Liberty House

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Liberty House Page 26

by Temperance Johnson

  Sam stared at her, shocked. He knew some of what she told him, but not all of it. He couldn't imagine her pain at the moment. He sat next to her and prayed as she cried. Tears were a good release, a way to grieve. He spoke softly, “Weep with them that weep. Jesus Wept. My dear, He wept over a friend dying. He wept for the family left behind to grieve.”

  Finally, the tears stopped, and he gave her his handkerchief. She wiped her eyes and stared ahead with her head between her knees. “Do you want an answer to your question?” he asked gently.

  She gave him a humorless laugh.” It won't make Ellen well.”

  “No, only a miracle can. It might give you hope, though. That’s important in a time like this.” He chose his words carefully. “God doesn't curse or bless people for how much they do and don't do. Jesus says, ‘My Grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly, therefore, will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the Power of Christ May rest upon me.' He gives rest to the weary and peace and comfort for those who just ask. Every blessing is a gift-because God is gracious. Not because we earned it. We could never do enough to earn the kinda grace that God offers.”

  “God's people don’t escape hardships. I’m not sure why He’s takin’ Ellen. We may never know this side of Heaven. But He does know what He’s doin’. God didn't promise His children an easy life.”

  Tommy looked at him. “What does servin’ Him do for you then?”

  “Oh, Tommy, He is so much more. He’ll be right there durin’ the pain and sufferin’. You’ll see Ellen again, even Missy, Pedro, and Ben one day in Heaven if you just trust Him. He loves them so much that He decided He needed them in Heaven. Why so soon? We may never know. He made a place for all of us because He loves us that much and we don't deserve that kind of love, I sure don't.” He got up, went over to her paint and brought it to her. “You’ve attacked the men that you love in this painting. It doesn't matter that they’ve hurt you and others, you still have to love them.”

  Tommy’s jaw tightened, and she looked away from the painting but nodded.

  “God has that love for us. We wrong Him, we reject Him, but He is always callin’ to us, lovin’ us.”

  Tommy stood up and walked over to the window. “I don't see how God has done that in my life.”

  Sam decided to take off the gloves; he didn't think he would have an opportunity to do it again. “Really? You don't see a thing God has done in your life or your family’s? Not one thing?”

  Tommy nodded, thinking she had it all figured out.

  Sam walked up to her, close to her face. Keeping his voice soft, he told her firmly, “How can you be so blind? Do you really think Ellen took you in because she wanted to? Yes. She did, but did she keep all you children because she could do it on her own? No. She kept you because God told her to, and she was filled with a love so strong for Him that she did it every day. When y'all hit her, threw things at her, yelled, did anything but obey. She did it every day because God gave her the strength to.” He had Tommy’s full attention. “She still couldn't do it; she couldn't change y'all. It had to be your choice. What made your brothers and sisters change? It wasn't her, not on the inside. You know as well as I do it was God that changed their heart. Had it not been for God, Jesse would be in prison and if not for all the prayers, Maverick would be a real outlaw and wouldn't have stayed. I ain't sayin’ Ellen’s a saint, but she did do it, and it was by the power and love of God.”

  His voice was still calm. “You’ve had men against you for five years. Your brothers, your family has stayed with you when they could’ve taken the easy way out and left. Your family was still there when you and your brother lied to them for decades. You think that was an accident that they stayed when they didn't have to? God let Cole find you and because of that, he learned to let go of his past and he got a second chance with his sisters.”

  “When the children got hurt, how did the brothers deal with it? Did they not believe the children? Or did they beat his face into the ground? They protected them as God called us to. The children’ll be safe from now on and no one will hurt them again. Ellen is now at peace with goin’ home to her heavenly Father even if it wasn't when she planned. She’s at peace.”

  He smiled and drawled, “If that doesn't prove it all then maybe the fact that you’re standing here lettin’ a black man yell at you in the land of Dixie.” He touched her cheek. “Now how can you say you’ve never seen God in your life?”

