They looked at Sawyer again. Maverick spoke, "That’s where you were a couple of months ago?"
Sawyer nodded. "Ellen asked me to find her a place we could all live in together, where I could continue writing, Maverick could be a sheriff for real this time, Isaiah could work the land, Andrew could be a blacksmith, Jesse could ranch and fish, Jerry could be deputy, Matt could continue to be a pastor, Cole could do his work with the home, and Julia could continue to paint and sell it."
Ellen spoke, "But most of all, I want it to be a place where you can have a church family and to be loved by a pastor and friends there. I've been praying for God to bless you with a family like that. As I were to you and Missy and Ben were. To where you could depend and get help from others through times you will go through. I know y'all always have each other, but I want more for you all and for my babies. I want them to go to a church and go to a school for the first time. I want them to have friends. I want y'all to have friends for real," she let tears fall, "I want y'all to have friends in Christ who can help you out and you can help in times of need. We’ve lived on Silkwood so long with only us, though we help any time we can, we are still not liked for anything. God has so much for y'all in store. He’s called us to be a person to need other people and we are not getting’ that and haven't in years." She smiled. "What do y'all think?"
They all nodded and started talking about their own ideas of what the place would be like. Maverick finally asked, "Where do you think this place will be?"
Ellen looked at Cole and smiled, "I've been praying for this for a while and after knowing you end up with the family. I did some digging. I hope you don't mind, Cole."
He looked confused, "What?"
"Have you read the letter your friend from Colorado sent you?" Ellen asked.
Cole looked at her and shook his head and pulled it out of his pocket and decided to read it, feeling shocked and then decided to read it out loud,
“Dear Coleman Donavan, you have been in my prayers lately and I have been watching afar and many of the homes have seen the change in you. A change I have been praying for. I know you are now come to be the man God called you to be. We talked about some dreams we had when you were ready. I believe the time is right. I have been hearing about some blond girl you have been courting. God knows where that is going to end. You said your dream was to run a ranch for families who have touched children. So, they could have support and love of Christians since the Church often does not deal with it well. You would put up cabins for each of the families where they could stay for free and work the ranch while learning how God views these children and how to help them best. God would bring these families to you. You would talk to the town and see how they would deal with a place like this so close to their town. The place would be a place Christians and non-Christians would come and be renewed in the Body of Christ and the Holy Spirit to see they were not alone. You will teach the town about the values of life.
'If it agrees with you, your dream is going to come true. I am leaving you a ranch of over 500 acres in Deer Trail, Colorado. It is a day’s ride from Denver and a half day from Liberty Home in Lamer and a train station where your families can come in at. Deer Trail is not a big town, but it will be enough for what your dream is. Izzy has been there for adoptions that have gone through. You have spent two winters in Lamer, so you know the area pretty well. If this is not what you want and you choose not to, the ranch will stay yours until you are ready to do as you wish. I know God has big plans for your life, Cole. I also believe you are ready for this. If you choose not to, I will still always love my son, nothing will change the way I love you and Izzy. You are always in my prayers. Say howdy to Izzy. We miss seeing her pretty face in Colorado. With all my love, your brother in Christ, Paul Life.”
Cole just stared at the letter in shock. He let some tears fall, though the room was full of his friends. Ellen knew he had been praying about his dream and what God wanted him to do. He looked over to Izzy who smiled and nodded. He looked to Julia; he hadn't even told her his dream. He looked at them all, "I've been praying about this for some time, but I didn't think it could happen because there is no way I am going to start it here. I didn't think Texas would work well either." He looked back at Julia. "I hadn't had time to talk to you about this. What do you say? What Paul wrote is what I want and how I want it run. Oh, there is more stuff to work out, but that is about it," He touched her hand. "Don't think you just have to say yes. Just because I want it. I want you to want it as well."
Julia smiled softly. "I would want to know more about it, but I am alright with it. I was given so much in this family. You have had a second chance with your family. I think we should take what God gave and gives us and go with it."
Cole looked at her. "Are you sure?"
Julia nodded and looked at him tenderly. "I know that I want you. There are so many changes and feelings right now I am trying to catch my breath. We can keep talking about it and praying,” she teased. “I like you trying to convince me though.”
The family laughed as Cole said, "Yes, ma'am."
Julia gave him an amused look. "Better get used to it."
Cole leaned closer, placing a hand on Melody's head. "I’ll have fun convincing you of what I want."
Julia gave him a surprised look. "I was probably gonna do it anyway."
Cole shrugged. "You’re probably right, Julia-Rose."
Julia melted when he called her that.
Cole looked to the rest of them, "What do y’all say? I could convince all of you like I did Julia, but it wouldn't be as fun."
They chuckled.
Most of them agreed, they were talking about what they would be doing there.
Jesse looked at Ellen. "You won't be in Colorado with us. It's not fair."
Ellen shook her head. "It was my prayer to be here for each of you as you move to another land, but God did not plan it that way. I know God will and is looking out for each of you." Ellen looked at him with so much love she had for him, "Life ain’t fair, we know this already. We'll just keep plannin’ for life over yonder and we’ll be ready to go when the time is right."
