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Nykara Page 33

by Katie Holland

  They decided to test it out. Alix touched Shay’s arm and pushed just a tiny amount of energy into Shay. A moment later Shay’s eyes got big and a huge smile broke out on her face.

  “Oh my God! It worked. That felt incredible. I feel great.”

  “How much energy did you give her?” Kris asked.

  “Just a very small amount. My guess is that it has a greater effect on humans than Nykara.”

  “You may be right,” he responded. “Now we all need to go home and rest, well maybe relax is more appropriate now that we have our energy back thanks to Alix. Let’s meet back here by 10:00 tomorrow morning. Be prepared to do several hours’ worth of hiking in cold weather. Bring water and whatever else you need to maintain your energy out there, and I’m not talking magical energy. If you’re not used to hiking in the cold it can take a lot out of you. See you all tomorrow.”

  Everyone went home to get ready for tomorrow. They dropped Shay off and reminded her to talk to her mom about taking the day off. When Alix got home she said goodnight to her parents and went straight to her room. She had a lot on her mind and just needed to get her thoughts in order.

  Oct 17 – cont’d

  Tomorrow is going to be a big day. A big day – I make it sound like going to prom or something. I’m not sure I’ll even make it to prom. We are going to save the hikers tomorrow. There might be Grynn there and I might have to fight them. I’m scared. What if my dreams were all wrong and they’re not really in that cave? What if we find them and can’t wake them up? What if we get defeated by the Grynn and the hikers die? What if someone gets hurt or killed because they are helping me? I have so many doubts. Tomorrow I can’t think like that or it’ll almost guarantee a bad outcome, but tonight I’m free to write down what I’m feeling. I’m also a little scared by the fact that I seem to have so much power available to me. I produced an energy ball tonight that was capable of killing someone, that is super scary. We also discovered that I can take some of my energy, which seems never-ending now, and give to someone else when they are low. At least I can see the benefits of that. I hope I can sleep tonight because I’ll need all of my strength for tomorrow. I’m happy that mom, dad, and Shay will at least be away from any potential danger. That’s one worry off my mind. Well journal, I hope this isn’t my last entry.

  Alix put her journal away and got into bed with her eReader. It took quite a while, but Alix eventually fell asleep.

  Chapter 37

  Today was the day Alix thought to herself when she woke up. Today she would learn what she was capable of. She tried to let go of her nervousness as she got up and got ready, but she wasn’t doing a very good job. Her mom was in the kitchen when Alix walked in.

  “Hey kiddo, how are you feeling this morning?” her mom asked.

  “That’s a really good question,” Alix said, as she poured her coffee. “And I’m not sure I have a really good answer. Excited. Scared. Nervous. Anxious.”

  “That’s perfectly natural honey. In fact, if you had said you were feeling fine I would have had to wonder.”

  “Is dad at the office?”

  “Yes. He called me a little bit ago and said he was able to reschedule most of his appointments. He’ll be done around 10:00 am.”

  “Good. I need all three of you there before we leave. You know there’s no way I could have done this without you guys. I got extremely lucky in the parent and friend departments.”

  “It means the world to me to hear you say that. I think we’re the lucky ones though,” she said fondly. “Would you like to help me make some breakfast?”

  “Sure mom,” Alix said with a smile.

  After they ate they gathered anything they thought Alix might need for the day’s trip. A couple of bottles of water, some granola bars, a sandwich, and some cookies. It had snowed some last night as Kris said it would but thankfully it was just a dusting. Her hiking boots would be just fine for today. She layered with a base layer under her jeans, two pairs of socks, and a base layer under her sweater. All she would have to do was get a jacket and she would be ready, well ready for the weather anyway. She still wasn’t ready for the task itself, but she wasn’t sure she ever would be until the actual moment came.

  It was almost 10:00 am, so they headed over to Ben’s. She had told Shay they would pick her up on the way. She was ready when they pulled up. She looked as nervous as Alix felt. Shay didn’t say anything when she got in. She just took Alix’s hand and looked at her. Alix understood her perfectly. She was worried too.

  When they arrived at Ben’s everyone was there except her dad and Karin. Kris was checking everyone’s clothing and supplies. Alix thought it looked more like a military operation than a rescue mission. But then again, she’d never been involved in either so what did she know. She gave Kris her stuff to check. She must have passed inspection because he didn’t say anything to her. She actually got a little giggle out of the whole thing. Must be nerves she thought to herself as she tried to contain her giggle.

  Karin arrived some time while Kris was inspecting her stuff. Now they just had to wait on her dad and everything would be fine. Kris finished dealing with Karin’s stuff and started his pre-rescue speech.

  “I’d like to say a good job to everyone on bringing the appropriate supplies and clothing. I would like each of you to grab another bottle of water and put add it to your pack. We don’t know if the hikers will need anything when we find them. Our plan is still to leave at 11:00 am. We’ll take my vehicle and Rick’s. Karin and Mike, you’ll be with me. Natalie, Ben and Alix, you’ll go with Rick. That way we’ll still have enough room to bring the hikers back. Are there any questions?”

  No one seemed to have any questions just then.

