A Name for Herself

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by L. M. Montgomery

  Perrault, Charles, 375n189, 376n192

  Peters, Anzonetta R., 271–72, 403n128

  Petrarch, 414n240

  Philadelphia Inquirer, 323

  photography, 153, 163–64, 182–85, 211

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 402n120

  Poisson, Jeanne Antoinette, Marquise de Pompadour, 359–60n18

  Pope, Alexander, 411n204

  Portland (ME) Transcript, 322

  Postville (IA) Review, 328, 329

  Prince Albert. See Saskatchewan

  Prince Albert Times and Saskatchewan Review, 11–16, 320

  Prince Edward Island, 236–37, 263–64

  Bedeque, 238–39, 392n25

  Bideford, 281, 294

  Cape Leforce, 5, 263–65, 280, 341–42n3, 399n95

  Cape Tryon, 399n96

  Cawnpore (fishing station), 7, 262–63, 343n14

  Charlottetown, 38–39, 265–66, 280–81, 393n29, 393n31, 400nn98–99

  Clifton, 236, 244, 245

  Lower Bedeque, 392n25

  Malpeque Bay, 392n26, 395n47

  New London, xvii, 265, 298, 399–400n96

  Park Corner, 239, 244–47, 265, 266–67, 280, 292, 297, 298, 300, 308, 395n53, 400n99, 400n101, 413n231

  Richmond Bay, 238, 392n26

  Rustico, 292

  Summerside, 26. See also Cavendish (Prince Edward Island); Daily Examiner (Charlottetown); Daily Patriot (Charlottetown); Island Guardian and Christian Chronicle (Charlottetown); Normal School (Charlottetown); Prince of Wales College

  Prince of Wales College, 27–31, 32–34, 35, 38–40, 41–43, 47, 48, 280–81, 338n33, 349n9, 349n3, 349n6, 351n3. See also The College Record (Charlottetown) Prince of Wales College Observer,

  The (Charlottetown), 47–49, 54–57, 323, 348n1, 353n2

  Pritchard, Will, 372n146

  Punch, or the London Charivari (London), 361n31

  Québec: Chaudière Falls, 24, 347n31

  Montmorency Falls, 25, 347n33

  Montreal, 25, 347n32

  Pointe-Lévy, 25, 347n34

  Quebec City, 25, 347nn33–35. See also Montreal Daily Witness; Montreal Star

  Racine, Jean, 30, 349n11, 359n17

  Rainbow Valley (Montgomery), xxin3, 403

  epigraph, 403n125

  manuscript, xxiiin8

  Raleigh, Walter, 402n119

  Ramsay, Agneta Frances, 61, 356n14

  Ram’s Horn, The (Chicago), 192

  Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, 142, 160, 374n180

  Richardson, Christian, 333–34

  Riddell, John, 371n141

  Rilla of Ingleside (Montgomery), xxin3, 358n9, 359n16, 363n59, 377n203

  manuscript, xxiiin8

  Robb, J.D. See Roberts, Nora

  Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, 160, 372–73n155

  Roberts, Nora, 337n22

  Robinson, Izzie, 404n139

  Robert I, the Bruce, 303, 416n260

  Robsart, Amy, 309, 419n297

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 359n13

  Ross, Alexander, 385n284

  Rossetti, Christina, 316

  Rowling, J.K., 318, 337n22, 338n25

  Rubio, Jen, xxivn20

  Rubio, Mary Henley, xxivn20, 17, 27, 32, 319, 333, 349n8, 350n2, 351n3, 372–73n155, 382n260, 393n29, 413n220

  Russell, D.W., xv, 338n31

  Russell, Ruth Weber, xv, 338n31

  Sand, George, 314

  Saskatchewan, 5, 11–16, 35–37, 320, 345n11, 350n2, 392n28, 396n64

  North Saskatchewan River, 36, 350n5

  Prince Albert, 5–6, 11–16, 17, 35–37, 279–80, 319

  Regina, 18–19, 346n6

  Saskatchewan River, 13, 17, 344–45nn5–6, 346n5

  Saskatoon, 18, 346n4. See also Prince Albert Times and Saskatchewan Review Saskatchewan (Prince Albert), 320

  Saunders, Marshall, 337n22

  Schreiner, Olive, 337n23

  Scot, Michael, 303, 416n259

  Scott, Walter, 22, 271, 302–3, 305, 313, 402n125, 415n257

  The Bridal of Triermain, 307, 418n288

  Kenilworth, 419

  Ivanhoe, 160, 378n214

  The Lady of the Lake, 302, 347n20, 414–15nn241–43, 415n246, 415n249, 415n251, 415n253

