The Great Exotic Novels and Short Stories of Somerset Maugham

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The Great Exotic Novels and Short Stories of Somerset Maugham Page 70

by W. Somerset Maugham

  She did not want to dress yet, but rather to sit down and think, so she twisted up her hair into a little knot, slipped a skirt over her nightdress, and sat on a chair near the window and began looking around. The decorations of the room had been centred on the mantelpiece; the chief ornament consisted of a pear and an apple, a pineapple, a bunch of grapes, and several fat plums, all very beautifully done in wax, as was the fashion about the middle of this most glorious reign. They were appropriately coloured—the apple blushing red, the grapes an inky black, emerald green leaves were scattered here and there to lend finish, and the whole was mounted on an ebonised stand covered with black velvet, and protected from dust and dirt by a beautiful glass cover bordered with red plush. Liza’s eyes rested on this with approbation, and the pineapple quite made her mouth water. At either end of the mantelpiece were pink jars with blue flowers on the front; round the top in Gothic letters of gold was inscribed: ‘A Present from a Friend’—these were products of a later, but not less artistic age. The intervening spaces were taken up with little jars and cups and saucers—gold inside, with a view of a town outside, and surrounding them, ‘A Present from Clacton-on-Sea,’ or, alliteratively, ‘A Memento of Margate.’ Of these many were broken, but they had been mended with glue, and it is well known that pottery in the eyes of the connoisseur loses none of its value by a crack or two. Then there were portraits innumerable—little yellow cartes-de-visite in velvet frames, some of which were decorated with shells; they showed strange people with old-fashioned clothes, the women with bodices and sleeves fitting close to the figure, stern-featured females with hair carefully parted in the middle and plastered down on each side, firm chins and mouths, with small, pig-like eyes and wrinkled faces, and the men were uncomfortably clad in Sunday garments, very stiff and uneasy in their awkward postures, with large whiskers and shaved chins and upper lips and a general air of horny-handed toil. Then there were one or two daguerreotypes, little full-length figures framed in gold paper. There was one of Mrs. Kemp’s father and one of her mother, and there were several photographs of betrothed or newly-married couples, the lady sitting down and the man standing behind her with his hand on the chair, or the man sitting and the woman with her hand on his shoulder. And from all sides of the room, standing on the mantelpiece, hanging above it, on the wall and over the bed, they stared full-face into the room, self-consciously fixed for ever in their stiff discomfort.

  The walls were covered with dingy, antiquated paper, and ornamented with coloured supplements from Christmas Numbers—there was a very patriotic picture of a soldier shaking the hand of a fallen comrade and waving his arm in defiance of a band of advancing Arabs; there was a ‘Cherry Ripe,’ almost black with age and dirt; there were two almanacks several years old, one with a coloured portrait of the Marquess of Lorne, very handsome and elegantly dressed, the object of Mrs. Kemp’s adoration since her husband’s demise; the other a Jubilee portrait of the Queen, somewhat losing in dignity by a moustache which Liza in an irreverent moment had smeared on with charcoal.

  The furniture consisted of a wash-hand stand and a little deal chest of drawers, which acted as sideboard to such pots and pans and crockery as could not find room in the grate; and besides the bed there was nothing but two kitchen chairs and a lamp. Liza looked at it all and felt perfectly satisfied; she put a pin into one corner of the noble Marquess to prevent him from falling, fiddled about with the ornaments a little, and then started washing herself. After putting on her clothes she ate some bread-and-butter, swallowed a dishful of cold tea, and went out into the street.

  She saw some boys playing cricket and went up to them.

  ‘Let me ply,’ she said.

  ‘Arright, Liza,’ cried half a dozen of them in delight; and the captain added: ‘You go an’ scout over by the lamp-post.’

  ‘Go an’ scout my eye!’ said Liza, indignantly. ‘When I ply cricket I does the battin’.’

  ‘Na, you’re not goin’ ter bat all the time. ‘Oo are you gettin’ at?’ replied the captain, who had taken advantage of his position to put himself in first, and was still at the wicket.

  ‘Well, then I shan’t ply,’ answered Liza.

  ‘Garn, Ernie, let ‘er go in!’ shouted two or three members of the team.

  ‘Well, I’m busted!’ remarked the captain, as she took his bat. ‘You won’t sty in long, I lay,’ he said, as he sent the old bowler fielding and took the ball himself. He was a young gentleman who did not suffer from excessive backwardness.

  ‘Aht!’ shouted a dozen voices as the ball went past Liza’s bat and landed in the pile of coats which formed the wicket. The captain came forward to resume his innings, but Liza held the bat away from him.

