Death's Mate

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Death's Mate Page 10

by C. W. Gray

  Seshi cooed again and patted the air beside him, making both men smile.

  Movement in the corner of Death’s eye made him turn his head. He expected the spirits to dart off as usual, but this time they didn’t.

  A pained cry left him before he could stop it. “Seshia?”

  Fasi blinked, confused, then looked around. “Oh, wait. Is it a spirit?”

  “Two.” Death swallowed hard. “My first mate, Seshia, and…” he stared at the other spirit for a moment until recognition hit him. He’d seen her picture several times. “Nora. Val’s wife.”

  “Well, this is awkward,” Fasi said, patting Seshi’s back. “Hello, ladies. How may we help you?”

  “You’re staring at the wrong place,” Death said wryly. “They’re by the desk.”

  Seshia stood tall and looked almost regal in her pink and gold robes. Crells were massive compared to most of the other species in the galaxy, and she dwarfed even the Betonize woman at her side.

  Nora was a full-figured, bright eyed woman. Her soul looked as joyous as the smile on her face. “Well, look at that,” Nora said. “A lord admiral talking to us, Sesh.”

  Seshia gave the shorter woman a fond smile. “Indeed. It’s a nice change.”

  “What are you two doing here?” he whispered, unable to move or think clearly.

  Nora narrowed her eyes at him. “We’ve been watching you a while now.”

  “They’ve been watching me for a while.” His voice croaked as he repeated their words to Fasi.

  “Why?” Fasi asked, head tilted to the side.

  “You need to tell Val you love him,” Nora said, face grave. “I can only throw so many rocks at you as a spirit. I gotta conserve my energy, damn it.”

  Death frowned. “Val knows I love him.”

  “Does he?” Fasi asked, shrugging. “Every time you do something relationship related, he seems surprised.”

  Death glared at him. “You’re meant to be on my side.”

  “There are no sides here,” Seshia said. “Courting rituals for these new species are strange, but moving in together because you’re pregnant does not seem romantic.”

  “I didn’t move in with him because I was pregnant.” Death scowled.

  “Did you tell Val that?” Fasi asked, arching a brow. “Because it really looked like you two moved in together because you were pregnant.”

  “Then you said you’d marry him, but…Oh, I want to hit you so badly,” Nora said, growling. “You marry folks you love if that’s what you want to do, not because society expects it, damn it.”

  Seshia patted the other woman’s ghostly back and gave him a censoring look. “When you shared a soul with Azilo, you wouldn’t have proposed so bluntly.”

  Death slid down in his seat.

  “What’d they say?” Fasi asked, eyes wide.

  Death told him.

  “Well, you are a bit blunt,” Fasi agreed, wincing. “Okay, more than a bit.”

  “I brought Crea here,” Death mumbled. “I knew he loved her, so we’re adopting her. I did that right.”

  “Barely,” Nora said, hands on her hips. “He’d been feeding that girl for months, and it took my Lorry saying something for you to even notice.”

  Death groaned and slumped to the side. “I liked it when you two stayed hidden.”

  “Don’t be a whiny baby,” Nora said, rolling her eyes.

  Fasi snickered and gently put Seshi back in his baby seat. “I can tell by your glare, they didn’t say anything nice.”

  “I can eat spirits,” he said, eyes narrowed.

  Seshia rolled her eyes and tossed her long, dark green braids over her shoulder. “As if you would even try.”

  Nora crossed her arms. “We aren’t the only spirits watching you. Everyone in the spirit world knows you’re a family man now. No one’s scared of you anymore since you’re harmless as long as we don’t threaten your family.”

  “Oh, what a family you have.” Seshia moved forward and smiled at Seshi. “My beloved, look what you made! He’s beautiful and so unique.”

  Death sat up and smiled, happily repeating her words to Fasi.

  Nora moved closer too. Seshi’s eyes found her, and he reached a hand out. “Hey, lovely,” she said, cooing. “Aren’t you a cutie?”

  Death looked between his son and the spirits. “He sees them,” he whispered to Fasi. “Seshi sees them.”

  Fasi blinked. “Well, that seems harmless enough.”

  “He sees more than us,” Seshia said, smiling softly. “More than you even.”

