You Again

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You Again Page 7

by M. E. Clayton

  “Dash…” Henley’s voice carried through Whitney’s dramatic horror.

  “But if you want, we can take a paternity test, and all that jazz. But I know that kid, if there’s even a kid, is not mine.”

  “He left me pregnant!” Whitney screamed, the truth coming out. “Glen left once he found out I was pregnant!”

  I sighed.

  I really didn’t need this shit.

  “Soooo…uh, I take it we’ll just do this tomor-”

  “Fuck no,” I scoffed, cutting Henley off. “If you think for one second I’m going to hold off on tonight for the hot mess in front of me, you’re out of your mind.”

  “Be kind,” Henley admonished. “If it wasn’t for her, we never would have met.”

  “Don’t care,” I replied easily because I didn’t. “I’ll be on my way in a bit.” I almost tacked on those famous three words, but I didn’t want to share that moment with Whitney standing before me, looking like a complete disaster. “See you soon.”

  “Okay,” she chuckled. “See you soon.”

  I hung up the phone and slipped it back in my pocket. I really wanted nothing to do with Whitney or her less than ideal situation, but Henley’s request that I be kind made me feel sort of obligated not to be a complete dick.

  I stared at the woman who I once thought I might marry and said the kindest thing I could think of. “Good luck. Hope the baby’s healthy. And I never want to see you again.” I stepped back and slammed the door in her face.

  I let out a deep breath and congratulated myself. Whitney deserved way worse than that, but not because she was a cheating tramp.


  She deserved worse because she came back just when I was finally moving forward with Henley. And anyone trying to jeopardize what I had with Henley deserved way, way worse.

  Chapter 13


  Really Universe?

  Dash had texted me that he was on his way, and I couldn’t help but shake my head at his visit from Whitney. You would think that my first reaction would have been jealousy, but it hadn’t been. It had been mirth if you could believe it.

  After my highly sexually tensioned meeting with Dash earlier today, I had headed over to Arnold’s office to see what he had wanted. And he might as well have told me that he was the one pregnant with Dash’s baby because that’s how shocked I had been when he had ushered me inside his office, then shut the door to go on to tell me he missed me and wanted me back.


  That really happened.

  So, yeah, I had a beef with the Universe. Just when Dash and I had come to an…understanding of sorts, Arnold confesses he wants me back and Dash’s ex shows up at his place, announcing she’s pregnant with his baby.

  Really Universe?

  And even though I still don’t know the full story behind Dash being at the bar that night, I knew there was no way he’d take Whitney back. He had been woman-hating that night almost as badly as I had been man-hating. Whatever Whitney had done to him, it had been enough to cause irreparable damage. Of course, that didn’t mean I wouldn’t wait until she had her baby to punch her in the face if she ever went near Dash again. I mean, there’s being kind, and then there’s being stupid.

  There was a knock on my door, and my heart started beating like it was trying to escape my chest. However, my vagina was screaming at me to hurry up and get the damn door.

  She was such a hussy.

  Pretending to be cooler than I was, I still wore my work clothes as if everything were casual and expected. I had taken off my heels, but that’s about it. I was aiming for sophisticated, but I was probably coming across as lazy instead.

  I opened the door any-damn-way.

  My vagina fist pumped the air and my heart swooned at the gorgeous computer geek standing before me. Dash really was too pretty for words, not to mention that body of his. He was tall as hell without my heels on, but every inch of his tall body was cut, smooth, and muscular.

  The jerkface also had tattoos hidden on his person.

  Dash placed on hand on my hip and leaned in to kiss my cheek. “Sorry I’m late,” he chuckled. I smiled and opened the door wider to let him pass.

  I shut the door behind me. “Do you want a tour?” My apartment was small by Bay standards, but it was still big enough to warrant a tour.

  “Only if the tour ends in your bedroom,” he quipped. I grinned at his directness. With Dash, what you saw was what you got, and that was refreshing after Arnold.

  I leaned back against the front door. “So, you’re going to be a daddy, huh?” He laughed. “Where are you registered, so I can get you a gift?”

  He smirked. “Since you’re the only woman I plan on ever getting pregnant, you tell me where we’re registered.”

  My. Heart. Swooned.

  I laughed and gestured towards the couch. “Have a seat and I’ll get us something to drink.” I headed towards the kitchen as Dash made his way to the couch. “What do you feel like?”

  “Honestly?” he asked. “I feel like getting in your pussy until everything else fades away.”

  I tripped.

  But still going for the sophistication I was aiming for earlier, I caught myself before I face planted on the tiled kitchen floor. I stuck my face in the refrigerator to cool it off.

  “Pepsi, water, orange juice, or club soda are the choices right now,” I replied, ignoring his comment about my lady parts.

  I heard him chuckle. “Water is fine.” I grabbed two bottles of water and headed back into the living room.

  My place wasn’t fancy, but it was comfortable. My furniture didn’t match, but it was cozy. I also liked that if a piece died on me, I could run out and buy a whatever to replace it, without losing my mind that it won’t match.