  “The Lay of the Last Minstrel,” 305, 308n238, 344n4, 348n40, 402n125, 414n239, 415–16n258, 416n269

  “Lochinvar,” 85, 362n43

  Lord of the Isles, 413n220

  Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field, 305, 417n274

  Rob Roy, 271, 313, 402n124

  “Young Benjie,” 366n82

  Selwyn, George Augustus, 372n153

  Shakespeare, William: Hamlet, 255, 397n73

  Julius Caesar, 382n256

  Macbeth, 300, 358n10, 413n228

  The Merchant of Venice, 41–43, 160, 316, 378n213

  A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 376n200, 416n266

  Othello, 387n1

  Romeo and Juliet, 379n228

  Troilus and Cressida, 344n23

  The Winter’s Tale, 383n263

  Sharp, Harold S., 317

  Shaw, Herbert, 29, 39, 40, 349n8

  Sheldon, Alice Bradley, 338n23

  Shining Scroll, The, 390n16

  ships: Adriatic, 309, 419n303

  Chesapeake, 73, 357n7

  Franklin Dexter, 263, 399n94

  Manitoba, 21, 346n17

  Marco Polo, 5–10, 260–62, 343n11, 343n13, 343n16, 343n18, 398n82

  Northumberland, 25, 348n38

  Seth Hall, 263, 399n94

  Shannon, 73, 357n7

  Sidney, Philip, 414n240

  Sienkiewicz, Henryk, 160, 377n209

  Simonski, Murray, 389n13

  Simpson, Edwin, 47

  Simpson, Jamie, 404n142

  Simpson, Janie, 277, 404n142

  Smart Set, The (New York), 286, 407n173

  Sorfleet, John Robert, 389n10

  Sousa, John Philip, 160, 378n211

  Southey, Robert, 376n190

  Southworth, E.D.E.N., 336n22

  Spectator (London), 269, 401n113

  Sports Afield (Chicago), 324

  Standard, The (Chicago), 192

  Stanley, Lord Frederick, 24, 347n29

  Stead, Robert J.C., 335n3

  Sterne, Laurence, 361n36

  Stevenson, James H., 38–40, 41, 338n33

  Stokes. See Frederick A. Stokes Company

  Stone, Ellen M., 146, 375n186

  Story Girl, The (Montgomery), xxiin3, 238, 248, 253, 256, 290, 296, 335n9, 364n62, 370n129, 374n170, 380n238, 385n6, 392n26, 412nn213–14, 412n217