  Death scowled. “What are you talking about? I see all spirits and souls.”

  Nora looked toward the door, glee covering her face as she clapped. “He’s coming, and Marshmallow is here. He’ll notice this time. I just know it.”

  “Marshmallow?” Death asked. “What does Fire’s dead guinea pig have to do with anything?”

  Fasi rocked Seshi’s seat, looking sad for a moment. “Poor Fire loved that little critter. I hated that he lost him, but guinea pigs don’t live long.”

  “Seshi,” Fire’s voice came from the hall. “Me, Dr. Bloop, and Jellybean are here to play with you.”

  The door opened and Fire came in, his remaining guinea pig on his shoulder and Beck’s dog right behind him.

  Fire paused when he saw the two spirits. “Isn’t that your dead lady, Death? I only saw her that one time. You know.” He glared at Death. “Right before you killed me during our last cycle.”

  “The Queen was controlling you,” Death said, still feeling guilty about it. “I’ve already apologized for that.”

  Fasi rolled his eyes and held out his arms. “Come here, Fire. Give me a hug and meet Seshia and Nora.”

  Fire grinned and snuggled against Fasi’s side. “Hi! I’m Fire—the nicer and better looking Crellic Element.”

  Seshia smiled gently, and Nora chuckled. “Nice to meet you,” Nora said, then pointed down at Seshi. “See anyone else?”

  Fire’s eyes followed her finger, then froze on Seshi. “Marshmallow? Is that you? How is that possible?”

  Death frowned. He still didn’t see anything. “Do you honestly see a guinea pig ghost?”

  Fire’s lip trembled as he smiled. “I miss you, Marshmallow.” Fire tilted his head, looking as if he were listening. “I understand. Seshi needs you more than me. I’ll still be here, though. We can play and stuff while you wait for Seshi to get bigger.”

  Seshi patted the air next to him again and gurgled.

  Death turned to Fasi. “My son sees pet spirits.”

  “I know.” Fasi grinned and looked up from his communicator. “I’m messaging everyone. This is both cute and creepy.” He arched a brow. “And I’m talking about the fact that two spirits are here telling you off for being unromantic. We’ll keep Seshi’s gifts to ourselves for a little bit.”

  Nora turned back to him. “That reminds me. Do I need to toss a rock at you again? Tell Val you love him!”

  Dr. Bloop woofed softly from right next to his chair. The large dog gave him a very judgmental look.

  “You don’t even live here,” Death said, sticking his tongue out at the dog.

  “I mean it,” Nora said, stomping her foot. “You’ve waited long enough. Tell him now.”

  “He’s not here,” Death said, giving the spirit an exasperated look. “I can’t talk to him if he’s not here.”

  Fasi looked up from his communicator. “Pops said Val, Poppy, and Clyde are fixing the sewage system in the Blue Sector Training Compound.”

  Nora gave him a hard look. “Get off your ass and go to him. You waited too long to talk to Wyatt, Verion. Don’t make the same mistake with Val. He’s may be a big guy, but he has a soft heart. He needs to know you’re with him all the way.”

  Death closed his eyes, Val’s smile filling his mind. She was right. He had focused on showing Val that he loved him and had forgotten to say it.

  He opened his eyes. “Fasi, will you watch Seshi? I need to go talk to

  Fasi already stood at the door with Seshi in his arms. Fire and all the animals stood beside him. “Not a chance,” Fasi said, shaking his head. “I want to see this.”


  “This core valve doesn’t look right,” Val said, frowning at the sewage processing system in front of him.

  “That’s because no one’s been maintaining this fucker for months.” Poppy scowled and kicked the metal pump. “Wasn’t Dorian supposed to be taking care of the training compound for our sector?”

  Clyde snorted and continued working on the busted pipe leading from the processing system. “He’s lazier than Val after dinner.”

  Val frowned, then shrugged. “I am really lazy after dinner.”

  “Hey, are you three okay down there?” Alois watched them from above the sewage opening in the station’s flooring. Val’s friend was the lieutenant on one of Blue General Hackett’s ships. He’d been checking on them all morning.

  “Please, kind sir, bring us some sandwiches,” Poppy said, lip trembling as she showed him her best sad eyed look.

