Sunken Wind

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Sunken Wind Page 38

by Sara T K Fehr

  The Queen chuckled darkly and looked down at Amri with a look of disgust. “And I see you’re continuing this childish tradition for another year.”

  A wild look came into the King-Regent’s eyes and Browen immediately understood why some whispered that he was mad. “Another offering from my lovely subjects, who am I to refuse their gifts.” He then placed his hands on Amri’s shoulders and pulled her close to his body.

  Browen sucked in a breath at the gesture and the soldier standing next to him gave him a curious look.

  “Deluded as always I see.” The Queen’s voice was laced with venom.

  The Na’tyr that stood at King-Regent Razmir’s side shifted uncomfortably at the comment. Some of them even dared a glare at the Queen. King-Regent Razmir on the other hand gave the Queen a wide smile.

  “We are the choices that we make my Queen.” He taunted.

  She scowled at him and one of the Na’tyr in the Queen’s company, a handsome male with dark blue skin tipped in an even darker blue, stepped forward.

  “It was a long journey to get here King-Regent Razmir, shall we adjourn such pleasantries for the time being?”

  The King-Regent nodded as his gaze flicked between the Na’tyr who followed the Queen. “Of course, this way my Queen.”

  The procession continued up the stairs and followed up then down a corridor beyond view, until only soldiers remained. The formalities temporarily concluded they soldiers disbursed to their assigned roles. Browen followed his instructions and moved to his place outside of the dining hall. Once the Queen had settled in, she was expected for a grand dinner with the residence of the castle.

  As he left the foyer to his next post, he cast a glance up the grand staircase and thought of Amri. The Queen didn’t seem to recognize her and with the King-Regent distracted, hopefully she wouldn’t have to suffer anything further by his hand today. As much as Browen wanted to leave his post, he needed to behave at least until the Masquerade tomorrow. That was his best chance to find and speak with Amri.

  Chapter Thirty Eight


  Amri was still fuming at Lord Zaphir for charming her during the Queen’s arrival. Then again, without it she couldn’t have been sure that she wouldn’t have done something stupid. Especially with what she knew now. The castle no longer felt like a prison, instead it felt like something that had been stolen from her. She looked at the halls and imagined the portraits of her family hanging there instead of the images of the King-Regent and his people. The room she was staying in could have actually been hers. She imagined herself sitting with her parents beside the fireplace of the sitting room where she had her lessons, as they once had in Verta. It would have all been so very different had Queen Zarrennia not taken everything from her.

  As good as it felt to finally have the truth, Amri also felt terrified by what it meant. She saw the Human servants and her handmaids in a new light, they were her people and she needed to help them more than ever. It was her responsibility, not just as Miri’s chosen but as the rightful Queen of Esper. It was something that both haunted her dreams and gave her a newfound purpose. She had denied being a leader in Verta, but it had come so naturally to her.

  Since the Queen’s arrival, Amri had been confined to her personal chamber for all meals. She had been told the news as if it were a punishment, but she felt far more comfortable dining with her handmaids. She and Eva were also becoming fast friends, as she was her only confidant in the entire castle, aside from Mr. Darwood, but as head butler he was rarely around.

  Lunch was a roast turkey cooked to perfection, with garlic mashed potatoes, and a salad of field greens. Amri hated that she was becoming so accustomed to such elaborate meals. It had gotten to the point where she had begun to worry that her return to normalcy would be a challenge. Briefly she felt bad for mocking Ezra and Browen’s refined tastes so much.

  “Well girls, we only have a few hours left, best get to it.” Milli clapped her hands authoritatively as the meal finished. “I do hope you have been paying attention to your lessons Lady Kirra, this is the moment we’ve been building up to.”

  Her handmaids moved with an excited buzz and pulled her towards the massive screen of mirrors. Adirra hurried to the wardrobe and retrieved the ornate gown that Amri had been fitted for just yesterday. It made her look like the Queen she didn’t know she was. The dress was by far the most constricting garment she had been made to wear. It was a beautiful combination of purple and gold, to match the King-Regents attire.