  “Okay then. We’ll meet at the vehicles at 11:00 am.”

  Ted walked into the den just as everyone started to break into groups when Alix stopped them. “Wait, I have something I need to say,” she paused a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing. “I want to thank everyone for everything you’ve done so far and thank you in advance for today. I know today could be a piece of cake or it could be really dangerous. Either way, I couldn’t have done it without everyone in this room. I know that as the Chosen One it’s my responsibility to do this, so you have no idea what it means to me to have the help. So, thank you and I’ll never forget what you’ve done here today.”

  Alix went over to her parents and was enveloped by both of them. Tears threatened as she relaxed into their hug.

  “You come home to us honey,” her dad said.

  “Yes,” was all she was able to say.

  “Can I join this party?” Shay said.

  “Of course, come on in,” Heather said.

  They stayed that way for quite a while. There was no need for words at that moment.


  All too soon it was time to leave. Alix said her goodbyes to Shay and her parents then she got in the back of the SUV with Ben. The drive was mostly a silent one. There were two or three attempts at conversation, but they died quickly. Everyone was nervous. Eventually they pulled off the road into what looked like a driveway. They all got out, grabbed their backpacks and walked over to Kris.

  “Here is where we start. It’s not really a difficult hike just a bit long. I’ll take point everyone else pair up and follow me. I need you to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Not only do we have to be on the lookout for Grynn but also wild animals. These woods are home to bears, cougars, wolves, and coyotes. Most of them will be scared off by us but we still need to keep our eyes open. Let’s get going.”

  He started walking towards the tree line. Karin and Mike followed directly behind him. Natalie and Rick brought up the rear putting Alix and Ben in the middle. Luckily the snow was only about half an inch deep. It was getting close to the end of October, so it could have been much worse. They stopped at the thirty-minute mark to get a drink and a quick snack if they wanted one. Then they stopped again at the hour mark to do the same thing.
  Kris took this time to prepare them. “Alright everyone we are thirty minutes or less away from where they are being held. We need to be extra vigilant. We have no idea if there will be Grynn present or if they’re watching us now. Keep your eyes on me and the surrounding area. If you see anything just say ‘stop’ and we all will. It would also be a good idea to pull in some energy as we are walking. Store as much as you are able to. We can do this, I have faith in each and every one of you. Let’s go.”

  With that, they were off again. Ben held out his hand to Alix. She took it without hesitation. She was scared and would take any comfort she could get. And if she admitted it to herself, she just liked holding his hand.

  Alix could feel when they were getting closer. She didn’t know how she could tell but she just knew. A few minutes later they walked through some trees and there it was. The waterfall she had only seen in her dreams. She knew it was right the instant she saw it. They gathered along the edge of the water.

  “How are we going to get into the cave behind the waterfall without getting completely soaked?” Alix asked Kris.

  “Hang on Alix, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We can’t just go barging in. We need to see what we can find with magic first. I’m going to see what I can sense.”

  Kris closed his eyes and used to energy to see if he could detect any Grynn or magical traps.

  “I can’t find anything hostile, but I also can’t sense past the waterfall into the cave. I don’t know if it’s the waterfall itself or something else that’s preventing me from sensing any further. We’ll have to be very careful going in there. Now as for how we get there without getting wet we simply use our shields. Make them surround your entire body, but not like a bubble this time but more like a second skin. Remember, Alix can replenish your energy anytime you need it. It’s important for us to stay dry as we have a long way back to the vehicles and we need to be able to care for the hikers and not have to be concerned with any of us getting hypothermia. Create your shields and let’s get behind that waterfall.”

  They did as instructed, and entered the water. They reached the base of the waterfall. Just like in her dream she used magic to part the waterfall like a curtain. Kris walked through first with Alix the last to walk through as she released the water. They waited at the bottom of the stairs for further instructions. So far, they had been lucky and hadn’t encountered any Grynn or traps. Kris was about to start up the stairs when Alix stopped him.

  “It has to be me that goes first Kris,” she told him. He started to protest but Alix stopped him. “It has to be me. I know it’s probably not safe, but I just know that I have to be the one that goes into that cave.”

  Kris accepted what she was saying and followed Alix up the stairs. They got to the top of the short set of steps. Alix stopped at the entrance while everyone fanned out behind her. They all let their shields go so that they could get their energy restored. Alix touched each one of them in turn to replenish their energy. Then she turned to talk to everyone.

  “I have to go into the cave alone. Before anyone can argue with me this is the way it has to be. Ben, as my Protector I know you want to come with me. And Kris, as a Warrior I know you feel it’s your job to keep me safe. But this is something I have to do alone, as the Kaelneth. I’m sorry,” she said looking at Ben.

  Without giving anyone a chance to say anything she turned around and walked through the entrance into the cave. As soon as she did Ben tried to follow but he came up against some type of barrier. It was like an invisible force field. Kris tried as well but it was no use. They couldn’t get through. Alix tried to walk out of the cave, but she was trapped on the other side. Ben started to panic a little, but Alix remained calm.