  Dash was sitting up against the crook of the couch and I sat next to him, my legs curled underneath my butt. I handed him the water and asked, “Do you want to talk about it?”

  He twisted the lid off and took a drink before shrugging his shoulder and saying, “There’s not much to tell.” His grey eyes held no anger or resentment as he spoke. “The night I met you, I had just come from Whitney’s apartment, where I had caught her in bed with her gym trainer.” Holy shit. “I kicked his ass, said some choice words to her, and walked into the first bar I came across.”

  “And tonight?”

  Dash shook his head. “She accidentally got pregnant and tried to pawn the disaster on me. Glen dumped her when she told him, and she thought I was the best option to clean up her mess.”

  “After three months?” I asked, but then something gut-wrenching crossed my mind. “I mean…unless you’ve been-”

  He put his hand up to stop me. “No. I haven’t been,” he corrected me. “I haven’t seen or spoken to her since that night.” Dash placed his water on the stand next to the couch. “I never even went back to get whatever I may have left at her apartment over the months.”

  “How long were you guys together?”

  “About a year.” My stomach rolled at that. For some reason, I didn’t like hearing that they were that serious, even if I had been ready to marry Arnold.

  “On the phone, you said you neglected her. Is that true?” I wasn’t taking Whitney’s side, but I wanted to know what I was getting into.

  Dash nodded. “I tend to get lost in my work,” he said truthfully. “When I’m working on a new idea, I’ll forget what day it is sometimes.”


  He shrugged a shoulder. “I’ve always been like that. It’s a miracle I graduated from college with my degree. But Scott had a good way of keeping me on track. Still does.”

  “So…if we do this, I can expect bouts of neglect if you’re working on a new project?” I wasn’t clingy, but I wasn’t sure how I felt about being forgotten, even if it was for a legitimate reason.

  Dash cocked his head and regarded me thoughtfully. His grey eyes were looking right through me as if he could see everything I’ve never told h
im about me yet. I yelped when he reached over, grabbed my hips, and positioned me over his lap.

  I was straddling him and that wasn’t good for my mental focus.

  He brushed the random hairs that had escaped my messy bun from my face, and just stared at me. Then his hands ran down over my shoulders, arms, waist, and finally landed on my hips.

  He squeezed and I clenched.

  “I don’t think so,” he said, and it took me a second to remember what we were talking about.


  Dash shook his head. “Since the night I met you, work has…well, as my brother so rudely pointed out last week, I’m usually eyeballs-deep in at least five or six different projects, but since you…”

  My heart was beating a mile a minute. “Since me?”

  “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind, Henley,” he said, his voice clear and honest. “At first, I wasn’t sure if it was because I thought I’d never see you again, but then, I began to worry that I might.”

  “Why?” My voice was a mere whisper. I knew this moment was important.

  “Because I knew being with you would make nothing else in the world matter,” he replied. “What would become of the company Scott and I worked so hard for if I no longer cared about it? Because one night with you was enough to make me think of nothing else these past three months, Henley. And that’s some scary shit.”

  His honesty deserved my honesty. “I thought about you, too.”

  His lip twitched. “Not like this.”

  I was falling fast.

  “So…we’re really going to do this, huh?”

  He grinned. “You bet that sweet, thick, juicy ass of yours we are.” He playfully reached back and slapped a cheek. “But we need to discuss something first.”

  I cocked my head, my hands playing with the buttons on his shirt. “What?”

  “What did that fuckface, Arnold, want?”

  I’d forgotten all about Arnold. “Oh, that,” I snorted. “He just wanted to tell me he wanted me back.”


  Chapter 14


  “Your fingers are cutting into my circulation, Dash,” Henley winced.

  I immediately released my grip on her hips, but I didn’t let go. “What the fuck do you mean he wants you back?” Did the man have a death wish?

  Henley rolled her eyes, and I did not appreciate the flippancy. And the fact that I was ignoring how her pencil skirt had ridden up when I had hauled into my lap, and how I could see her white lace panties and I wasn’t ripping them off with my teeth, was a testament to how pissed I was.

  This was serious, damn it.

  “After you left, I went to his office to see what he had wanted, and he basically told me he wanted me back,” she replied, then shrugged a shoulder. “That’s it.”

  “That’s it?” I bit out.

  Her smile was soft and understanding. “Dash, he wasn’t serious.”


  Now I was confused.

  “What in the fuck are you talking about?” I snapped. “And I suggest you explain yourself clearly, young lady, unless you want me to lose my fucking shit and go hunt the asshole down.” Henley was doing her best to try to hold in her laughter and my eyes narrowed at how she wasn’t offended at Arnold trying to come between us.

  “He was on the open floor when you got off the elevator for our meeting,” she replied calmly as if I wasn’t about to catch a court case. “He saw you rub my ass when I greeted you, Dash.” Her head twitched in indifference. “It’s just a classic case of seeing the person you thought was still pining over you not pining over you anymore.”

  “So, he was jealous,” I surmised.