  Tommy’s eyes were wide as she shook her head. She let the tears fall as she sat on the sofa and cried a true cry. A cry of remorse. A cry of pain and loss. A cry that begged God to hear her weeping and to answer.

  Sam sat next to her and let her cry. At last, he asked, “What do you want to do?”

  “Think about it,” is all she responded.

  Sam was disappointed, but he nodded.

  Tommy touched his arm before he got up. “I mean really think about salvation. I don't want to decide to believe while I’m still in grief.” She paused. “I want it to be real. I need it to be real, to last when Ellen does go.” Her voice cracked.

  Sam nodded. “Just don't think about it too long.” He added, “Let God be your Artist, He will do beautiful things with His canvas.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Cole couldn't believe they weren’t telling Tommy why she was back home and waiting for the men to come. He still felt good that no one besides the men around the cabin knew.

  He could see Tommy in the parlor painting. She seemed to be doing better after the shocking news of Ellen’s illness. He prayed that she would turn to the Lord during this time. He prayed for hours about Ellen and his feelings for Tommy, which he couldn't change.

  He was in love and he was never so miserable in his life because he knew he couldn't marry her. He had admitted to God that he sinned by loving an unbeliever. By loving her in this way, God did not design it to be this way. He had not been guarding, protecting his heart. Many people thought it was just an innocent mistake, something that you couldn't control. Falling for someone who didn't share their faith. But he now saw it as wrong. He thought it was sinful that he let his emotions take him away. He didn't give his feelings and emotions to God as he knew he should have; he had depended on himself. He felt he committed a sin when he realized he was falling but did not put more boundaries around his heart. He was also sure that Tommy felt as deeply for him as he did for her and that hurt worse than anything. He couldn’t bear the thought that Tommy was going to walk away from hurting.

  Cole saw a shadow move in front of the door. He moved in closer and Sawyer did the same. He couldn't imagine the pain and fear Sawyer was feeling being so close to the man that had tormented him for so long.

  He heard Maverick do a bird call, then he ran out and held his rifle directly on the one who destroyed so many lives. "Freeze!” he said, “Don't move."

  The man put his arms up and froze in place. When the man turned around, they found that he had a mask on his face and a package in his hand. "I’m just a messenger, Mister," he said.

  Maverick walked up to him, took his hands, put the cuffs on him. "I’m sure of it. Everyone drops a package in the dark."

  Sawyer walked up carrying a light lamp. He held it up to the man's face as he pulled down the mask. He flinched as he stared into the face of a man he hadn’t seen in years. A face he never wanted to see again. Standing there with the handcuffs he just put on was the one who hurt him the most in the world-his real father. His hair was gray, and his face was old and rough, more than Sawyer thought he would be. So long they lived in fear of this man. Was it finally over?

  "You might have caught me, but you will see I will win. I always win out in the end." His voice was hard. “I will win the game.”

  Maverick pulled his hands up and whispered in his ear, "Oh, we have been waiting for this for a long time and we got a judge who will listen to us. One you ain't bought off. If you get out, I own two hundred acres no one is allowed
on. I own a couple of dozen miles along the gulf. I own a big boat. No one will find you after the sharks got done with ya." He paused. "So, no matter what happens, we win in the end, game over."

  Tommy really thought it would be different when the man was caught, but she didn't feel any difference. She had never felt such relief, but she still had that fear. She was at home alone for the first time in five years. She had no one watching her and no one was around. She still had that fear in her. It hadn't gone away like she thought it would. She remembered speaking from her whole heart to her mother, "I thought I would feel different now that it is finally over, but I still feel empty inside."

  Ellen nodded, not surprised that she felt that way. "Only God can take that fear away. You have a second chance to live your life, but you ain't living it because you only can really live it with Jesus in control."

  Tommy thought that if she had a new life, she would be whole, but she knew now that it was not going to be. She knew what she had to do.