  ‘Garn!’ she said; ‘thet was only a trial.’

  ‘You never said trial,’ answered the captain indignantly.

  ‘Yus, I did,’ said Liza; ‘I said it just as the ball was comin’—under my breath.’

  ‘Well, I am busted!’ repeated the captain.

  Just then Liza saw Tom among the lookers-on, and as she felt very kindly disposed to the world in general that morning, she called out to him:

  ‘’Ulloa, Tom!’ she said. ‘Come an’ give us a ball; this chap can’t bowl.’

  ‘Well, I got yer aht, any’ow,’ said that person.

  ‘Ah, yer wouldn’t ‘ave got me aht plyin’ square. But a trial ball—well, one don’t ever know wot a trial ball’s goin’ ter do.’

  Tom began bowling very slowly and easily, so that Liza could swing her bat round and hit mightily; she ran well, too, and pantingly brought up her score to twenty. Then the fielders interposed.

  ‘I sy, look ‘ere, ‘e’s only givin’ ‘er lobs; ‘e’s not tryin’ ter git ‘er aht.’

  ‘You’re spoilin’ our gime.’

  ‘I don’t care; I’ve got twenty runs—thet’s more than you could do. I’ll go aht now of my own accord, so there! Come on, Tom.’

  Tom joined her, and as the captain at last resumed his bat and the game went on, they commenced talking, Liza leaning against the wall of a house, while Tom stood in front of her, smiling with pleasure.

  ‘Where ‘ave you been idin’ yerself, Tom? I ain’t seen yer for I dunno ‘ow long.’

  ‘I’ve been abaht as usual; an’ I’ve seen you when you didn’t see me.’

  ‘Well, yer might ‘ave come up and said good mornin’ when you see me.’

  ‘I didn’t want ter force myself on, yer, Liza.’

  ‘Garn! You are a bloomin’ cuckoo. I’m blowed!’

  ‘I thought yer didn’t like me ‘angin’ round yer; so I kep’ awy.’

  ‘Why, yer talks as if I didn’t like yer. Yer don’t think I’d ‘ave come aht beanfeastin’ with yer if I ‘adn’t liked yer?’

  Liza was really very dishonest, but she felt so happy this morning that she loved the whole world, and of course Tom came in with the others. She looked very kindly at him, and he was so affected that a great lump came in his throat and he could not speak.

  Liza’s eyes turned to Jim’s house, and she saw coming out of the door a girl of about her own age; she fancied she saw in her some likeness to Jim.

  ‘Say, Tom,’ she asked, ‘thet ain’t Blakeston’s daughter, is it?’

  ‘Yus thet’s it.’

  ‘I’ll go an’ speak to ‘er,’ said Liza, leaving Tom and going over the road.

  ‘You’re Polly Blakeston, ain’t yer?’ she said.

  ‘Thet’s me!’ said the girl.

  ‘I thought you was. Your dad, ‘e says ter me, “You dunno my daughter, Polly, do yer?” says ‘e. “Na,” says I, “I don’t.” “Well,” says ‘e, “You can’t miss ‘er when you see ‘er.” An’ right enough I didn’t.’

  ‘Mother says I’m all father, an’ there ain’t nothin’ of ‘er in me. Dad says it’s lucky it ain’t the other wy abaht, or e’d ‘ave got a divorce.’

  They both laughed.

  ‘Where are you goin’ now?’ asked Liza, looking at the slop-
basin she was carrying.

  ‘I was just goin’ dahn into the road ter get some ice-cream for dinner. Father ‘ad a bit of luck last night, ‘e says, and ‘e’d stand the lot of us ice-cream for dinner ter-day.’

  ‘I’ll come with yer if yer like.’

  ‘Come on!’ And, already friends, they walked arm-in-arm to the Westminster Bridge Road. Then they went along till they came to a stall where an Italian was selling the required commodity, and having had a taste apiece to see if they liked it, Polly planked down sixpence and had her basin filled with a poisonous-looking mixture of red and white ice-cream.

  On the way back, looking up the street, Polly cried:

  ‘There’s father!’

  Liza’s heart beat rapidly and she turned red; but suddenly a sense of shame came over her, and casting down her head so that she might not see him, she said:

  ‘I think I’ll be off ‘ome an’ see ‘ow mother’s gettin’ on.’ And before Polly could say anything she had slipped away and entered her own house.

  Mother was not getting on at all well.

  ‘You’ve come in at last, you ——, you!’ snarled Mrs. Kemp, as Liza entered the room.

  ‘Wot’s the matter, mother?’