  With her handmaid’s help, she slipped between the many heavy layers of fabric and was laced in tight. Her shoes looked as if they were made of gold and she wondered briefly if they actually were. They made Amri slightly taller than she was, which had made walking in them nearly impossible for her. The top layer of her short hair had been carefully braided back, with ribbons and gems weaved between the braids. Her face had been fully caked with more of Esper’s makeup and she had been made to wear an elaborate golden necklace. Thankfully her handmaids had given up on trying to pierce her ears for the occasion.

  Amri looked at herself in the mirror and didn’t recognize the woman who looked back. She was elegant and beautiful and could very well be the Queen that Esper so desperately needed. But she was also scared, and it showed in her eyes.

  “Are you ready?” Eva asked standing at her side.

  She, like all of the handmaids, was dressed in a simple gold and purple dress that made it clear that she was not a guest. They all wore the same identical mask of purple; it was small with no exceptional details and only covered the skin around their eyes.

  Amri shook her head. “Do I have a choice?”

  Eva smiled and put an arm around Amri’s shoulders. “You’ll be fine. But if something happens, we won’t be far away.”

  “We’ve been asked to serve drinks this evening.” Joslyn frowned as if the chore were below her.

  There was a knock on the door and as Milli went to let Mr. Darwood in, Sabrin handed Amri the mask that she was to wear that evening. It looked as if it had been made of gold lace and had beautiful details that had been accented by little purple gemstones. It reminded Amri of the mask maker that she and her friends had briefly met in Endar and wondered if it was his handiwork. Amri put it on, which concealed most of Joslyn’s careful makeup, and tied the ribbon below the parts of her hair that were left down.

  “Lady Kirra, I am to escort you to meet with the King-Regent so that you may arrive together.” Mr. Darwood mused as he stepped into the room. His breath was taken away as Amri turned to face him and he smiled warmly at her. “You look beautiful my Lady.”

  He wore his usual black suit but now also had the same simple purple mask as the other servants. He offered Amri his arm and the handmaids wished Amri luck as they departed.

  “Please be careful this evening, my Lady.” He whispered as they moved through the labyrinth of halls. “I will try to be available to you this evening should you need me, but I am responsible for directing the servants and will be very busy.”

  “Thanks.” Amri felt nervous, each step forward made her stomach knot up even tighter.

  “Your mother hated these sorts of things too.” He said with a chuckle after noting the anxiety in her voice. “Despite being born noble.”

  “And my father?”

  “He was born in the spotlight, sole heir to the throne. If he disliked such events, he never showed it. He was a very charismatic man, your father.” He squeezed her arm comfortingly with his. “You remind me of them both so much.”

  They entered the sitting room where the King-Regent and his retinue were chatting idly over drinks. Everyone was dressed in their finest and wore incredibly elaborate masks. The King-Regent himself was dressed in a pompous suit of gold and purple. He wore a different gold crown than usual, which was mounted between his tall black horns. His mask looked
like it had been made of shaped gold and twisted around his dark features.

  He gave Amri a wicked grin as he saw her and offered his arm. She frowned at the gesture but allowed Mr. Darwood to lead her towards the King-Regent. Reluctantly, Amri looped her arm through his and felt his vice like muscles lock her in place.

  “Ah, my newest little accessory has finally arrived.” The King-Regent cooed as he tilted her head upwards by the chin, so that she looked up at him. “A fine addition to my outfit, don’t you think?”

  The King-Regent’s retinue offered him obligatory compliments, but it was clear to even Amri that they were all done with her presence at this point.

  “Shall we then?” Despite phrasing it as a question, the King-Regent moved towards the door and his retinue wordlessly followed.

  They could hear music playing from the ballroom as they approached, and the walls were lined with more soldiers than Amri had noticed at the castle before. The group paused before a massive set of double doors and the soldiers manning them bowed as they opened them. They were at the top of the balcony that wrapped around the entire ballroom. Just ahead was a grand staircase that led down to the main room. A well-dressed servant at the top of the stairs stepped from his place and bowed deeply before the King-Regent.