  dedication, 240, 394n40

  epigraph, 403n125

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 160, 378n215

  Straparola, Giovanni Francesco, 376n192

  Stratton-Porter, Gene, 337n22

  Stringer, Arthur, 334n3

  suffrage, 239, 392n28

  Sullivan, Kevin, 339n39

  Sun (New York), 280

  Sunday Inter Ocean (Chicago), 324

  superstitions, 168–69, 170, 172, 178

  Talmage, Thomas De Witt, 271, 403n127

  Tangled Web, A (Montgomery), xxiin3, 343n17

  manuscript, xxiiin8

  Taylor, Tom, 369–70n126

  Temple, William, 360n23

  Tennyson, Alfred, 271, 281, 403n125, 406n156

  “A Dream of Fair Women,” 358n7

  “The Higher Pantheism,” 395n51

  “In Memoriam,” 420n307

  “Lady Clara Vere de Vere,” 419n301

  “Lancelot and Elaine,” 378n214

  “Locksley Hall Sixty Years After,” 414n235

  “The Lotus-Eaters,” 359n12

  “The Palace of Art,” 345n7, 391n19

  “The Princess,” 58, 59, 355n5, 388n3

  “To the Queen,” 391n18

  Thackeray, William Makepeace, 190, 313, 385n283

  Vanity Fair, 308–9, 359n17, 378n215, 418n295

  Thompson, William V., xx, 332, 333

  Thomson, James, 274, 384n274, 403n133

essen, Hildi Froese, xxivn20

  Tiessen, Paul Gerard, xxivn20

  Times (Philadelphia), 321, 322

  Tiptree, James, Jr. See Sheldon, Alice Bradley

  Tonen, Nadia, xxin1

  Townsend, Eliza (great-grandmother), 239, 240

  Townsend, Elizabeth (great-great-great-grandmother), 239–40, 393n34

  Townsend, James (great-great-great-grandfather), 239–40, 393n36

  Travers, P.L., 337n22

  Treadwell, J.H., 382n250

  Trollope, Anthony, 313, 335n4

  Trotter, Mary Josephine, 231

  Tucker, K.A., 337n22

  Twain, Mark, 379n224

  Tyndale, William, 49, 353n7

  United Kingdom: Alloa, 305, 416n270, 417n273

  Alloway, 301, 414nn235–36

  Ayr, 301, 413n232, 414n235

  Berwick-upon-Tweed, 305, 417n274, 417nn276–77, 417n279

  Carlisle, 305, 417n277, 417n285

  Chester, 413n219

  Culloden, 304, 416n265

  Dollar, 305, 416n271

  Edinburgh, 301, 305, 416nn267–68, 416nn270–71, 417nn273–74, 417n279, 418n286

  Fingal’s Cave, 299–300, 413n224

  Flodden Field, 306, 417n283

  Fort William, 304, 416n267

  Glasgow, 298, 300, 302, 364, 413n219, 413n232, 414n241

  Holy Island, 305–6, 417n279

  Horncliffe, 306, 417n284

  Inverness, 304, 416n261, 416n264, 416n267

  Iona, 298, 300, 413n220

  Keswick, 306, 418n286

  Kirriemuir, 304, 416n262

  Ladykirk, 306, 417n281

  Lake District, 306, 307, 418n286, 418n289

  Liverpool, 413n219

  Loch Achray, 302, 414n243, 415n251

  Loch Awe, 298, 413n221

  Loch Katrine, 302, 303, 414–15nn243–44

  Loch Lomond, 302, 414–15n243

  London, 308–9, 381n243, 418nn293–95, 419n299

  Melrose, 303–4, 415nn254–55, 415–16nn257–58, 416nn261–62

  Norham, 306, 417n280

  Oban, 298, 413n220

  Roslin, 304–5, 416n268

  Spittal, 305, 417n276

  Staffa, 298–99, 413n220

  Stirling, 305, 417n273

  Trossachs, 301–3, 414n241, 414–15n243, 415n250, 415n252

  York, 306–7, 417n285. See also Spectator (London)

  Victoria, Queen, 371n140, 402n121

  Wagner, Richard, 160, 378n211

  Walker, Alice M., 361n33

  Walker, Katherine Kent Child, 379n224

  Walkley, A.J., 318–19, 337n22

  Wallace, William Bernard, 216, 388n5

  wars: American Revolutionary War, 238, 392n24, 392n26

  Civil War, 379n223

  Crimean War, 73, 357n8, 366n86

  First World War, 265, 379n223

  Second Boer War, 84, 362n41, 372n155, 379n223, 385n7

  War of 1812, 347n24

  Washington, George, 373n162

  Washington, Martha, 138, 374n172

  Watchman and Other Poems, The (Montgomery), xxiin3, 233, 311, 339n37, 380n236

  Waterston, Elizabeth Hillman, xxiiin8, xxivn20, 27, 32, 349n8, 350n2, 351n3, 372–73n155, 382n260, 413n220

  Waterston, Kate, xxiiin8

  Watts, Isaac, 373n162, 379n231

  Weber, Ephraim, xxivn20, 44–45, 336n21

  weddings, engagements, and courtships, 79, 92–93, 96–99, 109–10, 112, 134–35, 147, 177, 190–91, 223–30

  Wesley, John, 401n107

  Western Christian Advocate (Cincinnati), 329

  Whitefield, George, 272, 403n130

  Whittier, John Greenleaf, 271, 281, 402–3n125, 406n156

  Wiggins, Genevieve, 332

  Wilhelm II (Kaiser), 157, 377n203

  Wilhelmina, Queen, 186, 384n271

  Wilmshurst, Rea, xv, xxiin4, 338n31

  Winnipeg Evening Tribune, 404n135

  Woolner, Lucy Ann. See Macneill, Lucy Woolner (grandmother)

  Wordsworth, William, 292, 306, 357n2, 380n233, 401nn114–15, 410n198

  Woster, Christy, xxiin4, 338n31

  York, Duchess of (Mary), 84, 87, 89–90, 361–62n40, 363n56

  York, Duke of (George V), 84, 87, 89–90, 361–62n40, 363n56

  York, Lorraine, 333

  Young, E.H., 337n22

  Youth and Age (Nashville), 68

  Youth’s Companion, The (Boston), 282, 324, 406n158

  Zion’s Herald (Boston), 328, 329




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