  Alois snorted. “Crea does that look better, but I’ll fetch lunch.”

  “Don’t you have work to do?” Clyde asked, looking up from the pipe.

  Alois chuckled. “Yeah, but I’m bored.”

  “We aren’t here to entertain you,” Val said, arching a brow.

  Alois looked over his shoulder, “Well now, I kinda think you’re about to.”

  Val exchanged a puzzled look with Clyde. “Huh?”

  Alois laughed and reached a hand down to him. “Come here, Val. You gotta see this.”

  Val set his tools down and wiped his hands off before reaching up and letting Alois help him from the opening. “Why are you acting so weird?”

  He froze at the top. The training compound was a huge open space where the soldiers in the Blue Fleet trained, be it targeting practice or hand-to hand-combat. At the moment, the usually chaotic and loud room was completely silent.

  Soldiers lined the wall and watched warily as Verion strode toward Val, Lord Admiral Juren on one side and Fire on his other. The imposing picture was ruined by the infant in Fasi’s arms, the guinea pig on Fire’s shoulder, and the three dogs dancing around them in excitement.

  Please don’t pee, Scythe. Please don’t pee. Val winced. Scythe stopped to pee on a training dummy, then continued on, prancing beside Verion, with his tongue hanging out.

  Verion had his serious scowly face on, and it always heated Val’s blood. My delicious Veri. Val shivered.

  Edgar perched on his shoulder, watching the soldiers warily.

  A shot of fear hit him in the heart. What if he’s here to publicly break off our mating? They hadn’t arranged the wedding yet, things had been too busy, but Val had thought they were doing well.

  The three came to a stop in front of Val, and he instantly reached for Seshi. Fasi handed him over, and Val kissed his son’s head and rocked him gently in his arms. “What’s going on?”

  Val was vaguely aware of Morgan and Wyatt sliding in beside Alois and several of their other friends and family. Edgar cawed softly and flew to Wyatt’s shoulder, gently nipping at the man’s ear. Wyatt was his second favorite person after Verion.

  When Val saw Lorry and Crea at the front of the growing crowd, he began to panic. Oh stars, everyone’s here because he’s going to break up with me.

  Verion watched him for a moment, expression grave. “When I died, as Verion, there was one thing and one thing only that drew me to the land of the living.”

  “Wyatt,” Val whispered, nodding. Verion had always been very clear about his love for his eldest.

  “I wanted the chance to tell Wyatt that I loved him. That I was proud of him and wished I would have been a better father.”

  Val looked around, upset that so many were watching them. Verion didn’t hide his past, but he also didn’t shout it to the world.

  “That love is what pulled me back to my body when Death resurrected me.” Verion ignored everyone around them, eyes solely on Val. “After I adjusted to the new me, my only concern was protecting Wyatt. That meant I had to stay far away from him so the Queen wouldn’t hurt him to retaliate against me.”

  “He came and found you,” Val said, smiling wide. “You were stupid to think he wouldn’t.”

  A small smile briefly crossed Verion’s face. “Yes. He found me and brought me here, to Charybdis Station. Leti and the others, Fasi included, welcomed me with open arms. I’ve had very few friends as either Death or Verion. It was…” he closed his eyes for a moment. “It is a special thing—to be accepted as you are and loved unconditionally.”

  “I love you,” Fire said, sniffling. “Here, hold Jellybean. He’ll make you feel better.”

  Verion took the guinea pig with a smile and held it close to his chest. “It would have been enough to have Wyatt, my grandchildren, and my friends here, on Charybdis Station. It was more than I deserved.”

  “That’s not true,” Val said, frowning. “You deserve every good thing and happiness, just like everyone else in the galaxy.”

  Val snuggled with Seshi. He looked down when he felt something solid crawl up his arm to his shoulder. Nothing was there, but he swore he felt a slight weight on his shoulder. I’m going insane, aren’t I?

  Verion’s black eyes, so full of emotion, softened. “That’s what I love most about you, Valentine Philbert. You have the kindest, most compassionate soul I’ve ever seen.”

  Val’s mouth dropped open, and the panic filling him started to lesson. “You love me?”

  “I may live for my children–Wyatt, Lorry, Crea, and now, Seshi, but living isn’t enough. You’re the reason I smile every morning when I wake up. You’re the reason I laugh, and you’re the reason I enjoy my life. You’re my happiness, Val.”