  “Ben … Ben, look at me. This is the way it’s supposed to be. It’ll be fine. Just save your strength for when it’s time to bring them out.”

  “But there is no way you can guarantee that you’ll be fine. We have to get this barrier down.”

  “It will come down when it’s time. Trust me, okay?”

  Ben was quiet for a moment before saying, “Okay, but I still don’t like it. You come back to me Alix, you have to come back to me.”

  “I will,” she said softly. And with that, she turned and walked into the cave.

  Chapter 38

  Alix created a small ball of light to see her way in the dark cave. She may have seemed confident and sure of herself, but she was actually anything but. Inside she was freaking out. She took slow cautious steps as she continued down the narrow passageway. It was familiar because of her dream but still scary as she didn’t know what she’d find when the passageway ended.

  All too soon the narrow path opened into the larger part of the cave. She stopped and listened. She couldn’t hear a thing but her own breathing. She needed to see more of her surroundings, so she made her light bigger and let it float up in the air. As her light got brighter she was able to see the hikers. They looked exactly like they did in her last dream, laying on the ground, side-by-side. She was also able to see most of the cave itself. She stood where she was, looking around to see if anything or anyone else was there. She didn’t see anything with her eyes, so she thought she’d try to do it with magic like Kris did. Alix closed her eyes and sort of pushed her magic out around her to see if it came across anything. She felt something faint but wasn’t able to pinpoint what or where it was. She thought it might be the hikers themselves, but she was going to be watchful all the same.

  Alix went over to Samantha and kneeled down beside her. She shook her, but nothing happened. She thought she would try to push some of her magic into the seemingly sleeping woman, just like when she was restoring energy to her friends. The instant she touched Samantha with magic she heard something at the back of the cave. She pulled her magic back and quickly stood up.

  She heard footsteps but couldn’t see anything. They were coming closer and closer to her. She instinctively backed up until she hit the cave wall behind her. The footsteps stopped, and she had yet to see anything. The next thing she knew someone was grabbing her arms and she was lifted into the air and thrown several feet sideways.

  Alix was momentarily stunned. She tried to get up and found that she was unable to move. She heard laughter as a man appeared out of nowhere and loomed over her. He was tall, probably over six feet, with black hair. His skin looked tanned and she guessed him to be in his late thirties. She was seeing her first Grynn. He had the blue aura around him that she was told about. The color of the blue was so dark it was almost black. That meant he was very evil.

  “So, this is the great Chosen One that’s going to save the world from us horrible Grynn.” his laughter continued. “Looks more like a scared little girl who’s in over her head. As if someone like you could ever defeat me.”

  Alix was definitely scared but also mad at herself. In her concern for the hikers, she had forgotten to put up her protective shield. She decided that in this instance anger was going to help her more than fear, so she held onto that and tried to push the fear from her mind.

  “My name is Victor,” he announced.

  “I don’t really care what your name is,” Alix retorted, trying to let the anger show in her words. Even if she couldn’t move she was glad she was at least able to speak.

  “You should care what my name is,” he said in a very condescending tone. “You should care very much as I’ll be the one to put an end to the Nykara’s precious Chosen One.”

  Alix didn’t have a reply for that, so she stayed quiet. She needed to figure out a way to free herself from whatever he’d done to her. Fear was threatening to take over, but she pushed it back. She had to think and knew she couldn’t do that if she let the fear take over.

  “And what is your name little girl? Or should I just keep calling you the Chosen One?” he sneered at her.

  Alix hated the way he called her a little girl, but she didn’t want to give him her name, so she would have to put up with it. She remained silent.
br />   “No answer. Very well then. Since you don’t want to handle this in a civilized manner I don’t see any reason to prolong this little chat. I’ll start by dispatching with these three, then move on to you.”

  Victor made a move toward Samantha and Alix yelled, “Stop, don’t hurt them.”

  “I’ll give you one more chance. What is your name? You have three seconds to tell me or this one dies.”

  “Ashley!” Alix blurted out. “My name is Ashley.”

  “Very good Ashley. Now, tell me, are you here alone?”

  Alix was afraid to say anything for fear of what would happen to her friends, so she said nothing.

  This time he didn’t give her a warning. He bent down and touched Samantha on the head. Her body started to spasm.

  “STOP!” she yelled. “Just stop hurting her!”

  “From now on you are going to answer when I speak to you or I will continue to hurt them. Eventually, it will become too much for their bodies and they will die. Do we have an understanding?” he said about two inches from her face.

  “Yes,” she said weakly.

  “Now, once again. Did you come here alone?”

  “No,” it was barely a whisper. She was afraid for everyone outside the cave.

  “Very good. I’m glad we’re getting somewhere. I already knew that there were others with you. It was just a test to see if you would tell me the truth. You needn’t worry about them. They’re out of the picture now anyway. You see, I’m not here alone either,” he said with a look of pure evil on his face.

  At that moment Alix hated him with a hate she’d never known before. She also started to panic. What had happened to everyone? Did they really get taken out by the Grynn? Were they hurt or even worse, dead? The fear she was trying to hold back came roaring to the surface. And Victor just laughed at her. That brought the anger back. Anger she could work with.


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