  “Your Majesty, how do you wish me to announce your pet this evening? As Lady Kirra?”

  The King-Regent gave him a toothy smile. “My pet will do.”

  The man bowed and returned to his place, then announced to the ballroom below. “Now presenting his majesty, the last living Ra’tyr of Na’rallon, Regent of Queen Zarrennia of Madaria, ruler of Esper, King-Regent Razmir, and... his pet.”

  The ballroom was already filled with well-dressed nobles, a combination of Human, Na’tyr and Orc. All of them turned at the announcement and clapped as the King-Regent led Amri down the elegant staircase. She felt her face grow flush at the attention and was happy for the mask that concealed her true expression. The retinue followed behind and the servant called their names to the room as they moved past him.

  “The right hand of King-Regent Razmir, Member of the Order of the Scarlet Rose, Lord Zaphir. The Master of Finance and master of the Order of Blood, Lord Ceeril. Master of War, Champion of the Gate and War Hero of Na’rallon Commander Karn. Mistress of Secrets, Blood of the Shadow Legion, Lady Aerwyn.”

  Amri blinked at the impressive titles that each member of the King-Regent’s retinue bore and had to resist the urge to turn around and look at each of them as they were announced. Her arm was still locked tight against the King-Regent’s and she was forced to walk to the center of the room. The crowd parted obediently as they moved through them and all eyes were on the King-Regent, who beamed at the attention. Everyone they passed was dressed in an extravagance that made Amri feel sick. Every outfit she saw looked expensive enough to feed an entire family for a year. And there were so many of them. It made her angry to think that every year the powerful gathered to flaunt their wealth like this while so many starved to death in the streets.

  As much as she loathed to be dragged around by the King-Regent, Amri was at least glad that everyone seemed focused on him and not her. Although she doubted that anyone would recognize her, even without the masks. She no longer matched the description of the dirty thief that the wanted posters described.

  They reached the center of the room and, after a gesture from the King-Regent, the crowd resumed its dancing. Wordlessly then, the King-Regent moved Amri so that she was forced to face him. He positioned his hands so that one held her right hand and the other rested on her left hip. Awkwardly, the pair joined the dance.

  Amri had been surprised by the motion and was whisked away before she even realized what was happening. They moved in circles and spun around the other dancers. Amri almost felt nauseous from the spinning and every time she missed a step the King-Regent would snicker wickedly. It was like he wanted to make her sick or trip up in public, but she was determined to not let him win.

  As they danced, Amri quickly realized that the lessons she had received were entirely unsatisfactory and she only barely kept up with the King-Regent’s fast pace. They continued through into the next song that the enthusiastic band played.

  “Careful pet.” He snickered at Amri as she stumbled over his feet. “They’re all watching and if you embarrass me, I’ll have to punish you.”

  “That’s not fair.” Amri glared up at him. “I only had a couple of days to learn.”

  “Life isn’t fair, pet. Best you learn that sooner than later.” King-Regent Razmir frowned.

  Thankfully, the King-Regent seemed tired of dancing after the second song and as it ended, they moved from the dance floor. They walked past a servant carrying a tray of drinks and King-Regent Razmir grabbed two from the tray. Amri wasn’t entirely surprised when neither of them were for her. In a swift motion, the King-Regent downed them both and returned the empty glasses to the tray.

  They then walked around aimlessly between the many servants carrying drink trays. Everyone that they passed offered greetings to the King-Regent to which he gave a curt reply between glasses of wine. Whenever the pair spotted another servant carrying drinks, they would maneuver their way towards it and the King-Regent would exchange empty glasses for full ones. They had only done a few laps around the ballroom before Amri’s feet started to hurt from the uncomfortable shoes. She debated asking the King-Regent to let her go when a new announcement at the top of the stairs drew everyone’s attention.