  ‘Matter! I like thet—matter indeed! Go an’ matter yerself an’ be mattered! Nice way ter treat an old woman like me—an’ yer own mother, too!’

  ‘Wot’s up now?’

  ‘Don’t talk ter me; I don’t want ter listen ter you. Leavin’ me all alone, me with my rheumatics, an’ the neuralgy! I’ve ‘ad the neuralgy all the mornin’, and my ‘ead’s been simply splittin’, so thet I thought the bones ‘ud come apart and all my brains go streamin’ on the floor. An’ when I wake up there’s no one ter git my tea for me, an’ I lay there witin’ an’ witin’, an’ at last I ‘ad ter git up and mike it myself. And, my ‘ead simply cruel! Why, I might ‘ave been burnt ter death with the fire alight an’ me asleep.’

  ‘Well, I am sorry, mother; but I went aht just for a bit, an’ didn’t think you’d wike. An’ besides, the fire wasn’t alight.’

  ‘Garn with yer! I didn’t treat my mother like thet. Oh, you’ve been a bad daughter ter me—an’ I ‘ad more illness carryin’ you than with all the other children put togither. You was a cross at yer birth, an’ you’ve been a cross ever since. An’ now in my old age, when I’ve worked myself ter the bone, yer leaves me to starve and burn to death.’ Here she began to cry, and the rest of her utterances was lost in sobs.

  The dusk had darkened into night, and Mrs. Kemp had retired to rest with the dicky-birds. Liza was thinking of many things; she wondered why she had been unwilling to meet Jim in the morning.

  ‘I was a bally fool,’ she said to herself.

  It really seemed an age since the previous night, and all that had happened seemed very long ago. She had not spoken to Jim all day, and she had so much to say to him. Then, wondering whether he was about, she went to the window and looked out; but there was nobody there. She closed the window again and sat just beside it; the time went on, and she wondered whether he would come, asking herself whether he had been thinking of her as she of him; gradually her thoughts grew vague, and a kind of mist came over them. She nodded. Suddenly she roused herself with a start, fancying she had heard something; she listened again, and in a moment the sound was repeated, three or four gentle taps on the window. She opened it quickly and whispered:


  ‘Thet’s me,’ he answered, ‘come aht.’

  Closing the window, she went into the passage and opened the street door; it was hardly unlocked before Jim had pushed his way in; partly shutting it behind him, he took her in his arms and hugged her to his breast. She kissed him passionately.

  ‘I thought yer’d come ter-night, Jim; summat in my ‘eart told me so. But you ‘ave been long.’

  ‘I wouldn’t come before, ‘cause I thought there’d be people abaht. Kiss us!’ And again he pressed his lips to hers, and Liza nearly fainted with the delight of it.

  ‘Let’s go for a walk, shall we?’ he said.

  ‘Arright!’ They were speaking in whispers. ‘You go into the road through the passage, an’ I’ll go by the street.’

  ‘Yus, thet’s right,’ and kissing her once more, he slid out, and she closed the door behind him.

  Then going back to get her hat, she came again into the passage, waiting behind the door till it might be safe for her to venture. She had not made up her mind to risk it, when she heard a key put in the lock, and she hardly had time to spring back to prevent herself from being hit by the opening door. It was a man, one of the upstairs lodgers.

  ‘’Ulloa!’ he said, ‘’oo’s there?’

  ‘Mr. ‘Odges! Strikes me, you did give me a turn; I was just goin’ aht.’ She blushed to her hair, but in the darkness he could see nothing.

  ‘Good night,’ she said, and went out.

  She walked close along the sides of the houses like a thief, and the policeman as she passed him turned round and looked at her, wondering whether she was meditating some illegal deed. She breathed freely on coming into the open road, and seeing Jim skulking behind a tree, ran up to him, and in the shadows they kissed again.


  THUS BEGAN A time of love and joy. As soon as her work was over and she had finished tea, Liza would slip out and at some appointed spot meet Jim. Usually it would be at the church, where the Westminster Bridge Road bends down to get to the river, and they would go off, arm-in-arm, till they came to some place where they could sit down and rest. Sometimes they would walk along the Albert Embankment to Battersea Park, and here sit on the benches, watching the children play. The female cyclist had almost abandoned Battersea for the parks on the other side of the river, but often enough one went by, and Liza, with the old-fashioned prejudice of her class, would look after the rider and make some remark about her, not seldom more forcible than ladylike. Both Jim and she liked children, and, tiny, ragged urchins would gather round to have rides on the man’s knees or mock fights with Liza.

