browen realized that he was entirely unaffected by Ralis’s charms. He had never seen a Human so impervious before, so far only Na’tyr and Raigh had been immune to his gifts. However, the woman on his arm certainly was under Ralis’s spell and she bit her lower lip with a practiced sultry stare.

  “We could not help but overhear,” The Ringmaster continued. “and would be honored if you were to travel with us to Esper. I know you half Na’tyr must be careful these days, I’ve been taking care of Raigh here since she was a baby. You’ll be safer here than you knew possible my boy, I can promise that. Now this is no charity, you would need to earn your keep, but with that singing voice you’ll be more than fine. Play a couple of shows on the road for us and you’ll easily pay for yourself and your friends.”

  Miri stood to her full height and still looked small against the looming pair. “We really must decline.”

  Ralis’s expression fell. “Why? They’re travelling to Esper too, and we’ll be safe.”

  Miri hesitated, she clearly struggled with something she did not want to say. “We simply cannot, we have lingered here long enough.”

  “Miri please.” Ralis had walked over to her and took her hand in his. “I… I’ve always wanted to play for a crowd. This is my chance. I fit in here.”

  Miri’s mouth opened and closed several times as she struggled with what to say.

  “We can leave at any time, right?” Amri asked, since the pair were at a deadlock.

  “But of course.” The Ringmaster beamed. “You are free to come and go as you please. All of my troupe is. You’ll find, if you stay with us, that we’re a family here and we look out for one another. I wouldn’t dream of keeping someone here against their will.”

  Amri nodded and turned to Miri. “We should stay with them while it’s convenient. We’ll get to Esper faster this way.”

  Miri sighed in distress but nodded. “But… promise that we will leave if things… do not work out.”

  Amri and Ralis both nodded.

  “And... What are your thoughts?” Miri asked as she looked to Ezra and Browen.

  “I agree with Amri.” Ezra replied, her thoughts clearly distracted with something else.

  “I think we could all use this as an opportunity to relax.” Browen answered when Miri looked to him. “We deserve it.”

  “Excellent.” The Ringmaster beamed and clapped his hands. “Now everyone should get some rest, we’re leaving for Goldwyn in the morning.”

  Chapter Five


  Ralis could not remember the last time he had felt so excited. He understood Miri’s concerns, she had grown up hiding from the world like him. But Ralis wanted to trust these pe
ople. They were different, they were like him. He felt strangely at home among the bright colours, interesting people and joyful music.

  “Now that that’s settled, Raighlae I want to speak with you in my wagon.”

  Raigh’s whole body went stiff as the Ringmaster called for her using a longer name and she obediently followed him into the largest wagon of the circle. No longer on the Ringmaster’s arm the bearded woman approached the group with a seductive smile locked on Ralis.

  “My name is Elsie; I look forward to travelling with you.” She ran her fingers playfully along his exposed shoulder. “We don’t have any spare wagons with us, unless you want to sleep in the empty animal cage, otherwise it’ll be warm by the fire. Or you might be able to find someone willing to share a bed.”

  Ralis blushed at the attention. Only a few weeks ago he wouldn’t have hesitated to accept the offer. Life had been lonely growing up in the woods with only his mother, he had accepted any company he could get. And yet, while he could not deny the beauty that was Elsie, he kept close to his friends. He was no longer so desperate for social interaction.

  “We’ll be fine, thank you.” He answered.

  “My wagon is that one, if you get cold or lonely in the night.” She blew Ralis a kiss as she walked towards the indicated caravan, hips swaying enticingly.

  Miri cleared her throat loudly, pulling Ralis’s attention from the attractive woman. “If we are staying, we should set up the tents.”

  Ezra rolled her eyes and moved to help Miri. It didn’t take long for the two tents to be fully erected.

  “We should still keep watch through the night. We do not know these people.” Miri tried to suppress a yawn. “I can go first if need be.”

  “I don’t think we need to worry about that.” Browen answered. “They seem nice.”

  “What aren’t you telling us?” Ezra turned with her hands on her hips towards Miri.

  She struggled to suppress a squeak as she answered. “It... is nothing… simply a bad feeling.”


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