  “It is an honour and a privilege to announce the Mistress of Darkness, Sole Endarin Heir, and Queen of Madaria, Queen Zarrennia.”

  The Queen stood at the top of the stairs and very much looked like someone with the title the Mistress of Darkness. The room seemed darker where she stepped, and her cold gaze sent a shiver down Amri’s spine. Behind was her own retinue and the announcer continued.

  “Prince Arze. Commander Illian of the Ironside Mountains. Right hand of the Queen, grandmaster of the Order of Blood, Lord Fennalee. Officer of War and Light Eater, Commander Grannok. Officer of Finance and Silken Tongue, Lord Quinn. Officer of Secrets, Shadowblade, Councilor and Mistress of the Moon Elves, Waerily Everlae. The Orc Representative to the Queen, Son of Gharnok Skullsplitter, Spirit of the Bear, War Chief of the Red Rage Clan, Chief Grumish Shadow Whisper. And the Human Representative to the Queen, Head of House Serrelli of the Eight Lords of Esper, Lord Farris Serrelli.”

  Amri blinked when she recognized Browen’s last name. After everything that had happened, she had nearly forgotten that his father was one of the Queen’s advisors. As the grey-haired man descended down the stairs, the Humans near where Amri stood all scowled and some whispered with disdain, Oath Breaker.

  As the Queen and her retinue joined the crowd the King-Regent scoffed into a fresh glass of white wine. “About time you graced us with your presence, your Majesty.”

  Together they watched the dark Queen as she moved through the crowd. She again wore a black gown studded in dark gemstones. It glimmered as she moved and clung tight to her frame revealing all of the Queen’s womanly curves. Still perched on her brow was the crown of twisted silver, adorned with more black gems. Her mask was blacker than night against her pale skin and it twisted like writhing shadows, so much so that Amri wondered if it was a mask of magic rather than a physical thing. A shiver of terror shot through Amri as she looked upon her enemy and she could not imagine what it had been like for Ezra to call such a person her mother.

  The King-Regent grumbled something more into his wine glass that Amri didn’t properly hear before she was pulled towards another part of the ballroom. He seemed to have forgotten her in his haste and he moved with a pace that practically dragged her across the floor. She cried out as she lost one of her shoes and the King-Regent paused and looked down at her in disgust. A servant had paused in his duties to help Amri collect her shoe and return it to her foot while the King-
Regent grumbled at her.

  “Have you forgotten how to walk?”

  She glared up at him. “It’s impossible to keep up with you in these ridiculous shoes!” Then, in hopes of finally being free of him, she forced herself to ask as politely as she could manage. “Why don’t you go on without me?”

  He snickered at her attempt. “Are you not having fun?”

  She hesitated and his expression twisted into a vile sneer. Before words left her lips his hand was suddenly clasped tight around her throat. Amri choked as fingers pressed hard into her skin. Her hands instinctively grabbed his arm to pull herself free, but his grip was like stone.

  “I asked you a question.” He hissed.

  Her mouth moved but no air passed over her lips. Her eyes bulged as she felt herself start to panic but his expression remained firm. She clawed at his arm and mentally cursed at the impossibility of his request.

  “There you are Razmir. Shall we...” The voice of Lord Zaphir drew the King-Regents attention and Amri gasped in relief as his hand left her throat. “What are you doing?”

  “This is none of your business.” The King-Regent grumbled.

  Amri rubbed her throat and staggered slightly as she caught her breath again.

  Lord Zaphir leaned in and whispered to King-Regent Razmir. “Not here, not with so many eyes watching. Keep it together Razmir.”

  The King-Regent laughed pitifully. “I can’t… not without…”

  “We need to at least greet the Queen.” Lord Zaphir interrupted with his arms crossed. “It is expected of us.”

  King-Regent Razmir stood to his full height and glared at Lord Zaphir. “Why? These games mean nothing at this point, she’s already won.”

  “How much have you had to drink tonight?” Lord Zaphir asked the King-Regent with a glare of his own.

  “I’ll drink as much as I’d like.” The King-Regent snapped back.


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