  Tommy got out a clean snow-white canvas and started to paint. This painting she did for Diana and for God. She just painted and it was controlling her hand. She let her mind wander to the hardest time she had ever been in that night. When she watched the blood pour from her friend’s lifeless body, she still couldn’t see it clearly. Tears ran down her face, she kept painting. “God, where were you that night? I need to know. Show me if you were there that night?” she cried and put the brush down. Closing her eyes, she saw the room, could feel the wetness in the air, could see clearly her lifeless friend. She could feel the fear she felt that night and ever since. Letting the tears flow. She cried out to God knowing she had to let go of that night and move on or the fear would never go away. Not only for that, but she saw her need for God, for healing. She cried out from the bottom of her heart. “Save me. Come into my heart. Forgive me for what I’ve done. I don’t care if I have a few minutes or years. I want to be Yours. I want to belong.”

  The feeling that washed over her was an amazing peace and joy. The guilt and grief that had been there since the kidnapping was gone. She knew she would face many challenges in the future, but she would have God with her and that was all that mattered. She would no longer have to live in fear.

  She wiped her face smiling, looking at the painting of healing. It was sunset on the beach. The Heaven’s and the sky seemed to open, and angels were singing praises, maybe praises she was now a Child of God? There was also an angel holding Diana and she looked so happy. So, at peace. And that is when Tommy knew her heart would really heal; Diana was with Jesus.

  Cole stared at the man behind bars. Something about this made him feel uneasy. He wished Tommy wasn't at home alone, but Maverick was sure it was over. Cole wasn't so sure. He had been watching the office while Maverick went to get some lunch. Cole put his hand over the rifle he held; he hadn't taken his hands off it since he had been watching over Thomas Robertson. That was the man’s name. Cole had gotten the name from someone he knew.

  They were only able to get a bit of information out of him. With an uncanny amount of smugness, he said he worked alone. He wouldn’t admit to Lucia and Sophia’s murder, but that look still scared Cole to death. For Cole, it was the look in his eyes. At times they were fine and others they went wide, and he would run the jail cell like a mad man. Cole shook his head. His actions made no sense except he could be insane or lunatic. And why go after Tommy for many years? All Cole knew he wasn’t any closer to figuring out the problems. With a man, this lunatic. How did he have so much money? He knew how hard wealth was to hold at times. Though he figured Thomas didn’t have his kind of money, which means he had to spend it wisely. They all thought there had to be others working with him. It couldn't be just one man. The guns that were fired at the porch shooting came from at least more than one gun. He had to tell Maverick about the feeling he had, hoping he didn't sound foolish.

  Maverick walked in carrying a food tote. He set it down on the desk. He looked at Cole and asked, "What's up?"

  Cole got up, put the rifle on the desk, and was about to speak when Thomas just fell on the ground. Cole rushed over there and unlocked the door. Thomas was having the shakes. Cole got down to him and took his hat off while the man still shook. Then after he stopped and passed out, Cole saw it. A lump on the top of his head round and all. He felt it and it felt like the skull and skin of the head. He called Maverick who was at the jail cell door. “Mav, come look at this.”

  Maverick leaned down but understood none of it. “What is that?”

  “It is a blot of flesh. He will probably die from it if he is not hung first. It could be a cause for his actions.”

  Maverick stood and walked out. “What? So, he went after Tommy for years, a blot?”

  Cole stood up and walked out locking the cell back up, there was not much they could do. He walked back over to the desk and sat on the edge of it. “Well, it would seem why he is so obsessed with Tommy and this whole thing. Blots can do that to a person. It changes a person from acting a loony to sane in a matter of minutes. Though not many people believe that. I guess it doesn’t matter much, he will still be hung or die from that blot.”

  “You don’t have any more answers than that?” Maverick wanted answers. No, he needed them.

  Cole shrugged, there is not much of a study done on it yet. “I don't know much more about it than what I just told you. No one really does.” He looked back at the cell and saw Thomas getting up. He put his hat back on and sat on the bed. Looking perfect sane like he hadn’t just had the shakes or acted loony.