  Her nose scrunched up. “I don’t think so. I think it was more of a bruised ego than serious jealousy,” she replied. “He said he wanted me back, but when I said I’d rather run my vagina over a sea of razor blades than ever let him near it again, he got snide and commented on how he saw your hand on my ass.”

  “It’s a spectacular ass,” I commented, appeased a bit. “What the hell else am I supposed to do with it when you’re near?” I loved that Henley was perfect up top but that her ass, hips, and thighs were ample and thick. Fucking her from behind was the stuff of all the fantasies.

  Henley rolled her eyes. “The point is,” she continued, “he thought I was still hung up on him and he didn’t like seeing that I wasn’t. He also made a good point that you were a client, and we should probably limit our heavy petting in public.”

  Both my hands reached around and grabbed huge handfuls of her ass. “This is heavy petting,” I huffed. “What I did earlier was just a…demonstration of tenderness.”

  She laughed.

  God, she was breathtaking when she laughed.

  When she was done, Henley leaned forward and placed her arms around my neck. As quick, soft kiss on the lips later, she said, “Even if you weren’t in the picture, there’s no way I’d ever entertaining getting back together with Arnold. I don’t do cheating.”

  There was a burst of warmth behind my rib cage at the sincerity in her voice. “Neither do I,” I assured her. “Besides, I can’t imagine ever wanting another woman when I have you, Henley. I mean that.”

  She pursed her lips and my brain started chanting, listen with your ears, listen with your ears, listen with your ears. I needed to focus on what she was about to say and not the smell of her shampoo, the softness of her fingers on my neck, her tits pressed up against my chest, or how her legs were spread open over my lap.

  “Before we…move forward, there’s something I need to…ask. Or…more like clear up,” she said.


  “That night at The Lux…I…had been trying to…I don’t know, I guess…prove that Arnold didn’t have a good reason to cheat on me,” she continued, her face red from embarrassment. “All the things I let you do to me-”


  No way.

  We were not doing this.

  “Hold up, Henley,” I jumped in. “There is nothing wrong with all the things we did that night.”

  “I let you fuck me up the ass, Dash!” she shrieked. “A total stranger,” she tacked on. “What kind of woman does that?”

  “One who knows what the fuck she wants,” I shot back. “One who doesn’t limit her pleasure for the sake of respectability. To which, I have to say, respectability has no place in the bedroom if the sex is going to be good.”

  Henley reared back. “Are you serious?” she whispered in shock. “You don’t think women need to be respected in the bedroom?”

  I rolled my eyes at her deliberateness to misconstrue my words. “That’s not what I meant,” I replied. “I just meant there is nothing respectable about sex. If we’re making love and the lights are dim, there are rose petals on the bed, and missionary is our only option because it’s our anniversary and you want to be romanced, then, yeah, that could be deemed respectable. But do you see any respectability anywhere near the bedroom when my face is buried in your pussy and your hands are tangled in my hair as you fuck my face? Or when you’re on your knees and you’re slobbering all over the place because I’m choking you with my cock? Pretty sure no one would call us respectable in those intimate moments, Henley.”

  She gasped. “Oh, my God, Dash. You are horrible.”

  “All I’m saying is that a man either respects a woman or he doesn’t,” I pointed out. “If you can’t be respected because you let me spray my cum on your face that first night, well, then, I can’t be respected because I came on your face that first night.”

  “It’s not the same and you know it,” she argued. “No matter how far we’ve come, men can still fuck indiscriminately while women are still expected to be choosy.”

  “How many men have fucked you up the ass, Henley? Or cum on your face? Or covered your tits with bite marks and hickeys? Or slapped your ass while balls-deep in your pussy?” Her face was turning red for a different reason now. Henley was squirm
ing in my lap and my dick was paying attention.

  “Only you,” she muttered.

  “Then I’d say you’re still being choosy,” I retorted. “And even if you weren’t, Henley, I still would never judge you for what you let me do to you. I want our sex life to be explosive. I want to explore new things with you.” My hands found the soft bare skin on the top of her thighs and I ran them upward until my fingers touched the lace of her panties. “I want you out of your mind with pleasure. I want to make you want it all, baby. I want you to comfortable enough to be as dirty and filthy as you want to be with me.” I leaned up and nipped at her lower lip. “I want you to beg me for things that you’ve never asked from anyone else. And I want to give them to you.”

  “Dash…” she moaned, and she was no longer squirming. No. Henley was flat out running her pussy back and forth over my hardened cock.

  I pushed her skirt all the way to her waist and slid my finger inside the gusset of her panties. She was soaking wet, and I was hit with the force of how much I missed her, how much I missed this. Henley had truly given all of herself over to me that night at The Lux, and I knew I would never settle for less. I wanted all of her all the time.

  She threw her head back as I slipped two fingers inside her tight cunt and I latched onto her neck. After making my mark, I murmured against her skin, “I don’t want you to just let me fuck you, Henley. I want you to let me fuck you like you trust me.” She whimpered as she started riding my fingers. “I want you to trust that I’ll always hold you in the highest regard. I want you to trust that you can play my slut and I will still love you the same as when you’re just being you.”


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