"Why do we have to plan life if you're not going to be here no more?" Hunter asked, "You’s could get better, we don't know."
Ellen nodded. "I could and we can pray. But we need to have to plan for the future, dear. I will be watching from Heaven being with my Savior."
Hunter let the tears come, though he tried to hide them by wiping them with his sleeve. The rest of the room started to cry and talk about their grief even if Ellen wasn't gone. It was natural and good to talk about it. Ellen hated to see the family suffer, but it was how God had planned her life and theirs. He knew what was best for each of His children's lives. God knew what the future holds, and for that, she was steadfast in her Faith. Her trust in God. He would take care of all her babies even if they didn't believe.
Chapter Thirty-Six
Cole walked into the parlor with a hot cup of tea. It had been a week since they had talked about the dream, and now, they talked openly about it. They had told the little boys and they had handled it with just a nod. It had been so much to deal with lately, they could only take in so much. He saw Ellen there still awake. Most of the house was asleep and quiet even though it wasn't late, not many of them had been getting much sleep.
Her feet were on the sofa. She looked so bad lately. There were dark circles around under her eyes, her cheeks were sunken in, she had lost half of her weight, and her hair was stringy and thinned out, though it was always kept up nicely. She looked like she was dying, though her eyes were still as sharp and alert though she sleeps most days away. "Would you like some company?"
Ellen nodded. "I would love some."
Cole sat on a chair next to the sofa. "How’re you feeling?"
Ellen smiled softly. “As good as I look, and I know how bad I look."
Cole frowned. "I’m sorry." He gave her the cup of tea, "Izzy said this might help with some of the
She looked at the cup, "Your sister is pretty incredible."
Cole nodded. "She is," he sighed, "I telegrammed my family, they are coming, leaving two days after they get a telegram. We will have the wedding the day after they get here." He smiled mysteriously, "I know I haven't proposed yet. Though Julia and I have called about the future and a little about marriage."
Ellen nodded. "I’m so happy. I hope I will make it to the wedding."
"We talked about that if something goes bad where you think it’s time, we’ll do it then," Cole told her. He looked away deep in thought.
"The wedding’s not what you wanted to talk about," Ellen told him.
"You can tell me to shut up or I have no idea what I am talking about. I have a question: David is touched, ain't he?"
Ellen's eyes went wide. "How did you know?"
Cole sighed. "I know the signs. He hasn't dealt with you passing well. He hasn't gotten mad or had a meltdown or just cried like the other children. He didn't say anything when Owen died."
Ellen nodded. "I was so hurt; he didn't care that I am not going to be his mamma anymore."
Cole looked at her. "It's not you. He just can't deal with grief, can't deal with knowin’ how to feel over something he doesn't understand. It's easier to not deal with it."
"How do you know so much?"
"My cousins have adopted many touched children." He added, “I do own Liberty House.”
"Did they know what they were getting into?" Ellen asked.
"Most of them yes since they were disabled in some way or they came from asylums. But others didn't know."
Ellen agreed, "I know how that feels. I knew I would get it with Jesse and some of the others, but not David. I worry about David so much. I didn't know I would have trouble with him, he came to me as a baby. I ask myself, is it something I did or didn't do? What could I have done differently?" She shook her head. "He reminds me of Jesse, just in a five-year-old body. Though at that age, Jesse was living on the streets. I didn't get him till he was ten and he was my youngest child to come to me and the most difficult. I knew what I was getting when I brought him into my home." She made a sarcastic face. "He almost cost me my marriage."
Cole concurred, knowing some of his cousins' marriage almost ended. Knowing some who had ended, "What made you stick it out?"
"I love my boy too much and I loved Owen. I struggled. Owen finally looked at me and said it's me or him. I wouldn't choose. I couldn't. So, I talked it out with Ben and Missy. He lived with them for a while. Then he moved in with Andrew when he was sixteen. It was good for him. When he got disrespectful and rude with his brothers, they would just ignore him or knock him around some to get him to stop." She sighed, "I worry about him the most when I won't be here for him. He has been doing very well with it. I just have to trust the family will be there for him and he will depend on them."
Cole shook his head, "I wish my ma was that strong, as strong as you. You always put your children before your husband. My ma has never put us before anything in her life, let alone her man."
Ellen touched his hand. "Your ma loves you. She just believes the lie that she needed a man over her children. She can always change, maybe by loving her grandchildren."
Cole shrugged, "She ain't there much for Amy's children. That is due to Amy and her issues. I just have come to realize that is how my ma is and we will never be close. I just don't want my sisters doing the same thing as her. I want to stop the abuse. The hurt. Amy controls her marriage. Izzy, I don't worry about as much, she is strong. I raised her to be. Annie is a lot like Ma though and that worries me."
Ellen understood where he was coming from. "Sawyer gon’ be good to Annie. I can see it now and Sawyer’s always been my sweetest boy. I always knew he’d grow up in a God-fearing home before he came to me.” She drank some tea. “If they marry, I can see them happy together. I can understand you worrying about Jesse with Izzy, who will most certainly end up in marriage. Jesse would never hurt her by beating her."