  He looked back at Maverick and had to be honest. He decided to sign. Maverick knew it better than he did, but he could get fast. "I have a bad feeling. There is something wrong about this whole thing. I think there had to be someone working with him. The shootings were done by more than one man. I have a feeling that there is something more to it."

  Maverick watched and nodded signed back. "Okay, we will look more into it."

  "You don't think I am strange for having a feeling?" Cole signed.

  Maverick shook his head and responded, "No, that same feeling has saved my life before."

  Cole smiled and looked back at Maverick. He called Grant and told him to go find Matt and just as he did, Owen and Frank walked in. The dog ran out the back.

  Maverick glared at Frank. "What are you doin’ here? I said you weren't allowed near this place."

  Owen spoke first. "Give the man a break, we’ve been told by the judge to move our enforcement."

  "What judge?" Maverick bit out. His legs apart like he was ready for a fight.

  "The judge sent the telegram to us explainin’ he needed the prisoner to come to him since he can't make it out here," He passed Maverick the telegram. "He has some murders there as well and can't come out. He wants Sawyer and Tommy in two days. I will be back to ride over with y’all. You don't know how many men Thomas hired for this."

  Cole took it after Maverick read it. That feeling was correct.

  "Why only the two of you to move him?" Maverick asked, relaxing a little. "Andrew and I could move him with y'all."

  "Oh, the judge thought it would work to come with Sawyer. We can handle it," he said simply, "You read the telegram yourself, boys."

  "So, you talked to Billy today?" Cole asked. His heart was beating a mile a minute.

  "Of course, he gave me the telegram," Owen told him impatiently.

  Cole looked to Maverick. He didn't get it. He frowned, eyeing them suspiciously. He would have to think fast.

  Maverick shrugged. "Alright, sounds fine." He looked at Frank. “Don't go around the children, got that? I still ain't decided how to deal with you without havin’ the children hurt."

  Frank shrugged, not caring about Maverick’s words.

  Cole wondered what that was about. Frank was not at the wedding. He didn't want to ask, but he knew there had to be a reason. And with how Tommy had been acting, it made sense. His anger raged at the thought of what happened to the childr
en. He had come to care for them greatly.

  "Cole, can you get me the keys?" Maverick asked.

  He looked in the drawer where they kept them, then he shut it again. He prayed with all his might. “Matt or Andrew must’ve taken them. Where’s Andrew?"

  "Fishin’ with Kat."

  Cole caught Maverick 's eyes and blinked three times. He knew Maverick caught on. He stilled then, tilted his chin at Maverick, implying that he’d follow Maverick’s lead.

  The Starrys had done it as children when they didn't want their parents knowing when they were coming up with a bad idea. Then when they got older, it was to stick together. Tommy had told Cole this one time. Cole shrugged and looked at Owen. "Why don't Maverick and Andrew take him over? You shouldn't go that far from Ellen at this time."

  "I can do it. Just give me the keys, Cole," Owen told him.

  Cole looked at Maverick, who showed no emotion, then back to Owen.

  Maverick spoke up, "Just stay here for a bit, Owen. I brought supper from the General store. It's only a day ride to Mobile. If we move fast, I can make it in half a day."

  Frank scowled. "The judge said we got a job to do."

  Maverick put a hand on his gun. "After what you did, I should shoot you right now."

  Owen suddenly pulled his gun and aimed it at Cole, then yelled, "Give me the keys or you’ll regret it."

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Cole stepped forward, asking, "Why’re you doin’ this?"

  "Thomas pays better than this town does," Owen said. "Now, boys, take your guns and put them on the desk."

  Maverick stood in shock, disbelief all over his face. He did as he was told. "You been workin’ for him?"

  Frank nodded. "Yup, been way too easy. We were supposed to kill Tommy, come back, and act like we were defending her, but you went behind our backs and didn't tell us you were going after him. And now that Cole figured it out, we’ll have a hard time gettin’ away. Now, Donavan, give me the keys."


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