  Wyatt sniffled. “You love him more than all the stardust in the galaxy.”

  Verion’s smile stretched wide. “Yes. I love my mate more than all the stardust in the galaxy.”

  Poppy eased Seshi from his arms. “I’ll just hold him for a minute.”

  Val didn’t even thank her. He reached for Verion and pulled him into his arms.

  Jellybean squeaked and climbed to Val’s shoulder.

  “You swear it? You really love me?” Val still thought he might be dreaming.

  Verion cupped his cheeks and pulled him down for a long, deep kiss. When they eventually needed air, he leaned back. “I’m sorry you’ve ever doubted my love for you. I should have told you years ago when we met. I’ve loved you from the moment you first smiled at me.”

  Val wiped the tears from his cheeks and pressed his forehead to Verion’s. “I love you too.”

  “Good.” Verion traced his lips with his thumb. “Now, I don’t want to alarm you, but the spirits of our dead former wives are watching us.”

  Val leaned back, eyes widening. “Say what now?”

  “Seshia and Nora are the two spirits that have been following me.”

  Val grinned. “Nora threw the rock at you, didn’t she?”

  Verion gave the empty space beside them a sour look. “Yes, she did.”

  “Nora, look at my mate,” Val said, spinning Verion around. “Isn’t he the best?”

  “Mom’s here?” Lorry asked, brows raising. “Sweet. Ask her if she saw me graduate.”

  Verion leaned over and pulled Lorry into their hug. “She did, and she’s very proud.”

  Crea bounced beside him and wiggled her way between them. “Seshia, if you could be any animal in the entire galaxy, what would it be? I would be a dragon like Princess Buttercup. Have you seen him? He’s the best dragon ever.”

  Verion ran a hand over Crea’s head, then looked at Wyatt. “Bring Seshi here, son. I want you to meet Seshia and Nora.”

  Wyatt happily took Seshi from Poppy and joined them. The young man’s eyes were red from crying.

  Val wrapped an arm around him and pulled him into the growing group hug. “Why are Nora and Seshia spir
its? Shouldn’t they be enjoying the peace of the afterlife or something?”

  Verion looked at the empty space again. After a moment he groaned. “They say they’re Seshi’s guardians.”

  “Why does he need guardians?” Clyde asked from behind Val. “No one better even think of hurting my nephew.”

  Fire leaned against Val’s back and propped his chin on one of Val’s shoulders. “You notice that extra weight on your other shoulder?”


  “That’s Marshmallow. She was my guinea pig, but she died last year. Now, she’s Seshi’s guardian too. He sees ghost pets.”

  Val sighed and watched his infant son wave his hand at Jellybean and, apparently, Marshmallow. “At least we don’t have to feed a ghost pet. Scythe eats a ton.”

  A weight sat on his foot, and he looked down, expecting to see Midge. Nothing was there. Shit.

  Fire looked down, eyes widening. “Oh. Seshi has a lot of guardians.”

  “What is it?” Val asked, only slightly embarrassed at the whine in his voice.

  “It’s just a kitty cat,” Fire said, laughing. “It’s a Betonize hunting cat.”

  Val had seen one of those. One of Leti’s children had a hunting cat as a pet. They were huge with sharp teeth. “Oh stars.”

  “No one said raising children was easy,” Poppy said, smacking his back. “Good luck with that.”

  Later that night, Val wrapped his fingers around his Verion’s dick, stroking him. His mate was spread across the bed, naked. His pale skin glowed in the faint light from the bedside lamp. Verion’s black eyes were filled with a calm peace as he watched him.

  Val gripped Verion’s thigh, spreading his legs wide. His hands skimmed Verion’s sides, almost reverently.

  Verion pushed his hips up, then grabbed Val’s face, pulling him down for a kiss.

  Val slid his hands over Verion’s ass and one lubed finger found his hole. Verion pushed back against it, and Val dropped his head onto his shoulder. “I need you so much.”

  “Do you hear me complaining?” Verion asked, eyes narrowed.

  Val chuckled and got to work. When Verion was stretched enough, he slowly pushed inside of him until he filled him up.


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