Cole frowned. "There are a lot of ways to hurt a body, and fits are not the only way. My pa did both ways."
Ellen said, "I know that. Jesse is gentle and he has come a long way in the last few years. He has been doing better at making decisions and getting along. I know he ain't perfect, but I think Izzy will be happy with him."
Cole didn't look convinced.
"If you try to talk to her out of seeing Jesse, you think she would listen?" Ellen smiled, "Jesse sure wouldn't. He is smitten."
Cole chuckled, "She was never good at listenin’, especially when she wants something this bad."
Ellen turned serious. "Trust God and always be there for them. I understand what you say about stopping the cycle of abuse. One of the reasons I took the children was to help them stop causing it to other children or making their own. One child at a time. One star at a time.” She smiled, "And I took in fourteen children, including my womb, three kiddos."
"You did a wonderful job. They have a deep love for you."
"It is only by God; they are still here and I ain't insane." Ellen chuckled, "Well, only half insane." She turned serious, "I need to ask you something. You get Julia around some friends and a lady who can help her out."
Cole looked down, "No one can replace you."
"Oh, I am not asking you to do that. But God did call us to help each other, not just live alone." She took his hand in hers. "I have been praying. I hope you know I have come to love you as a son."
"You have come to mean so much to me," Cole said.
Ellen smiled. "I’m glad, because I’m going to ask Julia to raise my young children."
Cole looked at her. "What? She ain't even married?"
"You ain't going to marry her?"
Cole smiled at the sound of her voice, "I sure am." He paused, his brain trying to keep up, "Does Julia know?"
"No, I wanted to know your thoughts. She has been through so much at the moment." She paused. "If you don't think you should, or called to do it then I will ask..."
Cole cut her off. "I reckon I would love to. I have come to love your children. I just thought you would give them to Katrina and Andrew. Or Matt and Susan."
"God has big plans for Katrina and Andrew. I believe it, but it is not my little children. Matt will be here till the last person goes to Colorado." She quested his hands, though not much she didn't have much strength. "I feel God brought you back into my daughter's life for great things."
Cole felt so emotional. If only his mother felt this way about him. "Ellen, as I said, I love your children. I will try my best to raise them." He added, "Why Julia and me?"
"You know the children so well. You are the one who decided on the bedrooms and other decisions that I hadn't thought about. You knew." She looked at him with such sad eyes.
Cole dipped his head "I found out that night with what Maverick said and then with Julia had been acting. The children had changed as well."
Ellen shook her head, "I never saw it. I never saw the signs."
"I only saw the signs because I know to look for them. When you think everything is fine and safe, you just don't see it. The children are actually very well."
Ellen frowned, "They are going to fall apart and soon."
"I will be there when it happens," Cole told her grimly, but his eyes promised her.
Ellen let a tear fall down her cheek. She looked so much at peace and torn.
Cole acted like he didn't notice. He couldn't imagine what Ellen was going through at the moment, "Will you tell Julia about David?"
"Do you think I should?" She paused, "I am thinking he seems to be bonding with Julia right now and maybe his problems will be fixed by her and you."
Cole raised a brow, "You really think so?"
Ellen shrugged, "I am trusting God to take care of my boy. I think Julia will be fine. I have a plan if she needs it."
Cole smiled. "When do you not have a plan?"
Ellen nodded and smiled softly, "In my l
ife, I have learned to plan ahead of everything." She paused, "Will your Ma come to the wedding?"
Cole shrugged. "Maybe. With Annie here, she probably will."
"I hope to meet her, and say she raised a Godly young man."
Cole stilled. "She didn't raise me. I raised myself. Then I raised Amy and Izzy while she raised Annie." He shrugged like it didn't matter. "Just how it was."
"Will Amy and her husband come?" Ellen sounded like she knew they wouldn’t.
Cole made a face. "No, she won’t, and George-her husband-was one of my best friends. He still won't come either." Cole smiled broadly, "I need to thank Amy. She said if I came this time, Julia would make me fall in love with her. Amy was right for once."
Ellen softly laughed, "I bet she wanted you to as well right."
"Oh, she will be thrilled," Cole drawled knowing Amy would scream. God was in control and He was watching out, all the Donovans and Starrys, what their future held.
Ellen got an amused look on her face, "Want some help proposing?"
Cole just laughed, "I think if I say no you will still tell me."
Ellen giggled, "I knew you were a smart man."
The sun was warm, and the water was beautiful as Cole and Julia walked along the shore. Julia was using a crutch, but she was getting around much better. They weren't walking far.
Finally, they came to a hill and Julia had to sit down. She couldn't take much more on her ankle. She watched the gulf. "I’m going to miss this the most."
Cole sat next to her. "I will too. Colorado has its one beauty. It has mountains, valleys, rivers, ponds, and the most beautiful land you have ever seen." He looked at her, "It's almost as beautiful as you, Rose."
Julia blushed, she liked to listen as he talked of Colorado, "You think I can do it? Raise the children?"
Cole looked at her deeply. "I know you can and will do a wonderful job at it. You love them."
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