  They thought themselves far away from anyone in Vere Street, but twice, as they were walking along, they were met by people they knew. Once it was two workmen coming home from a job at Vauxhall: Liza did not see them till they were quite near; she immediately dropped Jim’s arm, and they both cast their eyes to the ground as the men passed, like ostriches, expecting that if they did not look they would not be seen.

  ‘D’you see ‘em, Jim?’ asked Liza, in a whisper, when they had gone by. ‘I wonder if they see us.’ Almost instinctively she turned round, and at the same moment one of the men turned too; then there was no doubt about it.

  ‘Thet did give me a turn,’ she said.

  ‘So it did me,’ answered Jim; ‘I simply went ‘ot all over.’

  ‘We was bally fools,’ said Liza; ‘we oughter ‘ave spoken to ‘em! D’you think they’ll let aht?’

  They heard nothing of it, when Jim afterwards met one of the men in a public-house he did not mention a meeting, and they thought that perhaps they had not been recognized. But the second time was worse.

  It was on the Albert Embankment again. They were met by a party of four, all of whom lived in the street. Liza’s heart sank within her, for there was no chance of escape; she thought of turning quickly and walking in the opposite direction, but there was not time, for the men had already seen them. She whispered to Jim:

  ‘Back us up,’ and as they met she said to one of the men:

  ‘’Ulloa there! Where are you off to?’

  The men stopped, and one of them asked the question back.

  ‘Where are you off to?’

  ‘Me? Oh, I’ve just been to the ‘orspital. One of the gals at our place is queer, an’ so I says ter myself, “I’ll go an’ see ‘er.”’ She faltered a little as she began, but quickly gathered herself together, lying fluently and without hesitation.

  ‘An’ when I come aht,’ she went on, ‘’oo should I see just passin’ the ‘orspital but
this ‘ere cove, an’ ‘e says to me, “Wot cheer,” says ‘e, “I’m goin’ ter Vaux’all, come an’ walk a bit of the wy with us.” “Arright,” says I, “I don’t mind if I do.”’

  One man winked, and another said: ‘Go it, Liza!’

  She fired up with the dignity of outraged innocence.

  ‘Wot d’yer mean by thet?’ she said; ‘d’yer think I’m kiddin’?’

  ‘Kiddin’? No! You’ve only just come up from the country, ain’t yer?’

  ‘Think I’m kidding? What d’yer think I want ter kid for? Liars never believe anyone, thet’s fact.’

  ‘Na then, Liza, don’t be saucy.’

  ‘Saucy! I’ll smack yer in the eye if yer sy much ter me. Come on,’ she said to Jim, who had been standing sheepishly by; and they walked away.

  The men shouted: ‘Now we shan’t be long!’ and went off laughing.

  After that they decided to go where there was no chance at all of their being seen. They did not meet till they got over Westminster Bridge, and thence they made their way into the park; they would lie down on the grass in one another’s arms, and thus spend the long summer evenings. After the heat of the day there would be a gentle breeze in the park, and they would take in long breaths of the air; it seemed far away from London, it was so quiet and cool; and Liza, as she lay by Jim’s side, felt her love for him overflowing to the rest of the world and enveloping mankind itself in a kind of grateful happiness. If it could only have lasted! They would stay and see the stars shine out dimly, one by one, from the blue sky, till it grew late and the blue darkened into black, and the stars glittered in thousands all above them. But as the nights grew cooler, they found it cold on the grass, and the time they had there seemed too short for the long journey they had to make; so, crossing the bridge as before, they strolled along the Embankment till they came to a vacant bench, and there they would sit, with Liza nestling close up to her lover and his great arms around her. The rain of September made no difference to them; they went as usual to their seat beneath the trees, and Jim would take Liza on his knee, and, opening his coat, shelter her with it, while she, with her arms round his neck, pressed very close to him, and occasionally gave a little laugh of pleasure and delight. They hardly spoke at all through these evenings, for what had they to say to one another? Often without exchanging a word they would sit for an hour with their faces touching, the one feeling on his cheek the hot breath from the other’s mouth; while at the end of the time the only motion was an upraising of Liza’s lips, a bending down of Jim’s, so that they might meet and kiss. Sometimes Liza fell into a light doze, and Jim would sit very still for fear of waking her, and when she roused herself she would smile, while he bent down again and kissed her. They were very happy. But the hours passed by so quickly, that Big Ben striking twelve came upon them as a surprise, and unwillingly they got up and made their way homewards; their partings were never ending—each evening Jim refused to let her go from his arms, and tears stood in his eyes at the thought of the separation.


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